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Huge Illuminated Cigar Shaped UFO Spotted Truck Driver near Paita Port In Peru
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During a recent interview, Darkjournalist Daniel Liszt lays out beyond critical information regarding the recent sightings of mystery drones across the U.S.
Here is a brief summary outlining the key points of what Darkjournalist believes is actually happen, according to his analysis.
The unfolding events surrounding the mystery drone swarms and UFO/Orb sightings appear to be part of a larger, coordinated operation led by covert organizations. At the heart of this situation, we see an apparent "dry run" for a massive UFO related event, something unprecedented in scale.
Two significant secret structures are operating in overdrive: the Continuity of Government (COG) framework, the Secret Space Program (SSP), and their affiliated Deep State entities.
Reports describe unidentified drones hovering over populated metropolitan areas, creating unease and confusion. These occurrences seem designed to provoke public panic and gauge reactions to aerial threats. This data mining effort aligns with a broader plan to cement the idea of a UFO threat in the collective consciousness.
The objective appears to involve large-scale public tests through overflights of drones to observe how communities respond to the perception of an "alien" threat. This effort dovetails with the government’s ability to invoke emergency powers, potentially leading to the activation of the Continuity of Government (COG) program.
In recent months, reports indicate that combatant commanders have been conducting drone tests under the guise of countering Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
Historical patterns show that drills often precede major events. For example, during the events of 9/11, a drill reportedly transitioned into an actual crisis. The concern now is whether the current exercises, involving drones and UAP narratives, could similarly go live.
The recent increase in mystery drone sightings across the U.S. suggests a coordinated rollout of these narratives. There are rumors of additional drills, described as "full lockout" exercises, are scheduled to continue through the holiday season. These events involve the military taking over air traffic and communication systems for hours at a time.
NORAD and NORTHCOM are central to these operations. In an emergency scenario, the NORAD Commander—who also serves as the COG combatant commander—would assume control of the United States under the COG framework.
Insiders hint at a significant public spectacle on the horizon, with the possibility of transitioning from a test scenario to a live event. This could involve widespread sightings of drone swarms, coupled with UAP reports, creating a perceived crisis that demands emergency powers.
The recent drone and UFO/Orb activities reflect a calculated test by elements within the Deep State to shape public perception and readiness for a potential UFO-related crisis. These operations aim to solidify control and prepare the groundwork for leveraging emergency powers under a fabricated or exaggerated threat scenario.
In summary: The recent flurry of activities points to a deliberate effort to shape how we think and react to an extraterrestrial threat, real or not. At its core, this is a calculated test, designed to prepare the public for a potential UFO crisis where emergency powers could reshape the social and political landscape.
It might be a coincidence, but this year Congress passed a law granting NORTHCOM authority in the event drones are deemed a national security threat, potentially triggering the implementation of Continuity of Government (COG). This scenario could unfold before Trump’s inauguration, bypassing both Biden’s presidency and Trump’s assumption of office, leading instead to an emergency powers president.
This isn’t just about UFOs or drones, it's about power, perception, and control. The Deep State is losing its grip, pushing them to play their final card: a fake UFO invasion to maintain authority. This is why their once-hidden advanced technologies are now being revealed, indicating ongoing testing and strategic preparations. Evidence points to highly advanced drone technology, cutting edge tech designed to simulate a so-called "UFO threat."
So, the next time you glance up at the sky and spot something strange, remember: what you’re seeing might not be an alien invasion. It could be the latest move in a high-stakes chess game, played by forces that thrive in the shadows. View the full article
NASA has selected multiple companies to expand the agency’s Near Space Network’s commercial direct-to-Earth capabilities services, which is a mission-critical communication capability that allows spacecraft to transmit data directly to ground stations on Earth.
The work will be awarded under new Near Space Network services contracts that are firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contracts. Project timelines span from February 2025 to September 2029, with an additional five-year option period that could extend a contract through Sept. 30, 2034. The cumulative maximum value of all Near Space Network Services contracts is $4.82 billion.
Some companies received multiple task orders for subcategories identified in their contracts. Awards are as follows:
Intuitive Machines of Houston will receive two task order awards on its contract for Subcategory 1.2 GEO to Cislunar Direct to Earth (DTE) Services and Subcategory 1.3 xCislunar DTE Services to support NASA’s Lunar Exploration Ground Segment, providing additional capacity to alleviate demand on the Deep Space Network and to meet the mission requirements for unique, highly elliptical orbits. The company also previously received a task order award for Subcategory 2.2 GEO to Cislunar Relay Services. Kongsberg Satellite Services of Tromsø, Norway, will receive two task order awards on its contract for Subcategory 1.1 Earth Proximity DTE and Subcategory 1.2 to support science missions in low Earth orbit and NASA’s Lunar Exploration Ground Segment, providing additional capacity to alleviate demand on the Deep Space Network. SSC Space U.S. Inc. of Horsham, Pennsylvania, will receive two task order awards on its contract for Subcategories 1.1 and 1.3 to support science missions in low Earth orbit and to meet the mission requirements for unique, highly elliptical orbits. Viasat, Inc. of Duluth, Georgia, will be awarded a task order on its contract for Subcategory 1.1 to support science missions in low Earth orbit. The Near Space Network’s direct-to-Earth capability supports many of NASA’s missions ranging from climate studies on Earth to research on celestial objects. It also will play a role in NASA’s Artemis campaign, which calls for long-term exploration of the Moon.
NASA’s goal is to provide users with communication and navigation services that are secure, reliable, and affordable, so that all NASA users receive the services required by their mission within their latency, accuracy, and availability requirements.
These awards demonstrate NASA’s ongoing commitment to fostering strong partnerships with the commercial space sector, which plays an essential role in delivering the communications infrastructure critical to the agency’s science and exploration missions.
As part of the agency’s SCaN (Space Communications and Navigation) Program, teams at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, will carry out the work of the Near Space Network. The Near Space Network provides missions out to 1.2 million miles (2 million kilometers) with communications and navigation services, enabling spacecraft to exchange critical data with mission operators on Earth. Using space relays in geosynchronous orbit and a global system of government and commercial direct-to-Earth antennas on Earth, the network brings down terabytes of data each day.
Learn more about NASA’s Near Space Network:
Joshua Finch
Headquarters, Washington
Jeremy Eggers
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland
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By European Space Agency
Researchers from the University of Leeds have detected methane leaking from a faulty pipe in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK, using GHGSat satellite data – part of ESA’s Third Party Mission Programme. This marks the first time a UK methane emission has been identified from space and successfully mitigated.
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A rare and intriguing phenomenon has been observed in China. On the night of October 27th, Chinese astrophotographer Shengyu Li set up his camera to capture star trails over Mount Xiannairi in Sichuan Province. To his surprise, he recorded mysterious blue flashes accompanying an avalanche.
The exact cause of these "blue lights" remains unclear, sparking various theories. Some speculate they could stem from geomagnetic activity, interactions of cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere, or rare atmospheric phenomena like blue jets or elves. However, Li offers another explanation: the flashes might result from triboluminescence—light produced by friction during ice fragmentation.
Triboluminescence occurs when certain materials emit light as they are fractured, scratched, or rubbed. This phenomenon happens due to the breaking of chemical bonds or the sudden separation of surfaces, which generates electrical charges. These charges can ionize the surrounding air or excite the material itself, creating visible light.
The hypothesis suggests that this event could be an example of triboluminescence. However, it also raises the intriguing possibility of a connection to UFO phenomena, such as orbs or other unexplained lights that have been observed around the world over the years.
Hypothesis: The sighting depicts what appears to be a blue light descending onto a snowbank, following the avalanche as it moves downward, and then vanishing before seemingly ascending again.
Did the avalanche trigger the blue light, or did the blue light crash into the snow, causing the avalanche?
Whether this phenomenon is a rare case of triboluminescence, potentially the first instance of it being captured on camera or something linked to unexplained UFO activity, the recording of this light remains a unique and fascinating occurrence. View the full article
El viceministro de Políticas para la Defensa del Ministerio de Defensa de Perú, César Medardo Torres Vega, el administrador de la NASA, Bill Nelson, y el director de la Comisión Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Aeroespacial del Perú (CONIDA), mayor general Roberto Melgar Sheen, se reúnen en Lima, Perú, el 14 de noviembre de 2024, donde EE. UU. y Perú firmaron un memorando de entendimiento acordando estudiar una potencial campaña de cohetes sonda.Crédito: Embajada de EE. UU. en Perú Read this release in English here.
La NASA y la Comisión Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Aeroespacial del Perú (CONIDA) sentaron las bases para una posible campaña de varios años de duración para el lanzamiento de pequeños cohetes científicos desde Perú, conjuntamente con Estados Unidos.
Ambos países firmaron el jueves un memorando de entendimiento no vinculante que incluye capacitación en seguridad, un estudio de factibilidad conjunto para la posible campaña, y asistencia técnica para CONIDA en lanzamientos de cohetes sonda. Los cohetes sonda son pequeños cohetes de bajo costo que proporcionan acceso suborbital al espacio.
“Estamos entusiasmados de analizar la posibilidad de lanzar nuevamente cohetes sonda desde Perú”, dijo el administrador de la NASA, Bill Nelson, quien firmó en nombre de Estados Unidos. “Este acuerdo profundiza nuestra colaboración internacional con Perú y la investigación científica que llevamos a cabo debido a la ubicación del país en el ecuador magnético. Juntos iremos más lejos”.
El mayor general Roberto Melgar Sheen, jefe institucional de CONIDA, firmó en nombre de Perú. Brian Nichols, subsecretario de Asuntos del Hemisferio Occidental del Departamento de Estado de EE. UU., y Stephanie Syptak-Ramnath, embajadora de EE. UU. en Perú, también participaron, entre otros funcionarios peruanos. El evento tuvo lugar durante la semana del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico que comenzó el 9 de noviembre en Lima.
Durante su visita a Perú, Nelson también discutió la importancia de las asociaciones y la colaboración internacionales en el espacio y celebró la firma de los Acuerdos Artemis por parte de Perú a principios de este año.
Estados Unidos y Perú tienen una larga historia de cooperación espacial. La NASA llevó a cabo campañas de cohetes sonda en la base de lanzamiento Punta Lobos de CONIDA en 1975 y 1983.
La NASA utiliza cohetes sonda para transportar instrumentos científicos al espacio en vuelos suborbitales para recopilar importantes datos científicos y poner a prueba prototipos de instrumentos. Con ellos se obtienen datos de incalculable valor que mejoran nuestra comprensión de la atmósfera y el clima de la Tierra, nuestro sistema solar y el universo, y se ponen a prueba equipamientos para viajes espaciales más profundos.
Comprender la atmósfera de la Tierra y cómo es influenciada por el Sol es crucial para proteger los recursos terrestres y espaciales de los que dependemos todos los días, desde la red eléctrica hasta los datos meteorológicos e incluso la navegación.
Para obtener más información sobre las asociaciones internacionales de la NASA (en inglés), visita:
Meira Bernstein / Elizabeth Shaw
Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1600 /
Last Updated Nov 14, 2024 EditorJessica TaveauLocationNASA Headquarters Related Terms
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