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NASA Finds Summer 2024 Hottest to Date

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This bar graph shows temperature anomalies for the months of June, July and August in 2023 and 2024. 2023 is represented in yellow, 2024 is represented in red. For each month red rises above the yellow, although the numbers are close for July. A white line spanning the top of each bar shows the range of uncertainty for the measurements.
This bar graph shows GISTEMP summer global temperature anomalies for 2023 (shown in yellow) and 2024 (shown in red). June through August is considered meteorological summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The white lines indicate the range of estimated temperatures. The warmer-than-usual summers continue a long-term trend of warming, driven primarily by human-caused greenhouse gas emissions.
NASA/Peter Jacobs

The agency also shared new state-of-the-art datasets that allow scientists to track Earth’s temperature for any month and region going back to 1880 with greater certainty.

August 2024 set a new monthly temperature record, capping Earth’s hottest summer since global records began in 1880, according to scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York. The announcement comes as a new analysis upholds confidence in the agency’s nearly 145-year-old temperature record.

June, July, and August 2024 combined were about 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit (about 0.1 degrees Celsius) warmer globally than any other summer in NASA’s record — narrowly topping the record just set in 2023. Summer of 2024 was 2.25 F (1.25 C) warmer than the average summer between 1951 and 1980, and August alone was 2.34 F (1.3 C) warmer than average. June through August is considered meteorological summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

“Data from multiple record-keepers show that the warming of the past two years may be neck and neck, but it is well above anything seen in years prior, including strong El Niño years,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of GISS. “This is a clear indication of the ongoing human-driven warming of the climate.”

NASA assembles its temperature record, known as the GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP), from surface air temperature data acquired by tens of thousands of meteorological stations, as well as sea surface temperatures from ship- and buoy-based instruments. It also includes measurements from Antarctica. Analytical methods consider the varied spacing of temperature stations around the globe and urban heating effects that could skew the calculations.

The GISTEMP analysis calculates temperature anomalies rather than absolute temperature. A temperature anomaly shows how far the temperature has departed from the 1951 to 1980 base average.

New assessment of temperature record

The summer record comes as new research from scientists at the Colorado School of Mines, National Science Foundation, the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA), and NASA further increases confidence in the agency’s global and regional temperature data.

“Our goal was to actually quantify how good of a temperature estimate we’re making for any given time or place,” said lead author Nathan Lenssen, a professor at the Colorado School of Mines and project scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

This visualization of GISTEMP monthly temperatures with the seasonal cycle derived from the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office’s MERRA-2 model compares 2023 (in red) and 2024 (in purple), with a transparent ribbon around each indicating the confidence intervals from the new GISTEMP uncertainty calculation. The white lines show monthly temperatures from the years 1961 to 2022. June, July, and August 2024 combined were about 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit (about 0.1 degrees Celsius) warmer globally than any other summer in NASA’s record — narrowly topping the record set in 2023.
This visualization of GISTEMP monthly temperatures with the seasonal cycle derived from the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office’s MERRA-2 model compares 2023 (in red) and 2024 (in purple), with a transparent ribbon around each indicating the confidence intervals from the new GISTEMP uncertainty calculation. The white lines show monthly temperatures from the years 1961 to 2022. June, July, and August 2024 combined were about 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit (about 0.1 degrees Celsius) warmer globally than any other summer in NASA’s record — narrowly topping the record set in 2023.
NASA/Peter Jacobs/Katy Mersmann

The researchers affirmed that GISTEMP is correctly capturing rising surface temperatures on our planet and that Earth’s global temperature increase since the late 19th century — summer 2024 was about 2.7 F (1.51 C) warmer than the late 1800s — cannot be explained by any uncertainty or error in the data.

The authors built on previous work showing that NASA’s estimate of global mean temperature rise is likely accurate to within a tenth of a degree Fahrenheit in recent decades. For their latest analysis, Lenssen and colleagues examined the data for individual regions and for every month going back to 1880.  

Estimating the unknown

Lenssen and colleagues provided a rigorous accounting of statistical uncertainty within the GISTEMP record. Uncertainty in science is important to understand because we cannot take measurements everywhere. Knowing the strengths and limitations of observations helps scientists assess if they’re really seeing a shift or change in the world.

The study confirmed that one of the most significant sources of uncertainty in the GISTEMP record is localized changes around meteorological stations. For example, a previously rural station may report higher temperatures as asphalt and other heat-trapping urban surfaces develop around it. Spatial gaps between stations also contribute some uncertainty in the record. GISTEMP accounts for these gaps using estimates from the closest stations.

Previously, scientists using GISTEMP estimated historical temperatures using what’s known in statistics as a confidence interval — a range of values around a measurement, often read as a specific temperature plus or minus a few fractions of degrees. The new approach uses a method known as a statistical ensemble: a spread of the 200 most probable values. While a confidence interval represents a level of certainty around a single data point, an ensemble tries to capture the whole range of possibilities.

The distinction between the two methods is meaningful to scientists tracking how temperatures have changed, especially where there are spatial gaps. For example: Say GISTEMP contains thermometer readings from Denver in July 1900, and a researcher needs to estimate what conditions were 100 miles away. Instead of reporting the Denver temperature plus or minus a few degrees, the researcher can analyze scores of equally probable values for southern Colorado and communicate the uncertainty in their results.

What does this mean for recent heat rankings?

Every year, NASA scientists use GISTEMP to provide an annual global temperature update, with 2023 ranking as the hottest year to date.

Other researchers affirmed this finding, including NOAA and the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. These institutions employ different, independent methods to assess Earth’s temperature. Copernicus, for instance, uses an advanced computer-generated approach known as reanalysis. 

The records remain in broad agreement but can differ in some specific findings. Copernicus determined that July 2023 was Earth’s hottest month on record, for example, while NASA found July 2024 had a narrow edge. The new ensemble analysis has now shown that the difference between the two months is smaller than the uncertainties in the data. In other words, they are effectively tied for hottest. Within the larger historical record the new ensemble estimates for summer 2024 were likely 2.52-2.86 degrees F (1.40-1.59 degrees C) warmer than the late 19th century, while 2023 was likely 2.34-2.68 degrees F (1.30-1.49 degrees C) warmer.



Last Updated
Sep 11, 2024

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      ARC = Ames Research Center
      AFRC = Armstrong Flight Research Center
      GRC = Glenn Research Center
      HQ = Headquarters
      LaRC = Langley Research Center
      Technology and Innovation
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      Team Lead: Dr. Timothy M. Smith, GRC
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      Honorable Mention
      Shishir Pandya, ARC
      Shishir Pandya’s exemplary actions as the formulation and technical lead for the Propulsion/Airframe Integration (PAI) emerging technical challenge were instrumental in creating an actionable project plan that will examine complex aerodynamic interactions between sustainable propulsor technologies – such as open rotor concepts envisioned in programs like General Electric’s Revolutionary Innovation for Sustainable Engines (RISE). Pandya was instrumental in classifying the current PAI analysis capabilities at NASA, and scoping NASA’s, GE’s, and Boeing’s roles and responsibilities for open fan integration studies, both computational and experimental.
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      Team Lead: Mark Valco, GRC
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      Team Lead: Brett Bathel, LaRC
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      Anthony Nerone, GRC
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      Program and Mission Support
      Diana Fitzgerald, LaRC (Booz Allen Hamilton)
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      Team Leads: Michele Dodson, HQ and Jeffrey Farlin, HQ
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      Honorable Mention (Individual)
      Shannon Eichorn, GRC
      Shannon Eichorn developed and authored a compelling, creative vision for the future of aeronautics research and of NASA’s working environment. She envisioned and described a future in which NASA’s aeronautics research goals, future technologies, workforce, and capabilities are in synergy to maximize research quality and impact. Eichorn presented this vision to numerous leaders and groups at NASA, and the excitement in the room at each presentation led to engaging follow-on discussions and several workstream groups requested Eichorn to present to their full group. Her efforts inspire not only ARMD, but the entire agency.
      High Potentials
      Matthew Webster, LaRC
      Matthew Webster has had significant impact and contributions to meeting goals in the Convergent Aeronautics Solutions and Transformational Tools and Technologies projects. In his short time at NASA, he has rapidly demonstrated exceptional ability to adapt and apply technical expertise across multiple NASA projects to advance towards project technical goals. Webster has shown his leadership ability, providing exceptional skills at creating a healthy team environment enabling the group to successfully meet project goals.
      Honorable Mention
      Dahlia Pham, ARC
      Dhalia Pham’s contributions as a system analyst, researcher, and teammate in support of NASA’s efforts in electrified aircraft propulsion have shown an ability to creatively solve problems, analyze impacts, present results with strong communication skills, and collaborate with and mentor others. Her technical acumen and leadership ability raise the bar, making her an established leader amongst her peers.
      Strategic Partnerships
      Salvatore Buccellato, LaRC
      Salvatore Buccellato identified collaborative opportunities in hypersonics research that were mutually beneficial to NASA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and other non-NASA entities through his program management experience and knowledge of NASA people and capabilities. Buccellato was able to leverage NASA and non-NASA expertise and capabilities, along with DARPA funding, to further mature and advance hypersonic technologies via ground and flight tests with the goal of enabling operational flight systems. His exemplary work helped to significantly advanced hypersonic technologies and its workforce, and are expected to lead to further partnered activities for NASA.
      Pushing the Envelope
      Honoree (Group)
      Advanced Power Electronics Team, GRC
      The Advanced Power Electronics Team of the Advanced Air Transport Technology project completed an ambitious design of a prototype flight-packaged, altitude-capable electric motor drive for aviation. Their work pushed past the state of the art in flight motor drives in several areas including power density, efficiency, and power quality – and is a steppingstone towards megawatt-level, cryogenically cooled motor drives. The electric motor design underwent many successful tests and exercises, and the team’s subsequent publications and expertise help the electrified aircraft industry push past several barriers. 
      Team Leads: Matthew G. Granger, GRC
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      2024 AA Award Honorees PDF
      ARMD Associate Administrator Award
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      Last Updated Mar 06, 2025 EditorLillian GipsonContactJim Bankejim.banke@nasa.gov Related Terms
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      NASA GRX-810 Licensing Team, GRC

      * Denotes Team Lead
      NASA Ames Research Center
      John Lawson
      NASA Glenn Research Center
      Steven M. Arnold
      Aaron B. Brister
      Robert W. Carter
      Robert H. Earp
      Timothy P. Gabb
      Christopher J. Giuffre
      Paul R. Gradl
      Jason M. Hanna
      Bryan J. Harder
      Amy B. Hiltabidel
      Dale A. Hopkins
      Christopher A. Kantzos
      Michael J. Kulis
      Geoffrey S. Minter
      Brian T. Newbacher
      Callista M. Puchmeyer
      Richard W. Rauser
      Harvey L. Schabes
      Timothy M. Smith*
      Aaron C. Thompson
      Mary F. Wadel
      Austin J. Whitt
      Laura G. Wilson
      NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
      Paul Gradl
      HX5, LLC
      Christopher J. Giuffre
      Aaron C. Thompson
      Austin J. Whitt
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      Last Updated Mar 06, 2025 EditorLillian GipsonContactJim Bankejim.banke@nasa.gov Related Terms
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      1 min read
      Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
      eVTOL Propulsion Team, GRC

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      NASA Glenn Research Center
      Aaron D. Anderson
      Devin K. Boyle
      Jeffryes W. Chapman
      Peggy A. Cornell
      Timothy P. Dever
      Justin P. Elchert
      Henry B. Fain
      Xavier Collazo Fernandez
      Matthew G. Granger
      Jonathan M. Gutknecht
      Michael C. Halbig
      Patrick A. Hanlon
      Hashmatullah Hasseeb
      David Hausser
      Scott A. Hensley
      Keith R. Hunker
      Michael J. Hurrell
      Keith P. Johnson
      Greg L. Kimnach
      John M. Koudelka
      Timothy L. Krantz
      Brian P. Malone
      Sandi G. Miller
      Nuha S. Nawash
      Paul M. Nowak
      Joseph J. Pinakidis
      Meelad Ranaiefar
      Trey D. Rupp
      David J. Sadey
      Jonathan A. Salem
      Justin J. Scheidler
      Andrew D. Smith
      Mark A. Stevens
      Thomas F. Tallerico
      Linda M. Taylor
      Casey J. Theman
      Mark J. Valco*
      Joseph S. Wisniewski
      NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
      Zachary A. Cameron
      Francis R. Gaspare
      David J. Henrickson
      Ryan M. McManamon
      Alan J. Revilock
      Connecticut Reserve Technologies
      Eric H. Baker
      HX5 Sierra
      Nathan A. Baker
      John W. Gresh
      George E. Horning
      Sigurds L. Lauge
      Brett M. Norris
      Nicolas Umpierre
      Bill J. Vaccareillo
      John Veneziano
      NASA Financial Support Services
      Madeline Duncan
      Ohio Aerospace Institute
      Mrityunjay Singh
      Universities Space Research Association
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      Last Updated Mar 06, 2025 EditorLillian GipsonContactJim Bankejim.banke@nasa.gov Related Terms
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