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Sunrise Begins


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The beginning rays of an orbital sunrise illuminate Earth's atmosphere, a slight, blue arc across the center of the image. Earth is below, totally dark, matching the blackness of space above.
The International Space Station was orbiting on a northeast track 261 miles above the Pacific Ocean when this photograph captured the first rays of an orbital sunrise illuminating Earth’s atmosphere.
NASA/Matthew Dominick

NASA astronaut Matthew Dominick captured the start of this orbital sunrise on Aug. 15, 2024, while aboard the International Space Station.

Crew members aboard the orbital lab have produced hundreds of thousands of images of the land, oceans, and atmosphere of Earth, and even of the Moon through Crew Earth Observations. Their photographs of Earth record how the planet changes over time due to human activity and natural events. This allows scientists to monitor disasters and direct response on the ground and study a number of phenomena, from the movement of glaciers to urban wildlife.

Image Credit: NASA/Matthew Dominick

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      Left: Mosaic of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) images of the lunar north pole. Right: Mosaic of LRO images of the lunar south pole.
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      Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter images of the Apollo 11, left, 12, and 14 landing sites.

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