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Summary of the 2023 GRACE Follow-On Science Team Meeting


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Summary of the 2023 GRACE Follow-On Science Team Meeting

Felix Landerer, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, felix.w.landerer@jpl.nasa.gov


In October 2023, the annual gathering of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow-On [G-FO] Science Team took place in Boulder, CO, hosted at University Corporation for Atmospheric Research’s (UCAR) Center Green campus. The event had 70 in-person participant and an additional 52 online participants – see Photo. G-FO is a U.S.–German collaboration between NASA and the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) [German Research Centre for Geosciences].

GRACE team photo
Photo: Pictured here are the in-person attendees of the 2023 GRACE-FO Science Team. Another 52 people participated online.
Image credit: Felix Landerer/JPL

The meeting agenda featured 15-minute presentations over three days, describing new findings from G-FO observations and the combined GRACE and GRACE-FO [G/G-FO] climate data record that now spans over 21 years (2002–2023). 

The meeting began with the customary G-FO project status session, covering programmatic mission and flight segment technical updates, future mission plans, and descriptions of the latest data released from the GRACE Science Data System (SDS) centers. Subsequent sessions featured more than 53 contributed presentations covering analyses, algorithms, and science results by Science Team members and attendees, totaling 57 oral and 5 poster presentations. Many of the presentations are posted on the GRACE website. While this summary will cover all the content on the agenda of the meeting – it does do so in an exact linear fashion. It begins with a G-FO mission status update, followed by key highlights from the contributed analysis and science presentations.

Status of GRACE Follow-On

Since their launch on May 22, 2018, the twin G-FO satellites have been tracking Earth’s water movements and global surface mass changes that arise from climatic, anthropogenic, and tectonic changes. G-FO also enables new insights into variations of ice sheet and glacier mass, land water storage, as well as changes in sea level and ocean currents. These measurements have important applications and implications for everyday life. The impact of these data is underscored by the publication of over 6000 scientific papers – an average of 5 new publications per week – that have established G/G-FO as a leading Earth Science mission.

In May 2023, G-FO successfully completed its Prime Mission phase that lasted five years after launch. G-FO was among the missions that went through the 2023 NASA Earth Science Senior Review. The NASA project team submitted its response in spring of 2023 to extend mission operations through 2026. The proposal received overall Excellent score, highlighting the unique utility the data provide for Earth Science research and societal applications. However, the G-FO project’s NASA budget will be reduced (compared to the previous baseline) by 15% in fiscal year (FY) 2024 and 24% in FY 2025 and 2026 due to the overall budget constraints that NASA is facing. The G-FO team remains confident in its ability to continue delivering high-value and high-impact science data products – prioritizing science operations management and data latency over data reprocessing campaigns. Both NASA and GFZ had already formally committed to extending their collaboration on G-FO mission operations and data processing through the end of 2026 via a Memorandum of Understanding.

As of December 2023, the G-FO project team has processed and released 62 monthly gravity fields – the most recent being for October 2023 (at the time of this writing). The primary mission objective for G-FO is to provide continuity for the monthly GRACE mass-change observations (2002–2017) via its Microwave Interferometer (MWI) intersatellite range-change observations. G-FO also demonstrated a novel technology demonstration Laser-Ranging Interferometer (LRI) for more accurate satellite-to-satellite ranging observations for future GRACE-like missions. The LRI has been successfully operated in parallel with the MWI for most of the mission, delivering excellent quality data. LRI-based monthly gravity and mass change fields covering the period from mid-2018 to mid-2023 have been made available by the SDS teams for further analysis and study by the science community. 

Programmatic, Mission, and Operations Updates

The meeting began with Frank Flechtner [GFZ–German G-FO Project Manager] and Felix Landerer [NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)—U.S. G-FO Project Scientist] giving welcoming remarks, followed by detailed assessments of the G-FO mission and operations status from the core SDS centers and flight operations teams.

GRACE Follow-On Project Status

Felix Landerer gave an overview of the G-FO satellites and the science data system performance. He reported that G-FO continues to meet its goal of extending the GRACE mass-change and gravity data record at equivalent precision and spatiotemporal sampling. 

Since the previous STM in October 2022, the overall G-FO science instrument performance has been stable, and the SDS team continued to deliver a gapless monthly data record to users ahead of schedule (on average, within 43 days instead of the 60-day requirement). Improving the data calibrations of the accelerometer measurements – which are noise contaminated on one of the two G-FO spacecraft – remains a core focus of the project SDS team. To this end, an improved calibration approach that reduced data errors by 10–20% has been developed and will be operationalized by the team in the coming months. 

Landerer reported that, as forecasted, the current Solar Cycle 25 has gained in strength through 2023 and will continue to do so through 2024 before subsiding again. The resulting higher non-gravitational forces acting on the satellites need to be properly accounted for in the accelerometer data processing. 

He also noted that small thruster leaks in the satellites cold gas propulsion system have been closely monitored since 2021. To ensure stable data collection and sufficient lifetime margin to achieve continuity with the proposed successor mission GRACE-Continuity, or GRACE-C (which is the new name for the Earth System Observatory Mass Change mission scheduled for launch no earlier than 2028), the G-FO project team, in conjunction with guidance from the satellite manufacturer Airbus and the German Space Operations Center, decided to adjust the operational data collection mode of G-FO to a wide pointing mode – which means that the two spacecraft are allowed to deviate from their relative line-of-sight pointing by up to 2°, whereas the previous pointing angles were 100 times smaller. This operational change necessitates fewer thruster firings, which in turn reduces leaks and improves accelerometer calibrations – and thus leads to better overall science data quality. Due to the wide pointing, the LRI intersatellite ranging data collection has been suspended in this operational mode. However, the LRI instruments are still activated and fully functional. Landerer emphasized that reducing the leak ensures that the GRACE-FO mission will have sufficient fuel to remain operational up until GRACE-C launches.

Despite these operational challenges, Landerer said that the science data delivered by G-FO continues to provide excellent utility and insights into a rapidly changing Earth system. He briefly highlighted a few scientific and decision-support contributions and achievements of G-FO over the last year. These included: 

  • Monitoring California Groundwater. G-FO recorded the largest seasonal total water storage gains over California after the multiple atmospheric rivers made landfall during the 2022/2023 winter. Yet, peak water storage in May was below values observed 15–20 years ago – due to long-term, sustained groundwater declines. Going forward, the data will be invaluable to assess groundwater recharge rates and processes.
  • Tracking Polar Ice Mass Loss. G/G-FO measured net ice mass gains over Antarctica that began around 2021 due to snow accumulation mainly in East Antarctica, which offset the unabated mass loss of the West Antarctic ice sheet.

Subsequent science presentations presented in-depth analyses of these and other findings in the dedicated science sessions, some of which are summarized below. 

Landerer also highlighted the expanding portfolio of open science contributions that the project team is supporting: Jupyter notebooks are part of an expanding GRACE Open Science toolbox with the goal to expand this toolbox with input from the Science Team and user community in the coming years. In addition, easy-to-use browser data portals at JPL and GFZ have been key to expand the science and applications user community that increasingly use the Level-3 and higher data products in decision support contexts (e.g., for drought monitoring and water resources management).

A series of status reports on programmatic G-FO mission operations, science operations, and SDS processing followed the opening presentations. Krzysztof Snopek [GFZ] reported on the ground and mission operations at the German Space Operations Center (GSOC), which is responsible for G-FO spacecraft operations. All essential flight operations, software updates, and planned calibrations were successfully scheduled and carried out by GSOC. Himanshu Save [University of Texas, Center for Space Research (CSR)] provided the science operations assessment. He described the evolving Solar Cycle 25 and its influence on the G-FO spacecraft, the mission’s fuel budget, and adjusted operational procedures and modes (such as the already-mentioned ‘wide’ pointing mode). Christopher McCullough [JPL] reviewed the status of G/G-FO Level 1 processing at JPL, detailing additional improvements made in the accelerometer calibrations. The team is using the noisy accelerometer data on one satellite and retrieving improved science information from it.

A representative from each of the G-FO mission SDS centers – which includes JPL, GFZ, CSR, and GSFC – summarized the status of the latest gravity-field and mass change data products [RL06.X L2], including an overview of background dealiasing models and the GFZ GravIS portal, the updated JPL mascon data product, new data-processing strategies, e.g., via range acceleration [CSR], and the status of ancillary Satellite-Laser-Ranging (SLR) data processing and dedicated G/G-FO products [GSFC].

Following the project team’s status presentations, there was a 30-minute session to answer questions from the science community and discuss in more detail the mission performance, near-term operations and data processing plans, as well as to gather suggestions and feedback from the community. 

Science Presentations

The remainder of the sessions in the meeting were open-submission science sessions, each of which centered around different thematic topics, including: G/G-FO analysis techniques and next generation gravity mission (NGGM) concept studies, and science analysis of mass-transport data in the fields of glaciology, oceanography, hydrology, and solid-Earth physics. As has been the case in previous years, the presenters underscored the value of interdisciplinary and multi-instrument analyses that utilize the unique complementary value of G/G-FO mass-change observations in combination with other remote sensing data (e.g., satellite altimetry or precipitation observations) and in situ data (e.g., surface deformation or ocean temperature profiles). Such hydrogeodetic combinations yield improved spatial and temporal resolutions that enable advances in Earth system process understanding, which increasingly advance societal applications of science results in support of NASA’s programmatic focus on Earth Science to Action, which seeks to “advance and integrate Earth science knowledge to empower humanity to create a more resilient world.”

Section A: GRACE and GRACE-FO Geodesy

The project status reports presented under the previous heading were part of the first section of the agenda (Session A1) as were two additional sessions: Analysis Techniques and Intercomparisons (Session A2) and NGGM and Bridging the Gap (Session A3), which focused on plans, concepts, and technologies being developed for future gravity missions. Highlights from each of these two sessions follow in the next two subsections. 

Analysis Techniques and Inter-comparisons

This session featured 15 presentations by the SDS centers and ST members on progress in instrument data calibrations and novel data processing algorithms and methods, including data-fusion with other observations.

Representatives from G/G-FO processing centers presented updated gravity-field time-series data, which capitalize on improved parameterizations, better instrument error characterizations (e.g., from star cameras, accelerometers, or ranging instruments) and background models (e.g., for tides) for improved monthly mass change data and uncertainty quantification. The highly accurate LRI data provides further opportunities to identify and characterize measurement system errors, which can be exploited for G-FO data processing but is also informative in the development of the future GRACE-C mission. However, it was also shown that several metrics used in identifying gravitational errors are sensitive to the estimated satellite trajectory, and consequently a sufficient understanding of the orbital trajectory is necessary to make accurate adjustments to the gravity field based on satellite observations.

The G/G-FO data products make use of ground-based geodetic observations, such as satellite laser-ranging (SLR) to a network of dedicated SLR satellites, which can be used to extend the G/G-FO interannual data record back to ~1994 – albeit at a much-reduced spatial resolution. Additionally, SLR data provide an important validation and performance assessment opportunity for G/G-FO observations. In that regard one presenter showed results indicating the recent G-FO accelerometer updates have indeed resulted in better gravity and mass change fields. Other speakers discussed the value and potential for improvement that could be achieved by combining G-FO and SLR observations more formally to exploit the data strengths of the different observation types in an optimal way. Such approaches could reduce uncertainties in global ocean and land ice mass changes. Furthermore, deployment of stable, long-term ocean bottom pressure (OBP) recorders in the Arctic Ocean in 2022 has enabled progress on G/G-FO OBP data validation. The data from these OBP recorders are entirely independent of G/G-FO observations and are thus very valuable to assess the satellite data record. An initial comparison between 1.5 years of OBP data and various G-FO OBP products suggest excellent agreement.

The data collected from G/G-FO has a native resolution of about 300 km (~186 mi). By jointly analyzing these G/G-FO data with higher-resolution surface elevation changes from a multimission synthesis of radar and laser satellite altimeters, net mass changes can be effectively downscaled (within a Bayesian framework) to less than 20 km (~12 mi) resolution, which is sufficiently high resolution to resolve individual ice streams in Antarctica that cannot be separated using G/G-FO data alone.

NGGM and Bridging the Gap 

The presenters in this session provided status-update on the GRACE-C mission, a joint project between NASA and the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) [German Aerospace Center], as well as on future instrument developments and mission concepts. 

The 2017 NASA Earth Science Decadal Survey Report highlighted mass-transport monitoring through gravity change as one of five designated observables (i.e., top priorities for study) in Earth observations for the next decade in collaboration with international partners. The GRACE-C project successfully passed the NASA/JPL Mission Concept Review in June 2022, and the NASA Key Decision Point B review in September 2023 and is currently in its Phase B project definition phase. GRACE-C will be a single satellite pair based on a fully redundant LRI (as demonstrated on GRACE-FO) in a polar orbit at 500 km (~311 mi) altitude. To avoid a data gap after GFO, a launch date of no later than 2028 is targeted for GRACE-C.

Similarly, GFZ has been conducting model simulation studies to determine the value of adding a second satellite pair, dubbed Next-Generation Gravity Mission (NGGM) in Europe.  The experiments reveal that advanced parameterization techniques for improved de-aliasing of short-term mass variations can significantly reduce data errors and open the possibility for higher spatial and temporal resolution data products and science applications.

The technology demonstration LRI on G-FO has surpassed its performance requirements. With a LRI expected to be the primary instrument for the GRACE-C mission as well as other future GRACE-like missions, development of a new technique is required to provide long-term laser frequency knowledge to provide a scale correction factor to the geodesy measurement. The LRI-team presented updated results of a so-called scale factor measurement technique that allows the accurate determination of the laser frequency on-orbit that can meet the stringent GRACE-C mission requirements. This was achieved with a dual frequency modulation scheme, and a prototype electronics unit has been developed and tested, demonstrating performance better than the expected mission requirements. 

There were also reports on progress in technology development of low-frequency optomechanical accelerometers for geodetic applications. These highly-sensitive, compact, portable – and cost-effective – optomechanical inertial sensors build upon recent advances in optomechanics to measure accelerations with small form factors. The development of a sensor with lower cost, size, weight, and power – yet with GRACE-like performance – is a major achievement as these could be integrated into cost-effective mission designs, spacecraft miniaturization, simplified architectures, as well as for the deployment of constellations of satellite pairs flying at lower altitudes.

Section B: Geophysics and Climate Science

There were five sessions included in this section of the agenda, which are summarized in the subsections below as follows: Hydrology (Session B4), Cryosphere (Session B2), Solid Earth Sciences (Session B1), Oceanography (Session B3), and Multidisciplinary Science (Session B5). 


This session, with 12 presentations, highlighted advances in hydrology research and applications using G/G-FO data enabled by the unique value of long, uninterrupted mass change climate data record. 

The topic of terrestrial water storage variations in California came up in several presentations, focusing on the see-saw swings between very wet and very dry years and the early impacts on groundwater recharge after the record-breaking snow accumulation during the 2022/2023 winter. The process of groundwater recharge – an important objective in the 2017 Earth Science Decadal Survey – is not well understood because of the challenges in observing infiltration of new water supply into the ground and the effects of rate of input, amount of input, and various aquifer characteristics. By combining observations of precipitation, snow water equivalent, surface water storage, ground surface deformation, and groundwater storage from G/G-FO, recharge behavior can be characterized in a natural experiment where source inputs are effectively not limited, but recharge capacity is limited. Results of studies shown during the meeting reveal that only a fraction of total available potential recharge can enter the aquifer, and that G/G-FO observations allow us to measure the effective aggregated recharge capacity and how it varies with several predictors. Another paper reported that subsurface water increases in California’s Sierra Nevada by 0.6 m (~2 ft) from October 2022 to June 2023, which represents 43% of the cumulative precipitation. 

Several presenters reported on efforts to advance concepts to downscale G/G-FO data to bring the information closer to decision-making scales and expand water-related applications, as well as to fill gaps and expand the data record with multisensor observations. One presenter described a new spectral approach that employs wavelet multiresolution analysis to combine seasonal terrestrial water storage change data from G/G-FO with those from global navigation satellite system (GNSS) ground station networks to downscale the observations to smaller hydrological basins and to better separate processes over complex topographical terrain. This method can also be used by fusing G/G-FO and hydrological model data [e.g., from NASA’s Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) models at continental scales]. Importantly, the method yields trends and long-term signals that match G/G-FO observations – a strength of the observing system. Another approach used a statistical Bayesian framework to incorporate G/G-FO observations and Soil Moisture Change data from different available sources [e.g., NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission] to obtain nonparametric likelihood functions that allow for downscaling. A statistical technique called cyclostationary empirical orthogonal function (CSEOF) analysis – which is used to interpret space-time variability in a large dataset – allowed researchers to fill short data gaps (~1 year) in G/G-FO record (e.g., between 2017 and 2018 – the gap between GRACE and GRACE–FO) without having any additional data. With the support of physically-related data (e.g., precipitation and temperature), CSEOFs can be used to reconstruct water changes into the past or fill larger data gaps. Such datasets improve understanding of trends and natural variability and anticipate future trends in response to climatic changes. 

Another presenter described a science study that found an apparent abrupt decline in temperate (non-ice) Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) in 2015 to a new, lower regime that appears to be unique in the past 33 years. The triggering event for this new lower TWS regime appears to be the massive drought in Brazil in 2015. Subsequent droughts around the world (e.g., Europe, the western U.S., Canada, central Africa, and southern Brazil) have helped to keep TWS values depressed. Warm global sea surface temperatures, prevalent since 2015, have decreased rain accumulation over the continents, reducing TWS.

In the European Alps region, a G/G-FO data analysis found that glacier and ice changes are the major contributors to the observed signals. Overall, glaciers here have lost ice mass at rates between 1.4 to 2.2 Gt/year since 2002. Advances in spatial downscaling and data combinations are expected to allow for improved estimates and applications, including geological hazard monitoring.

In Northern Italy, accelerated groundwater loss has been detected using G/G-FO, well measurements, and vertical land motion observations. Since 2015, the groundwater loss has accelerated. Assuming a best-case scenario (conditions similar to 2007–2014), it could take 13–28 years for ground water storage to recover from recent long-term period of decline, thus setting the stage for prolonged drought conditions.

Since a pioneering study in 2014, it is well-established that G/G-FO observations of TWS are an effective means to estimate flood potential and flood risks due to water-saturated soil. Novel G/G-FO data processing schemes that exploit sub-monthly variations of total water storage enabled researchers to delineate basin-specific storage-discharge dynamics more accurately. They found that at submonthly timescales in many global basins, water storage (i.e., saturated soil) has more impact on whether a flood will occur than the amount of precipitation that falls. 

Along the Nile River, G/G-FO data were used to monitor water changes in crucial artificial reservoirs. These data indicate that water losses through underground-seepage over the geologically highly fractured region via a complex network of shear systems, faults, and fractures, are significant and could impact the delicate water balance in the region. A separate study focusing on nearby Southern Arabia found that intense tropical cyclones (wind speeds > 64 kph or ~40 mph) have doubled in the past decade compared to the preceding two, which resulted in significant recharge of the aquifers in the study area. The findings demonstrate the ability of G/G-FO to capture recharge signals and monitor aquifer systems in poorly gauged basins and highlight the significant role of tropical cyclones in recharging aquifers in arid Arabia.


The five contributions in this session reported on new ice mass balance results of the Earth’s land-ice, as well as on novel data-combinations approaches that can improve the spatial resolution over G/G-FO-only data.

The Antarctica Ice Sheet contributes to the largest sea level rise potential and remains as the largest uncertainty source in the prediction of future sea levels. Data from G-FO and the Ice, Clouds and land Elevation Satellite–2 (ICESat-2) mission have been used to track ice sheet mass and height changes in Greenland and Antarctica, respectively. By combining the strengths of G-FO (gravity or mass change) and ICESat-2, (laser altimetry) data, a more accurate and less uncertain estimate of ice sheet mass changes can be achieved. This combination has led to a proposal for an enhanced iterative algorithm for deriving Antarctic mass balance, incorporating key technologies such as altimetry, gravity measurements, Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite data, and surface mass balance models. The study utilizes an effective density map derived from ICESat-2 and tests the algorithm’s sensitivity and uncertainty with synthetic data, considering realistic physical processes and variability. This approach aims to address discrepancies in estimating ice mass loss in East Antarctica and provides important guidance for optimizing future ground measurements (i.e., GPS station positions). Another presentation focused on understanding the differences in mass change recovered by the G/G-FO and IceSat-2 missions – both in terms of spatial distributions and total magnitudes – to ultimately determine a best combined estimate of ice sheet mass change leveraging the strengths of each mission. 

Temporal gravity field estimates from G/G-FO data reveal that the Antarctic ice sheet contributed approximately 6.1 mm (~0.2 in) to global sea level rise from 2002–2022, with a net loss of ~2150 GT of mass. While mass change accelerated during the GRACE era, it has decelerated during the GRACE-FO era – due to increased mass gain in East Antarctica. The deceleration is attributed to surface mass balance processes: annual precipitation and increased incidences of extreme weather events in East Antarctica, challenging predictions based on correlations with climate indices like Southern Annular Mode and El Niño Southern Oscillation.

A related study confirmed a pause in Antarctica’s mass loss, a non-accelerating mass loss in Greenland, and a steady loss from glaciers and ice caps away from the poles. The use of the LRI observations enabled novel submonthly analysis in key regions (including the Amundsen Sea Embayment of West Antarctica and the Pine Island/Thwaites basins) to gain more understanding of fast ice dynamics and their spatial extent.

While G/G-FO data span two decades, estimates of Earth’s oblateness from other satellite observations that date back to 1976 and provide a much longer data record – albeit at much coarser spatial resolution. This half-century long timeseries provides important constraints on ice mass change prior to the launch of GRACE in 2002. The data suggest that ice mass loss had already begun to accelerate by the 1990s. Recent progress in Earth system models, in conjunction with the long satellite data record, are being used to isolate trends in glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) – which is the vertical movement of the Earth’s surface after the weight of glaciers is removed from them – and to improved estimates of ice mass loss prior to GRACE.

Solid Earth Sciences

Two presenters in this session described their efforts to evaluate signals in the G/G-FO data record associated with earthquakes. The G/G-FO data provide a unique opportunity to observe the Earth’s response to great earthquakes across diverse tectonic settings at time scales from days to decades. Using 13 earthquakes of magnitude (Mw)>8.0 over the last 20 years, it was found that elastic bulk modulus and viscosity govern large-scale coseismic and postseismic gravimetric changes, respectively. By constraining the solid Earth’s viscosity structure, improved physics-based models of long-term postseismic changes can be developed that incorporate observations from G/G-FO. The portion of the long-term gravity change signal that can be attributed to these earthquakes can then be removed from the G/G-FO data to better quantify processes related to ocean mass and hydrology changes. When physics-based models are not available, alternative statistic-based approaches can be used to remove the co- and post-seismic signature of large earthquakes (e.g., 2004 Andaman-Sumatra and 2011 Tohoku, Japan quakes) from the G/G-FO data. 

As the G/G-FO data record extends into its third decade, the long time series of Earth gravity changes requires careful consideration of the solid-Earth response to contemporary surface mass changes. To isolate the gravity signature of any surface mass signal, it is becoming evident that simple elastic loading corrections are no longer sufficient. Recent advances in mantle rheology – describing and understanding the nature of Earth’s mantle – derived in mineral laboratory experiments, tidal modeling, and seismic imaging provide unequivocal evidence of anelastic contributions to solid-Earth deformation on time-scales ranging from hours to decades. New developments in the solid-Earth capabilities of JPL’s Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) in the form of viscoelastic solvers for Love numbers and sea-level change was used to implement and explore the so-called Extended Burgers Material (EBM) and so resulting viscoelastic deformations between the seismic and GIA time scales. Preliminary testing with EBM rheology shows potential for a ~15–20% increase in mass change trends for some regions.

A subdecadal variation of large-scale (i.e., spanning over continental scales) gravity signals with a period of approximately six years has attracted intense interest in the geodesy and geodynamic communities. Earth’s fluid core motions, magnetic field, Earth rotation, and crustal deformations have been invoked as causes for this signal. An analysis of G/G-FO data showed that a significant part of the approximately six-year signals is in fact due to climate-related oscillation of ocean-atmosphere coupling in the Pacific and Atlantic and variations in the land water storage over Africa.


In the oceanography session, five presenters reported on the combination of G/G-FO, satellite altimeters (e.g., from the joint NASA–European Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich mission), and in situ ocean floats (e.g., Argo) to investigate variations in sea level and ocean circulations – e.g., see Figure 1. Other presenters discussed improvements in data processing by reducing errors in atmospheric tides that could lead to spurious trends or double-counting a subset of ocean tides and by incorporating new dedicated ocean data grids that remove geodetic signals not related to ocean dynamics (e.g., global ocean mass; large earthquake signals).

GRACE figure 1
Figure 1. The top row of maps show estimates of individual components of the observed sea level trend in the northwestern Pacific from 2003 to 2016 including contributions from: land ice melt [top row, left], non-ice land water storage [top row, middle], and stereodynamic effects [top row right], which are estimated by directly combining in situ-based steric sea level (i.e., based on Argo ocean profiling floats) with the GRACE-derived ocean mass changes. The bottom row shows the sum of all of the components of sea level trend on the top two rows [bottom row, left], compared the same measurement using satellite-altimetry [bottom row, right]. These data clearly show the strong earthquake-related signature of ocean mass change east of Japan.
Image credit: Felix Landerer/updated from a similar figure published in Nature’s Communications Earth & Environment.

Another presenter described how ocean mass redistribution and regional sea-level rise in the North-West Pacific marginal seas (i.e., around Japan and north of the Philippines) is impacted by seafloor deformation from earthquakes, which alter the ocean bathymetry. G/G-FO data are key to isolating these deformation effects, which in turn allows better sea level projections that can be used for planning purposes.

While long-term sea level trends are of major concern, the seasonal cycle is the dominating climate signal in ocean bottom pressure variability. Accurate representation of seasonal cycle is thus key to efforts to improve observations and models of ocean bottom pressure. Examining differences between models and observations elucidates remaining uncertainty in observations and missing physics in the models (e.g., lack of intrinsic variability due to coarse resolution, no accounting of gravitational and loading effects). This allows researchers to advance the quality of ocean mass change observations and unravel underlying dynamics.

Lastly, ocean bottom pressure observations from G/G-FO have been used to monitor transport variability of deep currents associated overturning circulation in the Northern Hemisphere (the Labrador Current) and Southern Hemisphere (Weddell Sea Bottom Water). This deepwater transport provides an important pathway for the sequestration of excess atmospheric heat and carbon from locations of water mass formation. Continuous observations of deep ocean currents provide valuable insight into Earth’s climate system. However, harsh conditions and complex recirculation transport pathways make in-situ observations of these deep flowing currents challenging.

Interdisciplinary Science

Six presenters contributed to this session. The first study revisited geodetic assumptions about measuring so-called Earth Center-of-Mass (CM) motions that can be traced to planetary-scale seasonal and long-term variations of water cycling between the land the oceans. Differences in SLR and G/G-FO estimates of CM estimates can be helpful to refining global circulation models. In a related study, G/G-FO and SLR data have been used to pin down the causes and origin of polar motion, particularly the mass component related to gravity changes. A novel hybrid SLR/GRACE time-variable gravity approach closely aligned well with the hydrological excitation in independently polar motion.

Errors in GIA corrections impact altimeter estimates of sea level and ocean mass estimates and the so-called sea level budget. Choices in modeling GIA, particularly based on paleoshoreline sites, affect Earth’s viscosity structure and GIA response, influencing global mean sea level (GMSL) budget closure. Even minor Earth model changes can have notable effects on the alignment of GMSL (altimetry), ocean mass (GRACE), and steric sea level change (Argo). Thus, future research needs to focus on accounting for the complex three-dimensional structure of the solid Earth to improve GIA corrections and more accurately isolate contemporary mass change in the G/G-FO data record.

Despite GIA uncertainties, G/G-FO, in combination with sea level measurements from altimetry, provide a unique capability to measure changes in ocean heat content. The ocean takes up nearly 90% of Earth’s current energy imbalance, signifying their important role in overall planetary heating. Two presenters reported consistent findings of ocean heat uptake rates of 0.9 W/m2 based on the indirect geodetic satellite measurements of sea level and ocean mass – a value that is entirely independent of other techniques and thus provides crucial validation – see Figure 2. In addition, the results indicated the overall heating rate over the last decade has increased, which means heat accumulation is accelerating.

GRACE figure 2
Figure 2. This graph shows different estimates of ocean heat uptake (OHU), measured with in-situ ocean floats (orange curve), from top-of-the-atmosphere radiance satellite measurements of Earth energy imbalance (EEi) (black curve), and from geodetic satellites, i.e., G/G-FO and altimeters (blue curve). The satellite measurements agree well and show an increasing energy imbalance over the last 20 years.
Image credit: Felix Landerer/originally in Geophysical Research Letters.


The hybrid 2023 G-FO STM brought together over 120 international participants and showcased a broad range of science results and applications that are supported and uniquely enabled by the satellite gravimetry-based mass change observations. The G-FO data now span nearly six years and continue to provide crucial insights into how Earth’s hydrosphere, including sea level, ocean currents, and water distribution over land, is changing. The G/G-FO data are extending important climate data records (e.g., the Greenland and Antarctic ice mass time-series, ocean mass sea level data, and TWS over land) into their third decade. The upcoming GRACE-C mission will build on and expand this mature data record, which is increasingly enabling important applications in support of water-related decision making and planning.

The G-FO project team remains focused on providing the mass-change data record at a level of performance consistent with that of GRACE. As the current Solar Cycle 25 increases towards its anticipated maximum in 2024, the team continues to improve the mission’s accelerometer data products in support of that goal. Corresponding data improvements in the monthly gravity and mass change products will be released early 2024.

The next G-FO STM will be held from October 8–10, 2024 in Potsdam, Germany, organized by GFZ. Check the GRACE website for specific details as the date gets closer.

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      Note: The following article is part of a series highlighting propulsion testing at NASA’s Stennis Space Center. To access the entire series, please visit: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/propulsion-powering-space-dreams/.
      Contrary to the popular saying, work conducted by the propulsion test team at NASA’s Stennis Space Center is rocket science – and requires all the talent, knowledge, and expertise the term implies. 
      Rocket science at NASA Stennis, located near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, has helped safely power American space dreams for almost 60 years ago. The accumulated knowledge and skills of the site’s test team continue to benefit NASA and commercial aerospace companies, thanks to new generations of skilled engineers and operators. 
      “The innovative, can-do attitude started with the founding of the south Mississippi site more than six decades ago,” said NASA Stennis Director John Bailey. “The knowledge, skills, and insight of a versatile team continue supporting NASA’s mission and goals of commercial aerospace companies by routinely conducting successful propulsion testing at NASA Stennis.” 
      Test team personnel perform facility data review following completion of a liquid oxygen cold-flow activation activity on the E-1 Test Stand at NASA’s Stennis Space Center on March 23, 2016. Activation of the test cell was in preparation for testing L3Harris’ (then known as Aerojet Rocketdyne) AR1 rocket engine pre-burner and main injector. The versatile four-stand E Test Complex includes 12 active test cell positions capable of various component, engine, and stage test activities for NASA and commercial projects. NASA/Stennis Operators at NASA’s High Pressure Gas Facility conduct a critical stress test Oct. 18-19, 2018, to demonstrate the facility’s readiness to support testing of the core stage of NASA’s powerful SLS (Space Launch System) rocket. The High Pressure Gas Facility was critical in producing and delivering gases needed for SLS core stage testing ahead of the successful launch of Artemis I. NASA/Stennis Test control center crews at NASA’s Stennis Space Center’s simulate full operations of core stage testing Dec. 13, 2019, for NASA’s powerful SLS (Space Launch System) rocket on the Thad Cochran Test Stand (B-2). NASA Stennis conducted SLS core stage testing in 2020-21 ahead of the successful Artemis I mission. NASA/Stennis A sitewide stress test at NASA’s Stennis Space Center on Dec. 13, 2019, simulates full operations needed during SLS (Space Launch System) core stage testing. The 24-hour exercise involved crews across NASA Stennis, including at the High Pressure Water Facility that provided needed generator power and water flow to the Thad Cochran Test Stand (B-2) during testing.NASA/Stennis The NASA Stennis team exhibits a depth and breadth of experience and expertise likely unsurpassed anywhere in the world. 
      The depth is built on decades of propulsion test experience. Veteran team members of today learned from those working during the Apollo era, who overcame various engineering, technical, communications, and mechanical difficulties in testing the Saturn V rocket stages that powered humans to the Moon. During 43 stage firings, the team accumulated an estimated 2,475 years of rocket engine test expertise.  
      Members of the Apollo test team then joined with new engineers and operators to test main engines that powered 30 years of space shuttle missions. From 1975 to 2009, the team supported main engine development, certification, acceptance, and anomaly testing with over 2,300 hot fires and more than 820,000 seconds of accumulated hot-fire time.  
      “NASA Stennis is unique because of the proven test operations expertise passed from generation to generation,” said Joe Schuyler, director of the NASA Stennis Engineering and Test Directorate. “It is expertise you can trust to deliver what is needed.”
      A member of the Fred Haise Test Stand (formerly the A-1 Test Stand) operations team examines the progress of a cold-shock test on May 1, 2014. The test marked a milestone in preparing the stand to test RS-25 rocket engines that will help power NASA’s SLS (Space Launch System) rocket.NASA/Stennis In addition to depth, the site team also has a breadth of experience that gives it unparalleled versatility and adaptability. 
      Part of that comes from the nature of the center itself. NASA Stennis is the second largest NASA center in terms of geography, but the civil servant workforce is small. As a result, test team members work on a range of propulsion projects, from testing components on smaller E Test Complex cells to firing large engines and even rocket stages on the heritage Apollo-era stands. 
      “Our management have put us in a position to be successful,” said NASA engineer Josh Greiner. “They have helped move us onto the test stands and given us a huge share of the responsibility of leading projects early in our career, which provides us the confidence and opportunity to conduct tests.” 
      In addition, center leaders made a deliberate decision more than a decade ago to return test stand operations to the NASA team. Prior to that time, stand operations were in the hands of contractors under NASA supervision. The shift allowed the civil servant test team to fine-tune its skill set even as it continued to work closely with contractor partners to support both government and commercial aerospace propulsion projects. 
      An image from October 2022 shows NASA engineers preparing for the next RS-25 engine test series at NASA’s Stennis Space Center by monitoring the reload of propellant tanks to the Fred Haise Test Stand (formerly the A-1 Test Stand). RS-25 engines are powered by a mix of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.NASA/Stennis An image from October 2022 shows test team personnel ensuring pressures and flow paths are set properly for liquid oxygen to be transferred to the Fred Haise Test Stand (formerly the A-1 Test Stand), pictured in the background.NASA/Stennis An image from August 2023 shows test team personnel inspecting a pump during an initial chill down activity at the E-3 Test Complex. The versatile four-stand E Test Complex includes 12 active test cell positions capable of various component, engine, and stage test activities for NASA and commercial programs and projects. NASA/Stennis An image from September 2023 shows test team personnel preparing for future SLS (Space Launch System) exploration upper stage testing that will take place on the B-2 side of the Thad Cochran Test Stand. NASA’s new upper stage is being built as a more powerful SLS second stage to send the Orion spacecraft and heavier payloads to deep space. It will fly on the Artemis missions following a series of Green Run tests of its integrated systems at NASA Stennis. The test series will culminate with a hot fire of the four RL10 engines that will power the upper stage.NASA/Stennis An image from September 2023 shows test team personnel preparing for future SLS (Space Launch System) exploration upper stage testing by conducting a liquid hydrogen flow procedure. NASA’s new upper stage is being built as a more powerful SLS second stage to send the Orion spacecraft and heavier payloads to deep space. The upper stage will undergo a series of Green Run tests of its integrated systems on the B-2 side of the Thad Cochran Test Stand at NASA Stennis.NASA/Stennis The evolution and performance of the NASA Stennis team was illustrated in stark fashion in June/July 2018 when a blended team of NASA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Aerojet Rocketdyne, Boeing, and Syncom Space Services engineers and operators test fired an AR-22 rocket engine 10 times in a 240-hour period. 
      The campaign marked the first time a large liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen engine had been tested so often in such a short period of time. The test team overcame a variety of challenges, including a pair of lightning strikes that threatened to derail the entire effort. Following completion of the historic series, a NASA engineer who helped lead the campaign recounted one industry observer who repeatedly characterized the site’s test team as nothing less than a national asset. 
      The experienced site workforce now tests RS-25 engines and propulsion systems for NASA’s Artemis campaign, including those that will help power Artemis missions to the Moon for scientific discovery and economic benefits. The NASA Stennis team also supports a range of commercial aerospace propulsion test activities, facilitating continued growth in capabilities. For instance, the team now has experience working with oxygen, hydrogen, methane, and kerosene propellants.  
      “The NASA and contractor workforce at NASA Stennis is second to none when it comes to propulsion testing,” Schuyler said. “Many of the current employees have been involved in rocket engine testing for over 30 years, and newer workers are being trained under these seasoned professionals.”
      For information about NASA’s Stennis Space Center, visit: 
      Stennis Space Center – NASA 
      Last Updated Nov 13, 2024 EditorNASA Stennis CommunicationsContactC. Lacy Thompsoncalvin.l.thompson@nasa.gov / (228) 688-3333LocationStennis Space Center Related Terms
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      Summary of the Second OMI–TROPOMI Science Team Meeting
      The second joint Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)–TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) Science Team (ST) meeting was held June 3–6, 2024. The meeting used a hybrid format, with the in-person meeting hosted at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, CO. This was the first OMI meeting to offer virtual participation since the COVID-19 travel restrictions. Combining the onsite and virtual attendees, the meeting drew 125 participants – see Photo.
      OMI flies on NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura platform, launched July 15, 2004. TROPOMI flies on the European Space Agency’s (ESA)–Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor platform. OMI has collected nearly 20 years of data and TROPOMI now has amassed 5 years of data. 
      Meeting content was organized around the following four objectives:
      discussion of the final reprocessing of OMI data (called Collection 4) and of data preservation; discussion of OMI data continuity and enhancements using TROPOMI measurements; development of unique TROPOMI products [e.g., methane (CH4)], applications (e.g., tracking emissions – and using them as indicators of socioeconomic and military activities), and new focus regions (e.g., Africa); and leverage synergies between atmospheric composition (AC) and greenhouse gas (GHG) missions, which form the international constellation of low Earth orbit (LEO) and geostationary orbit (GEO) satellites. The remainder of this article summarizes the highlights from each day of the meeting.
      Photo. Group photo of the in-person participants at the OMI–TROPOMI Science Team meeting. Photo credit: Shaun Bush/NCAR’s Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling DAY ONE
      The topics covered on the first day of the meeting included OMI instrument performance, calibration, final Collection 4 reprocessing, and plans for data preservation.
      OMI and Data Products Update
      Pieternel Levelt [Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)—OMI Principal Investigator (PI) and NCAR’s Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling (ACOM) Laboratory—Director] began her presentation by dedicating the meeting to the memory of Johan de Vries, whose untimely death came as a shock to the OMI and TROPOMI teams – see In Memoriam: Johan de Vries for a celebration of his accomplishments and contributions to the OMI-TROPOMI team. She then went on to give a status update on OMI, which is one of two currently operating instruments on EOS Aura [the other being the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS)]. OMI is the longest operating and stable ultraviolet–visible (UV-VIS) spectrometer. It continues to “age gracefully” thanks to its design, contamination control measures undertaken after the launch, and stable optical bench temperature. Lessons learned during integration of OMI on the Aura spacecraft (e.g., provide additional charged couple device shielding) and operations (i.e., monitor partial Earth-view port blockages) guided the development and operations of the follow-on TROPOMI mission.
      Continued monitoring of OMI performance is crucial for extending science- and trend-quality OMI records to the end of the Aura mission (currently expected in 2026). Antje Ludewig [KNMI] described the new OMI Level-1B (L1B) processor (Collection 4), which is based on TROPOMI data flow and optimized calibrations. The processor has been transferred to the U.S. OMI ST, led by Joanna Joiner [NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)]. Matthew Bandel [Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI)] described NASA’s new OMI monitoring tools.
      Sergey Marchenko [SSAI] discussed OMI daily spectral solar irradiance (SSI) data, which are used for monitoring solar activity and can be compared with the dedicated Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor (TSIS-1) on the International Space Station. Continuation of OMI measurements will allow comparisons with the upcoming NASA TSIS-2 mission. Antje Inness [European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)] described operational assimilation of OMI and TROPOMI near-real time data into the European Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) daily analysis/forecast and re-analysis – see Figure 1.
      In Memoriam: Johan de Vries
      Johan de Vries
      June 10, 1956 – May 8, 2024 Johan de Vries [Airbus Netherlands—Senior Specialist Remote Sensing] passed away suddenly on May 8, 2024, after a distinguished career. As a member of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)–TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) program, Johan conceptualized the idea of using a two-dimensional (2D) charged couple detector (CCD) for the OMI imaging spectrometer. This “push-broom” design led to high-spatial resolution spectra combined with high-spatial resolution and daily global coverage capability. His pioneering design for OMI has now been repeated on several other U.S. and international atmospheric composition measuring instruments – in both low and geostationary orbits – that are either in orbit or planned for launch soon. This achievement ensures that Johan’s legacy will live on for many years to come as these push-broom Earth observing spectrometers result in unprecedented data for environmental research and applications. The OMI and TROPOMI teams express their deepest condolences to de Vries family and colleagues over this loss. 
      Figure 1. An example of TROPOMI pixel nitrogen dioxide (NO2) observations over Europe on September 8, 2018 [top] and the corresponding super observations [bottom] for a model grid of 0.5 x 0.5o. Cloudy locations are colored grey. TROPOMI super observations are tested for use in the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) data assimilation framework and will also be used for combined OMI–TROPOMI gridded datasets. Figure credit: reprinted from a 2024 paper posted on EGUSphere. Updates on OMI and TROPOMI Level-2 Data Products
      The U.S. and Netherlands OMI STs continue to collaborate closely on reprocessing and improving OMI and TROPOMI L2 science products. During the meeting, one or more presenters reported on each product, which are described in the paragraphs that follow.
      Serena Di Pede [KNMI] discussed the latest algorithm updates to the Collection 4 OMI Total Column Ozone (O3) product, which is derived using differential absorption spectroscopy (DOAS). She compared results from the new algorithm with the previous Collection 3 and with both the TROPOMI and OMI NASA O3 total column (Collection 3) algorithms. Collection 4 improved on previous versions by reducing the retrieval fit error and the along-track stripes of the product.
      Juseon “Sunny” Bak and Xiong Liu [both from Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)] gave updates on the status of the Collection 4 O3 profile products.
      Lok Lamsal [GSFC/University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)] and Henk Eskes [KNMI] compared Collection 3 and Collection 4 of the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) products.  
      Zolal Ayzpour [SAO] discussed the status of the OMI Collection 4 formaldehyde (HCHO) product.
      Hyeong-Ahn Kwon [SAO] presented a poster that updated the Glyoxal product.
      Omar Torres [GSFC] and Changwoo Ahn [GSFC/SSAI] presented regional trend analyses using the re-processed OMI Collection 4 absorbing aerosol product – see Figure 2.
      Figure 2. Reprocessed OMI records (from Collection 4) of monthly average aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 388 nm derived from the OMI aerosol algorithm (OMAERUV) over Western North America (WNA): 30°N–50°N, 110°W–128°W) [top] and over Eastern China (EC): 25°N–43°N, 112°E–124°E) [bottom]. A repeatable annual cycle over WNA occurred with autumn minimum at around 0.1 and a spring maximum in the vicinity of 0.4 during the 2005–2016 period. After 2017 much larger AOD maxima in the late summer are associated with wildfire smoke occurrence. Over EC (bottom) the 2005–2014 AOD record depicts a large spring maxima (0.7 and larger) due to long-range transport of dust and secondary pollution aerosols followed by late autumn minima (around 0.3). A significant AOD decrease is observed starting in 2015 with reduced minimum and maximum values to about 0.2 and 0.5 respectively. The drastic change in AOD load over this region is associated with pollution control measures enacted over the last decade. Figure credit: Changwoo Ahn/GSFC/SSAI and Omar Torres/GSFC Updates on EOS Synergy Products
      Several presenters and posters during the meeting gave updates on EOS synergy products, where OMI data are combined with data from another instrument on one of the EOS flagships. These are described below.
      Brad Fisher [SSAI] presented a poster on the Joint OMI–Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) cloud products.
      Wenhan Qin [GSFC/SSAI] presented a poster on the MODIS–OMI Geometry Dependent Lambertian Equivalent Surface Reflectivity (GLER) product.
      Jerry Ziemke [GSFC and Morgan State University (MSU)] presented on the OMI–MLS Tropospheric Ozone product that showed post-COVID tropospheric O3 levels measured using this product, which are consistent with similar measurements obtained using other satellite O3 data – see Figure 3.
      Figure 3. Anomaly maps of merged tropospheric column O3 (TCO) satellite data (Dobson Units) for spring–summer 2020–2023. In this context, an anomaly is defined as deseasonalized O3 data. The anomaly maps are derived by first calculating seasonal climatology maps for 2016–2019 (i.e., pre-COVID pandemic) and then subtracting these climatology maps from the entire data record. 
      Note: The sensors used in this analysis include: the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS)/ Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) and Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) on the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) missions, which currently include the joint NASA–NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP), NOAA-20, and NOAA-21; the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC)/MERRA-2 on the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR); the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS), both on EOS Aura; the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI)/ Fast Optimal Retrievals on Layers (FORLI), IASI/SOftware for Fast Retrievals of IASI Data (SOFRID), and IASI/Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment–2 (GOME2). IASI flies on the European MetOp-A, -B, and -C missions. The OMPS/MERRA-2 and EPIC/MERRA-2 products subtract coincident MERRA-2 stratospheric column O3 from total O3 to derive tropospheric column O3. Figure credit: Jerry Ziemke/GSFC and Morgan State University (MSU)  Updates on Multisatellite Climate Data Records
      The OMI ST also discussed refining and analyzing multisatellite climate data records (CDRs) that have been processed with consistent algorithms. Several presenters reported on this work, who are mentioned below.
      Jenny Stavrakou [Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Ruimte-Aeronomie, Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA–IASB)], reported on work focusing on the OMI and TROPOMI HCHO CDR and Huan Yu [BIRA–IASB)] reported harmonized OMI and TROPOMI cloud height datasets based on improved O2-O2 absorption retrieval algorithm.
      Lok Lamsal [GSFC/UMBC, Goddard Earth Sciences Technology and Research (GESTAR) II], Henk Eskes, and Pepijn Veefkind [KNMI] reported on the OMI and TROPOMI NO2 CDRs – see Figure 4. 
      Si-Wan Kim [Yonsei University, South Korea] reported on OMI and TROPOMI long-term NO2 trends.
      Figure 4. OMI nitrogen dioxide (NO2) time series bridging the first GOME mission (which flew on the European Remote Sensing Satellite–2 (ERS–2) from 1995–2011 with limited coverage after 2003) and measurements from the two currently operating missions – OMI (2004–present) and TROPOMI (2017–present) – offer consistent climate data records that allow for studying long-term changes. This example shows tropospheric NO2 column time series from three instruments over Phoenix, AZ. The overlap between the OMI and TROPOMI missions allows for intercomparison between the two, which is crucial to avoid continuity-gaps in multi-instrument time series. The ERS-2 (GOME) had a morning equator crossing time (10:30 AM), while Aura (OMI) and Metop (TROPOMI) have afternoon equator crossing times of 1:45 PM and 1:30 PM respectively. Figure credit: Lok Lamsal/GSFC/University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Update on Aura’s Drifting Orbit
      Bryan Duncan [GSFC—Aura Project Scientist] closed out the first day with a presentation summarizing predictions of Aura’s drifting orbit. Overall, the impact of Aura’s drift is expected to be minor, and the OMI and MLS teams will be able to maintain science quality data for most data products. He thanked the OMI/TROPOMI ST and user community for expressing their strong support for continuing Aura observations until the end of the Aura mission in mid–2026.
      DAY TWO
      The second day of the meeting focused on current and upcoming LEO and GEO Atmospheric Composition (AC) missions.
      TROPOMI Mission and Data Product Updates
      Veefkind presented an update on the TROPOMI mission, which provides continuation and enhancements for all OMI products. Tobias Borssdorf [Stichting Ruimte Onderzoek Nederland (SRON), or Netherlands Institute for Space Research] explained how TROPOMI, with its innovative shortwave infrared (SWIR) spectrometer, measures CH4 and carbon monoxide (CO). This approach continues measurements that began by the Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) instrument on Terra.
      Hiren Jethva [NASA Airborne Science Program] and Torres presented new TROPOMI near-UV aerosol products, including a new aerosol layer optical centroid height product, which takes advantage of the TROPOMI extended spectral range – see Figure 5.
      Figure 5. Global gridded (0.10° x 0.10°) composite map of aerosol layer optical centroid height (AH) retrieved from TROPOMI O2-B band observations from May–September 2023. Figure credit: Hiren Jethva/NASA Airborne Science Program GEMS–TEMPO–Sentinel-4 (UVN): A Geostationary Air Quality Constellation
      TROPOMI global observations serve as a de facto calibration standard used to homogenize a new constellation of three missions that will provide AC observations for most of the Northern Hemisphere from GEO. Two of the three constellation members are already in orbit. Jhoon Kim [Yonsei University—PI] discussed the Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS), launched on February 19, 2020 aboard the Republic of Korea’s GEO-KOMPSAT-2B satellite. It is making GEO AC measurements over Asia. The GEMS team is working on validating measurements of NO2 diurnal variations using ground-based measurements from the PANDORA Global Network over Asia and aircraft measurements from the ASIA–AQ field campaign.
      Liu discussed NASA’s Tropospheric Emission Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) spectrometer, launched on April 7, 2023, aboard a commercial INTELSAT 40E satellite. From its GEO vantage point, TEMPO can observe the Continental U.S., Southern Canada, Mexico, and the coastal waters of the Northwestern Atlantic and Northeastern Pacific oceans.
      Gonzales Abad [SAO] presented the first measurements from TEMPO. He explained that TEMPO’s design is similar to GEMS, but GEMS includes an additional visible and near infrared (VNIR) spectral channel (540–740 nm) to measure tropospheric O3, O2, and water vapor (H2Ov). TEMPO can perform optimized morning scans, twilight scans, and scans with high temporal resolution (5–10 minutes) over selected regions. Abad reported that the TEMPO team released L1B spectra and the first provisional public L2 products (Version 3), including NO2, HCHO, and total column O3. Andrew Rollins [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Chemical Sciences Laboratory (CSL)] reported that the TEMPO team is working on validation of provisional data using both ground-based data from PANDORA spectrometers and data collected during several different airborne campaigns completed during the summer of 2023 and compiled on the AGES+ website.
      Ben Veihelmann [ESA’s European Space Research and Technology Center—PI] explained that ESA’s Copernicus Sentinel-4 mission will be the final member of the GEO AC constellation. Veefkind summarized the Sentinel-4 mission, which is expected to launch on the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG)-Sounder 1 (MTG-S1) platform in 2025. The mission is dedicated to measuring air quality and O3 over Europe and parts of the Atlantic and North Africa. Sentinel-4 will deploy the first operational UV-Vis-NIR (UVN) imaging spectrometer on a geostationary satellite. (Airbus will build UVN, with ESA providing guidance.) Sentinel-4 includes two instruments launched in sequence on MTG-S1 and MTG-S2 platforms designed to have a combined lifetime of 15 years. The mission by the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) will operate Sentinel-4, and the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) or German Aerospace Center will be responsible for operational L2 processing.
      These three GEO AC missions, along with the upcoming ESA/EUMETSAT/Copernicus LEO (morning orbit, 9:30 a.m.) Sentinel-5 (S5) mission, will complete a LEO–GEO satellite constellation that will enable monitoring of the most industrialized and polluted regions in the Northern Hemisphere into the 2030s. Sentinel-5 will not continue the OMI–TROPOMI data record in the early afternoon; however, it will be placed in the morning orbit and follow ESA’s Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) and EUMETSAT GOME-2 missions. By contrast, GEO AC observations over the Southern Hemisphere are currently not available. Several presenters described ongoing projects for capacity building for LEO satellite air quality data uptake and emission monitoring in Africa and advocated for the new geostationary measurements.
      Synergy with Other Current or Upcoming Missions
      Attendees discussed the synergy between upcoming AC, GHG, and ocean color missions. Current trends in satellite AC measurements are toward increased spatial resolution and combined observations of short-lived reactive trace gases – which are important for air quality (AQ) monitoring – and long-lived GHG – which are important for climate monitoring and carbon cycle assessments. Some trace gases (e.g., O3 and CH4) are both polluters and GHG agents. Others [e.g., NO2 and sulfur dioxide (SO2 )] are aerosol [particulate matter (PM)] and O3 precursors and are used as proxies and spatial indicators for anthropogenic CO2 and CH4 emissions.
      Yasjka Meijer [ESA—Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M) Mission Scientist]) reviewed the plans for CO2M, which includes high-resolution measurements [~4 km2 (~1.5 mi2)] of CO2 , CH4 , and NO2.
      Jochen Landgraf [SRON] described ESA’s new Twin Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Observers (TANGO) mission, which has the objective to measure CO2 , CH4 , and NO2 at even higher spatial resolution [~300 m (~984 ft)] using two small CubeSat spectrometers flying in formation.
      Hiroshi Tanimoto [National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan] described the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) Global Observing SATellite for greenhouse gases and water cycle (GOSAT-GW) mission, which includes the Total Anthropogenic and Natural Emission mapping SpectrOmeter (TANSO-3) spectrometer to simultaneously measure CO2 , CH4, and NO2 with ~1–3 km (~0.6–1.8 mi) spatial resolution in focus mode. GOSAT-GW will also fly the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 3 (AMSR3).
      Joanna Joiner [GSFC—Geostationary Extended Operations (GeoXO) Project Scientist and ACX Instrument Scientist] described the plans for the next-generation U.S. geosynchronous satellite constellation, which will consist of three satellites covering the full Earth disk: GEO-East, GEO-West, and GEO-Central. (By contrast, the current Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) series has two satellites: GOES–East and GOES–West.) GEO-Central will carry an advanced infrared sounder (GXS) for measuring vertical profiles of many trace gases, temperature and humidity, and a new UV-VIS spectrometer (ACX), which is a follow-on to TEMPO for AQ applications. Both GXS and ACX instruments will be built by BAE Systems, which acquired Ball Aerospace and Technology, and will also build the GeoXO ocean color spectrometer (OCX).
      Andrew Sayer [UMBC] described NASA’s Plankton, Aerosols, Clouds, and ocean Ecosystem (PACE), which launched on February 8, 2024. The PACE payload includes a high-spatial resolution [~1 km (~0.6 mi) at nadir] Ocean Color Instrument (OCI), which is a UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer with discrete SWIR bands presenting additional opportunities for synergistic observations with the AC constellation. Sayer presented OCI “first light” aerosol data processed using the unified retrieval algorithm developed by Lorraine Remer [UMBC].
      The second day concluded with a joint crossover session with NASA’s Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) followed by a poster session. Several OMI–TROPOMI STM participants presented on a variety of topics that illustrate how OMI and TROPOMI data are being used to support numerous health and AQ applications. Duncan, who is also a member of HAQAST team, presented “20 years of health and air quality applications enabled by OMI data.” He highlighted OMI contributions to AQ and health applications, including NO2 trend monitoring, inferring trends of co-emitted species [e.g., CO2, CO, some Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)], validation of new satellite missions (e.g., TEMPO, PACE), and burden of disease studies.
      Discussions on the third day focused on advanced retrieval algorithms, leading to new products and new applications for OMI and TROPOMI data. Several presentations described applications of TROPOMI CH4 data and synergy with small satellites.
      Advanced Retrieval Algorithms and New Data Products
      Ilse Aben [SRON] described TROPOMI global detection of CH4 super-emitters using an automated system based on Machine Learning (ML) techniques – see Figure 6. Berend Schuit [SRON] provided additional detail on these methods. He introduced the TROPOMI CH4 web site to the meeting participants. He explained how TROPOMI global CH4 measurements use “tip-and-cue” dedicated satellites with much higher spatial resolution instruments [e.g., GHGSat with ~25-m (~82-ft) resolution] to scan for individual sources and estimate emission rates. Most CH4 super-emitters are related to urban areas and/or landfills, followed by plumes from gas and oil industries and coal mines.
      Figure 6. Methane plume map produced by SRON shows TROPOMI large CH4 emission plumes for the week of the OMI–TROPOMI meeting (June 3–6, 2024). Figure credit: Itse Aben/Stichting Ruimte Onderzoek Nederland (SRON) Alba Lorente [Environmental Defense Fund—Methane Scientist] introduced a new MethaneSAT satellite launched in March 2024, which aims to fill the gap in understanding CH4 emissions on a regional scale [200 x 200 km2 (~77 x 77 mi2)] from at least 80% of global oil and gas production, agriculture, and urban regions. Alex Bradley [University of Colorado, Boulder] described improvements to TROPOMI CH4 retrievals that were achieved by correcting seasonal effects of changing surface albedo.
      Daniel Jacob [Harvard University] presented several topics, including the highest resolution [~30 m (~98 ft)] NO2 plume retrievals from Landsat-8 – see Figure 7 – and Sentinel-2 imagers. He also discussed using a ML technique trained with TROPOMI data to improve NO2 retrievals from GEMS and modeling NO2 diurnal cycle and emission estimates. He introduced the ratio of ammonia (NH3) to NO2 (NH3/NO2) as an indicator of particulate matter with diameters less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) nitrate sensitivity regime. Jacob emphasized the challenges related to satellite NO2 retrievals (e.g., accounting for a free-tropospheric NO2 background and aerosols).
      Figure 7. Landsat Optical Land Imager (OLI) image, obtained on October 17, 2021 over Saudi Arabia, shows power plant exhaust, which contains nitrogen dioxide (NO2) drifting downwind from the sources (the two green circles are the stacks). The ultra-blue channel (430–450 nm) on OLI enables quantitative detection of NO2 in plumes from large point sources at 30-m (~98-ft) resolution. This provides a unique ability for monitoring point-source emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx). The two stacks in the image are separated by 2 km (~1.2 mi). Figure credit: Daniel Jacob – repurposed from a 2024 publication in Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences (PNAS) Steffen Beirle [Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany] explained his work to fit TROPOMI NO2 column measurements to investigate nitric oxide (NO) to NO2 processing in power plant plumes. Debra Griffin [Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)] used TROPOMI NO2 observations and ML random forest technique to estimate NO2 surface concentrations. Sara Martinez-Alonso [NCAR] investigated geographical and seasonal variations in NO2 diurnal cycle using GEMS and TEMPO data.  Ziemkecombined satellite O3 data to confirm a persistent low anomaly (~5–15%) in tropospheric O3 after 2020.  Jethva presented advanced OMI and TROPOMI absorbing aerosol products. Yu described improved OMI and TROPOMI cloud datasets using the O2-O2 absorption band at 477 nm. Nicholas Parazoo [Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)] described TROPOMI Fraunhofer line retrievals of red solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) near O2-B band (663–685 nm) to improve mapping of ocean primary productivity. Liyin He [Duke University] described using satellite terrestrial SIF data to study the effect of particulate pollution on ecosystem productivity.
      New Applications
      Zachary Fasnacht [SSAI] used OMI and TROPOMI spectra to train a neural network to gap-fill MODIS and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) ocean color data under aerosol, sun glint, and partly cloudy conditions. This ML method can also be applied to PACE OCI spectra. Anu-Maija Sundström [Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)] used OMI and TROPOMI SO2 and O3 data as proxies to study new particle formation events. Lindsey Anderson [University of Colorado, Boulder] described how she used TROPOMI NO2 and CO measurements to estimate the composition of wildfire emissions and their effect on forecasted air quality. Heesung Chong [SAO] applied OMI bromine oxide (BrO) retrievals to the NOAA operational Ozone Mapping and Profiling Suite Nadir Mapper (OMPS-NM) on joint NOAA–NASA Suomi-National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) satellite with the possibility to continue afternoon measurements using similar OMPS-NM instruments on the four Joint Polar Satellite System missions (JPSS-1,-2,-3,-4) into the 2030s. (JPSS-1 and -2 are now in orbit and known as NOAA-20 and -21 respectively; JPSS-4 is planned for launch in 2027, with JPSS-3 currently targeted for 2032.)
      Kim demonstrated the potential for using satellite NO2 and SO2 emissions as a window into socioeconomic issues that are not apparent by other methods. For example, she showed how OMI and TROPOMI data were widely used to monitor air quality improvements in the aftermath of COVID-19 lockdowns. (Brad Fisher [SSAI] presented a poster on a similar topic.)
      Cathy Clerbaux [Center National d’Études Spatiale (CNES), or French Space Agency] showed how her team used TROPOMI NO2 data to trace the signal emitted by ships and used this information to determine how the shipping lanes through the Suez Canal changed in response to unrest in the Middle East. Iolanda Ialongo [FMI] showed a similar drop of NO2 emissions over Donetsk region due to the war in Ukraine. Levelt showed how OMI and TROPOMI NO2 data are used for capacity-building projects and for air quality reporting in Africa. She also advocated for additional geostationary AQ measurements over Africa.
      DAY FOUR
      Discussions on the final day focused on various methods of assimilating satellite data into air quality models for emission inversions and aircraft TEMPO validation campaigns. The meeting ended with Levelt giving her unique perspective on the OMI mission, as she reflected on more than two decades being involved with the development, launch, operation, and maintenance of OMI.  
      Assimilating Satellite Data into Models for Emissions
      Brian McDonald [CSL] described advance chemical data assimilation of satellite data for emission inversions and the GReenhouse gas And Air Pollutants Emissions System (GRA2PES). He showed examples of assimilations using TROPOMI and TEMPO NO2 observations to adjust a priori emissions. He also showed that when TEMPO data are assimilated, NOx emissions adjust faster and tend to perform better at the urban scale. Adrian Jost [Max Planck Institute for Chemistry] described the ESA-funded World Emission project to improve pollutant and GHG emission inventories using satellite data. He showed examples of TROPOMI SO2 emissions from large-point sources and compared the data with bottom-up and NASA SO2 emissions catalogue.
      Ivar van der Velde [SRON] presented a method to evaluate fire emissions using new satellite imagery of burned area and TROPOMI CO. Helene Peiro [SRON] described her work to combine TROPOMI CO and burned area information to compare the impact of prescribed fires versus wildfires on air quality in the U.S. She concluded that prescribed burning reduces CO pollution. Barbara Dix [University of Colorado, Boulder, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences] derived NOx emissions from U.S. oil and natural gas production using TROPOMI NO2 data and flux divergence method. She estimated TROPOMI CH4 emissions from Denver–Julesburg oil and natural gas production. Dix explained that the remaining challenge is to separate oil and gas emissions from other co-located CH4 sources. Ben Gaubert [NCAR, Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling] described nonlinear and non-Gaussian ensemble assimilation of MOPITT CO using the data assimilation research testbed (DART).
      Andrew (Drew) Rollings [CSL] presented first TEMPO validation results from airborne field campaigns in 2023 (AGES+ ), including NOAA CSL Atmospheric Emissions and Reactions observed from Megacities to Marine Aeras (AEROMMA) and NASA’s Synergistic TEMPO Air Quality Science (STAQS) campaigns.
      A Reflection on Twenty Years of OMI Observations
      Levelt gave a closing presentation in which she reflected on her first involvement with the OMI mission as a young scientist back in 1998. This led to a collaboration with the international ST to develop the instrument, which was included as part of Aura’s payload when it launched in July 2004. She reminisced about important highlights from 2 decades of OMI, e.g., the 10-year anniversary STM at KNMI in 2014 (see “Celebrating Ten Years of OMI Observations,” The Earth Observer, May–Jun 2014, 26:3, 23–30), and the OMI ST receiving the NASA/U.S. Geological Survey Pecora award in 2018 and the American Meteorological Society’s Special award in 2021.
      Levelt pointed out that in this combined OMI–TROPOMI meeting the movement towards using air pollution and GHG data together became apparent. She ended by saying that the OMI instrument continues to “age gracefully” and its legacy continues with the TROPOMI and LEO–GEO atmospheric composition constellation of satellites that were discussed during the meeting.
      Overall, the second OMI–TROPOMI STM acknowledged OMI’s pioneering role and TROPOMI’s unique enhancements in measurements of atmospheric composition: 
      Ozone Layer Monitoring: Over the past two decades, OMI has provided invaluable data on the concentration and distribution of O3 in the Earth’s stratosphere. This data has been crucial for understanding and monitoring the recovery of the O3 layer following international agreements, such as the Montreal Protocol. Air Quality Assessment: OMI’s high-resolution measurements of air pollutants, such as NO2, SO2, and HCHO, have significantly advanced our understanding of air quality. This information has been vital for tracking pollution sources, studying their transport and transformation, and assessing their impact on human health and the environment. Climate Research: The data collected by OMI has enhanced our knowledge of the interactions between atmospheric chemistry and climate change. These insights have been instrumental in refining climate models and improving our predictions of future climate scenarios. Global Impact: The OMI instrument has provided near-daily global coverage of atmospheric data, which has been essential for scientists and policymakers worldwide. The comprehensive and reliable data from OMI has supported countless research projects and informed decisions aimed at protecting and improving our environment. OMI remains one of the most stable UV/Vis instruments over its two decades of science and trend quality data collection. The success of the OMI and TROPOMI instruments is a testament to the collaboration, expertise, and dedication of both teams.
      Nickolay Krotkov
      NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
      Pieternel Levelt
      National Center for Atmospheric Research, Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling

      Last Updated Nov 12, 2024 Related Terms
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