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NASA Identifies Cause of Artemis I Orion Heat Shield Char Loss

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The Artemis II Orion spacecraft is lifted from the Final Assembly and Testing (FAST) Cell and placed in the west altitude chamber inside the Operations and Checkout Building at NASA’S Kennedy Space Center in Florida on June 28, 2024. Inside the altitude chamber, the spacecraft underwent a series of tests simulating deep space vacuum conditions.
Photo Credit: NASA / Rad Sinyak

After extensive analysis and testing, NASA has identified the technical cause of unexpected char loss across the Artemis I Orion spacecraft’s heat shield.

Engineers determined as Orion was returning from its uncrewed mission around the Moon, gases generated inside the heat shield’s ablative outer material called Avcoat were not able to vent and dissipate as expected. This allowed pressure to build up and cracking to occur, causing some charred material to break off in several locations.

“Our early Artemis flights are a test campaign, and the Artemis I test flight gave us an opportunity to check out our systems in the deep space environment before adding crew on future missions,” said Amit Kshatriya, deputy associate administrator, Moon to Mars Program Office, NASA Headquarters in Washington. “The heat shield investigation helped ensure we fully understand the cause and nature of the issue, as well as the risk we are asking our crews to take when they venture to the Moon.”


Teams took a methodical approach to understanding and identifying the root cause of the char loss issue, including detailed sampling of the Artemis I heat shield, review of imagery and data from sensors on the spacecraft, and comprehensive ground testing and analysis.

During Artemis I, engineers used the skip guidance entry technique to return Orion to Earth. This technique provides more flexibility by extending the range Orion can fly after the point of reentry to a landing spot in the Pacific Ocean. Using this maneuver, Orion dipped into the upper part of Earth’s atmosphere and used atmospheric drag to slow down. Orion then used the aerodynamic lift of the capsule to skip back out of the atmosphere, then reenter for final descent under parachutes to splashdown.

Using Avcoat material response data from Artemis I, the investigation team was able to replicate the Artemis I entry trajectory environment — a key part of understanding the cause of the issue — inside the arc jet facilities at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California. They observed that during the period between dips into the atmosphere, heating rates decreased, and thermal energy accumulated inside the heat shield’s Avcoat material. This led to the accumulation of gases that are part of the expected ablation process. Because the Avcoat did not have “permeability,” internal pressure built up, and led to cracking and uneven shedding of the outer layer.

After NASA’s Orion spacecraft was recovered at the conclusion of the Artemis I test flight and transported to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, its heat shield was removed from the crew module inside the Operations and Checkout Building and rotated for inspection.
Credit: NASA

Teams performed extensive ground testing to replicate the skip phenomenon before Artemis I. However, they tested at much higher heating rates than the spacecraft experienced in flight. The high heating rates tested on the ground allowed the permeable char to form and ablate as expected, releasing the gas pressure. The less severe heating seen during the actual Artemis I reentry slowed down the process of char formation, while still creating gases in the char layer. Gas pressure built up to the point of cracking the Avcoat and releasing parts of the charred layer. Recent enhancements to the arc jet facility have enabled a more accurate reproduction of the Artemis I measured flight environments, so that this cracking behavior could be demonstrated in ground testing.

While Artemis I was uncrewed, flight data showed that had crew been aboard, they would have been safe. The temperature data from the crew module systems inside the cabin were also well within limits and holding steady in the mid-70s Fahrenheit. Thermal performance of the heat shield exceeded expectations.

Engineers understand both the material phenomenon and the environment the materials interact with during entry. By changing the material or the environment, they can predict how the spacecraft will respond. NASA teams unanimously agreed the agency can develop acceptable flight rationale that will keep crew safe using the current Artemis II heat shield with operational changes to entry.

NASA’s Investigation Process

Soon after NASA engineers discovered the condition on the Artemis I heat shield, the agency began an extensive investigation process, which included a multi-disciplinary team of experts in thermal protection systems, aerothermodynamics, thermal testing and analysis, stress analysis, material test and analysis, and many other related technical areas. NASA’s Engineering and Safety Center was also engaged to provide technical expertise including nondestructive evaluation, thermal and structural analysis, fault tree analysis, and other testing support.

“We took our heat shield investigation process extremely seriously with crew safety as the driving force behind the investigation,” said Howard Hu, manager, Orion Program, NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. “The process was extensive. We gave the team the time needed to investigate every possible cause, and they worked tirelessly to ensure we understood the phenomenon and the necessary steps to mitigate this issue for future missions.”

The Artemis I heat shield was heavily instrumented for flight with pressure sensors, strain gauges, and thermocouples at varying ablative material depths. Data from these instruments augmented analysis of physical samples, allowing the team to validate computer models, create environmental reconstructions, provide internal temperature profiles, and give insight into the timing of the char loss.

Approximately 200 Avcoat samples were removed from the Artemis I heat shield at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama for analysis and inspection. The team performed non-destructive evaluation to “see” inside the heat shield.

One of the most important findings from examining these samples was that local areas of permeable Avcoat, which had been identified prior to the flight, did not experience cracking or char loss. Since these areas were permeable at the start of the entry, the gases produced by ablation were able to adequately vent, eliminating the pressure build up, cracking, and char loss. 

A test block of Avcoat undergoes heat pulse testing inside an arc jet test chamber at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California. The test article, configured with both permeable (upper) and non-permeable (lower) Avcoat sections for comparison, helped to confirm understanding of the root cause of the loss of charred Avcoat material that engineers saw on the Orion spacecraft after the Artemis I test flight beyond the Moon.
Credit: NASA

Engineers performed eight separate post-flight thermal test campaigns to support the root cause analysis, completing 121 individual tests. These tests took place in facilities with unique capabilities across the country, including the Aerodynamic Heating Facility at the Arc-Jet Complex at Ames to test convective heating profiles with various test gases; the Laser Hardened Materials Evaluation Laboratory at Wright‐Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio to test radiative heating profiles and provide real-time radiography; as well as the Interaction Heating Facility at Ames to test combined convective and radiative heating profiles in the air at full-block scale.

Aerothermal experts also completed two hypersonic wind tunnel test campaigns at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Virginia and CUBRC aerodynamic test facilities in Buffalo, New York, to test a variety of char loss configurations and enhance and validate analytical models. Permeability testing was also performed at Kratos in Alabama, the University of Kentucky, and Ames to help further characterize the Avcoat’s elemental volume and porosity. The Advanced Light Source test facility, a U.S. Department of Energy scientific user facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, was also used by engineers to examine the heating behavior of the Avcoat at a microstructure level.

In the spring of 2024, NASA stood up an independent review team to conduct an extensive review of the agency’s investigation process, findings, and results. The independent review was led by Paul Hill, a former NASA leader who served as the lead space shuttle flight director for Return to Flight after the Columbia accident, led NASA’s Mission Operations Directorate, and is a current member of the agency’s Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel. The review occurred over a three-month period to assess the heat shield’s post-flight condition, entry environment data, ablator thermal response, and NASA’s investigation progress. The review team agreed with NASA’s findings on the technical cause of the physical behavior of the heat shield.

Heat Shield Advancements

Knowing that permeability of Avcoat is a key parameter to avoid or minimize char loss, NASA has the right information to assure crew safety and improve performance of future Artemis heat shields. Throughout its history, NASA has learned from each of its flights and incorporated improvements into hardware and operations. The data gathered throughout the Artemis I test flight has provided engineers with invaluable information to inform future designs and refinements. Lunar return flight performance data and a robust ground test qualification program improved after the Artemis I flight experience are supporting production enhancements for Orion’s heat shield. Future heat shields for Orion’s return from Artemis lunar landing missions are being produced to achieve uniformity and consistent permeability. The qualification program is currently being completed along with the production of more permeable Avcoat blocks at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans.

For more information about NASA’s Artemis campaign, visit:


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      Summary of the 2024 NASA LCLUC Science Team Meeting
      The 2024 NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change (LCLUC) Science Team Meeting (STM) took place from April 2–4, 2024 at the Marriott Washingtonian Center in Gaithersburg, MD. During the meeting, 75 people attended in-person. Represented among the attendees were LCLUC project investigators and collaborators, NASA Headquarters (HQ) program managers, and university researchers and students – see Photo.
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      The ARID Experiment
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      Figure 1. The Adaptation and Response in Drylands (ARID) experiment focuses on studying the characteristics of dryland ecosystems, e.g., water availability, land–atmosphere interactions, climate variability, carbon stocks, and land management. While the experiment is global in scope, it has a focus on the Western U.S., with numerous site locations across the desert Southwest and some in the Pacific Northwest. Figure credit: Andrew Feldman (NASA/UMD) SARI Update and Related Projects
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      David Skole [Michigan State University (MSU)] leads the SARI synthesis project that spans South Asian countries, with an emphasis on tree-based systems, particularly Trees Outside Forests (TOF). The primary objective is to synthesize existing research to better understand the patterns, drivers, and impacts of TOF on carbon emissions and removals and their role in supporting rural livelihoods. This research is crucial for informing climate change policy, particularly in the context of nature-based solutions and pathways to achieve net-zero emissions. The project combines empirical data with process-based research and policy models to support the development of sustainable landscapes. By integrating biophysical and socioeconomic data, the project team members aim to provide robust, evidence-based contributions to climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, ultimately guiding regional policy decisions.
      Son Nghiem [NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory] discussed the interrelated dynamics of LCLUC and demographic changes in Southeast Asia under various developmental pressures and climate change. Nghiem explained that the study explores how these factors interact along the rural-to-urban continuum across regions in Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Laos), Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and parts of Indonesia. In rapidly urbanizing and agriculturally transitioning areas, physical and human feedback processes are becoming non-stationary, leading to unpredictable impacts that challenge traditional policymaking. The study aims to capture both physical patterns (e.g., land-use) and human (socioeconomic) fabrics, integrating these within a framework to assess whether the statistical properties of the time series measured during this study remain constant or change with time.
      Peilei Fan [Tufts University] presented the project, “Decoding Land Transitions Across the Urban-Rural Continuums (URC): A Synthesis Study of Patterns, Drivers, and Socio-Environmental Impacts in Southeast Asia.” The project aims to synthesize knowledge through an interdisciplinary approach. It focuses on URCs in 19 cities across eight Southeast Asian countries. It investigates how global urban hierarchies, URC connectivity, and local policies influence land-use change and related ecosystem impacts. By integrating remote-sensing data with climate and ecological models and socioeconomic analysis, the project seeks to advance theoretical understanding of land transitions and provide valuable insights for both scientific research and policymaking.
      Poster sessions
      Following the presentations, participants gave lightning talks linked to 17 posters, which highlighted recent results from ongoing LCLUC projects and LCLUC-related research from the Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) and the Inter-Disciplinary Research in Earth Science (IDS) programs. A reception followed. PDF versions of the posters can be accessed on the meeting website.
      DAY TWO
      The second day of the meeting continued with additional presentations from the LCLUC ROSES 2022 projects and updates from international programs. In addition, the attendees listened to presentations from NASA HQ and NASA Centers, describing various initiatives and data products, such as from the Socio-Economic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC).
      Updates from LCLUC PIs on ROSES 2022 Proposal Selections (cont.)
      Cascade Tuholske [Montana State University] presented “Modulation of Climate Risks Due to Urban and Agricultural Land Uses in the Arabian Peninsula.” Tuholske explained how this project aims to map LCLUC, assess the effects on extreme humid heat, and characterize the socio-demographics of exposure to heat stress – see Figure 2. Key findings include evidence of a rapid increase in dangerously hot and humid weather – particularly in urban and agricultural areas – and the importance of remote sensing in studying these interactions. Future steps will involve using climate models to predict the effects of LCLUC on heat waves, water stress, and dust storms.
      Figure 2. The Ghana Climate Hazards Center Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) Phase 6 climate projection dataset map of temperatures exceeding 41 °C (106 °F) [left], future climate projection (SSP) for 2050 [middle], and the difference between the two [right]. Figure credit: From a 2024 paper in the journal Scientific Data Monika Tomaszewska [MSU] provided details on the project, “Institutional Forcings on Agricultural Landscapes in Post-Socialist Europe: Diachronic Hotspot Analysis of Common Agricultural Policy Influences on Agricultural Land Use in Romania 2002–2024.” She explained that the project focuses on how the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) programs (e.g., livelihood payments, environmental protections, and rural development projects) have influenced land use changes – see Figure 3. Tomaszewska summarized key findings from the study, which indicates significant changes in crop composition and spatial patterns – with notable decreases in maize and rapeseed areas between 2018 and 2023. She stated that the study aims to understand the diffusion of innovation through CAP enrollments and payments and their impact on agricultural practices in Romania.
      Figure 3. Dense time series of Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) data at 30-m (98-ft) resolution revealing winter and summer crops across Southern Romania in 2018 [top] and 2023 [bottom]. Magenta areas indicate forests, green areas represent summer crops (e.g., maize, sunflower, soy), and blue areas show winter crops (e.g., wheat, barley, rapeseed). Yellow areas indicate very low spring Enhanced Vegetative Index-2 due to snow or persistent clouds at higher elevations. Figure credit: Geoff Henebry (MSU) Xiao-Peng Song [UMD] presented “Energy LCLUC Hotspot: Characterizing the Dynamics of Energy Land Use and Assessing Environmental Impacts in the Permian Basin.” He said that the project aims to assess the environmental impacts of energy-related land-cover and land-use change in the region. Song showed the output from the project, which includes high-resolution LCLUC and geohazard maps that enhance understanding of energy-related environmental impacts and contribute to NASA’s LCLUC program. Results from this study are expected to inform decision makers on societal issues related to oil and gas production and its effects on the environment.
      International Partner Program Updates
      The International Partners Programs session featured four presentations. Ariane DeBremond [UMD] focused on the Global Land Programme (GLP), which is a comprehensive, global initiative dedicated to understanding and addressing changes in land systems and their implications for sustainability and justice. DeBremond described the program, which coordinates research on land use, land management, and land cover changes,. She emphasized land systems as social-ecological systems and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to develop solutions for global challenges. The research agenda includes descriptive, normative, and transformative aspects, aimed at characterizing land systems, identifying causes and impacts of changes, and creating pathways for sustainability transformations. GLP also emphasizes the need for new remote-sensing data, improved generalizability, and addressing geographic biases in land system science. Recent program activities include developing a new science plan, identifying emerging themes, and organizing open science meetings. DeBremond ended by announcing that the next GLP meeting is scheduled for November 2024 in Oaxaca, Mexico.
      David Skole outlined the efforts of the Global Observations of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC–GOLD) Land Implementation Team (LC–IT) in advancing methods and tools for global land cover measurements and monitoring. The LC–IT is primarily focused on developing and evaluating space-borne and in-situ observation techniques to support global change research, forest inventories, and international policy. Skole highlighted the importance of regional networks in coordinating the use of Earth Observation (EO) data, facilitating capacity building, and addressing regional concerns through workshops and partnerships. He also discussed the changing role of EO in responding to climate change and sustainability challenges, emphasizing the need for high-integrity carbon finance and the integration of new data and technologies to support nature-based solutions. He concluded with insights into the BeZero Carbon Rating system, which evaluates carbon efficacy across various projects worldwide and highlights the need for reliable ratings to ensure the credibility of carbon markets.
      David Roy [MSU] detailed the work of the GOFC-GOLD Fire Implementation Team, which focuses on improving the accuracy and utility of satellite-based fire monitoring. The team is working to enhance global fire observation requirements, particularly for small fires and those with low Fire Radiative Power, which are often underrepresented in current datasets. Roy emphasized the need for continuous development and validation of satellite-derived fire products, including a robust quality assurance framework. The team advocates for standardized methods to validate fire data and harmonize information from various satellite missions to create a more comprehensive global fire record. Roy also highlighted the need for new satellite missions with advanced fire detection capabilities and the use of machine learning to improve fire modeling and data accessibility to provide more accurate and actionable data for global change research and fire management.
      Alexandra Tyukavina [UMD] presented on Land Product Validation (LPV) subgroup of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV). The LPV is focused on updating land cover validation guidelines, incorporating new literature and data from the past 20 years. Tyukavina emphasized the need for rigorous accuracy assessment in land cover studies, highlighting the need to improve methods and reporting as well as accuracy. She also discussed the outcomes of a NASA-sponsored joint cropland validation workshop co-hosted by CEOS and GEOGLAM, which aimed to set minimum requirements for cropland validation and develop community guidelines. Tyukavina concluded her presentation with a call for reviewers to assist in updating these guidelines.
      LCLUC Program Crosswalks
      The Crosswalks, a LCLUC program, featured six presentations. Frederick Policelli [GSFC] presented on the CSDA program, which supports the ESD by acquiring and utilizing commercial, small-satellite data to enhance Earth science research. Launched as a pilot in November 2017, the program became a sustained effort in 2020, transitioning from Blanket Purchase Agreements to Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity contracts for better data management. The CSDA also introduced a tiered End User License Agreement for data usage and focuses on long-term data preservation and broad access. Policelli described how program participants collaborate with U.S. government agencies and international partners, adhering to the 2003 U.S. Commercial Remote Sensing Policy. He discussed recent developments, which include onboarding new commercial data vendors and expanding the program’s capabilities.
      Jacqueline Le Moigne [ESTO] provided details on NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office’s (ESTO), Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) program and its development of Earth System Digital Twins (ESDT). She explained that ESDTs are intended to be dynamic, interactive systems that replicate the Earth’s past and current states, forecast future states, and assess hypothetical scenarios. They should integrate continuous data from diverse sources, utilize advanced computational and visualization capabilities, and rely heavily on machine learning for data fusion, super-resolution, and causal reasoning. Le Moigne added that ESDTs enhance our understanding of Earth systems, their interactions, and applications, particularly in the context of climate change. She highlighted various use cases (e.g., wildfires, ocean carbon processes, the water cycle, and coastal zones) demonstrating the potential of ESDTs to support decision-making and policy planning.
      Roger Pielke [University of Colorado, Boulder] discussed the critical need to incorporate land-use data into weather forecasts and climate models to improve understanding of and address climate change. He emphasized the distinction between weather and climate, explaining that climate is dynamic and influenced by both natural and human factors. Pielke critiqued the focus of the approach of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions as the primary driver of climate change, arguing that LCLUC should be considered as an equally important climate forcing. He illustrated how changes in land cover, such as in Florida and the Great Plains, can significantly impact local and regional climate, sometimes rivaling the effects of CO2. Pielke called for integrating land-use data into climate models across all scales, suggesting that NASA’s programs could lead in this effort to enhance climate forecasting and policymaking.
      Brad Doorn [NASA HQ—Program Manager, NASA’s Earth Action Agriculture Program] presented an overview of the program’s status and strategic direction. He emphasized the importance of partnerships, particularly with the USDA, in advancing initiatives like Climate Smart Agriculture. NASA’s role in global food security and supply chain monitoring was highlighted through the activities of NASA’s Harvest and Acres, agriculture and food security consortia, both of which enable collaborative research to codevelop data-driven products and services and enhance predictive models to meet end-user needs. Doorn stressed the need for strong collaborations with the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and other space agencies to accelerate the development of agricultural solutions. He also highlighted the significance of integrating NASA’s capabilities in weather, water, and crop monitoring systems to provide comprehensive tools for stakeholders. Doorn explained that the program aims to bridge gaps between NASA’s observations and practical applications in agriculture, leveraging tools, such as the Global Crop Monitor, and integrating predictive capabilities for improved future planning.   
      Rachel Paseka [NASA HQ] presented on NASA’s open science funding opportunities with a focus on the ROSES F.7 element, which supports widely used open-source software tools, frameworks, and libraries within the NASA science community. She described the program, which offers two types of awards: Foundational Awards for projects that impact multiple divisions and Sustainment Awards for those affecting one or more divisions of the Science Mission Directorate. Foundational Awards are cooperative agreements lasting up to five years. Sustainment Awards can be grants or cooperative agreements lasting up to three years. Paseka also emphasized the importance of open science, highlighting various tools, data challenges, and collaborative efforts, including artificial intelligence (AI) models for tasks (e.g., flood detection and burn scar mapping). She concluded with an introduction of the Science Explorer (SciX) digital library and the Science Discovery Engine, both of which facilitate access to NASA’s open science data and research.
      Alex de Sherbinin [SocioEconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC), Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University] provided an overview of datasets and research related to climate risk, social vulnerability, and environmental change. de Sherbinin outlined the SocioEconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) mission areas, which include population land-use and emissions, mitigation, vulnerability and adaptation, hazard vulnerability assessment, poverty and food security, and environment and sustainable development. He highlighted key SEDAC datasets (e.g., LCLUC and Urban and Settlements Datasets) and their use in analyses. SEDAC data and services are accessible via tools, such as Global Forest Watch and Google Earth Engine. de Sherbinin also covered recent research citations, the impact of studies on biodiversity and urban changes, and SEDAC’s contributions to open science and training initiatives. He also emphasized the importance of integrating remote sensing data with social and health sciences for comprehensive environmental analysis.
      The third day of the meeting focused on satellite missions and data product updates and a LCLUC program feedback session on emerging science directions.
      Landsat Mission Updates
      Chris Neigh [GSFC—Landsat 9 Project Scientist] provided an overview of the status of the current Landsat missions that are in orbit (L7, L8, and L9]. He reported that all L9 Level-1 requirements have now been met and exceeded. OLI-2, the updated sensor for L9, transmits data at 14 bits compared to the L8 12-bit transmission, allowing for finer data resolution. OLI-2 offers a 25–30% improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio for dark targets, leading to enhanced data quality. The Thermal Infrared Sensor on L9 (TIRS-2) has also been improved over TIRS on L7 and L8, to mitigate stray light issues, enhancing the reliability of thermal data. Additionally, OLI-2 supports better atmospheric corrections through split window techniques using both of its channels. With two operational observatories, L8 and L9, equipped with advanced radiometry, data is provided every eight days, ensuring consistent and precise Earth observation capabilities. The radiometric and geometric performance of L9 is excellent from a Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) perspective.
      While all systems are nominal for L8 and L9, Neigh reported that L7 is nearing the end of its operational life. He stated that the Landsat Cal/Val team will continue its work for the duration of the mission as a joint USGS–NASA effort. He also highlighted the need for a global Analysis Ready Data framework and the development of proxy and simulated datasets to support the next generation of Landsat missions. Neigh ended by reporting that opportunities exist for scientists to share their high-profile, Landsat-based research through the program’s communications team.
      Bruce Cook [GSFC—Landsat Next Project Scientist] provided an update on the Landsat Next mission, an ambitious extension of the Landsat Program under the Sustainable Land Imaging (SLI) program, which will be a joint effort by NASA and the USGS. Cook explained that this mission aims to greatly enhance Earth observation by launching three identical satellites, each equipped with advanced Visible Shortwave Infrared (VSWIR) and Thermal Infrared (TIR) instruments. He described how the Landsat Next constellation will improve the temporal revisit time to six days – a major advancement from the 16-day interval of L8 and L9. In order to achieve this revisit time improvement, each satellite will carry a Landsat Next Instrument Suite (LandIS) that will capture 21 VSWIR and five thermal infrared bands, which will have better spatial resolutions compared to previous Landsat missions. It will have ground sample distances of 10–20 m (33–66 ft) for visible, near infrared, and shortwave infrared bands and 60 m (197 ft) for atmospheric visible SWIR and thermal infrared bands.
      Cook continued with details on LandIS, stating that Landsat Next will record 26 bands in total – 15 more than the currently active L8 and L9 missions. The LandIS will include refined versions of the 11 Landsat “heritage” bands to ensure continuity, five new bands similar to the ESA’s Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission for improved data integration, and 10 new spectral bands to meet evolving user needs and applications. Additionally, Landsat Next will have a water vapor band for atmospheric correction without needing data from other satellites. LandIS will collect all bands nearly simultaneously, reducing illumination variations between bands and aiding in cloud detection and the generation of multispectral surface reflectance and thermal emission products (e.g., evapotranspiration).
      Cook said that Landsat Next is in Phase A of its mission life cycle. The current focus is on defining science requirements and converting them into specific hardware and system designs. He said that this phase is crucial for setting up the subsequent phases. Phase B will involve preliminary design and technology completion, and later phases leading to the final design, fabrication, and launch of the satellites. He ended by emphasizing that the introduction of a new reference system and a lower orbit will further enhance the satellites’ ability to capture high-quality data, leading to a significant advancement in Earth observation technology.
      Harmonized Landsat–Sentinel Project Update
      Junchang Ju [GSFC] discussed the Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) project, which aims to integrate data from the L8, L9, Sentinel-2A, and Sentinel-2B satellites for more frequent and detailed Earth observations. Currently the MODIS climate modeling grid data is used for atmospheric correction – see Figure 4. The newer HLS version will use VIIRS-based water vapor and ozone fields instead of MODIS data for atmospheric correction using the land surface reflectance code. Ju explained how HLS adopts the Military Grid Reference System used by Sentinel-2. HLS V2.0 corrects a mistake in view angle normalization of earlier versions (V1.3 and V1.4). Atmospherically corrected data from Hyperion (an instrument on NASA’s Earth Observing–1 extended mission) is used to make bandpass adjustments. A temporally complete global HLS V2.0 dataset has been available since August 2023. He also highlighted the availability and access of HLS data through various platforms – e.g., EarthData and WorldView, in Amazon Web Services and the project’s future plans, such as enhancing vegetation indices, cloud mask improvements, and 10-m (33-ft) improved resolution product.
      Figure 4. Sentinel-2B image over the Baltimore-Washington area on April 7, 2022 [left]. Example true color images of top of atmospheric reflectance and the corresponding HLS surface reflectance are shown [right]. The atmospheric ancillary data used in the surface reflectance derivation was from the MODIS Climate Modeling Grid (CMG) data before the transition to VIIRS was implemented. Figure Credit: Junchang Ju (GSFC) NISAR Update
      Gerald Bawden [NASA HQ—NISAR Program Scientist] delivered a presentation about the NISAR mission, which is a collaborative effort between NASA and the ISRO. He explained that NISAR will be a dual-frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite using 24-cm (9-in) L-band and 10-cm (4-in) S-band radar frequencies. This dual-frequency approach will enable high-resolution imaging of Earth’s surface, offering near-global land and ice coverage with a 12-day repeat cycle for interferometry and approximately 6-day coverage using both ascending and descending orbits. The mission’s goals include providing valuable data to understand and manage climate variability, carbon dynamics, and catastrophic events (e.g., earthquakes). Specific applications include monitoring deformation, measuring ice sheet velocities, observing sea-ice deformation, and assessing biomass and crop disturbances. Bawden discussed NISAR’s data products, which will include raw radar data (Level-0) and geocoded single-look complex images and multi-look interferograms (Level-2). He stated that these data products will be crucial for various research and practical applications, including ecological forecasting, wildfire management, resource management, and disaster response. NISAR’s data will be openly accessible to the global scientific community through the Alaska Satellite Facility Data Active Archive Center. Initially planned for early 2024, the NISAR launch has been delayed to 2025. Bawden reported that NISAR will undergo a three-month commissioning phase after launch – before starting science operations. He also emphasized NASA’s commitment to open science, with NISAR’s data processing software and algorithms being made available as open-source tools, accompanied by training resources to facilitate their use.
      Land Surface Disturbance Alert Classification System Update
      Matthew Hansen [UMD] focused on the Land Surface Disturbance Alert (DIST-ALERT) classification system, designed for near-real-time global vegetation extent and loss mapping. He described the DIST-ALERT system, which uses HLS data, combining inputs from L8, L9, Sentinel-2A, and -2B to achieve a high-revisit rate of approximately 2–3 days at a 30-m (98-ft) resolution. DIST-ALERT operates with a primary algorithm that tracks vegetation loss through time-series analysis of fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and a secondary algorithm that detects general spectral anomalies. The system integrates drone data from various biomes to build a k-nearest neighbors model that is applied globally to predict FVC at the HLS-pixel scale. Hansen explained that DIST-ALERT monitors disturbances by comparing current vegetation fraction against a seasonal baseline, capturing changes such as forest fires, logging, mining, urban expansion, drought, and land conversion. He concluded by highlighting some case studies, including analysis of forest fires in Quebec, Canada, logging in the Republic of Congo, and gold mining in Ghana. He also said that the team released an improved version (V1) in March 2024, following a provisional release (V0) that was operational from February 2023 to February 2024.
      State of LCLUC Report
      Chris Justice [UMD—LCLUC Program Scientist] provided comments on the current state of the LCLUC program, followed by an open discussion to gather feedback. He emphasized the need for PI’s to effectively communicate their work to the broader community and highlighted the recent LCLUC initiative to create policy-oriented briefs based on research results, demonstrating its relevance to the Earth Science to Action Strategy. Justice acknowledged that challenges lie ahead for the LCLUC program – particularly considering the anticipated resource constraints in the coming year. He noted that the program plans to strengthen its position by forming partnerships with other ESD program elements and increasing involvement across NASA Centers. The program is also emphasizing the use of advanced remote sensing technologies, AI, and deep-learning data analytics, to deliver more precise and actionable insights into land dynamics contributing to better decision-making and policy development in land management and environmental conservation.
      Justice also suggested the need for better integration between different scientific fields (i.e., between LCLUC and climatology, climate mitigation, and adaptation) to enhance interdisciplinary research and collaboration. He cited the current program solicitation (e.g., ROSES 2024 A.2) as an example of this integration and the recent IDS solicitation in ROSES 2022 A.28. Justice reminded participants that the solicitation focuses on collaborating with AIST to develop Land Digital Twins that incorporate available remote sensing data time series as non-static boundary conditions in weather forecast and climate models. Improvements in model forecasts and climate simulations will highlight the importance of accounting for LCLUC in these models – advancing the goals of the IPCC.
      Garik Gutman concluded the meeting by summarizing key points raised about data management strategies, educational outreach efforts, LCLUC research outside the U.S., and current and upcoming projects. He highlighted that the program requires PIs to provide metadata for data products generated under NASA-funded projects, ensuring these resources are freely and openly accessible to the scientific community. Gutman acknowledged the challenges of conducting research and fieldwork in foreign countries due to funding and, at times, security issues, but praised the PIs for their efforts to expand the program globally. He also noted the program’s outreach efforts, which include engaging PIs, collaborators, and interested parties through its website, newsletters, webinars, and policy briefs. LCLUC emphasizes the importance of effectively communicating research results and encourages researchers to share their findings via NASA’s Earth Sciences Research Results Portal to enhance visibility among leadership and communication teams.
      Gutman ended his presentation by providing details about forthcoming meetings in the Philippines, South Korea, and Turkey, as well as workshops scheduled for 2024, which will involve various stakeholders in the LCLUC community and are vital for fostering collaboration and advancing the program’s goals. He concluded by recognizing the contributions of long-term supporters and collaborators, reaffirming the program’s ongoing commitment to advancing Earth observation and land-use science.
      Overall, the 2024 LCLUC meeting was highly successful in fostering collaboration among researchers and providing valuable updates on recent developments in LCLUC research. The exchange of ideas, integration of new data products, and discussions on emerging science directions were particularly impactful, contributing to the advancement of the LCLUC program’s goals.
      Krishna Vadrevu
      NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
      Meghavi Prashnani
      University of Maryland, College Park
      Christopher Justice
      University of Maryland, College Park
      Garik Gutman
      NASA Headquarters

      Last Updated Jan 09, 2025 Related Terms
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    • By NASA
      3 min read
      Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
      NASA/Lori Losey What do the X-15 and the space shuttles have in common? Information from the rocket plane and the spacecraft, as well as many experimental aircraft, were tracked from a pedestal and telemetry dish during key eras in flight history at or near NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California.
      When the NASA facility’s administration Building 4800 was built in the 1950s, the infrastructure was included to anchor the rooftop pedestal and dish as the primary way to gather data from aircraft during flights. It was retired in 2015, but a recent roofing project enabled relocation of the artifact to a new place of honor for its support of many experimental aircraft such as the lifting body aircraft, the reverse swept wing X-29, and the highly maneuverable X-31.
      “Gathering telemetry data from aircraft on missions is at the core of what we do. Close proximity to the back ramp was one of the big advantages of having the telemetry antenna on the roof in the early days,” said Bob Guere, NASA Armstrong Range Operations chief, referring to the area where aircraft taxi from the hangar to the flightline. “You were able to support ground tests and check airplanes before they taxied without having to use telemetry antennas positioned further away.”
      A cable is secured on a rooftop pedestal located on Building 4800 at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, on Oct. 4, 2024. The pedestal, which was prepared for a helicopter lift to remove it from the roof, was used since the 1950s until 2015 to enable different telemetry dishes to collect data from research aircraft.NASA/Carla Thomas The rooftop pedestal was key in the early days of the center and its refurbishment in 2003 restored its value. The transformation also included certification to meet Space Shuttle Program landing requirements.
      “When a space shuttle deorbited from space it was coming over the top of Edwards,” Guere said. “Telemetry antennas on the hill near NASA Armstrong looked down and with dirt and concrete in the background there were reflections. The rooftop antenna was closer to ground level and looked up as the orbiter was coming in for a landing. It provided an excellent link for shuttle landings.”
      The pedestal and dish were not removed when it was decommissioned because of the cost. Now, it’s economical to use a helicopter to remove the pedestal from the roof compared to other options as part of a major project focusing primarily on re-roofing Building 4800. The helicopter lift of the pedestal took a month to plan, plus time to obtain airspace operation and landing permits from the Air Force for the removal project, said Bryan Watters, NASA Armstrong roof project manager.
      A helicopter is positioned to remove a rooftop pedestal from Building 4800 at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, on Oct. 4, 2024. The pedestal was used since the 1950s to 2015 to house different telemetry dishes to collect data from research aircraft.NASA/Carla Thomas The pedestal and riser measured 16 feet tall above the rooftop and housed an assembly for the 12-foot dish to rotate. The pedestal and dish together weight about 2,500 pounds and were removed separately. Crews checked the eight bolts anchoring the pedestal and dish to infrastructure on the roof prior to the arrival of a helicopter Oct. 3 before the helicopter arrived.
      The following day, after additional briefings, the helicopter was positioned over Building 4800 and a cable was lowered and attached to the pedestal. Once secured, the helicopter slowly gained altitude and took its passenger to the south side of the building. There it was released from the cable and taken to a nearby warehouse for storage. Roofers demolished the steel platform on which the pedestal was located to prepare the area for new roofing materials.
      Officials have not determined where the pedestal will be displayed. There are several options to place the pedestal and dish by the famous retired research aircraft on display near the entrance of NASA Armstrong.
      A pedestal carried by a helicopter is positioned for a gentle placement on the ground. The helicopter removed the pedestal from the rooftop of Building 4800 at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, on Oct. 4, 2024. The pedestal was used since the 1950s to 2015 to house different telemetry dishes to collect data from research aircraft.NASA/Carla Thomas A rooftop pedestal and telemetry dish gathered information from research aircraft at Building 4800 at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. The pedestal was used since the 1950s to 2015 to house different dishes to collect data from research aircraft. On Oct. 4, 2024, a helicopter was used to remove the pedestal from the roof.NASA/Jim Ross Share
      Last Updated Jan 08, 2025 EditorDede DiniusContactJay Levinejay.levine-1@nasa.govLocationArmstrong Flight Research Center Related Terms
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      Kennedy Space Center Director and charter members of the Florida University Space Research Consortium signed a memorandum of understanding on Jan. 8, 2025. From left: Jennifer Kunz, Associate Director, Technical, Kennedy Space Center; Kelvin Manning, Deputy Director, Kennedy Space Center; Dr. Kent Fuchs, Interim President, University of Florida; Janet Petro, Director, Kennedy Space Center; Jeanette Nuñez, Florida Lieutenant Governor; Dr. Alexander Cartwright, President, University of Central Florida; Dr. Barry Butler, President, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. NASA/Kim Shiflett The future of research and technology at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida is expanding Wednesday, as Kennedy’s center director and charter members in the Florida University Space Research Consortium signed a memorandum of understanding in research and development to assist with missions and contribute to NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration approach.
      Officials from the consortium – designated in 2024 as the state’s official space research entity – NASA leaders, and guests participated in the signing ceremony held at Kennedy, marking a critical milestone in a partnership to advance research, technology development, education, and communication between the spaceport and the state’s growing space industry.
      “Through this agreement, NASA will benefit in new and exciting ways from our longtime partnership with the universities that make Florida shine,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “As we move deeper into this golden era of space exploration, a new generation of thinkers and leaders will lead the way – thinkers and leaders like the researchers, faculty, and students of the Artemis Generation, whom we are pleased to work with through the consortium.”
      The creation of the consortium was the result of more than a year of effort by leaders at Kennedy, the University of Florida, the University of Central Florida, and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The agreement highlights the partnership and serves as the official start to partnering activities, with Florida now the only state with a university consortium affiliated with one of NASA’s centers.
      Present at the event was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. “It was great to visit the Space Coast Jan. 8 to announce the Florida University Space Research Consortium—our state’s official space research entity. Home to a thriving aerospace industry and world-class higher education institutions, Florida is the ideal place to launch this initiative. We are primed to lead the nation in developing a blueprint for state-space partnerships into the future.”
      The mission of the consortium is to foster a symbiotic relationship between NASA Kennedy and Florida’s universities to drive innovation in space exploration, research, and technology through academic collaboration, joint projects, and workforce development.
      “The launch of the Florida University Space Research Consortium is a significant milestone for our state’s aerospace sector, bringing together our world-class education system with cutting edge research and development,” said Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez. “This consortium will undoubtedly further strengthen and deepen Florida’s position as the leader in the global aerospace economy.”
      The memorandum of understanding marks the dawn of a new era of cooperation between the Florida spaceport and the state’s university system, starting with the three charter universities with plans to expand to other state universities interested in participating. The push to enhance research and technological collaboration with universities has been a priority at NASA for years and has seen success at other NASA centers across the country.
      While Kennedy becomes the first NASA center affiliated with a university consortium, recently NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley partnered with University of California, Berkeley, on development of the Berkeley Space Center at NASA Research Park, located at Ames. Still in development, the project is envisioned as a 36-acre discovery and innovation hub to include educational spaces, labs, offices, student housing, and a new conference center. More recently, NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston teamed up with Texas A&M University to break ground on a building that will become a testing laboratory for apparatuses in development for NASA’s Moon to Mars plans. In attendance for the groundbreaking was Kennedy Space Center Director Janet Petro, who was one of the signatories on the agreement.
      NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Director Janet Petro signs a memorandum of understanding between Kennedy Space Center and the Florida University Space Research Consortium on Jan. 8, 2025. NASA/Kim Shiflett “This agreement is a shining example of what it looks like when we link arms and create a space for the whole to be greater than all our parts,” said Petro. “This symbiotic partnership makes way for collaborative research opportunities and increased exposure to advanced technology, significantly enhancing NASA’s research output in fields such as aerospace engineering, materials science, robotics, and environmental science, all of which are necessary for long-term human exploration as we learn to live and work deeper into space than ever before.”
      For more information about NASA Kennedy, visit:
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    • By NASA
      3 min read
      Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
      The Radiation Tolerant Computer, or RadPC, payload undergoes final checkout at Montana State University in Bozeman, which leads the payload project. RadPC is one of 10 NASA payloads set to fly aboard the next delivery for NASA’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative in 2025. RadPC prototypes previously were tested aboard the International Space Station and Earth-orbiting satellites, but the technology demonstrator will undergo its biggest trial in transit to the Moon – passing through the Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts – and during its roughly two-week mission on the lunar surface. Photo courtesy Firefly Aerospace Onboard computers are critical to space exploration, aiding nearly every spacecraft function from propulsion and navigation systems to life support technology, science data retrieval and analysis, communications, and reentry.
      But computers in space are susceptible to ionizing solar and cosmic radiation. Just one high-energy particle can trigger a so-called “single event effect,” causing minor data errors that lead to cascading malfunctions, system crashes, and permanent damage. NASA has long sought cost-effective solutions to mitigate radiation effects on computers to ensure mission safety and success.
      Enter the Radiation Tolerant Computer (RadPC) technology demonstration, one of 10 NASA payloads set to fly aboard the next lunar delivery for the agency’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative. RadPC will be carried to the Moon’s surface by Firefly Aerospace’s Blue Ghost 1 lunar lander.
      Developed by researchers at Montana State University in Bozeman, RadPC aims to demonstrate computer recovery from faults caused by single event effects of ionizing radiation. The computer is designed to gauge its own real-time state of health by employing redundant processors implemented on off-the-shelf integrated circuits called field programmable gate arrays. These tile-like logic blocks are capable of being easily replaced following a confirmed ionizing particle strike. In the event of a radiation strike, RadPC’s patented recovery procedures can identify the location of the fault and repair the issue in the background.
      As an added science benefit, RadPC carries three dosimeters to measure varying levels of radiation in the lunar environment with each tuned to different sensitivity levels. These dosimeters will continuously measure the interaction between Earth’s magnetosphere and the solar wind during its journey to the Moon. It will also provide detailed radiation information about Blue Ghost’s lunar landing site at Mare Crisium, which could help to safeguard future Artemis astronauts.
      “This is RadPC’s first mission out into the wild, so to speak,” said Dennis Harris, who manages the payload for the CLPS initiative at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. “The RadPC CLPS payload is an exciting opportunity to verify a radiation-tolerant computer option that could make future Moon to Mars missions safer and more cost-effective.”
      Under the CLPS model, NASA is investing in commercial delivery services to the Moon to enable industry growth and support long-term lunar exploration. As a primary customer for CLPS deliveries, NASA aims to be one of many customers on future flights. Marshall manages the development of seven of the 10 CLPS payloads carried on Firefly’s Blue Ghost lunar lander.
      Learn more about. CLPS and Artemis at:
      Alise Fisher
      Headquarters, Washington
      Headquarters, Washington
      Corinne Beckinger 
      Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. 
      Last Updated Jan 08, 2025 EditorBeth RidgewayContactCorinne M. Beckingercorinne.m.beckinger@nasa.govLocationMarshall Space Flight Center Related Terms
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      Inside of the Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, an electrodynamic dust shield (EDS) is in view on Jan. 18, 2023. The dust shield is one of the payloads that will fly aboard Firefly Aerospace’s Blue Ghost lunar lander as part of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative. NASA/Cory Huston Defeating dust may be a small concern for most people on Earth, but for astronauts and spacecraft destined for the Moon or Mars, it is a significant hazard that must be mitigated. That’s why researchers at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida are seeking innovative ways to use the Electrodynamic Dust Shield (EDS) technology.  
      The EDS technology is headed to the Moon as part of the agency’s Artemis campaign. This innovative technology will be demonstrated on the lunar surface, where it will use electrical forces to lift and remove lunar regolith, or dirt, from various surfaces.
      This dust-mitigating technology is one of 10 payloads aboard the next lunar delivery through NASA’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative, set to launch from the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida Wednesday, Jan. 15, with Firefly Aerospace’s Blue Ghost Lander.
      Using transparent electrodes and electric fields, EDS technology can lift and remove dust from a variety of surfaces for space applications ranging from thermal radiators, solar panels, and camera lenses to spacesuits, boots, and helmet visors. Controlling and removing the charged dust will be critical to the success of Moon missions under the agency’s CLPS initiative and Artemis campaign.  
      “For these CLPS and Artemis missions, dust exposure is a concern because the lunar surface is far different than what we’re used to here,” said Dr. Charles Buhler, lead research scientist at the Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory at Kennedy. “Lunar regolith dust can get into gaskets and seals, into hatches, and even into habitats, which can pose a lot of issues for spacecraft and astronauts.”  
      Unlike dust particles on Earth, dust on the Moon’s surface is sharp and abrasive – like tiny shards of glass – because it hasn’t been exposed to weathering and elements like water and oxygen.  
      “Simply brushing lunar regolith across surfaces can make the problem worse because it’s also very electrostatically charged and highly insulating,” Buhler said.  
      Under the CLPS model, NASA is investing in commercial delivery services to the Moon to enable industry growth and support long-term lunar exploration. As a primary customer for CLPS deliveries, NASA aims to be one of many customers on future flights. EDS was funded by the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) Game Changing Development Program (GCD).
      Learn more about. CLPS and Artemis at https://www.nasa.gov/clps.
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