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Do Biological UFOs Come from Other Dimensions or Parallel Realities?

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In an article posted on January 27, 2018, we discussed Biological UFOs, showcasing many images of different types of biological entities such as zeroids, archons, ebani and flying rods. 

Image shows some of the biological UFOs taken from our 2018 article

Now, the theory that some UFOs may be biological entities, which may populate the recesses of free space, possibly originating from another dimension, is not a new one. 

Video on Youtube: Astronauts report squid-like entity floating in space

Jacques Vallée, a renowned computer scientist and ufologist, proposed a theory that UFOs and related phenomena might be manifestations of beings from other dimensions or parallel realities existing at different frequencies from our own. 

These entities, according to Vallée, may not necessarily be extraterrestrial but could belong to a reality operating under different physical laws. This hypothesis suggests that the phenomenon of alien visitors might originate not from our physical reality or outer space but from alternate realities or parallel universes. 

Video on Youtube: Possible biological UFO filmed from passenger plane

Possible biological UFO seen over Iraq

Analyst Bob Spearing of MUFON recently spilled the beans to Daily Mail about these mysterious aerial objects. MUFON has studied drawings and photographs dating back to the 1970s of "squid-like objects" floating in the sky 

Image left: squid like entity spotted in Russia 1977 (credit MUFON)
Image right: squid like entity spotted in Denmark 1975 (credit MUFON)

These bioforms, living beings, are not only floating in our sky but also for example orbiting the moon, potentially populating the recesses of free space and the cosmic void, remain a mystery.

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      For additional details, see the entry for this project on NASA TechPort.
      John Hagopian (Advanced Nanophotonics, LLC)
      SMD-funded SBIR project

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      Image A: Parallel Field to Protostar IRAS 23385 (MIRI Image)
      This image at a wavelength of 15 microns was taken by MIRI (the Mid-Infrared Instrument) on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, of a region near the protostar known as IRAS 23385. IRAS 23385 and IRAS 2A (not visible in this image) were targets for a recent research effort by an international team of astronomers that used Webb to discover that the key ingredients for making potentially habitable worlds are present in early-stage protostars, where planets have not yet formed. NASA, ESA, CSA, W. Rocha (Leiden University) What is the origin of complex organic molecules (COMs) ?
      “This finding contributes to one of the long-standing questions in astrochemistry,” said team leader Will Rocha of Leiden University in the Netherlands. “What is the origin of complex organic molecules, or COMs, in space? Are they made in the gas phase or in ices? The detection of COMs in ices suggests that solid-phase chemical reactions on the surfaces of cold dust grains can build complex kinds of molecules.”
      As several COMs, including those detected in the solid phase in this research, were previously detected in the warm gas phase, it is now believed that they originate from the sublimation of ices. Sublimation is to change directly from a solid to a gas without becoming a liquid. Therefore, detecting COMs in ices makes astronomers hopeful about improved understanding of the origins of other, even larger molecules in space.
      Scientists are also keen to explore to what extent these COMs are transported to planets at much later stages of protostellar evolution. COMs in cold ices are thought to be easier to transport from molecular clouds to planet-forming disks than warm, gaseous molecules. These icy COMs can therefore be incorporated into comets and asteroids, which in turn may collide with forming planets, delivering the ingredients for life to possibly flourish.
      The science team also detected simpler molecules, including formic acid (which causes the burning sensation of an ant sting), methane, formaldehyde, and sulfur dioxide. Research suggests that sulfur-containing compounds like sulfur dioxide played an important role in driving metabolic reactions on the primitive Earth.
      Image B: Complex Organic Molecules in IRAS 2A
      NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) has identified a variety of complex organic molecules that are present in interstellar ices surrounding two protostars. These molecules, which are key ingredients for making potentially habitable worlds, include ethanol, formic acid, methane, and likely acetic acid, in the solid phase. The finding came from the study of two protostars, IRAS 2A and IRAS 23385, both of which are so young that they are not yet forming planets. Illustration: NASA, ESA, CSA, L. Hustak (STScI). Science: W. Rocha (Leiden University). Similar to the early stages of our own solar system?
      Of particular interest is that one of the sources investigated, IRAS 2A, is characterized as a low-mass protostar. IRAS 2A may therefore be similar to the early stages of our own solar system. As such, the chemicals identified around this protostar were likely present in the first stages of development of our solar system and later delivered to the primitive Earth.
      “All of these molecules can become part of comets and asteroids and eventually new planetary systems when the icy material is transported inward to the planet-forming disk as the protostellar system evolves,” said Ewine van Dishoeck of Leiden University, one of the coordinators of the science program. “We look forward to following this astrochemical trail step-by-step with more Webb data in the coming years.”
      These observations were made for the JOYS+ (James Webb Observations of Young ProtoStars) program. The team dedicated these results to team member Harold Linnartz, who unexpectedly passed away in December 2023, shortly after the acceptance of this paper.
      This research has been accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
      The James Webb Space Telescope is the world’s premier space science observatory. Webb is solving mysteries in our solar system, looking beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probing the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it. Webb is an international program led by NASA with its partners, ESA (European Space Agency) and the Canadian Space Agency.
      Right click the images in this article to open a larger version in a new tab/window.
      Download full resolution images for this article from the Space Telescope Science Institute.
      This research has been accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
      Media Contacts
      Laura Betz – laura.e.betz@nasa.gov, Rob Gutro – rob.gutro@nasa.gov
      NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
      Christine Pulliam – cpulliam@stsci.edu
      Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Md.
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      More Webb Images – https://science.nasa.gov/mission/webb/multimedia/images/
      Webb Mission Page – https://science.nasa.gov/mission/webb/
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      Last Updated Mar 13, 2024 Editor Stephen Sabia Contact Laura Betz laura.e.betz@nasa.gov Related Terms
      Astrophysics Goddard Space Flight Center James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Protostars Science & Research Stars The Universe View the full article
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