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NASA Named one of America’s Best Employers for Veterans 

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Group photo of NASA SkillBridge employees around an Astronaut suit at the JSC Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory.
NASA SkillBridge Veterans touring Johnson Space Center’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory.
Credit: NASA

NASA is one of America’s Best Employers for Veterans, according to Forbes and Statista. Statista surveyed more than 24,000 military veterans – having served in the United States Armed Forces – working for companies with a minimum of 1,000 employees. Veterans were asked to share opinions about their employer on factors such as working conditions, salary and pay, and topics of interest to the veteran community. 

This is the fourth consecutive year NASA has earned this recognition.  

“NASA has a long history of collaboration and commitment to the military community,” said Deborah Sweet, NASA Veterans Employment Program Manager. “In addition to the many military members who have been part of our Astronaut program, many of our civil servants are Veterans who chose to continue serving by supporting NASA’s mission after they hung up the uniform.” 

Across the agency, veterans deliver subject matter expertise, years of on-the-job training, and advanced skills in everything from information technology to transportation logistics and from supply-chain management to public relations. 

NASA continues to increase efforts to bring veterans into its ranks. The agency recently expanded its SkillBridge Fellowship Program which provides transitioning members a chance to gain valuable work experience while learning about NASA. 

Veterans who served on active duty and separated under honorable conditions may also be eligible for special hiring authorities such as veterans’ preference, as well as other veteran specific hiring options when applying for full time roles at NASA. 

For more information about the NASA SkillBridge Program, visit : https://www.nasa.gov/careers/skillbridge/ 

For more information about NASA hiring paths for Veterans and Military Spouses, visit: https://www.nasa.gov/careers/veterans-and-military-spouses/

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      Aunque los científicos han detectado previamente varias evaporitas en meteoritos que caen a la superficie de la Tierra, nunca han visto un conjunto completo de sales sedimentadas que conservara un proceso de evaporación que podría haber durado miles de años o más. Algunos minerales presentes en Bennu, como la trona, fueron descubiertos por primera vez en muestras extraterrestres.

      “Estos artículos científicos realmente se complementan para tratar de explicar cómo los ingredientes de la vida se unieron para hacer lo que vemos en este asteroide alterado acuosamente”, dijo McCoy.
      A pesar de todas las respuestas que ha proporcionado la muestra de Bennu, quedan varias preguntas. Muchos aminoácidos se pueden producir en dos versiones de imagen especular, como un par de manos izquierda y derecha. La vida en la Tierra produce casi exclusivamente la variedad levógira (que va hacia la izquierda, o en sentido antihorario), pero las muestras de Bennu contienen una mezcla igual de ambas. Esto significa que, en la Tierra primitiva, los aminoácidos también podrían haber comenzado en una mezcla de iguales proporciones. La razón por la que la vida “giró hacia la izquierda” en lugar de hacia la derecha sigue siendo un misterio.
      “OSIRIS-REx ha sido una misión muy exitosa”, dijo Jason Dworkin, científico que trabaja en el proyecto OSIRIS-REx desde el centro Goddard de NASA y es coautor principal del artículo de Nature Astronomy. “Los datos de OSIRIS-REx añaden grandes pinceladas a una imagen de un sistema solar rebosante de potencial para la vida. ¿Por qué nosotros, hasta ahora, solo vemos vida en la Tierra y no en otros lugares? Esa es la pregunta verdaderamente cautivante”.

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      Para obtener más información sobre la misión OSIRIS-REx, visita el sitio web (en inglés):
      María José Viñas /Karen Fox / Molly Wasser
      Headquarters, Washington
      maria-jose.vinasgarcia@nasa.gov / karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / molly.l.wasser@nasa.gov
      Rani Gran
      Centro de Vuelo Espacial Goddard, Greenbelt, Maryland
      Last Updated Jan 29, 2025 EditorJessica TaveauLocationNASA Headquarters Related Terms
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    • By NASA
      During the Artemis II mission to the Moon, NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman and Victor Glover will take control and manually fly Orion for the first time, evaluating the handling qualities of the spacecraft during a key test called the proximity operations demonstration. This is how to fly Orion.
      On NASA’s Artemis II test flight, the first crewed mission under the agency’s Artemis campaign, astronauts will take the controls of the Orion spacecraft and periodically fly it manually during the flight around the Moon and back. The mission provides the first opportunity to ensure the spacecraft operates as designed with humans aboard, ahead of future Artemis missions to the Moon’s surface.

      The first key piloting test, called the proximity operations demonstration, will take place after the four crew members — NASA’s Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, and Christina Koch, and CSA (Canadian Space Agency) astronaut Jeremy Hansen — are safely in space, about three hours into the mission. To evaluate the spacecraft’s manual handling qualities, the crew will pilot Orion to approach and back away from the detached upper stage of the SLS (Space Launch System) rocket.

      Crew members participating in the demonstration will use two different controllers, called rotational and translational hand controllers, to steer the spacecraft. Three display screens provide the astronauts with data, and another device, called the cursor control device, allows the crew to interact with the displays.

      Astronauts will use the rotational hand controller (RHC), gripped in the right hand, to rotate the spacecraft. It controls Orion’s attitude, or the direction the spacecraft is pointing. If the crew wants to point Orion’s nose left, the RHC is twisted left – for nose right, they will twist the RHC right. Similarly, the RHC can control the nose to pitch up or down or roll right or left. “On Artemis II, most of the time the spacecraft will fly autonomously, but having humans aboard is a chance to help with future mission success,” said Reid Wiseman. “If something goes wrong, a crewmember can jump on the controls and help fix the problem. One of our big goals is to check out this spacecraft and have it completely ready for our friends on Artemis III.”

      The commander and pilot seats are each equipped with a rotational hand controller (RHC), gripped in the right hand, to rotate the spacecraft. It controls Orion’s attitude, or the direction the spacecraft is pointing. If the crew wants to point Orion’s nose left, the RHC is twisted left — for nose right, they will twist the RHC right. Similarly, the RHC can control the nose to pitch up or down or roll right or left.

      The translational hand controller (THC), located to the right or left of the display screens, will move Orion from one point to another. To move the spacecraft forward, the crew pushes the controller straight in — to back up, they will pull the controller out. And similarly, the controller can be pushed up or down and left or right to move in those directions.

      When the crew uses one of the controllers, their command is detected by Orion’s flight software, run by the spacecraft’s guidance, navigation, and control system. The flight software was designed, developed, and tested by Orion’s main contractor, Lockheed Martin.
      The crew will use translational hand controller (THC), located to the right or left of the display screens, will move Orion from one point to another. To move the spacecraft forward, the crew pushes the controller straight in – to back up, they will pull the controller out. And similarly, the controller can be pushed up or down and left or right to move in those directions. “We’re going to perform flight test objectives on Artemis II to get data on the handling qualities of the spacecraft and how well it maneuvers,” said Jeffrey Semrau, Lockheed Martin’s manual controls flight software lead for Artemis missions. “We’ll use that information to upgrade and improve our control systems and facilitate success for future missions.”

      Depending on what maneuver the pilot has commanded, Orion’s software determines which of its 24 reaction control system thrusters to fire, and when. These thrusters are located on Orion’s European-built service module. They provide small amounts of thrust in any direction to steer the spacecraft and can provide torque to allow rotation control.

      The cursor control device allows the crew to interact with the three display screens that show spacecraft data and information. This device allows the crew to interact with Orion even under the stresses of launch or entry when gravitational forces can prevent them from physically reaching the screens.
      The cursor control device allows the crew to interact with the three display screens that show spacecraft data and information. This device allows the crew to interact with Orion even under the stresses of launch or entry when gravitational forces can prevent them from physically reaching the screens. Next to Orion’s displays, the spacecraft also has a series of switches, toggles, and dials on the switch interface panel. Along with switches the crew will use during normal mission operations, there is also a backup set of switches they can use to fly Orion if a display or hand controller fails.

      “This flight test will simulate the flying that we would do if we were docking to another spacecraft like our lander or to Gateway, our lunar space station,” said Victor Glover. “We’re going to make sure that the vehicle flies the way that our simulators approximate. And we’re going to make sure that it’s ready for the more complicated missions ahead.”

      The approximately 10-day Artemis II flight will test NASA’s foundational human deep space exploration capabilities, the SLS rocket, Orion spacecraft, and supporting ground systems, for the first time with astronauts and will pave the way for lunar surface missions.
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