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Swarm unveils magnetic waves deep down

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Swarm reveals magnetic waves across Earth’s outer core

While volcanic eruptions and earthquakes serve as immediate reminders that Earth’s insides are anything but tranquil, there are also other, more elusive, dynamic processes happening deep down below our feet. Using information from ESA’s Swarm satellite mission, scientists have discovered a completely new type of magnetic wave that sweeps across the outermost part of Earth’s outer core every seven years. This fascinating finding, presented today at ESA’s Living Planet Symposium, opens a new window into a world we can never see.

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      Figure 4: The CIRBE team after a successful “plugs-out” test of the CIRBE spacecraft on July 21, 2022. During this test the CIRBE spacecraft successfully received commands from ground stations and completed various performance tests, including data transmission back to ground stations at LASP. Image Credit: Xinlin Li, University of Colorado Boulder CIRBE and REPTile-2 Results
      CIRBE’s launch, secured through the NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI), took place aboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket as part of the Transporter-7 mission on April 15, 2023. REPTile-2, activated on April 19, 2023, has been performing well, delivering valuable data about Earth’s radiation belt electrons. Many features of the energetic electrons in the Van Allen belts have been revealed for the first time, thanks to the high-resolution energy and time measurements REPTile-2 has provided.
      Figure 5 shows a sample of CIRBE/REPTile-2 measurements from April 2024, and illustrates the intricate drift echoes or “zebra stripes” of energetic electrons, swirling around Earth in distinct bunches. These observations span a vast range across the inner and outer belts, encompassing a wide spectrum of energies and electron fluxes extending over six orders of magnitude. By leveraging advanced guard rings, Pulse Height Analysis (PHA), and a highly inclined LEO orbit, REPTile-2 is delivering unprecedented observations of radiation belt electrons.
      Figure 5: Color-coded electron fluxes detrended between REPTile-2 measurements for a pass over the South Atlantic Anomaly region on April 24, 2023, and their average, i.e., the smoothed electron fluxes using a moving average window of ±19% in energy; Black curves plotted on top of the color-coded electron fluxes are contours of electron drift period in hr. The second horizontal-axis, L, represents the magnetic field line, which CIRBE crosses. The two radiation belts and a slot region in between are indicated by the red lines and arrow, respectively. Image Credit: Xinlin Li, University of Colorado Boulder In fact, the team recently announced that measurements from CIRBE/REPTile-2 have revealed a new temporary third radiation belt composed of electrons and sandwiched between the two permanent belts. This belt formed during the magnetic storm in May 2024, which was the largest in two decades. While such temporary belts have been seen after big storms previously, the data from CIRBE/REPTile-2 are providing a new viewpoint with higher energy resolution data than before. Scientists are currently studying the data to better understand the belt and how long it might stick around — which could be many months.
      Dr. Xinlin Li, University of Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics and Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences.
      Heliophysics Flight Opportunities for Research & Technology (H-FORT) program, National Science Foundation

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      “Climate models are complicated, and they make some assumptions about what atmospheric factors to take into account.”
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      “Understanding how the atmosphere reacts in the special case of eclipses helps us better understand the atmosphere, which in turn helps us make more accurate weather predictions and, ultimately, better understand climate change.”
      Catching Waves in New Mexico
      Previous ballooning teams also had hunted atmospheric gravity waves during earlier eclipses, research that was supported by NASA and the National Science Foundation. In 2019, an NEBP team stationed in Chile collected promising data, but hourly balloon releases didn’t provide quite enough detail. Attempts to repeat the experiment in 2020 were foiled by COVID-19 travel restrictions in Argentina and a heavy rainstorm that impeded data collection in Chile.
      Project leaders factored in these lessons learned when planning for 2023, scheduling balloon releases every 15 minutes and carefully weighing locations with the best potential for success.
      “New Mexico looked especially promising,” said Jie Gong, a researcher in the NASA Climate and Radiation Lab at the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and co-investigator of the research on atmospheric gravity waves. “The majority of atmospheric gravity sources are convection, weather systems, and mountains. We wanted to eliminate all those possible sources.”
      The project created a New Mexico “supersite” in the town of Moriarty where four atmospheric science teams were clustered: two from Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire, and one each from the State University of New York (SUNY) Albany and SUNY Oswego.
      Students began launching balloons at 10 a.m. the day before the eclipse.
      “They worked in shifts through the day and night, and then everyone was on site for the eclipse,” said Eric Kelsey, research associate professor at Plymouth State and the NEBP northeast regional lead.
      “Our hard work really paid off. The students had a real sense of accomplishment.”
      Eric Kelsey
      Research Associate Professor at Plymouth State and the NEBP Northeast Regional Lead.
      Each balloon released by the science teams carried a radiosonde, an instrument package that measured temperature, location, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed during every second of its climb through the atmosphere. Radiosondes transmitted this stream of raw data to the team on the ground. Students uploaded the data to a shared server, where Gong and two graduate students spent months processing and analyzing it.
      Confirmation that the eclipse had generated atmospheric gravity waves in the skies above New Mexico came in spring 2024.
      “We put all the data together according to time, and when we plotted that time series, I could already see the stripes in the signal,” Gong said. “I bombarded everybody’s email. We were quite excited.”
      Plymouth State University students Sarah Brigandi, left, and Sammantha Boulay release a weather balloon from Moriarty, New Mexico, to collect atmospheric data on Oct. 14, 2023.NASA For Students, Learning Curves Bring Opportunity
      The program offered many students their first experience in collecting data. But the benefits go beyond technical and scientific skill.
      “The students learned a ton through practicing launching weather balloons,” Kelsey said. “It was a huge learning curve. They had to work together to figure out all the logistics and troubleshoot. It’s good practice of teamwork skills.”
      “All of this is technically complicated,” Des Jardins said. “While the focus now is on the science result, the most important part is that it was students who made this happen.”
      NASA’s Science Mission Directorate Science Activation program funds NEBP, along with contributions from the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Project and support from NASA’s Balloon Program Office.
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      Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project
      NASA Selects Student Teams for High-Flying Balloon Science
      NASA Science Activation
      NASA Space Grant
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