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We Are Becoming Alien!


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The changes we are seeing in our world are nothing short of revolutionary. They are also designed to create a transhumanist version of ourselves. In other words, something genuinely alien. 


Not only they want to create a transhumanist version of ourselves, they also want to control you starting with implantable microchips. These chips are marketed as the ultimate in convenience, but the goal is to create the Internet of Bodies (IoB), described by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as an ecosystem of “an unprecedented number of sensors,” including emotional sensors, “attached to, implanted within, or ingested into human bodies to monitor, analyze and even modify human bodies and behavior”  

The chip is implanted just beneath the skin on the hand, and operates using either near-field communication (NFC) — the same technology used in smartphones — or radio-frequency identification (RFID), which is used in contactless credit cards 

In the end, everything will be connected to a single implantable device that will hold your digital identity, health data and programmable CBDCs. Your digital identity, in turn, will include everything that can be known about you through surveillance via implanted biosensors, your computer, smartphone, GPS, social media, online searches, purchases and spending habits. Algorithms will then decide what you can and cannot do based on who you are. 

To pay for an item, all you have to do is place your left hand near the contactless card reader, and the payment is registered. 

The system is very similar to the 2011 movie 'In Time' in where people instead using fiat money as currency a new economic system uses time as currency, and each person has a chip in their arm which shows a clock on their arm that counts down how long they have to live. 

The people are genetically-engineered to live only one more year, unless you can buy your way out of it. The rich "earn" decades at a time, becoming essentially immortal, while the rest beg, borrow or steal enough hours to make it through the day. 

In the movie 'In time' when you have to pay for item all you have to do is place your arm near the contactless card reader, and the payment is registered. Sounds familiar right? 

It seems that the movie 'In Time' shows what awaits us in the near future. A world where humans can live forever so they use time as money and when you run out of time you díe. Read full article at theburningplatform

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      14 Min Read The Making of Our Alien Earth: The Undersea Volcanoes of Santorini, Greece
      The expedition team and crew prepare to deploy Nereid Under Ice (NUI) into the sea. The following expedition marks the third installment of NASA Astrobiology’s fieldwork series, the newly rebranded Our Alien Earth, streaming on NASA+. Check out all three episodes following teams of astrobiologists from the lava fields of Holuhraun, Iceland, to the Isua Greenstone Belt of Greenland, and finally, the undersea volcanoes of Santorini, Greece. And stay tuned for the lava tubes of Mauna Loa, Hawaii in 2025.
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      The ship in the port of Lavrio, Greece. The team will spend two full days docked here while preparing for the voyage ahead. NASA Astrobiology/Mike Toillion SEARCHING FOR LIFE ON OCEAN WORLDS
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      One of the gliders, an autonomous scouting vehicle equipped with multple sensors to map the seafloor and report back to the ship. NASA Astrobiology/Mike Toillion MEET THE FLEET
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      The expedition team works into the night preparing NUI for its upcoming mission to the Kolumbo volcano. NASA Astrobiology/Mike Toillion THE SCIENTIST’S ROBOTIC APPRENTICE
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      Dr. richard camilli
      Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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      Riding in the zodiac with the glider team, led by Angelos Mallios. NASA Astrobiology/Mike Toillion Meanwhile, the rest of the glider team is on the main deck of the ship, lifting the gliders with a large, motorized crane, and lowering them onto the surface of the water. The zodiac team approached to detach the glider and safely set it out into the sea, while I dipped a monopod-mounted action camera in and out of the water to capture the process. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this would become some of my favorite footage of the trip, sunlight dancing off the surface of the waves, while the gliders floated and dove beneath.
      Angelos’ radio began to chatter. Eric Timmons was onboard the ship ready to command the gliders to begin their mission plan assigned by Enterprise. A moment passed and the yellow fin of the glider dipped below the water’s surface and disappeared.
      Angelos Mallios from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, leans out of a zodiac to deploy a glider, an autonomous vehicle and the forward scout for the expedition. NUI VERSUS THE VOLCANO
      The following day, it was time to see the star of the show in action; the expedition team was ready to deploy the aforementioned 5,000lb wrecking ball, NUI. The gliders had been exploring the surrounding area day and night, using their suite of sensors to detect areas of scientific interest. Since this mission is about searching for life, the gliders know that warmer areas could indicate hydrothermal vent activity; a literal hotspot for life in the deep ocean. Kirk, along with the science planner algorithm, Spock, determined a list of possible candidates that fit that exact description.
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      Underwater footage from Nereid Under Ice, showing a thriving community on the sea floor, including a never before seen species. NASA Astrobiology/Mike Toillion and WHOI “We stuck with the Spock program, and it paid great dividends. And all of the scientists were amazed at what they saw. The first site that we went to was spectacular. The second site we went to was spectacular. Each of the five sites that it identified as interesting were interesting, and they were each interesting in a different way; totally different environments.”
      Interesting, in this case, was quite the understatement. As the expedition team and I crowded into the ship’s control room to look at the camera feeds transmitted by NUI, now fully deployed to the seafloor, audible gasps erupted from multiple people. Bubbles filled the monitor as live fumaroles, active vents from the volcano, were pouring out heat and chemical-rich fluid into the water. Thick, microbial mats covered the surrounding rock, and multicellular lifeforms dotted the landscape. The expedition team had found a live hydrothermal vent, and life thriving around it.
      “I’ve never seen anything like that before,” recalls Casey Machado, expedition lead and the main pilot for Nereid Under Ice (NUI). Casey is sitting in an office chair surrounded by glowing monitors, a joystick in their left hand, and a gaming controller in their right. Since NUI is a hybrid ROV, it can be controlled manually from the ship by remote, or receive autonomous instructions from the Enterprise mission planners. Today, the team plans on manually controlling NUI to retrieve samples from the first site of interest.
      NUI is a strange looking vehicle. Only a small section of its body is watertight, where many of its critical components are housed. The remainder is fairly open, and upon arriving at the first site recommended by Spock, the front of the ROV opens up its front double doors to reveal a multi-jointed manipulator arm, stereo camera set, and other instruments. I’m instantly reminded of the space shuttle mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope, which had a similar mechanism.
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      Casey Machado, pilot of the hybrid ROV Nereid Under Ice (NUI), pilots the manipulator arm to take a rock sample. NASA Astrobiology/Mike Toillion Casey deftly maneuvers each joint of the arm to approach a rock covered in microbial mats. The end of NUI’s arm is equipped with two sampling instruments: a claw-like grabbing mechanism and a vacuum-like hose called the “slurp gun”. The end of the arm twists and turns as Machado aligns it with the rock, eventually opening and closing it around the target. With a gentle pull, the rock comes loose, and with a few more careful manipulations places it delicately into NUI’s sample cache. I offer a high-five, which Casey nonchalantly returns like the whole task was nothing.
      At this point, the expedition team has collected dozens of samples and achieved multiple engineering milestones, enough to fill years’ worth of scientific papers, but they are far from finished. A true mission to an ocean world will have to be pilotless, as Dr. Gideon Billings from MIT explains: “They need to operate without any human intervention. They need to be able to understand the scene through perception and then make a decision about how they want to manipulate to take a sample or achieve a task.”
      Gideon sits in the control room to the left of the piloting station, working alongside Casey as they prepare to demonstrate NUI’s automated sampling capabilities. His laptop screen shows a live 3D-model of the craft, its doors open, arm extended. Projected around the craft is a 3D reconstruction, or point cloud, of the seafloor created from the stereo camera pair mounted inside the vehicle. Similarly to how our brains take the two visual feeds from both of our eyes to see three-dimensionally, a stereo camera pair uses two cameras to achieve the same effect. By clicking on the model and moving its position in the software, NUI performs the same action thousands of meters under the ocean.
      Shared autonomy between the automated sampling team and the ROV Nereid Under Ice. “That is shared autonomy, where you could imagine a pilot indicating a desired pose
      for the arm to move to, but then a planner taking over and coming up with the path that the arm should move to reach that goal. And then, the pilot just essentially hitting a button and the arm following that path.”
      Over the course of multiple dives, Gideon tested various sampling techniques, directing the manipulator arm to use its claw-like device to grab different tools and perform a variety of tasks. “We were able to project the point cloud into that scene, and then command the arm to grab a push core and move it into a location within that 3D reconstruction. We verified that that location matched up. That showed the viability of an autonomous system.” This seemingly small victory is a huge step towards exploring planets beyond Earth. Since this expedition, the engineering team has not only improved this shared autonomy system, but has also implemented a natural language interface, allowing a user to use their normal speaking voice to give commands to the ROV, further blurring the lines between reality and science fiction.
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      The sun rises over the Mediterranean Sea on the final day of the research cruise. NASA Astrobiology/Mike Toillion SOMEWHERE BEYOND THE SEA
      I cannot help but envy the life of those who chose to make the ocean their place of work. The time I’ve spent with oceanographers has me questioning all my life choices; clearly they knew something I didn’t.
      Watching the sunrise every morning, peering through the murky depths of the deep sea, unlocking the secrets of Earth’s final frontier. All in a day’s work for Dr. Richard Camilli and his team of intrepid explorers.
      Watch Our Alien Earth and The Undersea Volcanoes of Santorini, Greece on NASA+ and follow the full story of this incredible expedition.

      Watch Our Alien Earth on NASA+

      Panorama of a sunrise at sea. View the full article
    • By USH
      In our article from 2013 'Scientific proof human race was created by aliens' we have written about the various scientific studies that indicate that the so-called 97% non-coding sequences originally known as "junk DNA" in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is "Off-world" in origin and the complete 'program' was positively not written on Earth and that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by evolution. 

      In the next video of Ancient Aliens episode 'Dark Secrets of Alien-Human Genetics' more evidence is provided that all humans are the result of alien genetic manipulation. 
      Transcript: In the middle of the night in 2008, 20-year-old Charmaine de Roserio Sage was sleeping when she was abruptly awakened by a terrifying sight: a reptilian humanoid standing over her. Charmaine describes the encounter vividly: "I woke up, and a reptilian entered the room. We went to an underground cave where a group of reptilians surrounded me. Each one placed a hand on my body, and I began to change. It was an extraordinary but bizarre experience to watch my body morph from a human form into a reptilian one, with my smooth skin transforming into scales and a tail emerging." 
      Charmaine claims that during this experience, she learned that all humans are the result of alien genetic manipulation, although some people are more affected than others. She believes that different extraterrestrial races have visited Earth throughout history and have selectively manipulated certain groups of humans. According to her, these alien interventions are part of an ongoing war between various intelligent species, fighting over territory and involving the creation and manipulation of life forms. 
      In 2010, biologists led by Sante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology made a remarkable discovery. They found that early humans not only coexisted with other primitive hominids but also interbred with them. Even more astonishing was the suggestion that another, unidentified species might also be represented in human DNA. This finding challenges the traditional view of human evolution as a straightforward progression from earlier hominids to modern humans. 
      Dr. John Hawks, an anthropologist from the University of Wisconsin, conducted a comprehensive analysis of human DNA and discovered that the rate of genetic evolution in the past 5,000 years has been 100 times faster than in any previous 5,000-year period. This raises the question: what caused such rapid changes in human DNA? Is it possible that extraterrestrial beings interbred with humans within the last 5,000 years, leading to these significant genetic alterations? 
      One notable case occurred in Sydney, Australia, in July 1992. Peter Khoury awoke one night to find himself paralyzed and unable to speak, with a strange, milky-white-skinned woman with large eyes and sharp features straddling his body. Another woman, with Asian features, stood nearby. The blonde woman touched her stomach, pointed to the sky, and then both women disappeared, leaving behind a single strand of blonde hair. 
      Khoury took the hair to a laboratory for DNA analysis, and the results were surprising. The hair was optically clear, unlike any human hair, and contained a rare combination of Chinese and Celtic DNA. While it didn't conclusively prove an alien origin, it did indicate something highly unusual. 
      In May 2013, mathematician Vladimir Shcherbak and astrobiologist Maxim Makukov published a study suggesting that the human genome contains a hidden code with precise mathematical patterns and an unknown symbolic language. Their research led them to believe that an extraterrestrial "stamp" might be embedded in our DNA, pointing to deliberate manipulation by alien beings in the distant past. 
      For ancient astronaut theorists, this finding supports the idea that extraterrestrials targeted human DNA with artificial mutations, potentially creating a form of organic robots—intelligent beings designed by advanced alien civilizations. This theory also raises the possibility that our own drive to create cybernetically enhanced versions of ourselves might be a continuation of the same agenda initiated by our extraterrestrial creators. 
      In 1966, scientists made a groundbreaking discovery by deciphering the genetic code, revealing that DNA is structured in clusters of three molecules known as codons or triplets. This discovery was revolutionary because it hinted at the possibility that the ultimate proof of extraterrestrial involvement in our past might be found within our own DNA, rather than in physical artifacts like crashed spaceships. 
      Ancient astronaut theorists argue that this triplet structure in DNA might be evidence of extraterrestrial tampering, suggesting that the number three holds a key to understanding our genetic language and our connection to otherworldly beings. 
      Could this be the ultimate proof that humanity's origins are not solely earthly but are intertwined with extraterrestrial influences?
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    • By USH
      Over the years, much has been published about the strange things that happen on the dark side of the moon. 

      The far side of the moon has been a mystery since the dawn of the space age. But is it just a barren, crater-filled wasteland? 
      Shocking claims from astronauts, whistleblowers, and classified documents suggest there's more to the story. Eerie sounds, inexplicable sightings, and covert missions point to something astounding hidden from public view. 
      Before delving into the evidence, which ranges from Apollo-era transcripts to insights from modern military insiders, it's worth noting an intriguing paper recently released by Harvard. Titled "The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis. This paper proposes among other themes that UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) might be the result of activities by intelligent beings hidden here on Earth eventually underground or in nearby areas such as the moon. (Notion: The dark of the side of the moon could be an excellent place to hide.) 
      But the Harvard paper has suddenly disappeared... though we saved you a copy: https://bit.ly/4b1xk11 
      The implications are staggering, hinting at a secret history beyond our world.
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    • By USH
      Over the years, many strange and often unexplained objects have been found on the planet Mars. Some objects are so bizarre that one wonders if they are real or just illusions. 
      One such strange object can be seen in one of the latest photos taken by the Perseverance rover and uploaded by Neville Thompson on his GigaPan page.

      The intended object resembles some kind of ant with distinct features such as its body structure, head, prominent eyes, mouth, and legs clearly visible in the sepia-toned image provided below. 

      Now, it may be that it is just another strange rock, but one must still wonder whether indeed that is the case or if it is indeed a large alien creature crawling across the surface of Mars.View the full article
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      The first video shows an unknown cylindrical object with rings hovering in the sky over Lucca, Italy. The sighting captured on February 18 2024 raises many questions as to what the object might have been. 

      The second video showcases yet another unidentified object in motion, captured during a flight from Florida to New York City on March 25, 2024. Resembling a classic flying saucer, this entity, akin to its counterpart over Lucca, Italy, lacks discernible propellers characteristic of drones or wings typical of aircraft, as well as visible propulsion systems. 
      While the allure of extraterrestrial origins persists, it's almost certain that most of the UFO sightings we seen in the sky nowadays is not alien but actually ours, covert, highly advanced technologies concealed within classified projects. 
      Organizations involved in these classified projects want to believe you that these objects are alien because allegations of an alien presence could provide cover for their clandestine operations employing advanced technologies. 
      Consequently, should governments and mainstream media begin espousing narratives of an alien threat, it's prudent to maintain a critical perspective. Much of the alleged information may be fabricated or distorted to serve motives such as a false flag operation by using these highly advanced technologies. 
      And if that happened they can blame it on the aliens.
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