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25 Years Ago: STS-93, Launch of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory


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On July 23, 1999, space shuttle Columbia took to the skies on its 26th trip into space, to deliver its heaviest payload ever – the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The STS-93 crew included Commander Eileen M. Collins, the first woman to command a space shuttle mission, Pilot Jeffrey S. Ashby, and Mission Specialists Catherine “Cady” G. Coleman, Steven A. Hawley, and Michel A. Tognini of the French Space Agency (CNES). On the mission’s first day, they deployed Chandra, the most powerful X-ray telescope. With a planned five-year lifetime, Chandra continues its observations after a quarter century. For the next four days, the astronauts worked on twenty secondary middeck payloads and conducted Earth observations. The successful five-day mission ended with a night landing.

The STS-93 crew patch Official photo of the STS-93 crew of Eileen M. Collins, left, Steven A. Hawley, Jeffrey S. Ashby, Michel A. Tognini of France, and Catherine “Cady” G. Coleman The patch for the Chandra X-ray Observatory
Left: The STS-93 crew patch. Middle: Official photo of the STS-93 crew of Eileen M. Collins, left, Steven A. Hawley, Jeffrey S. Ashby, Michel A. Tognini of France, and Catherine “Cady” G. Coleman. Right: The patch for the Chandra X-ray Observatory.

Tognini, selected by CNES in 1985 and a member of NASA’s class of 1995, received the first assignment to STS-93 in November 1997. He previously flew aboard Mir as a cosmonaut researcher, spending 14 days aboard the station in 1992. On March 5, 1998, First Lady Hilary R. Clinton announced Collins’ assignment as the first woman space shuttle commander in a ceremony at the White House together with President William J. “Bill” Clinton. NASA announced the rest of the crew the same day. For Collins, selected in the class of 1990, STS-93 represented her third space mission, having previously served as pilot on STS-63 and STS-84. Ashby, a member of the class of 1994, made his first flight aboard STS-93, while Coleman, selected in 1992, made her second flight, having flown before on STS-73. Hawley made his fifth flight, having previously served as a mission specialist on STS-41D, STS-61C, STS-31, and STS-82. He has the distinction of making the last flight by any member of his class of 1978, more than 21 years after his selection.

Schematic of the Chandra X-ray Observatory showing its major components Diagram of the trajectory Chandra took to achieve its final operational 64-hour orbit around the Earth – IUS refers to the two burns of the Inertial Upper Stage and IPS to the five burns of Chandra’s Integral Propulsion System
Left: Schematic of the Chandra X-ray Observatory showing its major components. Right: Diagram of the trajectory Chandra took to achieve its final operational 64-hour orbit around the Earth – IUS refers to the two burns of the Inertial Upper Stage and IPS to the five burns of Chandra’s Integral Propulsion System.

Because the Earth’s atmosphere absorbs X-ray radiation emitted by cosmic sources, scientists first came up with the idea of a space-based X-ray telescope in the 1970s. NASA launched its first X-ray telescope called Einstein in 1978, but scientists needed a more powerful instrument, and they proposed the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF). After a major redesign of the telescope in 1992, in 1998 NASA renamed AXAF the Chandra X-ray Observatory after Indian American Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar who made significant contributions to our knowledge about stars, stellar evolution, and black holes. Chandra, the third of NASA’s four Great Observatories, can detect X-ray sources 100 times fainter than any previous X-ray telescope. At 50,162 pounds including the Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) it used to achieve its operational orbit, Chandra remains the heaviest payload ever launched by the space shuttle, and at 57 feet long, it took up nearly the entire length of the payload bay. It has far exceeded its expected five-year lifetime, still returning valuable science after 25 years.

The STS-93 crew during the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test The Chandra X-ray Observatory loaded into Columbia’s payload bay Liftoff of Columbia on the STS-93 mission carrying the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the first woman shuttle commander
Left: The STS-93 crew during the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test. Middle: The Chandra X-ray Observatory loaded into Columbia’s payload bay. Right: Liftoff of Columbia on the STS-93 mission carrying the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the first woman shuttle commander.

Columbia returned to KSC following its previous flight, the STS-90 Neurolab mission, in May 1998. Workers in KSC’s Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) serviced the orbiter and removed the previous payload. With all four orbiters at KSC at the same time, workers temporarily stowed Columbia in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), returning it to the OPF for final preflight processing on April 15, 1999. Rollover of Columbia from the OPF to the VAB took place on June 2, where workers mated it with an external tank and two solid rocket boosters. Following integrated testing, the stack rolled out to Launch Pad 39B on June 7. The crew participated in the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test on June 24. Workers placed Chandra in Columbia’s payload bay three days later.

On July 23, 1994, Columbia thundered into the night sky from KSC’s Launch Pad 39B to begin the STS-93 mission. Two previous launch attempts on July 20 and 22 resulted in scrubs due to a faulty sensor and bad weather, respectively. As Columbia rose into the sky, for the first time in shuttle history a woman sat in the commander’s seat. Far below, problems arose that could have led to a catastrophic abort scenario. During the engine ignition sequence, a gold pin in Columbia’s right engine came loose, ejected with great force by the rapid flow of hot gases, and struck the engine’s nozzle, punching holes in three of its hydrogen cooling tubes. Although small, the hydrogen leak caused the engine’s controller to increase the flow of oxidizer, making the engine run hotter than normal. Meanwhile, a short-circuit knocked out the center engine’s digital control unit (DCU) and the right engine’s backup DCU. Both engines continued powered flight without a redundant DCU, with a failure in either causing a catastrophic abort. Although this did not occur, the higher than expected oxidizer usage led to main engine cutoff occurring 1.5 seconds early, leaving Columbia in a lower than planned orbit. The shuttle’s Orbiter Maneuvering System engines made up for the deficit. The harrowing events of the powered flight prompted Ascent Flight Director John P. Shannon to comment, “Yikes! We don’t need any more of these.”

Eileen M. Collins, the first woman shuttle commander, shortly after reaching orbit First time space flyer STS-93 Pilot Jeffrey S. Ashby, shortly after reaching space
Left: Eileen M. Collins, the first woman shuttle commander, shortly after reaching orbit. Right: First time space flyer STS-93 Pilot Jeffrey S. Ashby, shortly after reaching space.

After reaching orbit, the crew opened the payload bay doors and deployed the shuttle’s radiators, and removed their bulky launch and entry suits, stowing them for the remainder of the flight. The astronauts prepared for the mission’s primary objective, deployment of Chandra, and also began activating some of the middeck experiments.

The Chandra X-ray Observatory in Columbia’s payload bay shortly after reaching orbit Chandra raised to the deployment angle Chandra departs Columbia
Left: The Chandra X-ray Observatory in Columbia’s payload bay shortly after reaching orbit. Middle: Chandra raised to the deployment angle. Right: Chandra departs Columbia.

Coleman had prime responsibility for deploying Chandra. After initial checkout of the telescope by ground teams, the astronauts tilted Chandra and the IUS to an angle of 29 degrees. After additional checks, they tilted it up to the release angle of 58 degrees. A little over seven hours after launch, Coleman deployed the Chandra/IUS stack. Collins and Ashby flew Columbia to a safe distance, and about an hour after deployment, the IUS fired its first stage engine for about two minutes, followed by a two-minute burn of the second stage. This placed Chandra in a temporary elliptical Earth orbit with a high point of 37,200 miles. After separation of the IUS, Chandra used its own propulsion system over the next 10 days to raise its altitude to 6,214 miles by 86,992 miles, its operational orbit, circling the Earth every 64 hours. For the next four days of the mission, the astronauts operated about 20 middeck experiments, including a technology demonstration of a treadmill vibration isolation system planned for the International Space Station.

Michel A. Tognini works with the Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus Jeffrey S. Ashby checks the status of the Space Tissue Lab experiment Catherine G. Coleman harvests plants from the Plant Growth in Microgravity experiment
Left: Michel A. Tognini works with the Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus. Middle: Jeffrey S. Ashby checks the status of the Space Tissue Lab experiment. Right: Catherine G. Coleman harvests plants from the Plant Growth in Microgravity experiment.

Catherine G. Coleman, left, and Michel A. Tognini pose near the Lightweight Flexible Solar Array Hinge technology demonstration experiment Stephen A. Hawley checks the status of the Micro Electromechanical Systems experiment Tognini places samples of the Biological Research in Canisters experiment into a gaseous nitrogen freezer
Left: Catherine G. Coleman, left, and Michel A. Tognini pose near the Lightweight Flexible Solar Array Hinge technology demonstration experiment. Middle: Stephen A. Hawley checks the status of the Micro Electromechanical Systems experiment. Right: Tognini places samples of the Biological Research in Canisters experiment into a gaseous nitrogen freezer.

Eileen M. Collins runs on the Treadmill Vibration Isolation System Stephen A. Hawley, left, and Michel A. Tognini operate the Southwest Ultraviolet Imaging System instrument Inflight photograph of the STS-93 crew
Left: Eileen M. Collins runs on the Treadmill Vibration Isolation System. Middle: Stephen A. Hawley, left, and Michel A. Tognini operate the Southwest Ultraviolet Imaging System instrument. Right: Inflight photograph of the STS-93 crew.

Laguna Verde in Chile Sunrise over the Mozambique Channel Darling River and lakes in Australia The Society Islands of Bora Bora, Tahaa, and Raiatea
A selection of the STS-93 crew Earth observation photographs. Left: Laguna Verde in Chile. Middle left: Sunrise over the Mozambique Channel. Middle right: Darling River and lakes in Australia. Right: The Society Islands of Bora Bora, Tahaa, and Raiatea.

Eileen M. Collins prepares to bring Columbia home Columbia streaks through the skies over NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston during reentry Collins guides Columbia to a smooth touchdown on the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida
Left: Eileen M. Collins prepares to bring Columbia home. Middle: Columbia streaks through the skies over NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston during reentry. Right: Collins guides Columbia to a smooth touchdown on the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Three holes visible in the hydrogen cooling tubes of Columbia’s right main engine, seen after landing The STS-93 crew pose in front of Columbia on the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida Eileen M. Collins addresses the crowd at Houston’s Ellington Field during the welcome home ceremony for the STS-93 crew, as Vice President Albert “Al” A. Gore and other dignitaries listen
Left: Three holes visible in the hydrogen cooling tubes of Columbia’s right main engine, seen after landing. Middle: The STS-93 crew pose in front of Columbia on the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Right: Eileen M. Collins addresses the crowd at Houston’s Ellington Field during the welcome home ceremony for the STS-93 crew, as Vice President Albert “Al” A. Gore and other dignitaries listen.

At the end of five days, the astronauts finished the last of the experiments and prepared for the return to Earth. On July 28, they closed Columbia’s payload bay doors, donned their launch and entry suits, and strapped themselves into their seats for entry and landing. Collins piloted Columbia to a smooth landing on KSC’s Shuttle Landing Facility, completing the 12th night landing of the shuttle program. The crew had flown 80 orbits around the Earth in 4 days, 22 hours, and 50 minutes. Columbia wouldn’t fly again until March 2002, the STS-109 Hubble Servicing Mission-3B. A postflight investigation into the cause of the short on ascent that led to two DCUs failing revealed a wire with frayed insulation, likely caused by workers inadvertently stepping on it, that rubbed against a burred screw head that had likely been there since Columbia’s manufacture. The incident resulted in significant changes to ground processes during shuttle inspections and repairs. With regard to the pin ejected during engine ignition that damaged the hydrogen cooling tubes, investigators found that those pins never passed any acceptance testing. Since STS-93 marked the last flight of that generation of main engines, newer engines incorporated a different configuration, requiring no design or other changes.

Enjoy the crew narrate a video about the STS-93 mission. Read Hawley’s recollections of the STS-93 mission in his oral history with the JSC History Office.

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      A copy of NASA’s media accreditation policy is available online. For questions about accreditation, please email: ksc-media-accreditat@mail.nasa.gov. For other mission questions, please contact NASA Kennedy’s newsroom at 321-867-2468.
      Para obtener información sobre cobertura en español en el Centro Espacial Kennedy o si desea solicitar entrevistas en español, comuníquese con Antonia Jaramillo: 321-501-8425, o Messod Bendayan: 256-930-1371.
      Accredited media will have the opportunity to participate in a series of prelaunch briefings and interviews with key mission personnel, including a briefing the week of Sept. 9. NASA will communicate additional details regarding the media event schedule as the launch date approaches.
      NASA also will post updates on spacecraft launch preparations on NASA’s Europa Clipper blog.
      Clipper’s primary science goal is to determine whether there are places below the surface of Europa that could support life. The mission’s three main science objectives are to understand the nature of the ice shell and the ocean beneath it, along with the moon’s composition and geology. The mission’s detailed exploration of Europa will help scientists better understand the astrobiological potential for habitable worlds beyond our planet.
      Managed by Caltech in Pasadena, California, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California leads the development of the Europa Clipper mission in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, for NASA Headquarters in Washington. The main spacecraft body was designed by APL in collaboration with JPL and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The Planetary Missions Program Office at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, executes program management of the Europa Clipper mission.
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      For further details about the mission and updates on launch preparations, visit:
      Leejay Lockhart
      Kennedy Space Center, Florida
      Karen Fox / Alana Johnson
      NASA Headquarters, Washington
      202-358-1600 / 202-358-1501
      karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / alana.r.johnson@nasa.gov
      Julian Coltre
      NASA Headquarters, Washington
      Last Updated Sep 03, 2024 LocationNASA Headquarters Related Terms
      Europa Clipper Europa Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jupiter Jupiter Moons Kennedy Space Center Launch Services Program NASA Headquarters Space Operations Mission Directorate View the full article
    • By NASA
      Digital content creators are invited to register to attend the launch of the Europa Clipper spacecraft, which will collect data to help scientists determine if Jupiter’s icy moon Europa could support life. 
      NASA and SpaceX are targeting a launch period opening Thursday, Oct. 10. The mission will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. 
      The Europa Clipper spacecraft will carry nine science instruments on board to gather detailed measurements while performing approximately 50 close flybys of the Jovian moon. Research suggests an ocean twice the volume of all the Earth’s oceans exists under Europa’s icy crust. Detailed exploration of Europa will help scientists better understand the astrobiological potential for habitable worlds beyond our planet. 
      If your passion is to communicate and engage the world online, then this is the event for you! Seize the opportunity to see and share the Europa Clipper mission launch. 
      A maximum of 50 social media users will be selected to attend this two-day event and will be given access similar to news media. 
      NASA Social participants will have the opportunity to: 
      View a launch of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket and Europa Clipper spacecraft  Tour NASA facilities at Kennedy Space Center  Meet and interact with Europa Clipper subject matter experts  Meet fellow space enthusiasts who are active on social media  NASA Social registration for the Europa Clipper launch opens on Tuesday, Sept. 3, and the deadline to apply is at 10 a.m. EDT on Monday, Sept. 9. All social applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 
      APPLY NOW 
      Do I need to have a social media account to register? 
       Yes. This event is designed for people who: 
      Actively use multiple social networking platforms and tools to disseminate information to a unique audience.  Regularly produce new content that features multimedia elements.  Have the potential to reach a large number of people using digital platforms, or reach a unique audience, separate and distinctive from traditional news media and/or NASA audiences.  Must have an established history of posting content on social media platforms.  Have previous postings that are highly visible, respected and widely recognized.  Users on all social networks are encouraged to use the hashtag #NASASocial. Updates and information about the event will be shared on X via @NASASocial and @NASAKennedy, and via posts to Facebook and Instagram. 
      How do I register? 
      Registration for this event opens on Tuesday, Sept. 3, and closes at 10 a.m. EDT on Monday, Sept. 9. Registration is for one person only (you) and is non-transferable. Each individual wishing to attend must register separately. Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 
      Can I register if I am not a U.S. citizen? 
      Yes, this event is open for all to apply. 
      When will I know if I am selected? 
      After registrations have been received and processed, an email with confirmation information and additional instructions will be sent to those selected. We expect to send the acceptance notifications by Sept. 30. 
      What are NASA Social credentials? 
      All social applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Those chosen must prove through the registration process they meet specific engagement criteria. 
      If you do not make the registration list for this NASA Social, you still can attend the launch offsite and participate in the conversation online. Find out about ways to experience a launch here. 
      What are the registration requirements? 
      Registration indicates your intent to travel to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida and attend the two-day event in person. You are responsible for your own expenses for travel, accommodations, food, and other amenities. 
      Some events and participants scheduled to appear at the event are subject to change without notice. NASA is not responsible for loss or damage incurred as a result of attending. NASA, moreover, is not responsible for loss or damage incurred if the event is cancelled with limited or no notice. Please plan accordingly. 
      Kennedy is a government facility. Those who are selected will need to complete an additional registration step to receive clearance to enter the secure areas. 
      IMPORTANT: To be admitted, you will need to provide two forms of unexpired government-issued identification; one must be a photo ID and match the name provided on the registration. Those without proper identification cannot be admitted. 
      For a complete list of acceptable forms of ID, please visit: NASA Credentialing Identification Requirements. 
      All registrants must be at least 18 years old. 
      What if the launch date changes? 
      Many different factors can cause a scheduled launch date to change multiple times. If the launch date changes, NASA may adjust the date of the NASA Social accordingly to coincide with the new target launch date. NASA will notify registrants of any changes by email. 
      If the launch is postponed, attendees will be invited to attend a later launch date. NASA cannot accommodate attendees for delays beyond 72 hours. 
      NASA Social attendees are responsible for any additional costs they incur related to any launch delay. We strongly encourage participants to make travel arrangements that are refundable and/or flexible. 
      What if I cannot come to the Kennedy Space Center? 
      If you cannot come to the Kennedy Space Center and attend in person, you should not register for the NASA Social. You can follow the conversation online using #NASASocial.  
      You can watch the launch on NASA+ or plus.nasa.gov. NASA will provide regular launch and mission updates on @NASA, @NASAKennedy, @NASA_LSP, @NASAJPL and @EuropaClipper as well as on NASA’s Europa Clipper Mission blog. 
      If you cannot make this NASA Social, don’t worry; NASA is planning many other Socials in the near future at various locations! 
      View the full article
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