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Hi-speed camera caught UFO flying over Spirit Mountain near Las Vegas
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Firefly Aerospace’s Blue Ghost lander getting encapsulated in SpaceX’s rocket fairing ahead of the planned liftoff for 1:11 a.m. EST Jan. 15 from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in FloridaSpaceX As part of NASA’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative and Artemis campaign, the agency is preparing to fly ten instruments aboard Firefly Aerospace’s first delivery to the Moon. These science payloads and technology demonstrations will help advance our understanding of the Moon and planetary processes, while paving the way for future crewed missions on the Moon and beyond, for the benefit of all.
Firefly’s lunar lander, named Blue Ghost, is scheduled to launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket Wednesday, Jan.15, from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. After a 45-day cruise phase, Blue Ghost is targeted to land near a volcanic feature called Mons Latreille within Mare Crisium, a basin approximately 340 miles wide (550 kilometers) located in the northeast quadrant of the Moon’s near side.
How can we enable more precise navigation on the Moon? How do spacecraft interact with the lunar surface? How does Earth’s magnetic field influence the effects of space weather on our home planet? NASA’s instruments on this flight will conduct first-of-their-kind demonstrations to help answer these questions and more, including testing regolith sampling technologies, lunar subsurface drilling capabilities, increasing precision of positioning and navigation abilities, testing radiation tolerant computing, and learning how to mitigate lunar dust during lunar landings.
The ten NASA payloads aboard Firefly’s Blue Ghost lander include:
Lunar Instrumentation for Subsurface Thermal Exploration with Rapidity (LISTER) will measure heat flow from the Moon’s interior by measuring the thermal gradient, or changes in temperature at various depths, and thermal conductivity, or the subsurface material’s ability to let heat pass through it. LISTER will take several measurements up to 10 feet deep using pneumatic drilling technology with a custom heat flow needle instrument at its tip. Data from LISTER will help scientists retrace the Moon’s thermal history and understand how it formed and cooled. Lead organization: Texas Tech University
Lunar PlanetVac (LPV) is designed to collect regolith samples from the lunar surface using a burst of compressed gas to drive the regolith into a sample chamber (sieving) for collection and analysis by various instruments. Additional instrumentation will then transmit the results back to Earth. The LPV payload is designed to help increase the science return from planetary missions by testing low-cost technologies for collecting regolith samples in-situ. Lead organization: Honeybee Robotics
Next Generation Lunar Retroreflector (NGLR) serves as a target for lasers on Earth to precisely measure the distance between Earth and the Moon by reflecting very short laser pulses from Earth-based Lunar Laser Ranging Observatories. The laser pulse transit time to the Moon and back is used to determine the distance. Data from NGLR could improve the accuracy of our lunar coordinate system and contribute to our understanding of the inner structure of the Moon and fundamental physics questions. Lead organization: University of Maryland
Regolith Adherence Characterization (RAC) will determine how lunar regolith sticks to a range of materials exposed to the Moon’s environment throughout the lunar day. RAC will measure accumulation rates of lunar regolith on surfaces (for example, solar cells, optical systems, coatings, and sensors) through imaging to determine their ability to repel or shed lunar dust. The data captured will help test, improve, and protect spacecraft, spacesuits, and habitats from abrasive regolith. Lead organization: Aegis Aerospace
Radiation Tolerant Computer (RadPC) will demonstrate a computer that can recover from faults caused by ionizing radiation. Several RadPC prototypes have been tested aboard the International Space Station and Earth-orbiting satellites, but this flight will provide the biggest trial yet by demonstrating the computer’s ability to withstand space radiation as it passes through Earth’s radiation belts, while in transit to the Moon, and on the lunar surface. Lead organization: Montana State University
Electrodynamic Dust Shield (EDS) is an active dust mitigation technology that uses electric fields to move and prevent hazardous lunar dust accumulation on surfaces. EDS is designed to lift, transport, and remove particles from surfaces with no moving parts. Multiple tests will demonstrate the feasibility of the self-cleaning glasses and thermal radiator surfaces on the Moon. In the event the surfaces do not receive dust during landing, EDS has the capability to re-dust itself using the same technology. Lead organization: NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
Lunar Environment heliospheric X-ray Imager (LEXI) will capture a series of X-ray images to study the interaction of solar wind and Earth’s magnetic field that drives geomagnetic disturbances and storms. Deployed and operated on the lunar surface, this instrument will provide the first global images showing the edge of Earth’s magnetic field for critical insights into how space weather and other cosmic forces surrounding our planet impact Earth. Lead organizations: Boston University, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, and Johns Hopkins University
Lunar Magnetotelluric Sounder (LMS) will characterize the structure and composition of the Moon’s mantle by measuring electric and magnetic fields. This investigation will help determine the Moon’s temperature structure and thermal evolution to understand how the Moon has cooled and chemically differentiated since it formed. Lead organization: Southwest Research Institute
Lunar GNSS Receiver Experiment (LuGRE) will demonstrate the possibility of acquiring and tracking signals from GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) constellations, specifically GPS and Galileo, during transit to the Moon, during lunar orbit, and on the lunar surface. If successful, LuGRE will be the first pathfinder for future lunar spacecraft to use existing Earth-based navigation constellations to autonomously and accurately estimate their position, velocity, and time. Lead organizations: NASA Goddard, Italian Space Agency
Stereo Camera for Lunar Plume-Surface Studies (SCALPSS) will use stereo imaging photogrammetry to capture the impact of the rocket exhaust plume on lunar regolith as the lander descends on the Moon’s surface. The high-resolution stereo images will aid in creating models to predict lunar regolith erosion, which is an important task as bigger, heavier spacecraft and hardware are delivered to the Moon in close proximity to each other. This instrument also flew on Intuitive Machines’ first CLPS delivery. Lead organization: NASA’s Langley Research Center
Through the CLPS initiative, NASA purchases lunar landing and surface operations services from American companies. The agency uses CLPS to send scientific instruments and technology demonstrations to advance capabilities for science, exploration, or commercial development of the Moon. By supporting a robust cadence of lunar deliveries, NASA will continue to enable a growing lunar economy while leveraging the entrepreneurial innovation of the commercial space industry.
Learn more about CLPS and Artemis at:
Alise Fisher
Headquarters, Washington
Natalia Riusech / Nilufar Ramji
Johnson Space Center, Houston
281-483-5111 /
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Este mapa de la Tierra en 2024 muestra las anomalías de la temperatura global de la superficie, es decir, cuánto más caliente o más fría estuvo cada región del planeta en comparación con el promedio de 1951 a 1980. Las temperaturas normales se muestran en blanco, las superiores a las normales en rojo y naranja, y las inferiores a las normales en azul. Una versión animada de este mapa muestra la evolución de las anomalías de la temperatura global a lo largo del tiempo, desde 1880. Descarga esta visualización del Estudio de Visualización Científica del Centro Goddard de la NASA:édito: Estudio de Visualización Científica de la NASA Read this release in English here.
En el año 2024, la temperatura promedio de la superficie de la Tierra fue la más cálida que se haya registrado, según un análisis liderado por científicos de la NASA.
“Una vez más, se ha batido el récord de temperatura: 2024 fue el año más cálido desde que se empezaron a llevar registros en 1880”, dijo el administrador de la NASA, Bill Nelson. “Entre las temperaturas récord y los incendios forestales que amenazan actualmente nuestros centros y personal en California, nunca ha sido más importante entender nuestro planeta cambiante”.
Las temperaturas globales del 2024 estuvieron 2,30 grados Fahrenheit (1,28 grados Celsius) por encima del promedio para el período de referencia de la NASA (de 1951 a 1980), superando el récord establecido en 2023. El nuevo máximo histórico llega después de 15 meses consecutivos (junio de 2023 a agosto de 2024) de récords de temperaturas mensuales, una racha de calor sin precedentes.
Científicos de la NASA también estiman que en el 2024 la Tierra estuvo alrededor de 2,65 grados Fahrenheit (1,47 grados Celsius) más cálida que el promedio de mediados del siglo XIX (1850-1900). Durante más de la mitad del 2024, las temperaturas promedio superaron en 1,5 grados Celsius el nivel de referencia, y el promedio anual, con incertidumbres matemáticas, podría haber superado el nivel por primera vez.
“El Acuerdo de París sobre el cambio climático establece esfuerzos para mantenerse por debajo del nivel de 1,5 grados a largo plazo. Para poner eso en perspectiva, las temperaturas durante los períodos cálidos en la Tierra hace tres millones de años —cuando el nivel del mar era decenas de metros más alto que hoy— eran solo unos 3 grados Celsius más cálidos que los niveles preindustriales”, dijo Gavin Schmidt, director del Instituto Goddard de Investigaciones Espaciales (GISS, por sus siglas en inglés) de la NASA en Nueva York. “Estamos a medio camino de alcanzar niveles de calor del Plioceno en apenas 150 años”.
Los científicos han concluido que la tendencia al calentamiento de las últimas décadas está siendo impulsada por el dióxido de carbono, el metano y otros gases de efecto invernadero que atrapan el calor. Según un análisis internacional reciente, en 2022 y 2023 la Tierra registró un aumento récord de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono procedentes de combustibles fósiles. La concentración de dióxido de carbono en la atmósfera ha aumentado desde los niveles preindustriales en el siglo XVIII de aproximadamente 278 partes por millón a alrededor de 420 partes por millón en la actualidad.
La NASA y otras agencias federales recopilan regularmente datos sobre las concentraciones y emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Estos datos están disponibles en el Centro de Gases de Efecto Invernadero de Estados Unidos, una iniciativa de múltiples instituciones que consolida la información procedente de observaciones y modelos, con el fin de ofrecer a los responsables de la toma de decisiones un único punto de acceso a datos y análisis.
Tendencias de calor excepcional
Las temperaturas de cada año pueden verse influidas por fluctuaciones climáticas naturales como El Niño y La Niña, que alternativamente calientan y enfrían el océano Pacífico tropical. El fuerte fenómeno de El Niño que comenzó en el otoño boreal de 2023 contribuyó a que las temperaturas mundiales superaran los récords anteriores.
La ola de calor que comenzó en 2023 siguió superando las expectativas en 2024, según Schmidt, a pesar de que El Niño remitió. Los investigadores están trabajando en la identificación de los factores que contribuyen a este fenómeno, incluidos los posibles efectos climáticos de la erupción volcánica de Tonga de enero de 2022 y de las reducciones de la contaminación, que pueden cambiar la cubierta de nubes y la forma en que la energía solar se refleja hacia el espacio.
“No en todos los años se van a batir récords, pero la tendencia a largo plazo es clara”, dijo Schmidt. “Ya estamos viendo el impacto en las precipitaciones extremas, las olas de calor y el aumento del riesgo de inundaciones, que van a seguir empeorando mientras continúen las emisiones”.
Cambios a nivel local
La NASA elabora su registro de temperaturas a partir de los datos de temperatura del aire en superficie recolectados por decenas de miles de estaciones meteorológicas, así como de los datos de temperatura de la superficie del mar adquiridos por instrumentos en barcos y boyas. Para el análisis de estos datos, se emplean métodos que toman en consideración el espaciamiento variado de las estaciones de temperatura a nivel global y los efectos del calentamiento urbano que podrían sesgar los cálculos.
Una nueva evaluación publicada a principios de este año por científicos de la Escuela de Minas de Colorado, la Fundación Nacional para las Ciencias, la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA, por sus siglas en inglés) y la NASA provee aún más confianza en los datos de temperatura global y regional de la agencia.
“Cuando se producen cambios en el clima, primero se ven en la media mundial, luego se ven a nivel continental y después a nivel regional. Ahora lo estamos viendo a nivel local”, dijo Schmidt. “Los cambios que se están produciendo en las experiencias meteorológicas cotidianas de la gente se han hecho muy evidentes”.
Los análisis independientes de la NOAA, Berkeley Earth, el Centro Hadley (parte de la Oficina Meteorológica del Reino Unido, Met Office) y el Servicio de Cambio Climático de Copernicus en Europa también han concluido que las temperaturas de la superficie global para 2024 fueron las más altas desde que comenzaron los registros modernos. Estos científicos utilizan gran parte de los mismos datos de temperatura en sus análisis, pero emplean metodologías y modelos diferentes. Todos muestran la misma tendencia al calentamiento.
El conjunto completo de datos de la NASA sobre las temperaturas de la superficie global, así como los detalles (en inglés) de cómo los científicos de la NASA llevaron a cabo el análisis, están a disposición del público en GISS, un laboratorio de la NASA gestionado por el Centro de Vuelo Espacial Goddard de la agencia en Greenbelt, Maryland.
Para más información (en inglés) sobre los programas de ciencias de la Tierra de la NASA, visita:
María José Viñas / Liz Vlock
Sede, Washington
240-458-0248 / 202-358-1600 /
Peter Jacobs
Centro de Vuelo Espacial Goddard, Greenbelt, MD.
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During a live Fox News broadcast covering the intense Palisades wildfire in California, an unusual event captured viewers' attention. A camera aimed at the blazing inferno recorded a mysterious spherical object emerging suddenly from the middle of the flames. This object moved at a remarkable speed before vanishing over the treetops, leaving many wondering about its origin and purpose.
The object does not appear to be debris carried aloft by the fire’s updraft. Its trajectory and speed seem too controlled and deliberate to be a random effect of the wildfire. Additionally, the object shows no signs of explosion or disintegration, characteristics that might be expected if it were merely a piece of material affected by the intense heat.
Observers have ruled out common explanations such as birds, planes, or helicopters. The object’s rapid movement and apparent change in direction suggest advanced maneuverability, sparking comparisons to UFOs/UAPs.
With the growing number of reported sightings involving drones, orbs, and UFOs, the appearance of this potential UFO or drone in such an environment is especially intriguing. Could this object represent evidence of advanced technology monitoring Earth's natural disasters? Or is it an entirely natural but poorly understood phenomenon?
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On December 25, 2024, NASA's Stereo Lasco C3 satellite captured an extraordinary phenomenon near the sun. In a split second, the satellite's imaging was disrupted by what appeared to be a swarm of spherical objects hurtling through space at incredible speeds.
Speculation surrounds the event, with some suggesting it could be a meteor debris field. However, the unusual appearance of the objects has raised questions. Could debris naturally form into such perfectly round shapes, each featuring a dark center that resembles donut-shaped UFOs?
This event might be a natural occurrence, however, with all the recent strange sightings of unknown drones, UFOs, and orbs combined with predictions from several specialists that something significant might happen soon in the realm of the UFO phenomena, one might wonder if these mysterious spheres are connected to something larger on the horizon?
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During a recent interview, Darkjournalist Daniel Liszt lays out beyond critical information regarding the recent sightings of mystery drones across the U.S.
Here is a brief summary outlining the key points of what Darkjournalist believes is actually happen, according to his analysis.
The unfolding events surrounding the mystery drone swarms and UFO/Orb sightings appear to be part of a larger, coordinated operation led by covert organizations. At the heart of this situation, we see an apparent "dry run" for a massive UFO related event, something unprecedented in scale.
Two significant secret structures are operating in overdrive: the Continuity of Government (COG) framework, the Secret Space Program (SSP), and their affiliated Deep State entities.
Reports describe unidentified drones hovering over populated metropolitan areas, creating unease and confusion. These occurrences seem designed to provoke public panic and gauge reactions to aerial threats. This data mining effort aligns with a broader plan to cement the idea of a UFO threat in the collective consciousness.
The objective appears to involve large-scale public tests through overflights of drones to observe how communities respond to the perception of an "alien" threat. This effort dovetails with the government’s ability to invoke emergency powers, potentially leading to the activation of the Continuity of Government (COG) program.
In recent months, reports indicate that combatant commanders have been conducting drone tests under the guise of countering Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
Historical patterns show that drills often precede major events. For example, during the events of 9/11, a drill reportedly transitioned into an actual crisis. The concern now is whether the current exercises, involving drones and UAP narratives, could similarly go live.
The recent increase in mystery drone sightings across the U.S. suggests a coordinated rollout of these narratives. There are rumors of additional drills, described as "full lockout" exercises, are scheduled to continue through the holiday season. These events involve the military taking over air traffic and communication systems for hours at a time.
NORAD and NORTHCOM are central to these operations. In an emergency scenario, the NORAD Commander—who also serves as the COG combatant commander—would assume control of the United States under the COG framework.
Insiders hint at a significant public spectacle on the horizon, with the possibility of transitioning from a test scenario to a live event. This could involve widespread sightings of drone swarms, coupled with UAP reports, creating a perceived crisis that demands emergency powers.
The recent drone and UFO/Orb activities reflect a calculated test by elements within the Deep State to shape public perception and readiness for a potential UFO-related crisis. These operations aim to solidify control and prepare the groundwork for leveraging emergency powers under a fabricated or exaggerated threat scenario.
In summary: The recent flurry of activities points to a deliberate effort to shape how we think and react to an extraterrestrial threat, real or not. At its core, this is a calculated test, designed to prepare the public for a potential UFO crisis where emergency powers could reshape the social and political landscape.
It might be a coincidence, but this year Congress passed a law granting NORTHCOM authority in the event drones are deemed a national security threat, potentially triggering the implementation of Continuity of Government (COG). This scenario could unfold before Trump’s inauguration, bypassing both Biden’s presidency and Trump’s assumption of office, leading instead to an emergency powers president.
This isn’t just about UFOs or drones, it's about power, perception, and control. The Deep State is losing its grip, pushing them to play their final card: a fake UFO invasion to maintain authority. This is why their once-hidden advanced technologies are now being revealed, indicating ongoing testing and strategic preparations. Evidence points to highly advanced drone technology, cutting edge tech designed to simulate a so-called "UFO threat."
So, the next time you glance up at the sky and spot something strange, remember: what you’re seeing might not be an alien invasion. It could be the latest move in a high-stakes chess game, played by forces that thrive in the shadows. View the full article
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