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Life After Death? Study Reveals Near-Death Experiences Are Not Hallucinations!


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A new study exploring what people experience when they’re close to death has come to one important conclusion — “near-death experiences” are a real thing, even if we can’t explain them. Kinda like Madona's latest Instagram duckface selfie. 


Countless people have claimed that their life “flashed before their eyes” or that they actually left their body and traveled somewhere else while close to death. 

Critics have called these experiences hallucinations or illusions, but researchers from NYU Grossman School of Medicine say something else is actually happening. 

A team of researchers from several medical disciplines — including neurosciences, critical care, psychiatry, psychology, social sciences, and humanities — have come up with a number of conclusions after reviewing unexplained –lucid – episodes which involve a heightened state of consciousness. 

So really trying to find out what exactly a near-death experience is... 

The main finding is that these events don’t have much in common with the experiences someone has if they’re hallucinating or using a psychedelic drug. Instead, people who have a near-death experience typically report five different events taking place: 


- A Separation from their body with a heightened, vast sense of consciousness and recognition that they’re dying 
- Or They “travel” to a different location 
- Some have said They have a meaningful and purposeful review of their life, involving a critical analysis of all their past actions — basically, their life flashes before their eyes
- Some say they feel they are Going to a place that feels like “home” 
- And the feeling of Returning back to life

Researchers note that the near-death experience usually triggers a positive and long-term psychological transformation in the person. The team notes that people who had negative and distressing experiences while near-death did not experience these kinds of events. 

The team found – It turns out that scientists can actually see physical changes taking place in the brain when someone is close to death. 

Researchers found the presence of gamma activity and electrical spikes when people are technically dying. This is typically a sign of a heightened state of consciousness when scientists measure it using an electroencephalography (EEG). 

The findings further back up the claims from people who say they “left their body” while dying. 

Study authors note that advances in medicine over the last century have brought back countless people from death's door. 

Lead author Sam Parnia said – QUOTE – “The advent of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) showed us that death is not an absolute state, rather, it’s a process that could potentially be reversed in some people even after it has started.” 

Parina continued... “What has enabled the scientific study of death is that brain cells do not become irreversibly damaged within minutes of oxygen deprivation when the heart stops. Instead, they ‘die’ over hours of time. This is allowing scientists to objectively study the physiological and mental events that occur in relation to death.” 

Study authors conclude that neither physiological nor cognitive processes completely end at the moment of death. While prior reports haven’t been able to prove what people are saying about their near-death experiences, the new report finds it’s also impossible to disprove what they’re saying.


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      Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
      Karen Fox / Molly Wasser
      NASA Headquarters, Washington
      karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / molly.l.wasser@nasa.gov
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      Name: Christine Knudson
      Title: Geologist
      Formal Job Classification: Research Assistant
      Organization: Planetary Environments Laboratory, Science Directorate (Code 699)
      Christine Knudson is a geologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. She began graduate school in August 2012, the same month that NASA’s Curiosity rover landed on Mars. “It is very exciting to be part of the rover team and to be involved in an active Mars mission,” she says. “On days when we’re downlinking science data and I’m on shift, I am one of the first people to see data from an experiment done on Mars!”Courtesy of Christine Knudsen What do you do and what is most interesting about your role here at Goddard?
      I am a geologist doing both laboratory and field work, primarily focusing on Mars analog research. I work on the Curiosity rover as part of the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument team.
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      As a child, I always loved being outside and I was really interested in all things related to the Earth. In college, I figured out that I wanted to be a geologist after taking an introduction to geology course. I wanted to learn more about the Earth and its interior, specifically volcanism.
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      What is a highlight of your work as a laboratory geologist doing Mars analog research?
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      On days when we’re downlinking science data and I’m on shift, I am one of the first people to see data from an experiment done on Mars!
      What is some of the coolest field work you have done?
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      I also love Hawaii because the island is volcanically active. Hawaii Volcano National Park is incredible! A couple years ago, I was able to see the lava lake from an ongoing eruption within the crater of Kīlauea volcano. The best time to see the lava lake is at night because the glowing lava is visible from multiple park overlooks.
      As a Mars geologist, what most fascinates you about the Curiosity rover?
      When Curiosity landed, it was the largest rover NASA had ever sent to Mars: It’s about the size of a small SUV, so landing it safely was quite the feat! Curiosity also has some of the first science instruments ever made to operate on another planet, and we’ve learned SO much from those analyses.
      Curiosity and the other rovers are sort of like robotic geologists exploring Mars.  Working with the Curiosity rover allows scientists to do geology on Mars — from about 250 million miles away! Earth analogs help us to understand what we are seeing on Mars, since that “field site” is so incredibly far away and inaccessible to humans at this time.  
      What do you do for fun?
      I spend most of my free time with my husband and two small children. We enjoy family hikes, gardening, and both my boys love being outside as much as I do.
      I also enjoy yoga, and I crochet: I make hats, blankets, and I’m starting a sweater soon.
      What is your “six-word memoir”? A six-word memoir describes something in just six words.
      Nature-lover. Mom. Geologist. Cat-enthusiast. Curious. Snack-fiend.
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      Mission scientists will analyze the results, probing beneath the moon’s frozen shell for signs of a water world capable of supporting life.
      This artist’s concept (not to scale) depicts what Europa’s internal structure could look like: an outer shell of ice, perhaps with plumes of material venting from beneath the surface; a deep, global layer of liquid water; and a rocky interior, potentially with hydrothermal vents on the seafloor.NASA/JPL-Caltech “It’s important to us to paint a picture of what that alien ocean is like — the kind of chemistry or even biochemistry that could be happening there,” said Morgan Cable, an astrobiologist and member of the Europa Clipper science team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, which manages the mission.
      Ice Investigation
      Central to that work is hunting for the types of salts, ices, and organic material that make up the key ingredients of a habitable world. That’s where an imager called MISE (Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa) comes in. Operating in the infrared, the spacecraft’s MISE divides reflected light into various wavelengths to identify the corresponding atoms and molecules.
      The mission will also try to locate potential hot spots near Europa’s surface, where plumes could bring deep ocean material closer to the surface, using an instrument called E-THEMIS (Europa Thermal Emission Imaging System), which also operates in the infrared.
      Europa Clipper Press Kit Capturing sharply detailed pictures of Europa’s surface with both a narrow and a wide-image camera is the task of the EIS (Europa Imaging System). “The EIS imagers will give us incredibly high-resolution images to understand how Europa’s surface evolved and is continuing to change,” Cable said.
      Gases and Grains
      NASA’s Cassini mission spotted a giant plume of water vapor erupting from multiple jets near the south pole of Saturn’s ice-covered moon Enceladus. Europa may also emit misty plumes of water, pulled from its ocean or reservoirs in its shell. Europa Clipper’s instrument called Europa-UVS (Europa Ultraviolet Spectrograph) will search for plumes and can study any material that might be venting into space.
      Whether or not Europa has plumes, the spacecraft carries two instruments to analyze the small amount of gas and dust particles ejected from the moon’s surface by impacts with micrometeorites and high-energy particles: MASPEX (MAss SPectrometer for Planetary EXploration/Europa) and SUDA (SUrface Dust Analyzer) will capture the tiny pieces of material ejected from the surface, turning them into charged particles to reveal their composition.  
      “The spacecraft will study gas and grains coming off Europa by sticking out its tongue and tasting those grains, breathing in those gases,” said Cable.
      Inside and Out
      The mission will look at Europa’s external and internal structure in various ways, too, because both have far-reaching implications for the moon’s habitability.
      To gain insights into the ice shell’s thickness and the ocean’s existence, along with its depth and salinity, the mission will measure the moon’s induced magnetic field with the ECM (Europa Clipper Magnetometer) and combine that data with measurements of electrical currents from charged particles flowing around Europa — data provided by PIMS (Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding).
      In addition, scientists will look for details on everything from the presence of the ocean to the structure and topography of the ice using REASON (Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding to Near-surface), which will peer up to 18 miles (29 kilometers) into the shell — itself a potentially habitable environment. Measuring the changes that Europa’s gravity causes in radio signals should help nail down ice thickness and ocean depth.
      “Non-icy materials on the surface could get moved into deep interior pockets of briny water within the icy shell,” said Steve Vance, an astrobiologist and geophysicist who also is a member of the Europa Clipper science team at JPL. “Some might be large enough to be considered lakes, or at least ponds.”
      Using the data gathered to inform extensive computer modeling of Europa’s interior structure also could reveal the ocean’s composition and allow estimates of its temperature profile, Vance said.
      Whatever conditions are discovered, the findings will open a new chapter in the search for life beyond Earth. “It’s almost certain Europa Clipper will raise as many questions or more than it answers — a whole different class than the ones we’ve been thinking of for the last 25 years,” Vance said.
      More About Europa Clipper
      Europa Clipper’s three main science objectives are to determine the thickness of the moon’s icy shell and its interactions with the ocean below, to investigate its composition, and to characterize its geology. The mission’s detailed exploration of Europa will help scientists better understand the astrobiological potential for habitable worlds beyond our planet.
      To learn more about the science instruments aboard Europa Clipper and the institutions provide them, visit:
      Managed by Caltech in Pasadena, California, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory leads the development of the Europa Clipper mission in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. APL designed the main spacecraft body in collaboration with JPL and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. The Planetary Missions Program Office at Marshall executes program management of the Europa Clipper mission.
      NASA’s Launch Services Program, based at Kennedy, manages the launch service for the Europa Clipper spacecraft, which will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy.
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      Gretchen McCartney
      Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. 
      Karen Fox / Molly Wasser
      NASA Headquarters, Washington
      karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / molly.l.wasser@nasa.gov
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