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20 Years After Landing: How NASA’s Twin Rovers Changed Mars Science


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This self-portrait of NASA Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity comes courtesy of the Sun and the rover front hazard-avoidance camera. The dramatic snapshot of Opportunity shadow was taken as the rover continues to move farther into Endurance Crater
NASA’s Spirit and Opportunity Mars rovers landed on the Red Planet on Jan. 3 and 24, 2004, respectively. This image shows a view Opportunity captured of its own shadow on July 26 of that year, the 180th Martian day, or sol, of its mission.

This month marks the 20th anniversary of Spirit and Opportunity’s landing on Mars, part of a mission whose legacy will extend far into the future.

In January 2004, twin NASA rovers named Spirit and Opportunity touched down on opposite sides of Mars, kicking off a new era of interplanetary robotic exploration. They arrived in dramatic fashion three weeks apart, each nestled in a cluster of airbags that bounced along the surface around 30 times before coming to a stop and deflating. The golf cart-size rovers’ mission: to look for evidence that water once flowed on the Red Planet’s surface.

Their findings would rewrite science textbooks, including Opportunity’s discovery soon after landing of the famous “blueberries” – spherical pebbles of the mineral hematite that had formed in acidic water. Several years into the mission, Spirit, undaunted but now dragging a damaged wheel, uncovered signs of ancient hot springs that could have been ideal habitats for microbial life billions of years ago (if any ever existed on the Red Planet).

Scientists suspected Mars had long ago been radically different than the freezing desert it is today: Orbital images had shown what looked like networks of water-carved channels. But before Spirit and Opportunity, there was no proof that liquid water had formed those features.

On the 20th anniversary of the landing of Spirit and Opportunity, celebrate NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Project with this two-sided poster that lists some of the pioneering explorers’ accomplishments on the Red Planet.

“Our twin rovers were the first to prove a wet, early Mars once existed,” said former project scientist Matt Golombek of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, which managed the Mars Exploration Rover mission. “They paved the way for learning even more about the Red Planet’s past with larger rovers like Curiosity and Perseverance.”

An Enduring Legacy

Thanks in part to the science collected by Spirit and Opportunity, NASA approved development of the SUV-size Curiosity rover to investigate whether the chemical ingredients that support life were present billions of years ago on what was once a watery world. (The rover found soon after its 2012 landing that they were.)

Perseverance, which arrived at the Red Planet in 2021, is building on Curiosity’s success by collecting rock cores that could be brought to Earth to check for signs of ancient microbial life through the Mars Sample Return campaign, a joint effort by NASA and ESA (European Space Agency).

While working on Spirit and Opportunity, engineers developed practices for exploring the surface that continue today, including the use of specialized software and 3D goggles to better navigate the Martian environment. And after honing years of expertise during the twin rovers’ travels over Mars’ rocky, sandy surface, engineers are able to plan safer, longer drives, and to quickly put together the far more complex daily plans required to operate Curiosity and Perseverance.

Using footage filmed at JPL when Spirit touched down on Jan. 3, 2004, as well an animation depicting the rover’s arrival at the Red Planet, this video celebrates the 20th anniversary of Mars Exploration Rover Project landings. Spirit’s twin Opportunity arrived at Mars three weeks later. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Science team members have also become more adept in their role as virtual field geologists, drawing on years of knowledge to select the best ways to investigate Martian terrain using the robotic “eyes” and tools carried by their roving partners.

Martian Marathon

Designed to last just 90 days, Spirit landed on Jan. 3; Opportunity, on Jan. 24. The solar-powered Mars Exploration Rovers soldiered on for years – in the case of Opportunity, nearly 15 years, before succumbing to a planet-enveloping dust storm in 2018. That durability surpassed the wildest dreams of scientists and engineers, who had only expected localized exploration over a distance of no more than one-third of a mile (600 meters).

Instead, through their long-lived robotic surrogates, the team got the chance to roam a wide variety of Martian terrains. Opportunity, the first rover to go a marathon-length distance on another planet, would ultimately cover nearly 30 miles (45 kilometers) in total – the farthest distance driven on another planet.

“This was a paradigm shift no one was expecting,” said former project manager John Callas of JPL. “The distance and time scale we covered were a leap in scope that is truly historic.”

An artist concept portrays a NASA Mars Exploration Rover on the surface of Mars. Two rovers were launched in 2003 and arrived at sites on Mars in January 2004.
This artist’s concept depicts one of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rovers on the Red Planet. The twin rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, landed in 2004 and lasted years beyond their expected 90-day mission.

The chance to see so much was critical for revealing that not only was Mars once a wetter world, but also that it supported many different kinds of watery environments – fresh water, hot springs, acidic and salty pools – at distinct points in its history.

Continuing Inspiration

The roving twins would also inspire a new generation of scientists. One of those was Abigail Fraeman, who was a high school student invited to JPL on the night of Opportunity’s landing. She got to watch the excitement as the first signal returned, confirming Opportunity had safely landed.

She would go on to pursue a career as a Mars geologist, returning to JPL years later to help lead Opportunity’s science team. Now deputy project scientist for Curiosity, Fraeman calls many of the people she met on Opportunity’s landing night her close colleagues.

“The people who kept our twin rovers running for all those years are an extraordinary group, and it’s remarkable how many have made exploring Mars their career,” Fraeman said. “I feel so lucky I get to work with them every day while we continue to venture into places no human has ever seen in our attempt to answer some of the biggest questions.”

More About the Mission

JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, managed the Mars Exploration Rover Project for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

For more information about Spirit and Opportunity, visit:


News Media Contacts

Andrew Good
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Karen Fox / Alana Johnson
NASA Headquarters, Washington
301-286-6284 / 202-358-1501
karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / alana.r.johnson@nasa.gov


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      In the 1990s and early 2000s, an international team of engineers and scientists designed an integrated observatory for atmospheric composition – a bold endeavor to provide unprecedented detail that was essential to understanding how Earth’s ozone (O3) layer and air quality respond to changes in atmospheric composition caused by human activities and natural phenomena. This work addressed a key NASA Earth science objective. Originally referred to as Earth Observing System (EOS)–CHEM (later renamed Aura,) the mission would become the third EOS Flagship mission, joining EOS-AM 1 (Terra) launched in 1999 and EOS-PM 1 (Aqua), launched in 2002. The Aura spacecraft – see Figure 1 – is similar in design to Terra and identical to Aqua. Aura and its four instruments were launched on July 15, 2004 from Vandenberg Air Force Base (now Space Force Base) in California – see Photo.
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      Recent Science Achievements from Aura’s Instrument (in alphabetical order)
      High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder
      The capabilities of the High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS) were compromised at launch and operations ceased in March 2008 due to an image chopper stall. Nevertheless, the HIRDLS team was able to produce a three-year dataset notable for high vertical resolution profiles of greater than 1 km (0.62 mi) for temperature and O3 in the upper troposphere to the mesosphere. Though limited, the HIRDLS dataset demonstrated the incredible potential of the instrument for atmospheric research. So much so, that scientists are now in the study phase for a new instrument, part of the proposed Stratosphere Troposphere Response using Infrared Vertically-Resolved Light Explorer (STRIVE) mission, which would have similar capabilities as HIRDLS with advancements in spectral and spatial imaging. (STRIVE is one of four missions currently undergoing one-year concept studies, as part of NASA’s Earth System Explorer Program, which was established in the 2017 Earth Science Decadal Survey. Two winning proposals will be chosen in 2025 for full development and launch in 2030 or 2032.)
      Microwave Limb Sounder
      The Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) was developed to study: 1) the evolution and recovery of the stratospheric O3 layer; 2) the role of the stratosphere, notably stratospheric humidity, in climate feedback processes; and 3) the behavior of air pollutants in the upper troposphere. MLS measures vertical profiles from the upper troposphere at ~10 km altitude (6.2 mi) to the mesosphere at ~90 km (56 mi) of 16 trace gases, temperature, geopotential height, and cloud ice. Its unique measurement suite has made it the “go-to” instrument for most data-driven studies of middle atmosphere composition over the last two decades.
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      Apart from those individual plumes, smoke pervaded the southern lower stratosphere, leading to unprecedented perturbations in southern midlatitude lower stratospheric composition, with chlorine (Cl) shifting from its main reservoir species, hydrochloric acid (HCl), into the O3-destroying form, hypochlorite (ClO). Peak anomalies in chlorine species occurred in mid-2020 – months after the fires. State-of-the-art atmospheric chemistry models in which wildfire smoke has properties similar to those of sulfate (SO4) aerosols were unable to reproduce the observed chemical redistribution. New model simulations assuming that HCl dissolves more readily in smoke than in SO4 particles under typical midlatitude stratospheric conditions better match the MLS observations.
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      Ozone Monitoring Instrument
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      OMI’s multidecade data records have revolutionized the ability to monitor air quality changes around the world, even at the sub-urban level. In particular, OMI NO2 data have been transformative. Recently, these data were used to track changes in air pollution associated with efforts to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2. OMI’s long, stable data record allowed for changes in pollution levels in 2020 – at the height of global lockdowns – to be put into historical perspective, especially within the envelope of typical year-to-year variations associated with meteorological variability. Many research studies assessed the impact of the pandemic lockdowns on air pollution, supporting novel uses of OMI data for socioeconomic-related research. For example, OMI NO2 data were shown to serve as an environmental indicator to evaluate the effectiveness of lockdown measures and as a significant predictor for the deceleration of COVID-19 spread. OMI NO2 data were also used as a proxy for the economic impact of the pandemic as NO2 is emitted during fossil fuel combustion, which is another proxy for economic activity since most global economies are driven by fossil fuels – see Animation.
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      Animation. OMI data show changes in average levels of NO2 from March 20 to May 20 for each year from 2015 to 2023 over the northeast U.S. Levels in 2020 were ~30%  lower relative to previous years because of efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. OMI data indicate similar reductions in NO2 in cities across the globe in early 2020 and a gradual recovery in pollutant emissions in late 2020 into 2023. Additional images for other world cities and regions are available through the NASA Science Visualization Studio website and the Air Quality Observations from Space website. Animation credit: NASA Science Visualization Studio OMI’s datasets are being continued by successor 2D detector array instruments, such as the previously mentioned Copernicus Sentinel-5P TROPOMI mission, the Republic of Korea’s Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS), and NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO). All of these missions have enhanced spatial resolution relative to OMI, but have benefited from the innovative retrieval algorithms pioneered by OMI’s retrieval teams.
      Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer
      The Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) provided vertically-resolved distributions of a number of tropospheric constituents, e.g., O3, methane (CH4), and various volatile organic compounds. The instrument was decommissioned in 2018 due to signs of aging associated with a failing Interferometer Control System motor encoder bearing. Nevertheless, TES measurements led to a number of key results regarding changes in atmospheric composition that were published over the past 10 years.
      Measurements from TES, OMI, and MLS showed that transport of O3 and its precursors from East Asia offset about 43% of the decline expected in O3 over the western U.S., based on emission reductions observed there over the period 2005–2010. TES megacity measurements revealed that the frequency of high-O3 days is particularly pronounced in South Asian megacities, which typically lack ground-based pollution monitoring networks. TES water vapor and semi-heavy water measurements indicated that water transpired from Amazonian vegetation becomes a significant moisture source for the atmosphere, during the transition from dry to wet season. The increasing water vapor provides the fuel needed to start the next rainy season. Measurements of CH4 from TES and carbon monoxide (CO) from Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) on Terra showed that CH4 emissions from fires declined at twice the rate expected from changes in burned area from 2004–2014. This finding helped to balance the CH4 budget for this period, because it offset some of the large increases in fossil fuel and wetland emissions. Through direct measurement of the O3 greenhouse gas effect, TES instantaneous radiative kernels revealed the impact of hydrological controls on the O3 radiative forcing and were used to show substantial radiative bias in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) chemistry–climate models. The TES team pioneered the retrieval of a number of species, such as peroxyacetyl nitrate, carbonyl sulfide, and ethylene.
      The spirit of TES lives on through the NASA TRopospheric Ozone and its Precursors from Earth System Sounding (TROPESS) project, which generates data products of O3 and other atmospheric constituents by processing data from multiple satellites through a common retrieval algorithm and ground data system. TROPESS builds upon the success of TES and is considered a bridge to allow the development of a continuous record of O3 and other trace gas species as a follow-on to TES.
      Future of Aura
      In April 2023, Aura’s mission operations team performed the last series of maneuvers to maintain its position in the A-Train constellation of satellites. Since then, Aura has begun drifting. As of July 2024, Aura has descended ~5 km (3 mi) in altitude from ~700 km (435 mi) and its equator crossing time has increased by ~9 min from ~1:44 PM local time. This amount of drift is small, and the Aura MLS and OMI retrieval teams are ensuring the science- and trend-quality of the datasets.
      As Aura continues to drift, the amount of sunlight reaching its solar panels will slowly decrease and will no longer be able to generate sufficient power to operate the spacecraft and instruments by mid-2026. At this point, the amount of local time drift will still be relatively small – less than one hour – so the retrieval teams will be able to ensure quality for most data products until this time.
      In the remaining years, Aura’s aging but remarkably stable instruments will continue to add to the unprecedented two decades of science- and trend-quality data of numerous key tropospheric and stratospheric constituents. Aura data will be key for monitoring the evolution of the Hunga volcanic plume and understanding its continued impact on the chemistry and dynamics of the stratosphere. Observations from MLS and OMI will also be used to evaluate data from new and upcoming instruments (e.g., ESA’s Atmospheric Limb Tracker for Investigation of Upcoming Stratosphere (Altius); NASA’s TEMPO, Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE), and Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor-2 (TSIS-2) missions, or at least used to help minimize the gaps between data collections.
      Aura’s Scientific Legacy
      The Aura mission has been nothing short of transformative for atmospheric research and applied sciences. The multidecade, stable datasets have furthered process-based understanding of the chemistry and dynamics of atmospheric trace gases, especially those critical for understanding the causes of trends and variations in Earth’s protective ozone layer.  
      The two decades that Aura has flown have been marked by profound atmospheric changes and numerous serendipitous events, both natural and man-made. The data from Aura’s instruments have given scientists and applied scientists an unparalleled view – including at the sub-urban scale – of air pollution around the world, clearly showing the influence of rapid industrialization, environmental regulations designed to improve air quality, seasonal agricultural burning, catastrophic wildfires, and even a global pandemic, on the air we breathe. The Aura observational record spans the period that includes the decline of O3-destroying substances, and Aura data illustrate the beginnings of the recovery of the Antarctic O3 hole, a result of unparalleled international cooperation to reduce these substances.
      Aura’s datasets have given a generation of scientists the most comprehensive global view to date of critical gases in Earth’s atmosphere and the chemical and dynamic processes that shape their concentrations. Many, but not all, of these datasets are being/will be continued by successor instruments that have benefited from the novel technologies incorporated into the design of Aura’s instruments as well as the innovative retrieval algorithms pioneered by Aura’s retrieval teams.
      The author wishes to acknowledge the decades of hard work of the many hundreds of people who have contributed to the success of the international Aura mission. There are too many to acknowledge here and I’m sure that many names from the early days are lost to time. I would like to offer special thanks to those scientists who, back in the 1980s, first dreamed of the mission that would become Aura.
      Bryan Duncan
      NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)

      Last Updated Sep 16, 2024 Related Terms
      Earth Science View the full article
    • By NASA
      The Apollo 11 mission in July 1969 completed the goal set by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 to land a man on the Moon and return him safely to the Earth before the end of the decade. At the time, NASA planned nine more Apollo Moon landing missions of increasing complexity and an Earth orbiting experimental space station. No firm human space flight plans existed once these missions ended in the mid-1970s. After taking office in 1969, President Richard M. Nixon chartered a Space Task Group (STG) to formulate plans for the nation’s space program for the coming decades. The STG’s proposals proved overly ambitious and costly to the fiscally conservative President who chose to take no action on them.

      Left: President John F. Kennedy addresses a Joint Session of Congress in May 1961. Middle: President Kennedy addresses a crowd at Rice University in Houston in September 1962. Right: President Lyndon B. Johnson addresses a crowd during a March 1968 visit to the Manned Spacecraft Center, now NASA’s Johnson Space Center, in Houston.
      On May 25, 1961, before a Joint Session of Congress, President John F. Kennedy committed the United States to the goal, before the decade was out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. President Kennedy reaffirmed the commitment during an address at Rice University in Houston in September 1962. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, who played a leading role in establishing NASA in 1958, under Kennedy served as the Chair of the National Aeronautics and Space Council. Johnson worked with his colleagues in Congress to ensure adequate funding for the next several years to provide NASA with the needed resources to meet that goal.
      Following Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963, now President Johnson continued his strong support to ensure that his predecessor’s goal of a Moon landing could be achieved by the stipulated deadline. But with increasing competition for scarce federal resources from the conflict in southeast Asia and from domestic programs, Johnson showed less interest in any space endeavors to follow the Apollo Moon landings. NASA’s annual budget peaked in 1966 and began a steady decline three years before the agency met Kennedy’s goal. From a budgetary standpoint, the prospects of a vibrant, post-Apollo space program didn’t look all that rosy, the triumphs of the Apollo missions of 1968 and 1969 notwithstanding.

      Left: On March 5, 1969, President Richard M. Nixon, left, introduces Thomas O. Paine as the NASA Administrator nominee, as Vice President Spiro T. Agnew looks on. Middle: Proposed lunar landing sites through Apollo 20, per August 1969 NASA planning. Right: An illustration of the Apollo Applications Program experimental space station that later evolved into Skylab.
      Less than a month after assuming the Presidency in January 1969, Richard M. Nixon appointed a Space Task Group (STG), led by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew as the Chair of the National Aeronautics and Space Council, to report back to him on options for the American space program in the post-Apollo years. Members of the STG included NASA Acting Administrator Thomas O. Paine (confirmed by the Senate as administrator on March 20), the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the Office of Science and Technology. At the time, the only approved human space flight programs included lunar landing missions through Apollo 20 and three long-duration missions to an experimental space station based on Apollo technology that evolved into Skylab.
      Beyond a general vague consensus that the United States human space flight program should continue, no approved projects existed once these missions ended by about 1975. With NASA’s intense focus on achieving the Moon landing within President Kennedy’s time frame, long-term planning for what might follow the Apollo Program garnered little attention. During a Jan. 27, 1969, meeting at NASA chaired by Acting Administrator Paine, a general consensus emerged that the next step after the Moon landing should involve the development of a 12-person earth-orbiting space station by 1975, followed by an even larger outpost capable of housing up to 100 people “with a multiplicity of capabilities.” In June, with the goal of the Moon landing almost at hand, NASA’s internal planning added the development of a space shuttle by 1977 to support the space station, the development of a lunar base by 1976, and the highly ambitious idea that the U.S. should prepare for a human mission to Mars as early as the 1980s. NASA presented these proposals to the STG for consideration in early July in a report titled “America’s Next Decades in Space.”

      Left: President Richard M. Nixon, right, greets the Apollo 11 astronauts aboard the U.S.S. Hornet after their return from the Moon. Middle: The cover page of the Space Task Group (STG) Report to President Nixon. Right: Meeting in the White House to present the STG Report to President Nixon. Image credit: courtesy Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum.
      Still bathing in the afterglow of the successful Moon landing, the STG presented its 29-page report “The Post-Apollo Space Program:  Directions for the Future” to President Nixon on Sep. 15, 1969, during a meeting at the White House. In its Conclusions and Recommendations section, the report noted that the United States should pursue a balanced robotic and human space program but emphasized the importance of the latter, with a long-term goal of a human mission to Mars before the end of the 20th century. The report proposed that NASA develop new systems and technologies that emphasized commonality, reusability, and economy in its future programs. To accomplish these overall objectives, the report presented three options:

      Option I – this option required more than a doubling of NASA’s budget by 1980 to enable a human Mars mission in the 1980s, establishment of a lunar orbiting space station, a 50-person Earth orbiting space station, and a lunar base. The option required a decision by 1971 on development of an Earth-to-orbit transportation system to support the space station. The option maintained a strong robotic scientific and exploration program.

      Option II – this option maintained NASA’s budget at then current levels for a few years, then anticipated a gradual increase to support the parallel development of both an earth orbiting space station and an Earth-to-orbit transportation system, but deferred a Mars mission to about 1986. The option maintained a strong robotic scientific and exploration program, but smaller than in Option I.

      Option III – essentially the same as Option II but deferred indefinitely the human Mars mission.
      In separate letters, both Agnew and Paine recommended to President Nixon to choose Option II. 

      Left: Illustration of a possible space shuttle, circa 1969. Middle: Illustration of a possible 12-person space station, circa 1969. Right: An August 1969 proposed mission scenario for a human mission to Mars.
      The White House released the report to the public at a press conference on Sep. 17 with Vice President Agnew and Administrator Paine in attendance. Although he publicly supported a strong human spaceflight program, enjoyed the positive press he received when photographed with Apollo astronauts, and initially sounded positive about the STG options, President Nixon ultimately chose not to act on the report’s recommendations.  Nixon considered these plans too grandiose and far too expensive and relegated NASA to one America’s domestic programs without the special status it enjoyed during the 1960s. Even some of the already planned remaining Moon landing missions fell victim to the budgetary axe.
      On Jan. 4, 1970, NASA had to cancel Apollo 20 since the Skylab program needed its Saturn V rocket to launch the orbital workshop. In 1968, then NASA Administrator James E. Webb had turned off the Saturn V assembly line and none remained beyond the original 15 built under contract. In September 1970, reductions in NASA’s budget forced the cancellation of two more Apollo missions, and  in 1971 President Nixon considered cancelling two more. He reversed himself and they flew as Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 in 1972, the final Apollo Moon landing missions.

      Left: NASA Administrator James C. Fletcher, left, and President Richard M. Nixon announce the approval to proceed with space shuttle development in 1972. Middle: First launch of the space shuttle in 1981. Right: In 1984, President Ronald W. Reagan directs NASA to build a space station.
      More than two years after the STG submitted its report, in January 1972 President Nixon directed NASA Administrator James C. Fletcher to develop the Space Transportation System, the formal name for the space shuttle, the only element of the recommendations to survive the budgetary challenges.  NASA anticipated the first orbital flight of the program in 1979, with the actual first flight occurring two years later. Twelve years elapsed after Nixon’s shuttle decision when President Ronald W. Reagan approved the development of a space station, the second major component of the STG recommendation.  14 years later, the first element of that program reached orbit. In those intervening years, NASA had redesigned the original American space station, leading to the development of a multinational orbiting laboratory called the International Space Station. Humans have inhabited the space station continuously for the past quarter century, conducting world class and cutting edge scientific and engineering research. Work on the space station helps enable future programs, returning humans to the Moon and later sending them on to Mars and other destinations.

      The International Space Station as it appeared in 2021.
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      Sols 4304-4006: 12 Years, 42 Drill Holes, and Now… 1 Million ChemCam Shots!
      In celebration of ChemCam’s milestone, here is a stunning image from its remote micro imager, showing details in the landscape far away. This image was taken by Chemistry & Camera (ChemCam) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4302 — Martian day 4,302 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission — on Sept. 12, 2024, at 09:20:51 UTC. NASA/JPL-Caltech Earth planning date: Friday, Sept. 13, 2024
      Today, I need to talk about ChemCam, our laser and imaging instrument on the top of Curiosity’s mast. It one of the instruments in the “head” that gives Curiosity that cute look as if it were looking around tilting its head down to the rocks at the rover’s wheels. On Monday, 19th August the ChemCam team at CNES in France planned the 1 millionth shot and Curiosity executed it on the target Royce Lake on sol 4281 on Mars. Even as an Earth scientist used to really big numbers, this is a huge number that took me a while to fully comprehend. 1 000 000 shots! Congratulations, ChemCam, our champion for getting chemistry from a distance – and high-resolution images, too. If you are now curious how Curiosity’s ChemCam instrument works, here is the NASA fact sheet. And, of course, the team is celebrating, which is expressed by those two press releases, one from CNES in France and one from Los Alamos National Laboratory, the two institutions who collaborated to develop and build ChemCam and are now running the instrument for over 12 years! And the PI, Dr Nina Lanza from Los Alamos informs me that the first milestone – 10000 shots was reached as early as Sol 42, which was the sol the DAN instrument used its active mode for the first time. But before I am getting melancholic, let’s talk about today’s plan!
      The drive ended fairly high up in the terrain, and that means we see a lot of the interesting features in the channel and generally around us. So, we are on a spot a human hiker would probably put the backpack down, take the water bottle out and sit down with a snack to enjoy the view from a nice high point in the landscape. Well, no such pleasures for Curiosity – and I am pretty sure sugar, which we humans love so much, wouldn’t be appreciated by rover gears anyway. So, let’s just take in the views! And that keeps Mastcam busy taking full advantage of our current vantage point. We have a terrain with lots of variety in front of us, blocks, boulders, flatter areas and the walls are layered, beautiful geology. Overall there are 11 Mastcam observations in the plan adding up to just about 100 individual frames, not counting those taken in the context of atmospheric observations, which are of course also in the plan. The biggest mosaics are on the targets “Western Deposit,” “Balloon Dome,” and “Coral Meadow.” Some smaller documentation images are on the targets “Wales Lake,” “Gnat Meadow,” and “Pig Chute.”
      ChemCam didn’t have long to dwell on its milestone, as it’s busy again today. Of course, it will join Mastcam in taking advantage of our vantage point, taking three remote micro imager images on the landscape around us. LIBS chemistry investigations are targeting “Wales Lake,” “Gnat Meadow,” and “Pig Chute.” APXS is investigating two targets, “College Rock” and “Wales Lake,” which will also come with MAHLI documentation. With all those investigations together, we’ll be able to document the chemistry of many targets around us. There is such a rich variety of dark and light toned rocks, and with so much variety everywhere, it’s hard to choose and the team is excited about the three targeted sols … and planning over 4 hours of science over the weekend!
      The next drive is planned to go to an area where there is a step in the landscape. Geologists love those steps as they give insights into the layers below the immediate surface. If you have read the word ‘outcrop’ here, then that’s what that means: access to below the surface. But there are also other interesting features in the area, hence we will certainly have an interesting workspace to look at! But getting there will not be easy as the terrain is very complex, so we cannot do it in just one drive. I think there is a rule of thumb here: the more excited the geo-team gets, the more skills our drivers need. Geologists just love rocks, but of course, no one likes driving offroad in a really rocky terrain – no roads on Mars. And right now, our excellent engineers have an extra complication to think about: they need to take extra care where and how to park so Curiosity can actually communicate with Earth. Why? Well, we are in a canyon, and those of you liking to hike, know what canyons mean for cell phone signals… yes, there isn’t much coverage, and that’s the same for Curiosity’s antenna. This new NASA video has more information and insights into the planning room, too! So, we’ll drive halfway to where we want to be but I am sure there will be interesting targets in the new workspace, the area is just so, so complex, fascinating and rich!
      And that’s after Mars for you, after 12 years, 42 drill holes, and now 1 Million ChemCam shots. Go Curiosity go!!!
      Written by Susanne Schwenzer, Planetary Geologist at The Open University

      Last Updated Sep 13, 2024 Related Terms
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      NASA wants you to visualize the future of space exploration! This art challenge is looking for creative, artistic images to represent NASA’s Moon to Mars Architecture, the agency’s roadmap for crewed exploration of deep space. With NASA’s Moon to Mars Objectives in hand, the agency is developing an architecture for crewed exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Using systems engineering processes, NASA has begun to perform the analyses and studies needed to make informed decisions about a sustained lunar evolution and initial human missions to Mars. NASA’s Moon to Mars Architecture currently includes four segments of increasing complexity: Human Lunar Return, Foundational Exploration, Sustained Lunar Evolution, and Humans to Mars. For this competition, NASA is interested in your artistic interpretation of the latter two segments: Sustained Lunar Evolution and Humans to Mars. These depictions could include operations in space, on the surface, or both. Artists may develop and submit a still image for either the lunar and Mars exploration segments.
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