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Cobertura de la NASA del lanzamiento de Europa Clipper a una luna de Júpiter
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NASA’s Human Landing System (HLS) will transport the next astronauts that land on the Moon, including the first woman and first person of color, beginning with Artemis III. For safety and mission success, the landers and other equipment in development for NASA’s Artemis campaign must work reliably in the harshest of environments.
The Hub for Innovative Thermal Technology Maturation and Prototyping (HI-TTeMP) lab at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, provides engineers with thermal analysis of materials that may be a prototype or in an early developmental stage using a vacuum chamber, back left, and a conduction chamber, right. NASA/Ken Hall Engineers at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, are currently testing how well prototype insulation for SpaceX’s Starship HLS will insulate interior environments, including propellant storage tanks and the crew cabin. Starship HLS will land astronauts on the lunar surface during Artemis III and Artemis IV.
Marshall’s Hub for Innovative Thermal Technology Maturation and Prototyping (HI-TTeMP) laboratory provides the resources and tools for an early, quick-check evaluation of insulation materials destined for Artemis deep space missions.
“Marshall’s HI-TTeMP lab gives us a key testing capability to help determine how well the current materials being designed for vehicles like SpaceX’s orbital propellant storage depot and Starship HLS, will insulate the liquid oxygen and methane propellants,” said HLS chief engineer Rene Ortega. “By using this lab and the expertise provided by the thermal engineers at Marshall, we are gaining valuable feedback earlier in the design and development process that will provide additional information before qualifying hardware for deep space missions.”
A peek inside the conductive test chamber at NASA Marshall’s HI-TTeMP lab where thermal engineers design, set up, execute, and analyze materials destined for deep space to better understand how they will perform in the cold near-vacuum of space. NASA/Ken Hall On the Moon, spaceflight hardware like Starship HLS will face extreme temperatures. On the Moon’s south pole during lunar night, temperatures can plummet to -370 degrees Fahrenheit (-223 degrees Celsius). Elsewhere in deep space temperatures can range from roughly 250 degrees Fahrenheit (120 degrees Celsius) in direct sunlight to just above absolute zero in the shadows.
There are two primary means of managing thermal conditions: active and passive. Passive thermal controls include materials such as insulation, white paint, thermal blankets, and reflective metals. Engineers can also design operational controls, such as pointing thermally sensitive areas of a spacecraft away from direct sunlight, to help manage extreme thermal conditions. Active thermal control measures that could be used include radiators or cryogenic coolers.
Engineers use two vacuum test chambers in the lab to simulate the heat transfer effects of the deep space environment and to evaluate the thermal properties of the materials. One chamber is used to understand radiant heat, which directly warms an object in its path, such as when heat from the Sun shines on it. The other test chamber evaluates conduction by isolating and measuring its heat transfer paths.
NASA engineers working in the HI-TTeMP lab not only design, set up, and run tests, they also provide insight and expertise in thermal engineering to assist NASA’s industry partners, such as SpaceX and other organizations, in validating concepts and models, or suggesting changes to designs. The lab is able to rapidly test and evaluate design updates or iterations.
NASA’s HLS Program, managed by NASA Marshall, is charged with safely landing astronauts on the Moon as part of Artemis. NASA has awarded contracts to SpaceX for landing services for Artemis III and IV and to Blue Origin for Artemis V. Both landing services providers plan to transfer super-cold propellant in space to send landers to the Moon with full tanks.
With Artemis, NASA will explore more of the Moon than ever before, learn how to live and work away from home, and prepare for future human exploration of Mars. NASA’s SLS (Space Launch System) rocket, exploration ground systems, and Orion spacecraft, along with the HLS, next-generation spacesuits, Gateway lunar space station, and future rovers are NASA’s foundation for deep space exploration.
For more on HLS, visit:
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Corinne Beckinger
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.
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Students at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory pose for photos around the laboratory wearing their eclipse glasses. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech Recently recognized as the most prestigious internship program by, NASA has empowered countless students and early-career professionals to launch careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. NASA interns make real contributions to space and science missions, making it one of the best places to start your career.
“NASA internships give students the chance to work on groundbreaking projects alongside experts, providing impactful opportunities for professional growth,” said Mike Kincaid, associate administrator for NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement. “Since starting my career as an intern at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, I’ve experienced firsthand how NASA creates lasting connections and open doors—not just for me, but for former interns who are now colleagues across the agency. These internships build STEM skills, confidence, and networks, preparing the next generation of innovators and leaders.”
NASA interns achieve impressive feats, from discovering new exoplanets to becoming astronauts and even winning Webby Awards for their science communication efforts. These valuable contributors play a crucial role in NASA’s mission to explore the unknown for the benefit of all. Many NASA employees start their careers as interns, a testament to the program’s lasting impact.
Students congratulate the 23rd astronaut class at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston on March 5, 2024.NASA/Josh Valcarcel Additionally, NASA is recognized as one of America’s Best Employers for Women and one of America’s Best Employers for New Graduates by Forbes, reflecting the agency’s commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment. NASA encourages people from underrepresented groups to apply, creating a diverse cohort of interns who bring a wide range of perspectives and ideas to the agency.
“My internship experience has been incredible. I have felt welcomed by everyone I’ve worked with, which has been so helpful as a Navajo woman as I’ve often felt like an outsider in male-dominated STEM spaces,” said Tara Roanhorse, an intern for NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement.
If you’re passionate about space, technology, and making a difference in the world, NASA’s internship program is the perfect place to begin your journey toward a fulfilling and impactful career.
To learn more about NASA’s internship programs, visit:
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Preguntas frecuentes: La verdadera historia del cuidado de la salud de los astronautas en el espacioBy NASA
NASA Read this story in English here.
La Estación Espacial Internacional es el hogar de la humanidad en el espacio y una estación de investigación que gira en órbita sobre la Tierra a unos 400 kilómetros (250 millas) de altura. La NASA y sus socios internacionales han mantenido una presencia humana continua a bordo de la estación espacial durante más de 24 años, haciendo investigaciones que no es posible realizar en la Tierra.
La gente que vive y trabaja a bordo de este laboratorio en microgravedad también forma parte de las investigaciones que se llevan a cabo, y ellos ayudan a abordar complejos problemas de la salud humana en la Tierra y preparan a la humanidad para viajar más lejos que nunca, incluyendo la Luna y Marte.
Estas son algunas de las preguntas frecuentes sobre cómo la NASA y su equipo de médicos, psicólogos, nutricionistas, científicos del ejercicio y otros profesionales especializados garantizan la salud y la condición física de los astronautas a bordo del laboratorio orbital.
¿Cuánto dura una estadía típica a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional?
Una misión típica a la Estación Espacial Internacional dura unos seis meses, pero puede variar en función del calendario de visitas de naves espaciales, las prioridades de la misión y otros factores. Los astronautas de la NASA también han permanecido a bordo de la estación espacial durante períodos de tiempo más largos. Estas se conocen como misiones de larga duración, y misiones anteriores de este tipo han proporcionado a la NASA cuantiosos datos sobre los vuelos espaciales a largo plazo y sus efectos en el cuerpo humano, los cuales la agencia aplica a cualquier misión tripulada.
Durante las misiones de larga duración, el equipo de profesionales médicos de la NASA se centra en optimizar la salud física y conductual de los astronautas y su desempeño, para ayudar a garantizar el éxito de la misión. Estos esfuerzos también ayudan a la NASA a prepararse para futuras misiones humanas a la Luna, Marte y más allá.
¿Cómo mantiene la NASA saludables a los astronautas mientras están en el espacio?
La NASA tiene un equipo de médicos, psicólogos y otros especialistas en tierra que se dedican a dar apoyo a la salud y el bienestar de los astronautas antes, durante y después de cada misión espacial. La NASA asigna a cada tripulación médicos con formación especializada en medicina espacial, denominados médicos de la tripulación de vuelo, una vez que la tripulación ha sido seleccionada para una misión. Los médicos de la tripulación de vuelo supervisan la atención de salud y la capacitación médica mientras los miembros de la tripulación se preparan para su misión, y monitorean la salud de la tripulación antes, durante y después de su misión a la estación espacial.
¿Cómo apoya la NASA el bienestar mental y emocional de sus astronautas mientras están en el espacio?
El equipo de salud conductual de la NASA proporciona servicios de apoyo psicológico determinados de manera individual para los miembros de la tripulación y sus familias durante cada misión. Garantizar que los astronautas puedan mantener su vitalidad en entornos extremos comienza tan pronto se inicia el proceso de selección de astronautas, en el que los candidatos son evaluados en capacidades como su adaptabilidad y resiliencia. Los astronautas reciben una formación exhaustiva que les ayuda a utilizar herramientas y tratamientos de autoevaluación para gestionar su salud conductual. La NASA también ofrece capacitación en destrezas expedicionarias a fin de preparar a cada astronauta para las misiones en capacidades importantes, como los cuidados personales y el cuidado del equipo, las comunicaciones y las destrezas de liderazgo y colaboración.
Para ayudar a mantener la motivación y la moral a bordo de la estación espacial, los astronautas pueden enviar correos electrónicos, hacer llamadas y videoconferencias con sus familiares y amigos, recibir paquetes personales enviados a bordo de las misiones de reabastecimiento de carga de la NASA y sostener teleconferencias con un psicólogo, si es necesario.
¿Cómo afecta la microgravedad a la salud física de los astronautas?
En microgravedad, sin la carga continua de la gravedad de la Tierra, se producen muchos cambios en el cuerpo humano. La NASA entiende muchas de las respuestas del sistema humano al entorno espacial, entre las que se cuentan las adaptaciones a la densidad ósea, la salud muscular, sensitivomotora y cardiovascular, pero todavía queda mucho por aprender. Estos efectos de los vuelos espaciales varían de uno a otro astronauta, por lo que los médicos de la tripulación de vuelo de la NASA monitorean regularmente la salud de cada miembro de la tripulación durante una misión e individualizan las rutinas de dieta y acondicionamiento físico para dar prioridad a la salud y el estado físico durante su permanencia en el espacio.
¿Por qué los astronautas hacen ejercicio en el espacio?
Todos los astronautas a bordo del laboratorio en órbita participan en planes de ejercicio específicamente diseñados y similares a los de la Tierra. Para mantener su fuerza y resistencia, los miembros de la tripulación tienen programadas dos horas y media de ejercicio diario para sustentar su salud muscular, ósea, aeróbica y sensitivomotora. El equipo actual a bordo de la estación espacial incluye el Dispositivo Avanzado de Ejercicio Resistivo (ARED, por sus siglas en inglés), que imita el levantamiento de pesas; una cinta de correr, llamada T2; y el Cicloergómetro con Sistema de Aislamiento y Estabilización de Vibraciones (CEVIS, por sus siglas en inglés) para el ejercicio cardiovascular.
¿Qué función cumplen la alimentación y la nutrición en el apoyo a la salud de los astronautas?
La nutrición desempeña un papel fundamental en el mantenimiento de la salud y el rendimiento óptimo de un astronauta antes, durante y después de su misión. La alimentación también cumple un rol psicosocial durante la prolongada estancia de un astronauta a bordo de la estación espacial. Los expertos que trabajan en el Laboratorio de Sistemas de Alimentación Espacial de la NASA en el Centro Johnson en Houston desarrollan alimentos nutritivos y apetitosos. Los miembros de la tripulación tienen pueden complementar las opciones del menú estándar con sus platos favoritos personales, que pueden brindar un sabor hogareño.
NASA ¿Cómo sabe la NASA si los astronautas están recibiendo los nutrientes adecuados?
Los nutricionistas y científicos de bioquímica nutricional de la NASA determinan los nutrientes (vitaminas, minerales, calorías) que los astronautas necesitan mientras están en el espacio. Este equipo lleva el registro de lo que come cada miembro de la tripulación mediante un programa de seguimiento basado en computadoras de tableta, que cada astronauta completa a diario. Los datos de la aplicación se envían semanalmente a los nutricionistas para controlar la ingesta dietética. El análisis de las muestras de sangre y orina de los astronautas que son tomadas antes, durante y después de las misiones espaciales es una parte crucial del estudio de cómo responden sus cuerpos a las condiciones únicas de los vuelos espaciales. Estas muestras proporcionan información valiosa sobre cómo cada astronauta se adapta a la microgravedad, la radiación y otros factores que afectan la fisiología humana en el espacio.
¿Cómo se entrenan los astronautas para trabajar juntos mientras están en el espacio?
Además de su capacitación técnica, los astronautas participan en la formación de destrezas de trabajo en equipo. Aprenden destrezas eficaces para la vida en grupo y cómo cuidarse y apoyarse unos a otros. Debido a su naturaleza remota y aislada, los vuelos espaciales de larga duración pueden dificultar el trabajo en equipo. Los astronautas deben mantener la conciencia situacional e implementar el programa de vuelo en un entorno en constante cambio. Por lo tanto, la comunicación efectiva es fundamental cuando se trabaja en equipo a bordo de la estación y con diferentes equipos de soporte en tierra. Los astronautas también deben ser capaces de comunicar información compleja a personas con diferente formación profesional. En última instancia, los astronautas son personas que viven y trabajan juntas a bordo de la estación y deben ser capaces de llevar a cabo un trabajo altamente técnico y resolver cualquier problema interpersonal que pueda surgir.
¿Qué sucede si hay una emergencia médica a bordo de la estación espacial?
Todos los astronautas reciben capacitación médica y tienen contacto regular con un equipo de médicos que vigilan de cerca su salud desde tierra. La NASA también mantiene una farmacia bien surtida y un conjunto de equipamientos médicos a bordo de la estación espacial para atender diversas afecciones y lesiones. Si una emergencia médica requiere volver a la Tierra, la tripulación regresará en la nave espacial que fue llevada a bordo para recibir atención médica urgente en tierra.
NASA/Bill Ingalls Puedes obtener más información sobre la Dirección de Salud y Desempeño Humano de la NASA (en inglés) en:
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Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
The mystery of why life uses molecules with specific orientations has deepened with a NASA-funded discovery that RNA — a key molecule thought to have potentially held the instructions for life before DNA emerged — can favor making the building blocks of proteins in either the left-hand or the right-hand orientation. Resolving this mystery could provide clues to the origin of life. The findings appear in research recently published in Nature Communications.
Proteins are the workhorse molecules of life, used in everything from structures like hair to enzymes (catalysts that speed up or regulate chemical reactions). Just as the 26 letters of the alphabet are arranged in limitless combinations to make words, life uses 20 different amino acid building blocks in a huge variety of arrangements to make millions of different proteins. Some amino acid molecules can be built in two ways, such that mirror-image versions exist, like your hands, and life uses the left-handed variety of these amino acids. Although life based on right-handed amino acids would presumably work fine, the two mirror images are rarely mixed in biology, a characteristic of life called homochirality. It is a mystery to scientists why life chose the left-handed variety over the right-handed one.
A diagram of left-handed and right-handed versions of the amino acid isovaline, found in the Murchison meteorite.NASA DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the molecule that holds the instructions for building and running a living organism. However, DNA is complex and specialized; it “subcontracts” the work of reading the instructions to RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecules and building proteins to ribosome molecules. DNA’s specialization and complexity lead scientists to think that something simpler should have preceded it billions of years ago during the early evolution of life. A leading candidate for this is RNA, which can both store genetic information and build proteins. The hypothesis that RNA may have preceded DNA is called the “RNA world” hypothesis.
If the RNA world proposition is correct, then perhaps something about RNA caused it to favor building left-handed proteins over right-handed ones. However, the new work did not support this idea, deepening the mystery of why life went with left-handed proteins.
The experiment tested RNA molecules that act like enzymes to build proteins, called ribozymes. “The experiment demonstrated that ribozymes can favor either left- or right-handed amino acids, indicating that RNA worlds, in general, would not necessarily have a strong bias for the form of amino acids we observe in biology now,” said Irene Chen, of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Samueli School of Engineering, corresponding author of the Nature Communications paper.
In the experiment, the researchers simulated what could have been early-Earth conditions of the RNA world. They incubated a solution containing ribozymes and amino acid precursors to see the relative percentages of the right-handed and left-handed amino acid, phenylalanine, that it would help produce. They tested 15 different ribozyme combinations and found that ribozymes can favor either left-handed or right-handed amino acids. This suggested that RNA did not initially have a predisposed chemical bias for one form of amino acids. This lack of preference challenges the notion that early life was predisposed to select left-handed-amino acids, which dominate in modern proteins.
“The findings suggest that life’s eventual homochirality might not be a result of chemical determinism but could have emerged through later evolutionary pressures,” said co-author Alberto Vázquez-Salazar, a UCLA postdoctoral scholar and member of Chen’s research group.
Earth’s prebiotic history lies beyond the oldest part of the fossil record, which has been erased by plate tectonics, the slow churning of Earth’s crust. During that time, the planet was likely bombarded by asteroids, which may have delivered some of life’s building blocks, such as amino acids. In parallel to chemical experiments, other origin-of-life researchers have been looking at molecular evidence from meteorites and asteroids.
“Understanding the chemical properties of life helps us know what to look for in our search for life across the solar system,” said co-author Jason Dworkin, senior scientist for astrobiology at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and director of Goddard’s Astrobiology Analytical Laboratory.
Dworkin is the project scientist on NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission, which extracted samples from the asteroid Bennu and delivered them to Earth last year for further study.
“We are analyzing OSIRIS-REx samples for the chirality (handedness) of individual amino acids, and in the future, samples from Mars will also be tested in laboratories for evidence of life including ribozymes and proteins,” said Dworkin.
The research was supported by grants from NASA, the Simons Foundation Collaboration on the Origin of Life, and the National Science Foundation. Vázquez-Salazar acknowledges support through the NASA Postdoctoral Program, which is administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities under contract with NASA.
Last Updated Nov 21, 2024 EditorWilliam SteigerwaldContactNancy N. Jonesnancy.n.jones@nasa.govLocationGoddard Space Flight Center Related Terms
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Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
A prototype of a robot designed to explore subsurface oceans of icy moons is reflected in the water’s surface during a pool test at Caltech in September. Conducted by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the testing showed the feasibility of a mission concept for a swarm of mini swimming robots.NASA/JPL-Caltech In a competition swimming pool, engineers tested prototypes for a futuristic mission concept: a swarm of underwater robots that could look for signs of life on ocean worlds.
When NASA’s Europa Clipper reaches its destination in 2030, the spacecraft will prepare to aim an array of powerful science instruments toward Jupiter’s moon Europa during 49 flybys, looking for signs that the ocean beneath the moon’s icy crust could sustain life. While the spacecraft, which launched Oct. 14, carries the most advanced science hardware NASA has ever sent to the outer solar system, teams are already developing the next generation of robotic concepts that could potentially plunge into the watery depths of Europa and other ocean worlds, taking the science even further.
This is where an ocean-exploration mission concept called SWIM comes in. Short for Sensing With Independent Micro-swimmers, the project envisions a swarm of dozens of self-propelled, cellphone-size swimming robots that, once delivered to a subsurface ocean by an ice-melting cryobot, would zoom off, looking for chemical and temperature signals that could indicate life.
Dive into underwater robotics testing with NASA’s futuristic SWIM (Sensing With Independent Micro-swimmers) concept for a swarm of miniature robots to explore subsurface oceans on icy worlds, and see a JPL team testing a prototype at a pool at Caltech in Pasadena, California, in September 2024. NASA/JPL-Caltech “People might ask, why is NASA developing an underwater robot for space exploration? It’s because there are places we want to go in the solar system to look for life, and we think life needs water. So we need robots that can explore those environments — autonomously, hundreds of millions of miles from home,” said Ethan Schaler, principal investigator for SWIM at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.
Under development at JPL, a series of prototypes for the SWIM concept recently braved the waters of a 25-yard (23-meter) competition swimming pool at Caltech in Pasadena for testing. The results were encouraging.
SWIM Practice
The SWIM team’s latest iteration is a 3D-printed plastic prototype that relies on low-cost, commercially made motors and electronics. Pushed along by two propellers, with four flaps for steering, the prototype demonstrated controlled maneuvering, the ability to stay on and correct its course, and a back-and-forth “lawnmower” exploration pattern. It managed all of this autonomously, without the team’s direct intervention. The robot even spelled out “J-P-L.”
Just in case the robot needed rescuing, it was attached to a fishing line, and an engineer toting a fishing rod trotted alongside the pool during each test. Nearby, a colleague reviewed the robot’s actions and sensor data on a laptop. The team completed more than 20 rounds of testing various prototypes at the pool and in a pair of tanks at JPL.
“It’s awesome to build a robot from scratch and see it successfully operate in a relevant environment,” Schaler said. “Underwater robots in general are very hard, and this is just the first in a series of designs we’d have to work through to prepare for a trip to an ocean world. But it’s proof that we can build these robots with the necessary capabilities and begin to understand what challenges they would face on a subsurface mission.”
Swarm Science
A model of the final envisioned SWIM robot, right, sits beside a capsule holding an ocean-composition sensor. The sensor was tested on an Alaskan glacier in July 2023 through a JPL-led project called ORCAA (Ocean Worlds Reconnaissance and Characterization of Astrobiological Analogs). The wedge-shaped prototype used in most of the pool tests was about 16.5 inches (42 centimeters) long, weighing 5 pounds (2.3 kilograms). As conceived for spaceflight, the robots would have dimensions about three times smaller — tiny compared to existing remotely operated and autonomous underwater scientific vehicles. The palm-size swimmers would feature miniaturized, purpose-built parts and employ a novel wireless underwater acoustic communication system for transmitting data and triangulating their positions.
Digital versions of these little robots got their own test, not in a pool but in a computer simulation. In an environment with the same pressure and gravity they would likely encounter on Europa, a virtual swarm of 5-inch-long (12-centimeter-long) robots repeatedly went looking for potential signs of life. The computer simulations helped determine the limits of the robots’ abilities to collect science data in an unknown environment, and they led to the development of algorithms that would enable the swarm to explore more efficiently.
The simulations also helped the team better understand how to maximize science return while accounting for tradeoffs between battery life (up to two hours), the volume of water the swimmers could explore (about 3 million cubic feet, or 86,000 cubic meters), and the number of robots in a single swarm (a dozen, sent in four to five waves).
In addition, a team of collaborators at Georgia Tech in Atlanta fabricated and tested an ocean composition sensor that would enable each robot to simultaneously measure temperature, pressure, acidity or alkalinity, conductivity, and chemical makeup. Just a few millimeters square, the chip is the first to combine all those sensors in one tiny package.
Of course, such an advanced concept would require several more years of work, among other things, to be ready for a possible future flight mission to an icy moon. In the meantime, Schaler imagines SWIM robots potentially being further developed to do science work right here at home: supporting oceanographic research or taking critical measurements underneath polar ice.
More About SWIM
Caltech manages JPL for NASA. JPL’s SWIM project was supported by Phase I and II funding from NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program under the agency’s Space Technology Mission Directorate. The program nurtures visionary ideas for space exploration and aerospace by funding early-stage studies to evaluate technologies that could transform future NASA missions. Researchers across U.S. government, industry, and academia can submit proposals.
How the SWIM concept was developed Learn about underwater robots for Antarctic climate science See NASA’s network of ready-to-roll mini-Moon rovers News Media Contact
Melissa Pamer
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
Last Updated Nov 20, 2024 Related Terms
Europa Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program Ocean Worlds Robotics Space Technology Mission Directorate Technology Explore More
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