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Paper on Creating Friendly Color Maps for Color Vision Deficiency Accepted for Publication


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Timothy Lang (ST11) is a co-author on an article titled “Effective Visualization of Radar Data for Users Impacted by Color Vision Deficiency”, which was recently accepted for publication in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. The article is led by Zachary Sherman of Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), and it is an outgrowth of a long-standing collaboration on open science between ANL, MSFC, and other institutions that predates NASA Science Policy Directive (SPD) 41a and the Transform to Open Science (TOPS) campaign. Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) affects up to 8% of genetic males and 0.5% of genetic females, and traditional color maps used in radar meteorology and other Earth sciences often lack perceptual accuracy and clarity when viewed by those affected by CVD. The article reviews new color maps that convey useful and clear scientific information whether viewed by those with normal color perception or those with CVD. These color maps are available in open-source repositories like cmweather (https://github.com/openradar/cmweather) and pyart (http://arm-doe.github.io/pyart/). The article and the open-source CVD-friendly color maps are excellent examples of the greater inclusivity fostered when open science is practiced.
Read the paper at: https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/bams/aop/BAMS-D-23-0056.1/BAMS-D-23-0056.1.xml.


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