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Since I was a kid I was always fascinated with Sasquatch a.k.a. Bigfoot. From the Patterson film to the pics of footprint casts, it was always interesting to wonder. I think what got me into it was this one time I went hiking with a friend and an adult friend of the family. We were in an update NY Adirondack forest and this one are looked a bit odd. There were broken branches everywhere but what really made it odd was that some of the branches 4"-6" in diameter, were screwed out of the trees, a bunch of them. What would do something like that? It wasn't until I was older and after seeing lots of "evidence" by others that I started to think...maybe.

Fast forward and a few years ago started so much made for tv shows, documentaries, and movies around Bigfoot. Finding BIgfoot was my favorite, but guess what...they never found Bigfoot and probably never will. Every place they went was "Squatchy" of course and the BFRO is always sooo...close to getting one, right? I have to ask, why with all the technology and phone cameras, are we not seeing something amazing by now?  Where is Bigfoot?

So...now I come to the reason I started the topic and something someone once told me, "Bigfoot is an alien".

Well, lets think about it, we can never find him/her, they smell funky, and they are all over the word...they are either invisible or have some sort of out of this world cloaking ability. Maybe they bounce in and out of some sort of multi-dimensional portal? Its getting a bit farfetched here...but is it possible?

I refer you to this article from 2015 -

Is Bigfoot an extraterrestrial visitor? Some researchers think so

LEOMINSTER - Is it possible the creature known as Bigfoot, Sasquatch or by a number of different names all over the world is an inter-dimensional traveler? That's a theory now in play with both Bigfoot and UFO researchers, and one that played heavily into discussions at this weekend's Greater New England UFO Conference held in Leominster.

Paranormal researcher William Hall, at the convention ostensibly to talk ghosts, said the paranormal world as a whole is more connected than people realize. But that is beginning to change, at least from the perspective of those involved in ground level research.

Hall, who began his paranormal researcher with UFOs and aliens, said many of the classic signs from human encounters with otherworldly beings - ghosts, aliens and Bigfoot - have similar signs, be they disappearing beings, fast moving object or strange lights. As a result, many are starting to think of the the fields holistically, he said.

"It used to be that the UFO people didn't talk to the ghost people because they were a little weird, and nobody would talk to the Bigfoot people because they were crazy," Hall said. "I found out, we cannot continue to do that. In reality, quantum physics is leading us there."

If the alien theory is true, it solves one of cryptozoology's biggest unanswered questions: If Bigfoot is real, where are the bodies? Where are the animal carcasses left behind?

What do you think?

Here's an interesting but long film about this theory:


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      Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
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      Two Instruments, One Mission
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      More About Lunar Trailblazer
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      SIMPLEx mission investigations are managed by the Planetary Missions Program Office at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, as part of the Discovery Program at NASA Headquarters in Washington. The program conducts space science investigations in the Planetary Science Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters.
      For more information about Lunar Trailblazer, visit:
      News Media Contacts
      Karen Fox / Molly Wasser
      NASA Headquarters, Washington
      karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / molly.l.wasser@nasa.gov
      Ian J. O’Neill
      Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
      Gordon Squires
      IPAC, Pasadena, Calif.
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      Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
      Researchers think meltwater beneath Martian ice could support microbial life.
      The white material seen within this Martian gully is believed to be dusty water ice. Scientists believe this kind of ice could be an excellent place to look for microbial life on Mars today. This image, showing part of a region called Dao Vallis, was captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2009.NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona These holes, captured on Alaska’s Matanuska Glacier in 2012, are formed by cryoconite — dust particles that melt into the ice over time, eventually forming small pockets of water below the glacier’s surface. Scientists believe similar pockets of water could form within dusty water ice on Mars.Kimberly Casey CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 While actual evidence for life on Mars has never been found, a new NASA study proposes microbes could find a potential home beneath frozen water on the planet’s surface.
      Through computer modeling, the study’s authors have shown that the amount of sunlight that can shine through water ice would be enough for photosynthesis to occur in shallow pools of meltwater below the surface of that ice. Similar pools of water that form within ice on Earth have been found to teem with life, including algae, fungi, and microscopic cyanobacteria, all of which derive energy from photosynthesis.
      “If we’re trying to find life anywhere in the universe today, Martian ice exposures are probably one of the most accessible places we should be looking,” said the paper’s lead author, Aditya Khuller of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.
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      The white edges along these gullies in Mars’ Terra Sirenum are believed to be dusty water ice. Scientists think meltwater could form beneath the surface of this kind of ice, providing a place for possible photosynthesis. This is an enhanced-color image; the blue color would not actually be perceptible to the human eye.NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona Mars scientists are divided about whether ice can actually melt when exposed to the Martian surface. That’s due to the planet’s thin, dry atmosphere, where water ice is believed to sublimate — turn directly into gas — the way dry ice does on Earth. But the atmospheric effects that make melting difficult on the Martian surface wouldn’t apply below the surface of a dusty snowpack or glacier.
      Thriving Microcosms
      On Earth, dust within ice can create what are called cryoconite holes — small cavities that form in ice when particles of windblown dust (called cryoconite) land there, absorb sunlight, and melt farther into the ice each summer. Eventually, as these dust particles travel farther from the Sun’s rays, they stop sinking, but they still generate enough warmth to create a pocket of meltwater around them. The pockets can nourish a thriving ecosystem for simple lifeforms..
      “This is a common phenomenon on Earth,” said co-author Phil Christensen of Arizona State University in Tempe, referring to ice melting from within. “Dense snow and ice can melt from the inside out, letting in sunlight that warms it like a greenhouse, rather than melting from the top down.”
      Christensen has studied ice on Mars for decades. He leads operations for a heat-sensitive camera called THEMIS (Thermal Emission Imaging System) aboard NASA’s 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter. In past research, Christensen and Gary Clow of the University of Colorado Boulder used modeling to demonstrate how liquid water could form within dusty snowpack on the Red Planet. That work, in turn, provided a foundation for the new paper focused on whether photosynthesis could be possible on Mars.
      In 2021, Christensen and Khuller co-authored a paper on the discovery of dusty water ice exposed within gullies on Mars, proposing that many Martian gullies form by erosion caused by the ice melting to form liquid water.
      This new paper suggests that dusty ice lets in enough light for photosynthesis to occur as deep as 9 feet (3 meters) below the surface. In this scenario, the upper layers of ice prevent the shallow subsurface pools of water from evaporating while also providing protection from harmful radiation. That’s important, because unlike Earth, Mars lacks a protective magnetic field to shield it from both the Sun and radioactive cosmic ray particles zipping around space.
      The study authors say the water ice that would be most likely to form subsurface pools would exist in Mars’ tropics, between 30 degrees and 60 degrees latitude, in both the northern and southern hemispheres.
      Khuller next hopes to re-create some of Mars’ dusty ice in a lab to study it up close. Meanwhile, he and other scientists are beginning to map out the most likely spots on Mars to look for shallow meltwater — locations that could be scientific targets for possible human and robotic missions in the future.
      News Media Contacts
      Andrew Good
      Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
      Karen Fox / Molly Wasser
      NASA Headquarters, Washington
      karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / molly.l.wasser@nasa.gov
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    • By USH
      Imagine waking up one morning to a world where everything you know is turned upside down. Overnight, groundbreaking (false) archaeological discoveries challenge the foundations of every major religion, leaving society in turmoil and disbelief. 

      Before you can even comprehend what’s happening, the sky begins to change. Towering, hyper-realistic projections of gods appear above major cities worldwide, communicating directly with their followers, not through spoken words, but telepathically. 
      As panic grips the planet, reports of UFO sightings flood the news. Global leaders urge people to unite in the face of an impending extraterrestrial threat. In just two days, the world you once knew has crumbled. 
      This scenario sounds like a plot from a science fiction movie, but some conspiracy theorists believe this could be part of a secret agenda known as Project Blue Beam, an alleged psyop designed by powerful elites to bring about a New World Order and reshape society. 
      Serge Monast was such a conspiracy theorist. He is mostly known for his promotion of the Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory, Under the guise of a heart attack he died in his home in December 1996 at age 51. 
      According to Serge Monast Project Blue Beam has four stages: 
      Step 1: Discrediting Archaeological Knowledge. The first phase involves revealing falsified archaeological findings that call into question the core beliefs of every major religion, creating widespread confusion and societal disruption. 
      Step 2: Global Holographic Projections of Religious Figures.A "space show" is staged where three-dimensional holographic projections of messianic figures appear in the skies over different regions of the world, each corresponding to the dominant religious beliefs in that area. 
      Step 3: Telepathic Communication. The third phase involves the use of advanced technology to simulate telepathic communication, where individuals believe they are receiving direct messages from their deities or spiritual leaders. 
      Step 4: The Grand Deception. The final stage is divided into three parts: 1. Convincing the global population that an alien invasion is imminent in every major city. 2. Persuading Christians that the Rapture is about to occur. 3. Using a mix of electronic manipulation and supernatural forces to create an illusion that will penetrate all forms of communication and technology, even infiltrating household appliances. 
      While many people dismiss Project Blue Beam as pure fantasy, the theory raises an unsettling question: could such a grand deception ever really be pulled off? And if so, how can we prepare for the possibility of such a dramatic upheaval?
        View the full article
    • By USH
      Where do asteroids get all those craters? Countless small circular craters, plus almost always a few that look like massive killers. Even more confusing is that these craters are at a perfect 90º angle, as if an electric arc had run across the surface. 

      According to ThunderboltsProject, the Electric Universe (EU) model, the scars observed on asteroids are caused by electric arcs which cut surface depressions, scoop out material, accelerate it into space, then leave behind clean-cut geological relief. 
      This theory is supported by Electric Discharge Machining (EDM), a process we use every day to shape materials with electric arcs, producing similar clean-cut effects. 
      This brings us to the following hypothesis: Could it be that, instead of craters on asteroids being formed solely by natural space phenomena, that all these craters at a perfect 90º angle with clean-cut geological relief are the result of asteroid mining originated by alien races who use advanced electric arc/laser technology by extracting raw minerals they urgently need for use on their planet or for in-space manufacturing? 
      Asteroids vary greatly in composition, ranging from those rich in volatile substances to those composed of metals like gold, silver, platinum, cobalt, and palladium, alongside more common elements such as iron and nickel. This makes them potential treasure troves of valuable resources. 
      For us as Earthlings, asteroid mining is a technology in its earliest stages and requires significant advances in robotic technology before asteroid mining becomes a reality, however, if more advanced civilizations exist elsewhere in the universe, it's quite plausible that some of them have already turned to asteroid mining long ago. 
      Could their efforts be leaving behind the very craters on asteroids we observe today?
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