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Strange metallic object hovering in front of a trail cam


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Cam Owner living Roanoke, Virginia: "I have a trail cam situated at night to observe any animals that may wander into my backyard".


"On 3:03 am, July 30, the trail cam audio/video recorded an object hovering in front of the lens that looks exactly like a typical metallic UFO". 

"There was absolutely nothing to the front of the camera, there is a wood line about 50 yards in front of the camera and cannot be picked up by the camera".

Furthermore: Disk object zooms away over Manhattan, New York, Cigar object hovering in the sky over Los Angeles, California and a huge glowing ring emerges from a cloud. Source: www.mufon.com


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      Become a citizen scientist
      Want to help discover the next extraordinary space object? Join the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 now — participation is open to anyone in any country worldwide.
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      Media contact
      Elizabeth Landau
      Headquarters, Washington
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