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The Earth Observer Editor’s Corner: Summer 2024


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The Earth Observer Editor’s Corner: Summer 2024

Welcome to a new era for The Earth Observer newsletter! This communication marks the official public release of our new website. While this release moves us into a new online future, the newsletter team has worked to ensure the new website also allows for continuity with our publication’s robust 35-year history.  The Executive Editor has written a more detailed overview of our new site that is posted separately.

I am happy to report on the success of several recent launches. The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite–U (GOES-U) successfully launched at 5:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on June 25 aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

GOES-U (renamed GOES-19 after reaching geostationary orbit on July 8) is the fourth and final satellite in the GOES-R Series, providing advanced imagery and atmospheric measurements, real-time mapping of lightning activity, and space weather observations. Once the checkout phase is complete, NASA will hand operational control to NOAA. After checkout, the plan is for GOES-19 to replace GOES-16 (originally GOES–R) as GOES-East. GOES-19 will work in tandem with GOES-18 (GOES–T), NOAA’s GOES-West satellite, to enable observations from the west coast of Africa to New Zealand.

In addition to its critical role in terrestrial weather prediction, the GOES constellation of satellites helps forecasters predict near Earth space weather that can interfere with satellite and terrestrial electronics and communication. The GOES-U satellite goes beyond the capabilities of its predecessors with a new space weather instrument, the Compact Coronagraph-1 (CCOR-1), which blocks light from the solar disk to allow imagery of the faint solar corona, providing low latency observations for detecting coronal mass ejections.

Speaking of space weather, Solar Cycle 25 is nearing its peak, which typically results in an increase in solar activity and geomagnetic storms. A particularly intense geomagnetic storm took place in mid-May 2024—the strongest in over two decades The G5 storm culminated in a remarkable display of the aurora overnight—in both hemispheres—on May 10–11, visible from many areas worldwide—including latitudes where sightings of auroras are uncommon. It also caused concerns for the safety of some of NASA’s Earth science satellite missions, although fortunately there was no lasting impact.

The aurora produced by the storm could be observed from the day-night band on the NASA–NOAA Suomi NPP Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) that is sensitive enough to detect nighttime light across a broad band of wavelengths (green to near-infrared) to observe signals such as city lights, reflected moonlight, and auroras. VIIRS captured the image shown below on the night of May 11, 2024. 

Editor's Corner Figure
Figure. The day-night band on Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) captured this image of the aurora borealis that occurred on the night of May 11, 2024, as the culminating event of a particularly intense geomagnetic storm that occurred in May 2024. In this view, the northern lights appear as a bright white strip across parts of Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan. 
Figure credit: NASA’s Earth Observatory

There were two deployments from the International Space Station (ISS) as part of NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies (InVEST) program. The SigNals Of Opportunity: P-band Investigation (SNOOPI) was launched on March 21 from NASA’s Cape Canaveral Space Force Station to the International Space Station aboard SpaceX’s Dragon cargo spacecraft (CRS-30) as part of the company’s thirtieth commercial resupply mission. On April 21, the instrument was released into orbit from the station. The SNOOPI mission will demonstrate and validate the in-space use of P-band (~300 MHz) signals of opportunity to measure root zone soil moisture and snow water equivalent, reducing the risk of utilizing this technique on future space missions. SNOOPI will also verify important assumptions about reflected signal coherence, robustness to the RFI environment, and the ability to capture and process the transmitted signal in space. James Garrison [Purdue University] is PI for SNOOPI, with co-investigators from GSFC.

The Hyperspectral Thermal Imager (HyTI) CubeSat was also flown aboard CRS-30 and deployed from the ISS. HyTI is a technology demonstration mission by the University of Hawaiiʻi at Mānoa designed to demonstrate how high spatial resolution (60-m ground resolution), high spectral resolution (25 bands), and long-wave infrared image data can be acquired to monitor water resources using a 6U CubeSat. Robert Wright [University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa] is principal investigator for HyTI.

NASA is conducting the Arctic Radiation Cloud Aerosol Surface Interaction Experiment (ARCSIX) over the Arctic Ocean north of Greenland this spring and summer. Altogether, about 75 scientists (including sea ice surface researchers, aerosol researchers, and cloud researchers), along with instrument operators and flight crew, are participating in ARCSIX’s two phases based out of Pituffik Space Base in northwest Greenland. The first three-week deployment, from late May to mid-June of this year, was timed to document the start of the ice melt season. The second deployment will occur in late July and August to monitor late summer conditions leading up to the freeze-up period.

As part of ARCSIX, NASA is flying two of its aircraft, with the first flights having occurred on May 28, 2024. The P-3 Orion aircraft from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility flies at relatively low altitudes to characterize sea ice surface properties, the optical and microphysical properties of cloud and aerosol particles, atmospheric chemistry, radiative fluxes, and other lower atmospheric properties. At the same time, a Gulfstream III aircraft, managed by NASA’s Langley Research Center, flies at higher altitudes to provide hyperspectral imagery and obtain atmospheric profiles, adding a perspective similar to those of orbiting satellites.

Two members of NASA’s Earth observing fleet celebrate milestone anniversaries this summer. The third of NASA’s EOS Flagships—Aura—marks 20 years in orbit on July 15. During the 1990s and early 2000s, an international team of engineers and scientists worked together to design the first integrated observatory for studying atmospheric composition. This was a “bold endeavor” at the time, intended to provide unprecedented detail essential to understanding how Earth’s ozone layer and air quality respond to changes in atmospheric composition caused by both human activities and natural phenomena, a key NASA Earth science objective. The Aura spacecraft (Latin for “breeze” and “air”) was launched on July 15, 2004, with its four instruments.

Twenty years later, the spacecraft and two of its instruments, the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), are in remarkable shape, which is a testament to Aura’s solid engineering. MLS and OMI are remarkably stable, allowing for the continuation of their science- and trend-quality datasets. However, all good things must come to an end. Insufficient solar power generation will require that data collection end in mid-2026. In the meantime, MLS and OMI will continue to monitor the everchanging composition of Earth’s atmosphere. I extend my congratulations to Bryan Duncan [GSFC—Aura Project Scientist] and the entire Aura team, past and present, on this remarkable achievement.

On July 2, 2024, the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) celebrated ten years since its launch, marking a decade of gold-standard measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) from space. OCO-2 was originally designed as a pathfinder mission to measure CO2 with the precision and accuracy needed to quantify regional sources and sinks of this key greenhouse gas.

OCO-2 has tracked the relentless rise of CO2 in our atmosphere and has provided unprecedented information on where, when, and how CO2 is released into and removed from the atmosphere. OCO-2 data have provided new insights into how CO2 emissions are offset by natural carbon sinks such as forests and oceans. The data have demonstrated that spaceborne measurements can be used to accurately quantify CO2 emissions from power plants and cities. The long-term, global record has also been used to examine the two-way interactions between CO2 and climate. As the length of the data record has increased, OCO-2 is beginning to be able to provide policy-relevant information and to address an ever more diverse range of carbon cycle science questions. Because of the mission’s success, NASA now has two instruments in space monitoring Earth’s carbon cycle. OCO-2’s spare parts were repurposed and nested as OCO-3 on the International Space Station in 2019. OCO-2 is unique among NASA missions in providing near-global sampling in combination with the spectral resolution and signal to noise needed to provide CO2 with the sensitivity required to inform studies of the natural carbon cycle as well as anthropogenic sources. The OCO-2 mission has been and will remain a key element of any U.S. or international greenhouse gas observational network to enhance our scientific understanding of the carbon cycle and inform climate mitigation efforts. Congratulations to Vivienne Payne [JPL—OCO-2 Principal Investigator] and the entire OCO-2 team on this noteworthy achievement.

The Earth Observer plans more in-depth feature coverage of both these missions celebrating milestones in July over the coming months. Last but certainly not least, I would like to congratulate Sarah Ringerud [GSFC] on being chosen as the Deputy Project Scientist for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission. Ringerud holds a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science with an emphasis on Remote Sensing from Colorado State University. Ringerud is a research meteorologist at GSFC, leading projects focused on GPM and future mission concepts. Her expertise lies in satellite algorithm development, particularly for microwave instruments, and she actively collaborates with government and academic partners to advance the field of precipitation remote sensing. Congratulations to Sarah and best wishes in her new role. 

Steve Platnick
EOS Senior Project Scientist



Last Updated
Jul 18, 2024

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      NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes have identified a supermassive black hole that has torn apart one star and is now using that stellar wreckage to pummel another star or smaller black hole, as described in our latest press release. This research helps connect two cosmic mysteries and provides information about the environment around some of the bigger types of black holes.
      This artist’s illustration shows a disk of material (red, orange, and yellow) that was created after a supermassive black hole (depicted on the right) tore apart a star through intense tidal forces.X-ray: NASA/CXC/Queen’s Univ. Belfast/M. Nicholl et al.; Optical/IR: PanSTARRS, NSF/Legacy Survey/SDSS; Illustration: Soheb Mandhai / The Astro Phoenix; Image Processing: NASA/CXC/SAO/N. Wolk This artist’s illustration shows a disk of material (red, orange, and yellow) that was created after a supermassive black hole (depicted on the right) tore apart a star through intense tidal forces. Over the course of a few years, this disk expanded outward until it intersected with another object – either a star or a small black hole – that is also in orbit around the giant black hole. Each time this object crashes into the disk, it sends out a burst of X-rays detected by Chandra. The inset shows Chandra data (purple) and an optical image of the source from Pan-STARRS (red, green, and blue).
      In 2019, an optical telescope in California noticed a burst of light that astronomers later categorized as a “tidal disruption event”, or TDE. These are cases where black holes tear stars apart if they get too close through their powerful tidal forces. Astronomers gave this TDE the name of AT2019qiz.
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      This latest study gives scientists evidence that TDEs and QPEs are likely connected. The researchers think that QPEs arise when an object smashes into the disk left behind after the TDE. While there may be other explanations, the authors of the study propose this is the source of at least some QPEs.
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      The paper describing these results appears in the Oct. 9 issue of the journal Nature. The first author of the paper is Matt Nicholl of Queen’s University Belfast in Ireland.
      NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center manages the Chandra program. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory’s Chandra X-ray Center controls science operations from Cambridge, Massachusetts, and flight operations from Burlington, Massachusetts.
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      Revealing the Hidden Universe with Full-shell X-ray Optics at Marshall
      The study of X-ray emission from astronomical objects reveals secrets about the universe at the largest and smallest spatial scales. Celestial X-rays are produced by black holes consuming nearby stars, emitted by the million-degree gas that traces the structure between galaxies, and can be used to predict whether stars may be able to host planets hospitable to life. X-ray observations have shown that most of the visible matter in the universe exists as hot gas between galaxies and have conclusively demonstrated that the presence of “dark matter” is needed to explain galaxy cluster dynamics, that dark matter dominates the mass of galaxy clusters, and that it governs the expansion of the cosmos.
      A composite X-ray/Optical/Infrared image of the Crab Pulsar. The X-ray image from the Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue and white), reveals exquisite details in the central ring structures and gas flowing out of the polar jets. Optical light from the Hubble Space Telescope (purple) shows foreground and background stars as pinpoints of light. Infrared light from the Spitzer Space Telescope (pink) traces cooler gas in the nebula. Finally, magnetic field direction derived from X-ray polarization observed by the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer is shown as orange lines.Magnetic field lines: NASA/Bucciantini et al; X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO; Optical: NASA/STScI; Infrared: NASA-JPL-Caltech X-ray observations also enable us to probe mysteries of the universe on the smallest scales. X-ray observations of compact objects such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes allow us to use the universe as a physics laboratory to study conditions that are orders of magnitude more extreme in terms of density, pressure, temperature, and magnetic field strength than anything that can be produced on Earth. In this astrophysical laboratory, researchers expect to reveal new physics at the subatomic scale by conducting investigations such as probing the neutron star equation of state and testing quantum electrodynamics with observations of neutron star atmospheres.
      At NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, a team of scientists and engineers is building, testing, and flying innovative optics that bring the universe’s X-ray mysteries into sharper focus.
      Unlike optical telescopes that create images by reflecting or refracting light at near-90-degree angles (normal incidence), focusing X-ray optics must be designed to reflect light at very small angles (grazing incidence). At normal incidence, X-rays are either absorbed by the surface of a mirror or penetrate it entirely. However, at grazing angles of incidence, X-rays reflect very efficiently due to an effect called total external reflection. In grazing incidence, X-rays reflect off the surface of a mirror like rocks skipping on the surface of a pond.
      A classic design for astronomical grazing incidence optics is the Wolter-I prescription, which consists of two reflecting surfaces, a parabola and hyperbola (see figure below). This optical prescription is revolved around the optical axis to produce a full-shell mirror (i.e., the mirror spans the full circumference) that resembles a gently tapered cone. To increase the light collecting area, multiple mirror shells with incrementally larger diameters and a common focus are fabricated and nested concentrically to comprise a mirror module assembly (MMA).
      Focusing optics are critical to studying the X-ray universe because, in contrast to other optical systems like collimators or coded masks, they produce high signal-to-noise images with low background noise. Two key metrics that characterize the performance of X-ray optics are angular resolution, which is the ability of an optical system to discriminate between closely spaced objects, and effective area, which is the light collecting area of the telescope, typically quoted in units of cm2. Angular resolution is typically measured as the half-power diameter (HPD) of a focused spot in units of arcseconds. The HPD encircles half of the incident photons in a focused spot and measures the sharpness of the final image; a smaller number is better. 
      Schematic of a full-shell Wolter-I X-ray optic mirror module assembly with five concentrically nested mirror shells. Parallel rays of light enter from the left, reflect twice off the reflective inside surface of the shell (first off the parabolic segment and then off the hyperbolic segment), and converge at the focal plane.NASA Marshall has been building and flying lightweight, full-shell, focusing X-ray optics for over three decades, always meeting or exceeding angular resolution and effective area requirements. Marshall utilizes an electroformed nickel replication technique to make these thin full-shell X-ray optics from nickel alloy.
      X-ray optics development at Marshall began in the early 1990s with the fabrication of optics to support NASA’s Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF-S) and then continued via the Constellation-X technology development programs. In 2001, Marshall launched a balloon payload that included two modules each with three mirrors, which produced the first focused hard X-ray images of an astrophysical source by imaging Cygnus X-1, GRS 1915, and the Crab Nebula. This initial effort resulted in several follow-up missions over the next 12 years and became known as the High Energy Replicated Optics (HERO) balloon program.
      In 2012, the first of four sounding rocket flights of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) flew with Marshall optics onboard, producing the first focused images of the Sun at energies greater than 5 keV. In 2019 the Astronomical Roentgen Telescope X-ray Concentrator (ART-XC) instrument on the Spectr-Roentgen-Gamma Mission launched with seven Marshall-fabricated X-ray MMAs, each containing 28 mirror shells. ART-XC is currently mapping the sky in the 4-30 keV hard X-ray energy range, studying exotic objects like neutron stars in our own galaxy as well as active galactic nuclei, which are spread across the visible universe. In 2021, the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), flew and is now performing extraordinary science with a Marshall-led team using three, 24-shell MMAs that were fabricated and calibrated in-house.
      Most recently, in 2024, the fourth FOXSI sounding rocket campaign launched with a high-resolution Marshall MMA. The optics achieved 9.5 arcsecond HPD angular resolution during pre-flight test with an expected 7 arcsecond HPD in gravity-free flight, making this the highest angular resolution flight observation made with a nickel-replicated X-ray optic. Currently Marshall is fabricating an MMA for the Rocket Experiment Demonstration of a Soft X-ray (REDSoX) polarimeter, a sounding rocket mission that will fly a novel soft X-ray polarimeter instrument to observe active galactic nuclei. The REDSoX MMA optic will be 444 mm in diameter, which will make it the largest MMA ever produced by MSFC and the second largest replicated nickel X-ray optic in the world.
      The ultimate performance of an X-ray optic is determined by errors in the shape, position, and roughness of the optical surface. To push the performance of X-ray optics toward even higher angular resolution and achieve more ambitious science goals, Marshall is currently engaged in a fundamental research and development effort to improve all aspects of full-shell optics fabrication.
      Scientists Wayne Baumgartner, left, crouched, and Nick Thomas, left, standing, calibrate an IXPE MMA in the Marshall 100 m Beamline. Scientist Stephen Bongiorno, right, applies epoxy to an IXPE shell during MMA assembly.NASA Given that these optics are made with the electroformed nickel replication technique, the fabrication process begins with creation of a replication master, called the mandrel, which is a negative of the desired optical surface. First, the mandrel is figured and polished to specification, then a thin layer of nickel alloy is electroformed onto the mandrel surface. Next, the nickel alloy layer is removed to produce a replicated optical shell, and finally the thin shell is attached to a stiff holding structure for use.
      Each step in this process imparts some degree of error into the final replicated shell. Research and development efforts at Marshall are currently concentrating on reducing distortion induced during the electroforming metal deposition and release steps. Electroforming-induced distortion is caused by material stress built into the electroformed material as it deposits onto the mandrel. Decreasing release-induced distortion is a matter of reducing adhesion strength between the shell and mandrel, increasing strength of the shell material to prevent yielding, and reducing point defects in the release layer.
      Additionally, verifying the performance of these advanced optics requires world-class test facilities. The basic premise of testing an optic designed for X-ray astrophysics is to place a small, bright X-ray source far away from the optic. If the angular size of the source, as viewed from the optic, is smaller than the angular resolution of the optic, the source is effectively simulating X-ray starlight. Due to the absorption of X-rays by air, the entire test facility light path must be placed inside a vacuum chamber.
      At the center, a group of scientists and engineers operate the Marshall 100-meter X-ray beamline, a world-class end-to-end test facility for flight and laboratory X-ray optics, instruments, and telescopes. As per the name, it consists of a 100-meter-long vacuum tube with an 8-meter-long, 3-meter-diameter instrument chamber and a variety of X-ray sources ranging from 0.25 – 114 keV. Across the street sits the X-Ray and Cryogenic Facility (XRCF), a 527-meter-long beamline with an 18-meter-long, 6-meter-diameter instrument chamber. These facilities are available for the scientific community to use and highlight the comprehensive optics development and test capability that Marshall is known for.
      Within the X-ray astrophysics community there exist a variety of angular resolution and effective area needs for focusing optics. Given its storied history in X-ray optics, Marshall is uniquely poised to fulfill requirements for large or small, medium- or high-angular-resolution X-ray optics. To help guide technology development, the astrophysics community convenes once per decade to produce a decadal survey. The need for high-angular-resolution and high-throughput X-ray optics is strongly endorsed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report, Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s.In pursuit of this goal, Marshall is continuing to advance the state of the art in full-shell optics. This work will enable the extraordinary mysteries of the X-ray universe to be revealed.
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      Hubble, New Horizons Team Up for a Simultaneous Look at Uranus
      NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and New Horizons spacecraft simultaneously set their sights on Uranus recently, allowing scientists to make a direct comparison of the planet from two very different viewpoints. The results inform future plans to study like types of planets around other stars.
      NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope (left) and NASA’s New Horizon’s spacecraft (right) image the planet Uranus.NASA, ESA, STScI, Samantha Hasler (MIT), Amy Simon (NASA-GSFC), New Horizons Planetary Science Theme Team; Image Processing: Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Joseph Olmsted (STScI) Astronomers used Uranus as a proxy for similar planets beyond our solar system, known as exoplanets, comparing high-resolution images from Hubble to the more-distant view from New Horizons. This combined perspective will help scientists learn more about what to expect while imaging planets around other stars with future telescopes.
      “While we expected Uranus to appear differently in each filter of the observations, we found that Uranus was actually dimmer than predicted in the New Horizons data taken from a different viewpoint,” said lead author Samantha Hasler of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge and New Horizons science team collaborator.
      Direct imaging of exoplanets is a key technique for learning about their potential habitability, and offers new clues to the origin and formation of our own solar system. Astronomers use both direct imaging and spectroscopy to collect light from the observed planet and compare its brightness at different wavelengths. However, imaging exoplanets is a notoriously difficult process because they’re so far away. Their images are mere pinpoints and so are not as detailed as the close-up views that we have of worlds orbiting our Sun. Researchers can also only directly image exoplanets at “partial phases,” when only a portion of the planet is illuminated by their star as seen from Earth.
      Uranus was an ideal target as a test for understanding future distant observations of exoplanets by other telescopes for a few reasons. First, many known exoplanets are also gas giants similar in nature. Also, at the time of the observations, New Horizons was on the far side of Uranus, 6.5 billion miles away, allowing its twilight crescent to be studied – something that cannot be done from Earth. At that distance, the New Horizons view of the planet was just several pixels in its color camera, called the Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera.
      On the other hand, Hubble, with its high resolution, and in its low-Earth orbit 1.7 billion miles away from Uranus, was able to see atmospheric features such as clouds and storms on the day side of the gaseous world.
      “Uranus appears as just a small dot on the New Horizons observations, similar to the dots seen of directly imaged exoplanets from observatories like Webb or ground-based observatories,” Hasler said. “Hubble provides context for what the atmosphere is doing when it was observed with New Horizons.”
      The gas giant planets in our solar system have dynamic and variable atmospheres with changing cloud cover. How common is this among exoplanets? By knowing the details of what the clouds on Uranus looked like from Hubble, researchers can verify what is interpreted from the New Horizons data. In the case of Uranus, both Hubble and New Horizons saw that the brightness did not vary as the planet rotated, which indicates that the cloud features were not changing with the planet’s rotation.
      In this image, two three-dimensional shapes, top, of Uranus are compared to the actual views of the planet from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, bottom left, and NASA’s New Horizon’s spacecraft, bottom right. Comparing high-resolution images from Hubble to the smaller view from New Horizons offers a combined perspective that will help researchers learn more about what to expect while imaging planets around other stars with future observatories. NASA, ESA, STScI, Samantha Hasler (MIT), Amy Simon (NASA-GSFC), New Horizons Planetary Science Theme Team; Image Processing: Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Joseph Olmsted (STScI) However, the importance of the detection by New Horizons has to do with how the planet reflects light at a different phase than what Hubble, or other observatories on or near Earth, can see. New Horizons showed that exoplanets may be dimmer than predicted at partial and high phase angles, and that the atmosphere reflects light differently at partial phase.
      NASA has two major upcoming observatories in the works to advance studies of exoplanet atmospheres and potential habitability.
      “These landmark New Horizons studies of Uranus from a vantage point unobservable by any other means add to the mission’s treasure trove of new scientific knowledge, and have, like many other datasets obtained in the mission, yielded surprising new insights into the worlds of our solar system,” added New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute.
      NASA’s upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, set to launch by 2027, will use a coronagraph to block out a star’s light to directly see gas giant exoplanets. NASA’s Habitable Worlds Observatory, in an early planning phase, will be the first telescope designed specifically to search for atmospheric biosignatures on Earth-sized, rocky planets orbiting other stars.
      “Studying how known benchmarks like Uranus appear in distant imaging can help us have more robust expectations when preparing for these future missions,” concluded Hasler. “And that will be critical to our success.”
      Launched in January 2006, New Horizons made the historic flyby of Pluto and its moons in July 2015, before giving humankind its first close-up look at one of these planetary building block and Kuiper Belt object, Arrokoth, in January 2019. New Horizons is now in its second extended mission, studying distant Kuiper Belt objects, characterizing the outer heliosphere of the Sun, and making important astrophysical observations from its unmatched vantage point in distant regions of the solar system.
      The Hubble Space Telescope has been operating for over three decades and continues to make ground-breaking discoveries that shape our fundamental understanding of the universe. Hubble is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center manages the telescope and mission operations. Lockheed Martin Space, based in Denver, Colorado, also supports mission operations at Goddard. The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, conducts Hubble science operations for NASA.
      The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, built and operates the New Horizons spacecraft and manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. Southwest Research Institute, based in San Antonio and Boulder, Colorado, directs the mission via Principal Investigator Alan Stern and leads the science team, payload operations and encounter science planning. New Horizons is part of NASA’s New Frontiers program, managed by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.
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      Crew-8 Awaits Splashdown; Expedition 72 Stays Focused on Science
      Four International Space Station crew members continue waiting for their departure date as mission managers monitor weather conditions off the coast of Florida. The rest of the Expedition 72 crew stayed focused Oct. 14 on space biology and lab maintenance aboard the orbital outpost.
      The SpaceX Dragon Freedom spacecraft is pictured through the window of the SpaceX Dragon Endeavour spacecraft with a vivid green and pink aurora below.NASA NASA and SpaceX mission managers are watching unfavorable weather conditions off the Florida coast right now for the splashdown of the SpaceX Crew-8 mission with NASA astronauts Matthew Dominick, Mike Barratt, and Jeanette Epps, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Grebenkin. The homebound quartet spent Oct. 14 mostly relaxing while also continuing departure preps. Mission teams are currently targeting Dragon Endeavour’s undocking for no earlier than 2:05 a.m. CDT on Oct. 18. The Crew-8 foursome is in the seventh month of their space research mission that began on March 3.
      The other seven orbital residents will stay aboard the orbital outpost until early 2025. NASA astronaut Don Pettit is scheduled to return to Earth first in February with Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexey Ovchinin and Ivan Vagner aboard the Soyuz MS-26 crew ship. Next, station Commander Suni Williams and flight engineer Butch Wilmore are targeted to return home aboard SpaceX Dragon Freedom with SpaceX Crew-9 Commander Nick Hague, all three NASA astronauts, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov.
      Williams had a light duty day Oct. 14 disassembling life support gear before working out for a cardio fitness study. Wilmore installed a new oxygen recharge tank and began transferring oxygen into tanks located in the Quest airlock. Hague collected his blood and saliva samples for incubation and cold stowage to learn how microgravity affects cellular immunity. Pettit also had a light duty day servicing biology hardware including the Cell Biology Experiment Facility, a research incubator with an artificial gravity generator, and the BioLab, which supports observations of microbes, cells, tissue cultures and more.
      The Huntsville Operations Support Center (HOSC) at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center provides engineering and mission operations support for the space station, the CCP, and Artemis missions, as well as science and technology demonstration missions. The Payload Operations Integration Center within HOSC operates, plans, and coordinates the science experiments onboard the space station 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
      The first flight of Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser to the space station is now scheduled for no earlier than May 2025 to allow for completion of spacecraft testing. Dream Chaser, which will launch atop a ULA (United Launch Alliance) Vulcan rocket and later glide to a runway landing at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, will carry cargo to the orbiting laboratory and stay on board for approximately 45 days on its first mission.
      Learn more about station activities by following the space station blog.
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    • By European Space Agency
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    • By NASA
      Researchers verified that 3D micro-computed tomography scans can map the orientation of plant roots in space and used the method to demonstrate that carrots grown in actual and simulated microgravity both had random root orientation. These findings suggest that simulated microgravity offers a reliable and more affordable tool for studying plant adaptation to spaceflight.

      MULTI-TROP evaluated the role of gravity and other factors on plant growth. Plant roots grow downward in response to gravity on Earth, but in random directions in microgravity, which is a challenge for developing plant growth facilities for space. Results from this investigation could help address this challenge, advancing efforts to grow plants for food and other uses on future space missions as well as improving plant cultivation on Earth.
      Preflight image of the BIOKON facility used to grow carrots for MULTI-TROP. Kayser Italia For climate model simulations, researchers developed four parameters of electrical discharges from thunderclouds that produce visual emissions known as Blue LUminous Events or BLUEs. BLUEs are thought to affect regional atmospheric chemistry and climate. The parameters reported by this study could inform models that help test the global and regional effects of thunderstorm corona discharges, including how their geographic distribution and global occurrence rate will change as the atmosphere warms.

      ASIM, an investigation from ESA (European Space Agency), studies high-altitude lightning in thunderstorms and the role it plays in Earth’s atmosphere and climate. Scientists need to understand processes occurring in Earth’s upper atmosphere to determine how lightning is connected to Earth’s climate and weather so they can develop better atmospheric models to guide weather and climate predictions.
      Lightning in a thunderstorm off the coast of Africa as seen from the International Space Station. NASA/Matthew Dominick A technique to detect sounds generated by the inner ear could be used as a non-invasive tool for monitoring changes in fluid pressure in the head during spaceflight. Increased fluid pressure in the head that occurs in microgravity can cause visual impairment and may also affect the middle and inner ear. Insight into fluid pressure changes could help scientists develop ways to protect astronauts from these effects.

      The ESA and ASI investigation Acoustic Diagnostics monitored hearing function in astronauts on long-term missions using otoacoustic emissions (sounds generated by the inner ear in response to specific tones). Researchers compared these measurements before and during flight to indirectly detect changes in fluid pressure in the head. Different body position and fit of the ear probes affected results of the test and the authors note that these issues need to be addressed.
      NASA astronaut Drew Morgan participates in a hearing test for the Acoustic Diagnostics investigation. ESA (European Space Agency)/Luca ParmitanoView the full article
    • By European Space Agency
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