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Ariane 6 targets new missions with Astris kick stage

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      5 Min Read Reinventing the Clock: NASA’s New Tech for Space Timekeeping
      The Optical Atomic Strontium Ion Clock is a higher-precision atomic clock that is small enough to fit on a spacecraft. Credits: NASA/Matthew Kaufman Here on Earth, it might not matter if your wristwatch runs a few seconds slow. But crucial spacecraft functions need accuracy down to one billionth of a second or less. Navigating with GPS, for example, relies on precise timing signals from satellites to pinpoint locations. Three teams at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, are at work to push timekeeping for space exploration to new levels of precision.
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      Work on the quantum clock synchronization protocol takes place in this lab at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.NASA/Matthew Kaufman In quantum physics, two particles are entangled when they behave like a single object and occupy two states at once. For clocks, applying quantum protocols to entangled photons could allow for a precise and secure way to sync clocks across long distances.
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      An Optical Atomic Clock Built for Space Travel
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      The Optical Atomic Strontium Ion Clock is a higher-precision atomic clock that is small enough to fit on a spacecraft.NASA/Matthew Kaufman “Optical frequencies oscillate much faster than microwave frequencies, so we can have a much finer resolution of counts and more precise timekeeping,” Leopardi said.
      The OASIC technology is about 100 times more precise than the previous state-of-the-art in spacecraft atomic clocks. The enhanced accuracy could enable new types of science that were not previously possible.
      “When you use these ultra-high precision clocks, you can start looking at the fundamental physics changes that occur in space,” Leopardi said, “and that can help us better understand the mechanisms of our universe.”
      The timekeeping technologies unlocked by these teams, could enable new discoveries in our solar system and beyond.
      More on cutting-edge technology development at NASA Goddard By Matthew Kaufman, with additional contributions from Avery Truman
      NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
      Last Updated Sep 18, 2024 EditorRob GarnerContactRob Garnerrob.garner@nasa.govLocationGoddard Space Flight Center Related Terms
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    • By NASA
      Podcast art for Universo curioso de la NASA, the agency’s first podcast in Spanish, which returns for a second season in September 2024. Credits: NASA / Krystofer Kim Lee este comunicado de prensa en español aquí.
      In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, NASA is releasing new content for Universo curioso de la NASA, the agency’s first Spanish-language podcast, now in its second season. A five-week season starts Tuesday with new episodes released weekly.
      Listen to the preview of the second season of Universo curioso de la NASA.
      In each episode, Universo curioso highlights the contributions of NASA’s Hispanic and Latino workforce to the agency’s work in Earth and space exploration for the benefit of all.
      “Through the Universo curioso de la NASA podcast, we are thrilled to tell the story of NASA’s efforts to open space to more people from across the world,” said Tonya McNair, deputy associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate in Washington. “In the second season, you’ll hear from NASA’s Hispanic and Latino workforce, like flight director Diana Trujillo and astronaut Marcos Berríos, helping lead some of the agency’s most vital space exploration missions and inspiring the world through discovery.”
      Episodes focus on some of NASA’s top missions, bringing the wonder of exploration, space technology, and scientific discoveries to Spanish-speaking audiences around the world. 
      “This podcast highlights NASA’s dedication to making knowledge available to all, regardless of their native language,” said Shahra Lambert, NASA senior advisor for engagement. “By sharing the excitement of NASA’s missions in the second most spoken language in the U.S. and around the world, we are amplifying our outreach and possibly paving the way for a more diverse STEM workforce in the future.”
      The first episode of Universo curioso ran in 2021, as part of the agency’s Spanish coverage of the launch of its James Webb Space Telescope. In 2023, the show was selected as a “Podcast We Love” by Apple Podcasts Latin America.
      Hosted by Noelia González, communications specialist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, listeners are invited to go on a journey to one of Jupiter’s icy moons, hear about the first two years of discoveries of the James Webb Space Telescope, as well as learn about an astronaut from Puerto Rico’s and a Colombian flight director’s path to NASA.
      Episodes will cover the upcoming launch of Europa Clipper in October 2024, a mission that aims to determine whether there are places below the surface of Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, that could support life.
      A complete list of the new episodes, as well as their release dates, is as follows:
      Tuesday, Sept. 17: Introducing the Second Season Tuesday, Sept. 24 Diana Trujillo: From Cali to the Moon and Mars Tuesday, Oct. 1 Europa Clipper: A Poetic Journey to Jupiter’s Moon Tuesday, Oct. 8 Marcos Berríos: How to Become a NASA Astronaut Tuesday, Oct. 15: Exploring Cosmos with Webb Universo curioso de la NASA is a joint initiative of the agency’s Spanish-language communications and audio programs. The new season, as well as previous episodes, are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and NASA’s website.
      Listen to the podcast at:
      María José Viñas / Cheryl Warner
      Headquarters, Washington
      240-458-0248 / 202-358-1600
      maria-jose.vinasgarcia@nasa.gov / cheryl.m.warner@nasa.gov
      View the full article
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