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Credit: NASA NASA, on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has awarded a delivery order to BAE Systems Space & Mission Systems Inc. of Boulder, Colorado, to build spacecraft for the Lagrange 1 Series project as a part of NOAA’s Space Weather Next program.
The award made under the Rapid Spacecraft Acquisition IV contract, has a total value of approximately $230.6 million with the period of performance running from February 2025 to February 2035. The work will take place at the awardee’s facility in Boulder.
The firm-fixed-price delivery order covers all phases of the Lagrange 1 Series project operations including developing up to two spacecraft, instrument integration, satellite-level testing, training and support for the spacecraft flight operations team, and mission operations support. Rapid IV contracts serve as a fast and flexible means for the government to acquire spacecraft and related components, equipment, and services in support of NASA missions and other federal government agencies.
The Space Weather Next program will maintain and extend space weather observations from various orbitally stable points such as Lagrange 1, which is about a million miles from Earth. The first Space Weather Next Lagrange 1 Series launch, planned in 2029, will be the first observatory under the program and will provide continuity of real-time coronal imagery and upstream solar wind measurements. Space Weather Next will provide uninterrupted data continuity when NOAA’s Space Weather Follow On Lagrange 1 mission comes to its end of operations.
Observations of the Sun and the near-Earth space environment are important to protecting our technological infrastructure both on the ground and in space. The spacecraft will provide critical data to NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center which issues forecasts, warnings and alerts that help mitigate space weather impacts, including electric power outages and interruption to communications and navigation systems.
NASA and NOAA oversee the development, launch, testing, and operation of all the satellites in the Lagrange 1 Series project. NOAA is the program owner providing the requirements and funding along with managing the program, operations, data products, and dissemination to users. NASA and its commercial partners develop and build the instruments, spacecraft, and provide launch services on behalf of NOAA.
For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:
Karen Fox/Liz Vlock
Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1600 /
Jeremy Eggers
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
Last Updated Feb 21, 2025 LocationNASA Headquarters Related Terms
Space Weather Heliophysics Joint Agency Satellite Division NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Science & Research Science Mission Directorate View the full article
NASA’s Ethics Program provides training and counsel to NASA employees and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the agency-wide ethics program. Headquarters and Center Chief Counsels ethics officials support the ethics program in their respective localities.
A list of ethics officials at each NASA location can be found here: Headquarters and Center Ethics Officials.
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As a NASA employee, you may be required to disclose your financial interests for one of two reasons: 1) You are in a position requiring by law that you file a Public Financial Disclosure (OGE Form 278)(PDF) report. This includes members of the Senior Executive Service (SES); SL or ST employees; holding another position classified above the GS-15 level; holding a “NASA excepted” position above a certain pay level; and Schedule C appointees. 2) Your duties are such that they raise an increased likelihood of a conflict of interest, for which you would file an (OGE Form 450)(PDF) report. If you are in a position subject to Public Financial Disclosure (or acting in one for more than 60 days), then you are subject to the Public Financial Disclosure report in which your report will be publicly available. If you are a General Schedule or other employee required to file OGE Form 450, your financial disclosure requirements will be less complex, and report will be confidential. For specific questions, please contact an ethics official.
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Note that the NASA Supplemental rules also prohibit NASA employees from engaging in outside employment with a NASA contractor, subcontractor, or grantee in connection with work performed by that entity for NASA; or a party to a Space Act Agreement, Commercial Launch Act agreement, or other agreement to which NASA is a party pursuant to specific statutory authority, if the employment is in connection with work performed under that agreement.
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Please reach out to your local ethics official for guidance.
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Headquarter and Center Ethics Officials Financial Disclosure
As a NASA employee, you may be required to disclose your financial interests for one of two reasons: 1) You are in a position requiring by law that you file a Public Financial Disclosure (OGE Form 278)(PDF) report. This includes members of the Senior Executive Service (SES); SL or ST employees; holding another position classified above the GS-15 level; holding a “NASA excepted” position above a certain pay level; and Schedule C appointees. 2) Your duties are such that they raise an increased likelihood of a conflict of interest, for which you would file an (OGE Form 450)(PDF) report. If you are in a position subject to Public Financial Disclosure (or acting in one for more than 60 days), then you are subject to the Public Financial Disclosure report in which your report will be publicly available. If you are a General Schedule or other employee required to file OGE Form 450, your financial disclosure requirements will be less complex, and your report will be confidential. For specific questions, please contact an ethics official.
14 General Principles, Office of Government Ethics Criminal Conflicts of Interest, Summary for Executive Brand Employees Introduction to the Standards of Ethical Conduct, Summary for Executive Branch Employees Standards of Ethics Conduct for Executive Branch Employees Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Hatch Act, Office of Special Counsel Former Employees
The post-government employment ethics statute, 18 U.S.C. § 207, applies to a former NASA employee’s communication with NASA or the Government on behalf of the former employee’s non-federal employer. Former NASA employees should contact a NASA ethics official for advice before communications or otherwise interacting with NASA or the Government on behalf of their new employer because this criminal statute may be implicated. The Procurement Integrity Act also restricts individuals who were in certain contracting roles from accepting compensated work from certain contractors for a limited period.
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A Special Government Employee (SGE) is an officer or employee “who is retained, designated, appointed, or employed to perform, with or without compensation, for not to exceed one hundred and thirty days during any consecutive period of three hundred and sixty-five consecutive days.” 18 U.S.C. § 202. Congress created the SGE category in 1962 to allow the federal Government to obtain the expertise it needs, while allowing experts to continue their private professional lives. As a result, some of the ethics statutes and regulations apply differently to SGEs than they do to regular executive branch employees, and some provisions do not apply at all.
Financial Disclosure
SGEs are required to file a financial disclosure report each year, usually a confidential financial disclosure report (OGE-450). Financial disclosure reporting helps NASA identify any possible financial conflicts of interest. SGEs are notified in advance of when to file.
Sample Confidential Financial Disclosure Report, Office of Government Ethics Confidential Financial Disclosure Guide, Office of Government Ethics Video on how to Complete a New Entrant Confidential Financial Disclosure Report Video on how to Complete an Annual Financial Disclosure Report Ethics Training
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If you are a SGE and have questions, please contact the Headquarters Ethics Team by e-mail at or by phone at (202) 358-0550.
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En este fotograma de vídeo, Jason Dworkin sostiene un vial que contiene parte de la muestra del asteroide Bennu que la misión OSIRIS-REx (Orígenes, Interpretación Espectral, Identificación de Recursos y Seguridad – Explorador de Regolito) de la NASA trajo a la Tierra en 2023. Dworkin es el científico del proyecto de la misión en el Centro Goddard de Vuelos Espaciales de la NASA en Greenbelt, Maryland.Credit: NASA/James Tralie Read this release in English here.
Los estudios de las rocas y el polvo del asteroide Bennu que fueron traídos a la Tierra por la nave espacial de la misión Orígenes, Interpretación Espectral, Identificación de Recursos y Seguridad – Explorador de Regolito (OSIRIS-REx, por sus siglas en inglés) de la NASA han revelado moléculas que, en nuestro planeta, son clave para la vida, así como un historial de la existencia de agua salada que podría haber servido como “caldo” para que estos compuestos interactuaran y se combinaran.
Los hallazgos no muestran evidencia de vida, pero sí sugieren que las condiciones necesarias para el surgimiento de la vida estaban muy extendidas en todo el sistema solar primitivo, lo que aumentaría las probabilidades de que la vida pudiera haberse formado en otros planetas y lunas.
“La misión OSIRIS-REx de la NASA ya está reescribiendo los libros de texto sobre lo que entendemos acerca de los comienzos de nuestro sistema solar”, dijo Nicky Fox, administradora asociada en la Dirección de Misiones Científicas en la sede de la NASA en Washington. “Los asteroides proporcionan una cápsula del tiempo sobre la historia de nuestro planeta natal, y las muestras de Bennu son fundamentales para nuestra comprensión de qué ingredientes en nuestro sistema solar existían antes de que comenzara la vida en la Tierra”.
En artículos sobre esta investigación científica publicados el miércoles en las revistas Nature y Nature Astronomy, científicos de la NASA y otras instituciones compartieron los resultados de los primeros análisis en profundidad de los minerales y moléculas hallados en las muestras de Bennu, las cuales fueron transportadas a la Tierra por la nave espacial OSIRIS-REx en 2023.
Como se detalla en el artículo de Nature Astronomy, entre las detecciones más significativas se encontraron aminoácidos (14 de los 20 que la vida en la Tierra utiliza para producir proteínas) y las cinco nucleobases (bases nitrogenadas) que la vida en la Tierra utiliza para almacenar y transmitir instrucciones genéticas en moléculas biológicas terrestres más complejas como el ADN y el ARN, incluyendo la forma de organizar los aminoácidos para formar proteínas.
Los científicos también describieron abundancias excepcionalmente altas de amoníaco en las muestras de Bennu. El amoníaco es importante para la biología porque, en las condiciones adecuadas, puede reaccionar con el formaldehído, el cual también fue detectado en las muestras, para formar moléculas complejas como los aminoácidos. Cuando los aminoácidos se unen en cadenas largas, forman proteínas, las cuales impulsan casi todas las funciones biológicas.
Estos componentes básicos para la vida detectados en las muestras de Bennu han sido hallados antes en rocas extraterrestres. Sin embargo, identificarlos en una muestra impoluta obtenida en el espacio respalda la idea de que los objetos que se formaron lejos del Sol podrían haber sido una fuente importante de los ingredientes precursores básicos para la vida en todo el sistema solar.
“Las pistas que estamos buscando son muy minúsculas y se destruyen o alteran con mucha facilidad al exponerse al ambiente de la Tierra”, dijo Danny Glavin, científico principal de muestras en el Centro de Vuelo Espacial Goddard de la NASA en Greenbelt, Maryland, y coautor principal del artículo publicado en Nature Astronomy. “Es por eso que algunos de estos nuevos descubrimientos no serían posibles sin una misión de retorno que trajera las muestras, sin medidas meticulosas de control de la contaminación y sin una cuidadosa curaduría y almacenamiento de este precioso material proveniente de Bennu”.
Mientras que el equipo de Glavin analizó las muestras de Bennu en busca de indicios de compuestos relacionados con la vida, sus colegas, dirigidos por Tim McCoy, quien es curador de meteoritos en el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Instituto Smithsonian en Washington, y Sara Russell, mineralogista cósmica en el Museo de Historia Natural de Londres, buscaron pistas sobre el entorno en el que se habrían formado estas moléculas. En un informe publicado en la revista Nature, los científicos describen, además, la evidencia que hallaron de un antiguo entorno propicio para poner en marcha la química de la vida.
Desde calcita hasta halita y silvita, los científicos identificaron en la muestra de Bennu rastros de 11 minerales que se forman a medida que el agua que contiene las sales disueltas en ella se va evaporando a lo largo de extensos períodos de tiempo, dejando atrás las sales en forma de cristales sólidos.
Se han detectado o ha habido indicaciones de la existencia de salmueras similares en todo el sistema solar, incluso en el planeta enano Ceres y la luna Encélado de Saturno.
Aunque los científicos han detectado previamente varias evaporitas en meteoritos que caen a la superficie de la Tierra, nunca han visto un conjunto completo de sales sedimentadas que conservara un proceso de evaporación que podría haber durado miles de años o más. Algunos minerales presentes en Bennu, como la trona, fueron descubiertos por primera vez en muestras extraterrestres.
“Estos artículos científicos realmente se complementan para tratar de explicar cómo los ingredientes de la vida se unieron para hacer lo que vemos en este asteroide alterado acuosamente”, dijo McCoy.
A pesar de todas las respuestas que ha proporcionado la muestra de Bennu, quedan varias preguntas. Muchos aminoácidos se pueden producir en dos versiones de imagen especular, como un par de manos izquierda y derecha. La vida en la Tierra produce casi exclusivamente la variedad levógira (que va hacia la izquierda, o en sentido antihorario), pero las muestras de Bennu contienen una mezcla igual de ambas. Esto significa que, en la Tierra primitiva, los aminoácidos también podrían haber comenzado en una mezcla de iguales proporciones. La razón por la que la vida “giró hacia la izquierda” en lugar de hacia la derecha sigue siendo un misterio.
“OSIRIS-REx ha sido una misión muy exitosa”, dijo Jason Dworkin, científico que trabaja en el proyecto OSIRIS-REx desde el centro Goddard de NASA y es coautor principal del artículo de Nature Astronomy. “Los datos de OSIRIS-REx añaden grandes pinceladas a una imagen de un sistema solar rebosante de potencial para la vida. ¿Por qué nosotros, hasta ahora, solo vemos vida en la Tierra y no en otros lugares? Esa es la pregunta verdaderamente cautivante”.
El centro Goddard de la NASA proporcionó la gestión general de la misión, la ingeniería de sistemas y la garantía y seguridad de la misión OSIRIS-REx. Dante Lauretta, de la Universidad de Arizona en Tucson, es el investigador principal. Esa universidad dirige el equipo científico y la planificación y el procesamiento de datos de las observaciones científicas de la misión. Lockheed Martin Space en Littleton, Colorado, construyó la nave espacial y proporcionó las operaciones de vuelo. El centro Goddard y KinetX Aerospace fueron responsables de la navegación de la nave espacial OSIRIS-REx. La curaduría de OSIRIS-REx es llevada a cabo en el Centro Espacial Johnson de la NASA en Houston. Las asociaciones internacionales para esta misión incluyen el instrumento de altímetro láser de OSIRIS-REx proveniente de la CSA (Agencia Espacial Canadiense) y la colaboración científica para las muestras del asteroide con la misión Hayabusa2 de la JAXA (Agencia Japonesa de Exploración Aeroespacial). OSIRIS-REx es la tercera misión del Programa Nuevas Fronteras de la NASA, el cual es gestionado por el Centro de Vuelo Espacial Marshall de la agencia en Huntsville, Alabama, para la Dirección de Misiones Científicas de la agencia en Washington.
Para obtener más información sobre la misión OSIRIS-REx, visita el sitio web (en inglés):
María José Viñas /Karen Fox / Molly Wasser
Headquarters, Washington
240-458-0248 / /
Rani Gran
Centro de Vuelo Espacial Goddard, Greenbelt, Maryland
Last Updated Jan 29, 2025 EditorJessica TaveauLocationNASA Headquarters Related Terms
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By Space Force
Mission Delta 31 is committed to developing its people through the Guardian and Airmen Development Program, fostering a new generation of leaders for the U.S. Space Force.
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NASA JPL is readying for, clockwise from lower right, the launches of CADRE (its engineering models are seen here), Lunar Trailblazer, NISAR (seen in an artist’s concept), Sentinel-6B (artist’s concept), and SPHEREx, as well as the Mars gravity assist of Europa Clipper (artist’s concept).NASA/JPL-Caltech/BAE Systems/Lockheed Martin Space Missions will study everything from water on the Moon to the transformation of our universe after the big bang and ongoing changes to Earth’s surface.
With 2024 receding into the distance, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is already deep into a busy 2025. Early in the new year, the Eaton Fire came close to JPL, destroying the homes of more than 200 employees, but work has continued apace to maintain mission operations and keep upcoming missions on track.
Several missions managed by NASA JPL are prepping for launch this year. Most have been years in the making and launches are, of course, only part of the bigger picture. Other milestones are also on the docket for the federal laboratory, which Caltech manages for NASA.
Here’s a glimpse of what lies ahead this year.
Mysterious Universe
Shaped like the bell of a trumpet and as big as a subcompact car, NASA’s SPHEREx space observatory is aiming for the stars. Known formally as the Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization and Ices Explorer, the mission will create four 3D maps of the entire sky in order to improve humanity’s understanding of the universe — how it expanded after the big bang, where ingredients of life can be found in ice grains, and much more. Target launch date: no earlier than Feb. 27 from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.
The Moon’s Icy Secrets
NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer aims to help resolve an enduring mystery: Where is the Moon’s water? Scientists have seen signs suggesting it exists even where temperatures soar on the lunar surface, and there’s good reason to believe it can be found as surface ice in permanently shadowed craters, places that have not seen direct sunlight for billions of years. Managed by NASA JPL and led by Caltech, the small satellite will help provide answers, mapping the Moon’s surface water in unprecedented detail to determine the water’s abundance, location, form, and how it changes over time. The small satellite will hitch a ride, slated for late February, on the same launch as the Intuitive Machines-2 delivery to the Moon through NASA’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative.
Earth’s Changing Surface
A collaboration between the United States and India, NISAR is a major addition to the fleet of satellites studying our changing planet. Short for NASA-Indian Space Research Organisation Synthetic Aperture Radar, the mission’s name is a nesting doll of acronyms, and the spacecraft is a nesting doll of capabilities: The first spacecraft to carry both L-band and S-band radars, it will see surface changes related to volcanoes, earthquakes, ice sheet motion, deforestation, and more in unprecedented detail after it launches in a few months’ time.
Sea Level
Targeting a November launch, Sentinel-6B will provide global sea surface height measurements — some of the most accurate data of its kind yet — that will improve climate models and hurricane tracking, as well as our understanding of phenomena like El Niño. A collaboration between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency), the spacecraft will take the baton from its twin, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, which launched in 2020. Together, the satellites are extending for another 10 years a nearly three-decade record of global sea surface height.
Moon Rover Trio
As a technology demonstration, the CADRE (Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploration) project marks another step NASA is taking toward developing robots that, by operating autonomously, can boost the efficiency of future missions. The project team at JPL will soon be packing up and shipping CADRE’s three suitcase-size rovers to Texas in preparation for their journey to the Moon aboard a commercial lander through one of NASA’s future CLPS deliveries. The rovers are designed to work together as a team without direct input from mission controllers back on Earth. And, by taking simultaneous measurements from multiple locations, they are meant to show how multirobot missions could enable new science and support astronauts.
Quantum Technology
Having arrived at the International Space Station in November, SEAQUE (Space Entanglement and Annealing QUantum Experiment) is testing two technologies that, if successful, could enable communication using entangled photons between two quantum systems. The research from this experiment, which gets underway in 2025, could help develop the building blocks for a future global quantum network that would allow equipment such as quantum computers to transfer data securely across large distances.
Gravity Assist to Reach Jupiter
Launched this past October, Europa Clipper will arrive at Jupiter in 2030 to investigate whether an ocean beneath the ice shell of the gas giant’s moon Europa has conditions suitable for life. The spacecraft will travel 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion kilometers) to reach its destination. Since there are limitations on how much fuel the spacecraft can carry, mission planners are having Europa Clipper fly by Mars on March 1, using the planet’s gravity as a slingshot to add speed to its journey.
For more about NASA missions JPL supports, go to:
Meet SPHEREx, NASA’s newest cosmic mapper How NISAR will track Earth’s changing surface CADRE’s mini-rovers will team up to explore the Moon Instruments deployed, Europa Clipper is Mars-bound News Media Contact
Matthew Segal
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
Last Updated Jan 23, 2025 Related Terms
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