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Planet Hunting with NASA's Curious Universe Podcast Host Padi Boyd


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      Artists Concept of the WASP-77 A b system. A planet swings in front of its star, dimming the starlight we see. Events like these, called transits, provide us with bounties of information about exoplanets–planets around stars other than the Sun. But predicting when these special events occur can be challenging…unless you have help from volunteers.
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      Want a piece of the action? Join the Exoplanet Watch project and help contribute to cutting-edge exoplanet science! Anyone can participate–participation does not require citizenship in any particular country.
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      Los episodios se centran en algunas de las principales misiones de la NASA, acercando las maravillas de la exploración, la tecnología espacial y los descubrimientos científicos al público hispanohablante del mundo entero.
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      A continuación figura la lista completa de los nuevos episodios, así como sus fechas de publicación:
      Martes, 17 de septiembre: Avance de la segunda temporada Martes, 24 de septiembre: Diana Trujillo: De Cali a la Luna y Marte Martes, 1 de octubre: Europa Clipper: Un viaje poético a la luna de Júpiter Martes, 8 de octubre: Marcos Berríos: Cómo convertirse en astronauta de la NASA Martes, 15 de octubre: Explorando el cosmos con Webb Universo curioso de la NASA es una iniciativa conjunta de los programas de comunicación en español y de audio de la agencia. La nueva temporada, así como los episodios anteriores, están disponibles en Apple Podcasts, Spotify y el sitio web de la NASA.
      Escucha el pódcast en:
      María José Viñas / Cheryl Warner
      Sede, Washington
      240-458-0248 / 202-358-1600
      maria-jose.vinasgarcia@nasa.gov / cheryl.m.warner@nasa.gov
      View the full article
    • By NASA
      Podcast art for Universo curioso de la NASA, the agency’s first podcast in Spanish, which returns for a second season in September 2024. Credits: NASA / Krystofer Kim Lee este comunicado de prensa en español aquí.
      In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, NASA is releasing new content for Universo curioso de la NASA, the agency’s first Spanish-language podcast, now in its second season. A five-week season starts Tuesday with new episodes released weekly.
      Listen to the preview of the second season of Universo curioso de la NASA.
      In each episode, Universo curioso highlights the contributions of NASA’s Hispanic and Latino workforce to the agency’s work in Earth and space exploration for the benefit of all.
      “Through the Universo curioso de la NASA podcast, we are thrilled to tell the story of NASA’s efforts to open space to more people from across the world,” said Tonya McNair, deputy associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate in Washington. “In the second season, you’ll hear from NASA’s Hispanic and Latino workforce, like flight director Diana Trujillo and astronaut Marcos Berríos, helping lead some of the agency’s most vital space exploration missions and inspiring the world through discovery.”
      Episodes focus on some of NASA’s top missions, bringing the wonder of exploration, space technology, and scientific discoveries to Spanish-speaking audiences around the world. 
      “This podcast highlights NASA’s dedication to making knowledge available to all, regardless of their native language,” said Shahra Lambert, NASA senior advisor for engagement. “By sharing the excitement of NASA’s missions in the second most spoken language in the U.S. and around the world, we are amplifying our outreach and possibly paving the way for a more diverse STEM workforce in the future.”
      The first episode of Universo curioso ran in 2021, as part of the agency’s Spanish coverage of the launch of its James Webb Space Telescope. In 2023, the show was selected as a “Podcast We Love” by Apple Podcasts Latin America.
      Hosted by Noelia González, communications specialist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, listeners are invited to go on a journey to one of Jupiter’s icy moons, hear about the first two years of discoveries of the James Webb Space Telescope, as well as learn about an astronaut from Puerto Rico’s and a Colombian flight director’s path to NASA.
      Episodes will cover the upcoming launch of Europa Clipper in October 2024, a mission that aims to determine whether there are places below the surface of Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, that could support life.
      A complete list of the new episodes, as well as their release dates, is as follows:
      Tuesday, Sept. 17: Introducing the Second Season Tuesday, Sept. 24 Diana Trujillo: From Cali to the Moon and Mars Tuesday, Oct. 1 Europa Clipper: A Poetic Journey to Jupiter’s Moon Tuesday, Oct. 8 Marcos Berríos: How to Become a NASA Astronaut Tuesday, Oct. 15: Exploring Cosmos with Webb Universo curioso de la NASA is a joint initiative of the agency’s Spanish-language communications and audio programs. The new season, as well as previous episodes, are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and NASA’s website.
      Listen to the podcast at:
      María José Viñas / Cheryl Warner
      Headquarters, Washington
      240-458-0248 / 202-358-1600
      maria-jose.vinasgarcia@nasa.gov / cheryl.m.warner@nasa.gov
      View the full article
    • By NASA
      Hubble Space Telescope Home NASA’s Hubble Finds More… Missions Hubble Home Overview About Hubble The History of Hubble Hubble Timeline Why Have a Telescope in Space? Hubble by the Numbers At the Museum FAQs Impact & Benefits Hubble’s Impact & Benefits Science Impacts Cultural Impact Technology Benefits Impact on Human Spaceflight Astro Community Impacts Science Hubble Science Science Themes Science Highlights Science Behind Discoveries Hubble’s Partners in Science Universe Uncovered Explore the Night Sky Observatory Hubble Observatory Hubble Design Mission Operations Missions to Hubble Hubble vs Webb Team Hubble Team Career Aspirations Hubble Astronauts News Hubble News Hubble News Archive Social Media Media Resources Multimedia Multimedia Images Videos Sonifications Podcasts E-books Lithographs Fact Sheets Glossary Posters Hubble on the NASA App More Online Activities   4 Min Read NASA’s Hubble Finds More Black Holes than Expected in the Early Universe
      The Hubble Ultra Deep Field of nearly 10,000 galaxies is the deepest visible-light image of the cosmos. The image required 800 exposures taken over 400 Hubble orbits around Earth. The total amount of exposure time was 11.3 days, taken between Sept. 24, 2003 and Jan. 16, 2004. Credits:
      NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the HUDF Team With the help of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, an international team of researchers led by scientists in the Department of Astronomy at Stockholm University has found more black holes in the early universe than has previously been reported. The new result can help scientists understand how supermassive black holes were created.
      Currently, scientists do not have a complete picture of how the first black holes formed not long after the big bang. It is known that supermassive black holes, that can weigh more than a billion suns, exist at the center of several galaxies less than a billion years after the big bang.
      “Many of these objects seem to be more massive than we originally thought they could be at such early times — either they formed very massive or they grew extremely quickly,” said Alice Young, a PhD student from Stockholm University and co-author of the study  published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
      This is a new image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. The first deep imaging of the field was done with Hubble in 2004. The same survey field was observed again by Hubble several years later, and was then reimaged in 2023. By comparing Hubble Wide Field Camera 3 near-infrared exposures taken in 2009, 2012, and 2023, astronomers found evidence for flickering supermassive black holes in the hearts of early galaxies. One example is seen as a bright object in the inset. Some supermassive black holes do not swallow surrounding material constantly, but in fits and bursts, making their brightness flicker. This can be detected by comparing Hubble Ultra Deep Field frames taken at different epochs. The survey found more black holes than predicted. NASA, ESA, Matthew Hayes (Stockholm University); Acknowledgment: Steven V.W. Beckwith (UC Berkeley), Garth Illingworth (UC Santa Cruz), Richard Ellis (UCL); Image Processing: Joseph DePasquale (STScI)
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      Black holes play an important role in the lifecycle of all galaxies, but there are major uncertainties in our understanding of how galaxies evolve. In order to gain a complete picture of the link between galaxy and black hole evolution, the researchers used Hubble to survey how many black holes exist among a population of faint galaxies when the universe was just a few percent of its current age.
      Initial observations of the survey region were re-photographed by Hubble after several years. This allowed the team to measure variations in the brightness of galaxies. These variations are a telltale sign of black holes. The team identified more black holes than previously found by other methods.
      The new observational results suggest that some black holes likely formed by the collapse of massive, pristine stars during the first billion years of cosmic time. These types of stars can only exist at very early times in the universe, because later-generation stars are polluted by the remnants of stars that have already lived and died. Other alternatives for black hole formation include collapsing gas clouds, mergers of stars in massive clusters, and “primordial” black holes that formed (by physically speculative mechanisms) in the first few seconds after the big bang. With this new information about black hole formation, more accurate models of galaxy formation can be constructed.
      “The formation mechanism of early black holes is an important part of the puzzle of galaxy evolution,” said Matthew Hayes from the Department of Astronomy at Stockholm University and lead author of the study. “Together with models for how black holes grow, galaxy evolution calculations can now be placed on a more physically motivated footing, with an accurate scheme for how black holes came into existence from collapsing massive stars.”
      Image Before/After Astronomers are also making observations with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to search for galactic black holes that formed soon after the big bang, to understand how massive they were and where they were located.
      The Hubble Space Telescope has been operating for over three decades and continues to make ground-breaking discoveries that shape our fundamental understanding of the universe. Hubble is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope and mission operations. Lockheed Martin Space, based in Denver, Colorado, also supports mission operations at Goddard. The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, conducts Hubble science operations for NASA.
      Facebook logo @NASAHubble @NASAHubble Instagram logo @NASAHubble Media Contact:
      Claire Andreoli
      NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
      Ray Villard
      Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD
      Science Contact:
      Matthew Hayes
      Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

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    • By European Space Agency
      With the help of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, an international team of researchers led by scientists in the Department of Astronomy at Stockholm University has found more black holes in the early Universe than has previously been reported. The new result can help scientists understand how supermassive black holes were created.
      View the full article
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