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Did they really see aliens in Las Vegas? What's really going on?

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Date: June 10, 2023

Las Vegas, known for its vibrant nightlife, bustling casinos, and extravagant entertainment, has recently witnessed an unprecedented event that has left both locals and tourists awe-struck. Reports have emerged of a remarkable sighting, sparking speculation and excitement across the city. Witnesses claim to have spotted extraterrestrial beings, commonly referred to as "aliens," roaming the iconic Las Vegas Strip.

Late in the evening on June 8, a cluster of eyewitnesses claimed to have observed peculiar activity near several prominent landmarks along the renowned boulevard. These witnesses reported the presence of otherworldly creatures, vividly describing them as beings with elongated limbs, luminous eyes, and a mysterious aura surrounding their presence. The aliens were said to move with a grace and fluidity that defied human capabilities.

Multiple videos and photos flooded social media platforms, documenting the alleged extraterrestrial encounter. These digital snippets depict peculiar entities strolling casually alongside enthusiastic onlookers and bemused pedestrians. As news of the sightings spread, crowds began to gather, hoping to catch a glimpse of the enigmatic visitors from beyond our planet.

Local authorities were initially skeptical of the claims, attributing the sightings to an elaborate stunt or publicity stunt staged by the city's entertainment industry. However, as more reports poured in from reliable witnesses and the evidence continued to mount, officials decided to launch a formal investigation into the matter.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, in collaboration with experts from various scientific disciplines, has initiated an inquiry to discern the authenticity of the sightings. Specialized teams have been dispatched to collect and analyze available data, including the videos and photographs captured during the alleged extraterrestrial encounter.

The scientific community, too, has been captivated by the developments in Las Vegas. Renowned astrophysicist Dr. Elizabeth Cohen expressed her fascination, stating, "If these sightings turn out to be authentic, it could be an extraordinary milestone in our understanding of extraterrestrial life. We must approach this with an open mind and employ rigorous scientific methodologies to investigate this extraordinary phenomenon."

While speculation is rife, it is important to remain cautious and avoid jumping to conclusions. The investigation is ongoing, and experts urge the public to refrain from spreading misinformation or engaging in panic-inducing behaviors.

The alleged alien sighting has reignited the age-old debate surrounding extraterrestrial life and its potential interactions with humanity. Las Vegas, often associated with extravagant spectacles and the unexpected, has now become the stage for a real-life sci-fi drama, capturing the imagination of both believers and skeptics alike.

As the world awaits the outcome of the investigation, the streets of Las Vegas continue to buzz with excitement and anticipation. Tourists and locals flock to the Strip, hoping for a glimpse of the mysterious visitors or any updates on the ongoing investigation.

Whether this encounter is a pivotal moment in our understanding of the universe or an elaborate ruse remains to be seen. Nevertheless, for now, Las Vegas remains a magnet for both earthly delights and the possibility of otherworldly encounters.

What's really going on?

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      Se seleccionará a un máximo de 50 usuarios de las redes sociales para que asistan a este evento de dos días. Estos asistentes tendrán un acceso similar al de los medios de comunicación.
      Los participantes de este evento de NASA Social tendrán la oportunidad de:
      Ver el lanzamiento de un cohete Falcon Heavy de SpaceX y la nave espacial Europa Clipper Recorrer las instalaciones de la NASA en el Centro Espacial Kennedy Conocer a expertos en temas relacionados con Europa Clipper e interactuar con ellos Conocer a otros entusiastas del espacio que están activos en las redes sociales La inscripción de los participantes de NASA Social para el lanzamiento de Europa Clipper comenzará el martes 3 de septiembre, y la fecha límite para inscribirse es el lunes 9 de septiembre hasta las 10 a.m. hora del este. Todas las solicitudes de los creadores en redes sociales se considerarán caso por caso.
      ¿Necesito tener una cuenta en las redes sociales para inscribirme?
      Sí. Este evento está diseñado para personas que:
      Utilizan activamente diferentes plataformas y herramientas de redes sociales para difundir información a un público característico Producen con regularidad nuevos contenidos que incluyen elementos multimedia Tienen el potencial de llegar a una gran cantidad de personas que utilizan plataformas digitales, o llegan a un público característico, definido y diferente de los medios de comunicación o los públicos tradicionales de la NASA Deben tener un historial acreditado de publicación de contenido en plataformas de redes sociales Tienen publicaciones anteriores que han logrado una gran visibilidad y que son respetadas y ampliamente reconocidas Se anima a los usuarios de todas las redes sociales a utilizar la etiqueta #NASASocial. Las actualizaciones y la información sobre el evento se compartirán en X a través de las cuentas @NASASocial, @NASA_ES, y @NASAKennedy, y a través de publicaciones en Facebook e Instagram.
      ¿Cómo me inscribo?
      Las inscripciones para este evento comienzan el martes 3 de septiembre y concluyen a las 10 a.m. hora del este del lunes 9 de septiembre. La inscripción es solo para una persona (tú) y no es transferible. Cada persona que desee asistir debe inscribirse por separado. Todas las solicitudes se considerarán caso por caso.
      ¿Puedo inscribirme si no tengo ciudadanía estadounidense? 
      Sí, cualquiera puede aplicar a este evento.
      ¿Cuándo sabré si mi inscripción ha sido seleccionada?
      Después de que se hayan recibido y procesado las inscripciones, se enviará a los seleccionados un correo electrónico con información de confirmación e instrucciones adicionales. Esperamos enviar las notificaciones de aceptación antes del 30 de septiembre.
      ¿Qué son las credenciales de NASA Social?
      Todas las solicitudes de los creadores en redes sociales se considerarán caso por caso. Las personas seleccionadas deben demostrar a través del proceso de inscripción que cumplen con los criterios específicos de participación.
      Aunque tu inscripción no sea elegida en la lista de participantes para este evento de NASA Social, aún puedes asistir al lanzamiento fuera del sitio y participar en la conversación en línea. Descubre las formas en que puedes presenciar un lanzamiento en esta página web (en inglés).
      ¿Cuáles son los requisitos para la inscripción?
      La inscripción debe indicar tu intención de viajar al Centro Espacial Kennedy de la NASA en Florida y de asistir en persona a este evento de dos días de duración. Eres responsable de tus propios gastos de viaje, alojamiento, comida y otros servicios.
      La programación de algunos eventos y participantes en el evento está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso. La NASA no se hace responsable de las pérdidas o daños ocasionados como resultado de la asistencia. Además, la NASA no es responsable de las pérdidas o daños ocasionados si el evento es cancelado con un aviso limitado o sin previo aviso. Por favor, planifica como corresponda.
      El centro Kennedy es una instalación del gobierno. Aquellas personas seleccionadas deberán completar un paso de inscripción adicional para recibir autorización de ingresar a las áreas de seguridad.
      IMPORTANTE: Para ingresar, deberás proporcionar dos formas de identificación vigentes emitidas por el gobierno; una debe ser una identificación con foto y esta debe coincidir con el nombre proporcionado en tu inscripción. No podrán ingresar personas sin la debida identificación.
      Para obtener una lista completa de las formas de identificación aprobadas, visita el sitio web (en inglés): Requisitos de identificación para la acreditación de la NASA.
      Todos los solicitantes deben tener al menos 18 años de edad cumplidos.
      ¿Qué sucede si cambia la fecha de lanzamiento?
      Muchos factores diferentes pueden hacer que una fecha de lanzamiento programada cambie varias veces. Si la fecha de lanzamiento cambia, la NASA puede ajustar la fecha del evento de NASA Social como corresponda para que coincida con la nueva fecha de lanzamiento señalada. La NASA notificará por correo electrónico a las personas inscritas de cualquier cambio que ocurra.
      Si el lanzamiento se pospone, se invitará a los asistentes a asistir a una fecha de lanzamiento posterior. La NASA no puede alojar a los asistentes por retrasos de más de 72 horas.
      Los asistentes al evento de NASA Social son responsables de todos los gastos adicionales ocasionados en relación con cualquier retraso en el lanzamiento. Recomendamos encarecidamente a los participantes que hagan arreglos de viaje que sean reembolsables o flexibles.
      ¿Qué sucede si no puedo ir al Centro Espacial Kennedy?
      Si no puedes venir al Centro Espacial Kennedy y asistir en persona, no debes inscribirte en el evento de NASA Social. Puedes seguir la conversación en línea usando la etiqueta#NASASocial.
      Puedes ver el lanzamiento en NASA+ o en el sitio web plus.nasa.gov. La NASA ofrecerá actualizaciones periódicas sobre el lanzamiento y la misión en las cuentas @NASA_ES, @NASA, @NASAKennedy, @NASA_LSP, @NASAJPL y @EuropaClipper, así como en el blog de la misión Europa Clipper de la NASA (en inglés).
      Si no puedes asistir a este evento de NASA Social, no te preocupes; ¡la NASA está planificando muchos otros eventos para participantes de las redes sociales en el futuro cercano que se realizarán en diferentes lugares!
      View the full article
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      This view of Jupiter was captured by the JunoCam instrument aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft during the mission’s 62nd close flyby of the giant planet on June 13. Citizen scientist Jackie Branc made the image using raw JunoCam data.Image data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS. Image processing: Jackie Branc (CC BY) Using data from the Advanced Stellar Compass (ASC) star tracker cameras aboard NASA’s Juno, this graphic shows the mission’s model for radiation intensity at different points in the spacecraft’s orbit around Jupiter.NASA/JPL-Caltech/DTU Using cameras designed for navigation, scientists count ‘fireflies’ to determine the amount of radiation the spacecraft receives during each orbit of Jupiter.
      Scientists with NASA’s Juno mission have developed the first complete 3D radiation map of the Jupiter system. Along with characterizing the intensity of the high-energy particles near the orbit of the icy moon Europa, the map shows how the radiation environment is sculpted by the smaller moons orbiting near Jupiter’s rings.
      The work relies on data collected by Juno’s Advanced Stellar Compass (ASC), which was designed and built by the Technical University of Denmark, and the spacecraft’s Stellar Reference Unit (SRU), which was built by Leonardo SpA in Florence, Italy. The two datasets complement each other, helping Juno scientists characterize the radiation environment at different energies.
      Both the ASC and SRU are low-light cameras designed to assist with deep-space navigation. These types of instruments are on almost all spacecraft. But to get them to operate as radiation detectors, Juno’s science team had to look at the cameras in a whole new light.
      “On Juno we try to innovate new ways to use our sensors to learn about nature, and we have used many of our science instruments in ways they were not designed for,” said Scott Bolton, Juno principal investigator from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. “This is the first detailed radiation map of the region at these higher energies, which is a major step in understanding how Jupiter’s radiation environment works. This will help planning observations for the next generation of missions to the Jovian system.”
      Counting Fireflies
      Consisting of four star cameras on the spacecraft’s magnetometer boom, Juno’s ASC takes images of stars to determine the spacecraft’s orientation in space, which is vital to the success of the mission’s magnetic field experiment. But the instrument has also proved to be a valuable detector of high-energy particle fluxes in Jupiter’s magnetosphere. The cameras record “hard radiation,” or ionizing radiation that impacts a spacecraft with sufficient energy to pass through the ASC’s shielding.
      “Every quarter-second, the ASC takes an image of the stars,” said Juno scientist John Leif Jørgensen of the Technical University of Denmark. “Very energetic electrons that penetrate its shielding leave a telltale signature in our images that looks like the trail of a firefly. The instrument is programmed to count the number of these fireflies, giving us an accurate calculation of the amount of radiation.”
      Jupiter’s moon Europa was captured by the JunoCam instrument aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft during the mission’s close flyby on Sept. 29, 2022.Image data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS. Image processing: Björn Jónsson (CC BY 3.0) Because of Juno’s ever-changing orbit, the spacecraft has traversed practically all regions of space near Jupiter.
      ASC data suggests that there is more very high-energy radiation relative to lower-energy radiation near Europa’s orbit than previously thought. The data also confirms that there are more high-energy electrons on the side of Europa facing its orbital direction of motion than on the moon’s trailing side. This is because most of the electrons in Jupiter’s magnetosphere overtake Europa from behind due to the planet’s rotation, whereas the very high-energy electrons drift backward, almost like fish swimming upstream, and slam into Europa’s front side.
      Jovian radiation data is not the ASC’s first scientific contribution to the mission. Even before arriving at Jupiter, ASC data was used to determine a measurement of interstellar dust impacting Juno. The imager also discovered a previously uncharted comet using the same dust-detection technique, distinguishing small bits of the spacecraft ejected by microscopic dust impacting Juno at a high velocity.
      Dust Rings
      Like Juno’s ASC, the SRU has been used as a radiation detector and a low-light imager. Data from both instruments indicates that, like Europa, the small “shepherd moons” that orbit within or close to the edge of Jupiter’s rings (and help to hold the shape of the rings) also appear to interact with the planet’s radiation environment. When the spacecraft flies on magnetic field lines connected to ring moons or dense dust, the radiation count on both the ASC and SRU drops precipitously. The SRU is also collecting rare low-light images of the rings from Juno’s unique vantage point.
      “There is still a lot of mystery about how Jupiter’s rings were formed, and very few images have been collected by prior spacecraft,” said Heidi Becker, lead co-investigator for the SRU and a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, which manages the mission. “Sometimes we’re lucky and one of the small shepherd moons can be captured in the shot. These images allow us to learn more precisely where the ring moons are currently located and see the distribution of dust relative to their distance from Jupiter.”
      More About the Mission
      NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the Juno mission for the principal investigator, Scott Bolton, of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. Juno is part of NASA’s New Frontiers Program, which is managed at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Technical University of Denmark designed and built the Advanced Stellar Compass. The Stellar Reference Unit was built by Leonardo SpA in Florence, Italy. Lockheed Martin Space in Denver built and operates the spacecraft.
      More information about Juno is available at:
      News Media Contacts
      DC Agle
      Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
      Karen Fox / Alana Johnson
      NASA Headquarters, Washington
      karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / alana.r.johnson@nasa.gov
      Simon Koefoed Toft
      Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
      +45 9137 0088 
      Deb Schmid
      Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio
      Last Updated Aug 20, 2024 Related Terms
      Juno Europa Io Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jupiter Jupiter Moons The Solar System Explore More
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      Sols 4232-4233: Going For a Ride, Anyone?
      This image shows some of the sand ripples we spot all around the rover between the rocks. It was taken by Mast Camera (Mastcam) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4225 (2024-06-25 01:10:39 UTC). Earth planning date: Monday, July 1, 2024
      Have you ever wondered what it might look like to ride along with the rover? Probably not as much as we have here on the planning team, where we are looking at the images on a daily basis. I always wish I could walk around there myself, or drive around in a vehicle, maybe. As you likely know, we don’t even get video, “just” images. But of course those images are stunning and the landscape is unique and – apart from being scientifically interesting – so very, very beautiful. And some cameras record images so often that it’s actually possible to create the impression of a movie. The front hazard camera is among them. And that can create a stunning impression of looking out of the front window! If you want to see that for yourself, you can! If you go to the NASA interactive tool called “Eyes on the Solar System” there is a Curiosity Rover feature that allows you to do just that: simulate a drive between waypoints and look out of the window, which is the front hazard camera. Here is the link to “Experience Curiosity.” The drive there is a while back, but the landscape is just so fascinating, I can watch and rewatch that any number of times!
      Now, after reminiscing about the past, what did we do today? First of all: change all plans we ever had. We don’t have – as scheduled – the SAM data on Earth just yet. But we have a good portion of the sample still in the drill, and if SAM gets their data and wants to do more analysis with that sample, then we can’t move the arm as we originally had planned. Why didn’t we consider that to begin with? Normally, there isn’t enough sample for all the analysis; you may have seen this blog post: “Sols 4118-4119: Can I Have a Second Serving, Please? Oh, Me Too!” But it’s the sample that dictates how much we get to begin with, and how much we need, which only becomes clear as the data come in. And there is an unusually lucky combination here that would avoid us having to drill a second hole for getting the second helping. Instead, we just sit here carefully holding the arm still so we do not lose sample. That saves a lot of rover resources. But then, once we had settled how we adjust to keeping our current position, we also learnt that the uplink time might shift from the original slot we had been allocated to a later one… And all of this with a pretty new-to-the-role Science Operations Working Group (SOWG) chair (me) and a similarly new Geology and Mineralogy theme group science lead. Well, we managed, with lots of help from the great team around us.
      Those sudden-change planning days are so tricky because there is so much more to remember. It’s not, “This is what we came to do…,” and it had been carefully pre-planned, and it is all in the notes. Instead, the pre-planning preparation doesn’t fit the new reality anymore, and all that work has to be redone. So we have to do all the pre-planning work, and the actual planning work, and sometimes also account for some “if… then…” scenarios in the same amount of time we usually have to do the planning on the basis of all the pre-planning work. 
      Sounds stressful? Yes, I can tell you it is!
      Once we had changed all the skeleton plans, the team got very excited about the extra time. This is such an interesting area, there are rocks that are almost white, there are darker rocks, very interesting sand features with beautiful ripples, so much to look at! Mars has much to offer here, so the team got to work swiftly and the plan filled up with a great set of observations. ChemCam used LIBS on the target “Tower Peak,” which is one of those white-ish rocks, and on “Quarry Peak.” Mastcam delivers all the pictures to go along with these two activities and gets its own science, too. These are mainly so-called “change detection” images, where the same area is pictured repeatedly to see what particles might move in the time between the two images. ChemCam uses its long-distance imaging capability to add to the stunning images they are getting from faraway rocks. They have two mosaics on a target called “Edge Bench.” There is also a lot of atmospheric science in the plan; looking for dust devils and the opacity of the atmosphere are just two examples. REMS and DAN are also active throughout, to assess the wind, and the water underground, respectively. And as if that weren’t enough, CheMin also performs another night of analysis. We get to uplink a full plan, and we’ll see what the data say and what decisions we’ll make for next Wednesday.
      Written by Susanne Schwenzer, Planetary Geologist at The Open University

      Last Updated Jul 02, 2024 Related Terms
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