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    • By NASA
      En este fotograma de vídeo, Jason Dworkin sostiene un vial que contiene parte de la muestra del asteroide Bennu que la misión OSIRIS-REx (Orígenes, Interpretación Espectral, Identificación de Recursos y Seguridad – Explorador de Regolito) de la NASA trajo a la Tierra en 2023. Dworkin es el científico del proyecto de la misión en el Centro Goddard de Vuelos Espaciales de la NASA en Greenbelt, Maryland.Credit: NASA/James Tralie Read this release in English here.
      Los estudios de las rocas y el polvo del asteroide Bennu que fueron traídos a la Tierra por la nave espacial de la misión Orígenes, Interpretación Espectral, Identificación de Recursos y Seguridad – Explorador de Regolito (OSIRIS-REx, por sus siglas en inglés) de la NASA han revelado moléculas que, en nuestro planeta, son clave para la vida, así como un historial de la existencia de agua salada que podría haber servido como “caldo” para que estos compuestos interactuaran y se combinaran.

      Los hallazgos no muestran evidencia de vida, pero sí sugieren que las condiciones necesarias para el surgimiento de la vida estaban muy extendidas en todo el sistema solar primitivo, lo que aumentaría las probabilidades de que la vida pudiera haberse formado en otros planetas y lunas.

      “La misión OSIRIS-REx de la NASA ya está reescribiendo los libros de texto sobre lo que entendemos acerca de los comienzos de nuestro sistema solar”, dijo Nicky Fox, administradora asociada en la Dirección de Misiones Científicas en la sede de la NASA en Washington. “Los asteroides proporcionan una cápsula del tiempo sobre la historia de nuestro planeta natal, y las muestras de Bennu son fundamentales para nuestra comprensión de qué ingredientes en nuestro sistema solar existían antes de que comenzara la vida en la Tierra”.
      En artículos sobre esta investigación científica publicados el miércoles en las revistas Nature y Nature Astronomy, científicos de la NASA y otras instituciones compartieron los resultados de los primeros análisis en profundidad de los minerales y moléculas hallados en las muestras de Bennu, las cuales fueron transportadas a la Tierra por la nave espacial OSIRIS-REx en 2023.
      Como se detalla en el artículo de Nature Astronomy, entre las detecciones más significativas se encontraron aminoácidos (14 de los 20 que la vida en la Tierra utiliza para producir proteínas) y las cinco nucleobases (bases nitrogenadas) que la vida en la Tierra utiliza para almacenar y transmitir instrucciones genéticas en moléculas biológicas terrestres más complejas como el ADN y el ARN, incluyendo la forma de organizar los aminoácidos para formar proteínas.

      Los científicos también describieron abundancias excepcionalmente altas de amoníaco en las muestras de Bennu. El amoníaco es importante para la biología porque, en las condiciones adecuadas, puede reaccionar con el formaldehído, el cual también fue detectado en las muestras, para formar moléculas complejas como los aminoácidos. Cuando los aminoácidos se unen en cadenas largas, forman proteínas, las cuales impulsan casi todas las funciones biológicas.
      Estos componentes básicos para la vida detectados en las muestras de Bennu han sido hallados antes en rocas extraterrestres. Sin embargo, identificarlos en una muestra impoluta obtenida en el espacio respalda la idea de que los objetos que se formaron lejos del Sol podrían haber sido una fuente importante de los ingredientes precursores básicos para la vida en todo el sistema solar.

      “Las pistas que estamos buscando son muy minúsculas y se destruyen o alteran con mucha facilidad al exponerse al ambiente de la Tierra”, dijo Danny Glavin, científico principal de muestras en el Centro de Vuelo Espacial Goddard de la NASA en Greenbelt, Maryland, y coautor principal del artículo publicado en Nature Astronomy. “Es por eso que algunos de estos nuevos descubrimientos no serían posibles sin una misión de retorno que trajera las muestras, sin medidas meticulosas de control de la contaminación y sin una cuidadosa curaduría y almacenamiento de este precioso material proveniente de Bennu”.

      Mientras que el equipo de Glavin analizó las muestras de Bennu en busca de indicios de compuestos relacionados con la vida, sus colegas, dirigidos por Tim McCoy, quien es curador de meteoritos en el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Instituto Smithsonian en Washington, y Sara Russell, mineralogista cósmica en el Museo de Historia Natural de Londres, buscaron pistas sobre el entorno en el que se habrían formado estas moléculas. En un informe publicado en la revista Nature, los científicos describen, además, la evidencia que hallaron de un antiguo entorno propicio para poner en marcha la química de la vida.

      Desde calcita hasta halita y silvita, los científicos identificaron en la muestra de Bennu rastros de 11 minerales que se forman a medida que el agua que contiene las sales disueltas en ella se va evaporando a lo largo de extensos períodos de tiempo, dejando atrás las sales en forma de cristales sólidos.

      Se han detectado o ha habido indicaciones de la existencia de salmueras similares en todo el sistema solar, incluso en el planeta enano Ceres y la luna Encélado de Saturno.
      Aunque los científicos han detectado previamente varias evaporitas en meteoritos que caen a la superficie de la Tierra, nunca han visto un conjunto completo de sales sedimentadas que conservara un proceso de evaporación que podría haber durado miles de años o más. Algunos minerales presentes en Bennu, como la trona, fueron descubiertos por primera vez en muestras extraterrestres.

      “Estos artículos científicos realmente se complementan para tratar de explicar cómo los ingredientes de la vida se unieron para hacer lo que vemos en este asteroide alterado acuosamente”, dijo McCoy.
      A pesar de todas las respuestas que ha proporcionado la muestra de Bennu, quedan varias preguntas. Muchos aminoácidos se pueden producir en dos versiones de imagen especular, como un par de manos izquierda y derecha. La vida en la Tierra produce casi exclusivamente la variedad levógira (que va hacia la izquierda, o en sentido antihorario), pero las muestras de Bennu contienen una mezcla igual de ambas. Esto significa que, en la Tierra primitiva, los aminoácidos también podrían haber comenzado en una mezcla de iguales proporciones. La razón por la que la vida “giró hacia la izquierda” en lugar de hacia la derecha sigue siendo un misterio.
      “OSIRIS-REx ha sido una misión muy exitosa”, dijo Jason Dworkin, científico que trabaja en el proyecto OSIRIS-REx desde el centro Goddard de NASA y es coautor principal del artículo de Nature Astronomy. “Los datos de OSIRIS-REx añaden grandes pinceladas a una imagen de un sistema solar rebosante de potencial para la vida. ¿Por qué nosotros, hasta ahora, solo vemos vida en la Tierra y no en otros lugares? Esa es la pregunta verdaderamente cautivante”.

      El centro Goddard de la NASA proporcionó la gestión general de la misión, la ingeniería de sistemas y la garantía y seguridad de la misión OSIRIS-REx. Dante Lauretta, de la Universidad de Arizona en Tucson, es el investigador principal. Esa universidad dirige el equipo científico y la planificación y el procesamiento de datos de las observaciones científicas de la misión. Lockheed Martin Space en Littleton, Colorado, construyó la nave espacial y proporcionó las operaciones de vuelo. El centro Goddard y KinetX Aerospace fueron responsables de la navegación de la nave espacial OSIRIS-REx. La curaduría de OSIRIS-REx es llevada a cabo en el Centro Espacial Johnson de la NASA en Houston. Las asociaciones internacionales para esta misión incluyen el instrumento de altímetro láser de OSIRIS-REx proveniente de la CSA (Agencia Espacial Canadiense) y la colaboración científica para las muestras del asteroide con la misión Hayabusa2 de la JAXA (Agencia Japonesa de Exploración Aeroespacial). OSIRIS-REx es la tercera misión del Programa Nuevas Fronteras de la NASA, el cual es gestionado por el Centro de Vuelo Espacial Marshall de la agencia en Huntsville, Alabama, para la Dirección de Misiones Científicas de la agencia en Washington.

      Para obtener más información sobre la misión OSIRIS-REx, visita el sitio web (en inglés):
      María José Viñas /Karen Fox / Molly Wasser
      Headquarters, Washington
      maria-jose.vinasgarcia@nasa.gov / karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / molly.l.wasser@nasa.gov
      Rani Gran
      Centro de Vuelo Espacial Goddard, Greenbelt, Maryland
      Last Updated Jan 29, 2025 EditorJessica TaveauLocationNASA Headquarters Related Terms
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    • By NASA
      With the historic first international space docking mission only six months away, preparations on the ground for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) intensified. At NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, workers in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) stacked the rocket for the mission, the final Saturn rocket assembled for flight. In the nearby Manned Spacecraft Operations Building (MSOB), the Apollo prime crew of Commander Thomas Stafford, Command Module Pilot Vance Brand, and Docking Module Pilot Donald “Deke” Slayton, and their backups Alan Bean, Ronald Evans, and Jack Lousma conducted vacuum chamber tests of the Command Module (CM), the final Apollo spacecraft prepared for flight.  

      Inside the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, workers attach fins to the Saturn IB’s first stage. In the VAB, workers secure the first stage of the Saturn IB rocket onto the milk stool, perched on Mobile Launcher-1. Workers lift the second stage of the Saturn IB rocket prior to mating with the first stage. Workers lower a boilerplate Apollo spacecraft onto the Saturn IB rocket. The Saturn IB rocket, serial number SA-210, used for ASTP had a lengthy history. Contractors originally built its two stages in 1967, at a time when NASA planned many more Saturn IB flights to test Apollo spacecraft components in Earth orbit in preparation for the Moon landing. By 1968, however, after four uncrewed Saturn IB launches, only one launched a crew, Apollo 7. Four more Saturn IBs remained on reserve to launch crews as part of the Apollo Applications Program, renamed Skylab in 1970. Without an immediate mission, the two stages of SA-210 entered long-term storage in 1967. Workers later modified and refurbished the stages for ASTP before shipping them to KSC. The first stage arrived in April 1974 and the second stage in November 1972. 
      On Jan. 13, 1975, inside the cavernous VAB, workers stacked the Saturn IB rocket’s first stage onto Mobile Launcher-1 (ML-1), modified from its use to launch Saturn V rockets during the Apollo program with the addition of the milk stool pedestal. The milk stool, a 128-foot tall platform, allowed the Saturn IB to use the same Launch Umbilical Tower as the much larger Saturn V rocket at Launch Complex 39. The next day, workers lowered the second stage onto the first, followed by the Instrument Unit two days later. Finally, on Jan. 17 workers topped off the rocket with a boilerplate Apollo spacecraft while engineers continued testing the flight article in the MSOB. 

      The ASTP Apollo Command and Service Modules arrive at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida. The ASTP Command Module arrives in KSC’s Manned Spacecraft Operations Building. The Command and Service Modules – CSM-111 – arrived at KSC from the Rockwell International plant in Downey, California, on Sept. 8, 1974, by C-5A Galaxy cargo plane. Rockwell had finished building the spacecraft in March 1970 and placed it in storage until July 1972. Modifications for ASTP took place between August 1972 and August 1974, following which Rockwell shipped the spacecraft to KSC. The sign on the shipping container bore the legend “From A to Soyuz – Apollo/Soyuz – Last and the Best.” Workers at KSC towed the modules to the MSOB for inspection and checkout, joined the two modules, and placed the combined spacecraft into a vacuum chamber. 
      The prime Apollo crew of Thomas Stafford, left, Vance Brand, and Donald “Deke” Slayton suit up in preparation for an altitude chamber test in the Command Module (CM). The astronauts inside the CM in the altitude chamber. In the MSOB, the prime and backup ASTP crews conducted tests of their spacecraft in an altitude chamber. After both crews completed simulated runs in December 1974, the prime crew of Stafford, Brand, and Slayton suited up, entered the CM inside the chamber, closed the hatch, and conducted an actual test on Jan. 14, with the chamber simulating altitudes of up to 220,000 feet. Two days later, the backup crew of Bean, Evans, and Lousma completed a similar test. 

      he backup Apollo crew of Alan Bean, left, Ronald Evans, and Jack Lousma suit up in preparation for an altitude chamber test in the Command Module (CM). Workers assist backup crewmember Lousma into the CM. To solve the problem of the Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft operating at different atmospheric pressures and compositions and using incompatible docking mechanisms, engineers designed a Docking Module (DM) that acted as both an airlock and a transfer tunnel and a Docking System (DS) that allowed the two nations’ spacecraft to physically join in space. NASA contracted with Rockwell International to build the DM. Engineers equipped one end of the DM with the standard Apollo probe-and-drogue docking mechanism and the other end with the androgynous system that linked up with its opposite half installed on the modified Soyuz spacecraft. During launch, the DM rested inside the Spacecraft Lunar Module (LM) Adaptor (SLA) atop the rocket’s upper stage, much like the LM during Apollo flights. Once in orbit, the astronauts separated the CSM from the upper stage, turned the spacecraft around, docked with the DM and pulled it free. 
      Workers lower the DM into Chamber B in the Space Environment Simulation Laboratory at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. Workers lower the DM into Chamber B in the Space Environment Simulation Laboratory at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. After extensive vacuum testing in Chamber B of the Space Environment Simulation Laboratory at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, the flight DM arrived at KSC on Oct. 29, 1974, and workers prepared it for more testing in a vacuum chamber in the MSOB. The flight DS arrived at KSC on Jan. 3, 1975, and two weeks later workers installed it on the DM. On Jan. 27, engineers lowered the DM onto the CM in the altitude chamber to conduct a mechanical docking test. Engineers conducted 10 days of joint tests of television and audio equipment to ensure systems compatibility. 

      Workers conduct a docking test of the Docking Module with the Command Module at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA support astronaut Robert Overmyer, right, works with engineers during compatibility testing. To be continued… 
      Major events around the world in January 1975: 
      January 5 – Musical The Wiz opens on Broadway, runs for 1,672 performances. 
      January 6 – The game show Wheel of Fortune debuts on NBC. 
      January 8 – Ella Grasso of Connecticut becomes the first elected female governor in the U.S. 
      January 11 – The S-II second stage of the Saturn V rocket that launched Skylab reenters the Earth’s atmosphere over the Indian Ocean. 
      January 12 – The Pittsburg Steelers beat the Minnesota Vikings in Super Bowl IX, played in Tulane Stadium in New Orleans. 
      January 15 – Space Mountain opens at Disney World in Orlando. 
      January 18 – The Jeffersons premieres on CBS. 
      January 22 – Launch of the Landsat-2 Earth resources monitoring satellite. 
      January 30 – Ernő Rubik applies for a patent in Hungary for his Magic Cube, later known as Rubik’s Cube. 
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      The new squadron, which falls under Space Delta 11, marks a critical milestone in advancing the Space Force’s ability to test, train, and prepare for cyber threats in the contested space domain.

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    • By NASA
      4 min read
      Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
      Un detalle de la sonda de detección de impactos de la NASA resalta sus puertos de presión, diseñados para medir los cambios de presión del aire durante el vuelo supersónico. La sonda se montará en el F-15B de la NASA para realizar vuelos de calibración, validando su capacidad de medir las ondas de choque generadas por el X-59 para la misión Quesst de la NASA.NASA/Lauren Hughes Un F-15B de la NASA realiza un vuelo de calibración de una sonda de detección de impactos sobre Edwards, California, el 6 de agosto de 2024. La sonda medirá las ondas de choque del X-59 de la NASA.NASA/Steve Freeman Un F-15B de la NASA realiza un vuelo de calibración de una sonda de detección de impactos sobre Edwards, California, el 6 de agosto de 2024. La sonda medirá las ondas de choque del X-59 de la NASA.NASA/Steve Freeman Un F-15B de la NASA realiza un vuelo de calibración de una sonda de detección de impactos sobre Edwards, California, el 6 de agosto de 2024. La sonda medirá las ondas de choque del X-59 de la NASA.NASA/Steve Freeman Un F-15B de la NASA realiza un vuelo de calibración de una sonda de detección de impactos sobre Edwards, California, el 6 de agosto de 2024. La sonda medirá las ondas de choque del X-59 de la NASA.NASA/Steve Freeman Read this story in English here.
      La NASA pronto pondrá a prueba los avances realizados en una herramienta clave para medir los singulares ‘golpes sónicos’ que su avión supersónico silencioso de investigación X-59 producirá durante el vuelo.
      Una sonda de detección de impactoses una sonda de datos de aire en forma cónica desarrollada con características específicas para capturar las singulares ondas de choque que producirá el X-59. Investigadores del Centro de Investigación de Vuelo Armstrong de la NASA en Edwards, California, desarrollaron dos versiones de la sonda para recopilar datos precisos de presión durante el vuelo supersónico. Una de las sondas está optimizada para mediciones de campo cercano, capturando las ondas de choque que se producen muy cerca de donde las generará el X-59. La segunda sonda de detección de impactos medirá el centro del campo y recopilará datos a altitudes de entre 5.000 y 20.000 pies por debajo del avión.
      Cuando un avión vuela a velocidades supersónicas, genera ondas de choque que viajan a través del aire circundante, produciendo fuertes estampidos sónicos. El X-59 está diseñado para desviar esas ondas de choque, reduciendo los fuertes estampidos sónicos a golpes sónicos más silenciosos. Durante los vuelos de prueba, un avión F-15B con una sonda de detección de impactos acoplada a su morro volará con el X-59. La sonda, de aproximadamente 1,80 metros (6 pies), recolectará continuamente miles de muestras de presión por segundo, captando los cambios de presión del aire mientras vuela a través de ondas de choque. Los datos de los sensores serán vitales para validar los modelos informáticos que predicen la fuerza de las ondas de choque producidas por el X-59, la pieza central de la misión Quesst de la NASA.
      “Una sonda de detección de impactos actúa como fuente de la verdad, comparando los datos previstos con las mediciones del mundo real”, dijo Mike Frederick, investigador principal de la NASA para la sonda.
      Para la sonda de campo cercano, el F-15B volará cerca del X-59 a su altitud de crucero de aproximadamente 18.000 metros (55.000 pies), utilizando una configuración de “seguir al líder” que permitirá a los investigadores analizar ondas de choque en tiempo real. La sonda de campo medio, destinada para misiones separadas, recopilará datos más útiles a medida que las ondas de choque viajen más cerca al suelo.
      La capacidad de las sondas para captar pequeños cambios de presión es especialmente importante para el X-59, ya que se espera que sus ondas de choque sean mucho más débiles que las de la mayoría de los aviones supersónicos. Al comparar los datos de las sondas con las predicciones de modelos de computadora avanzados, los investigadores pueden evaluar con mayor precisión.
      “Las sondas tienen cinco puertos de presión, uno en la punta y cuatro alrededor del cono”, explica Frederick. “Estos puertos miden los cambios de presión estática a medida que el avión vuela a través de las ondas de choque, lo que nos ayuda a comprender las características de choque de un avión en particular”. Estos puertos combinan sus mediciones para calcular la presión local, la velocidad y la dirección del flujo de aire.
      Los investigadores pronto evaluarán actualizaciones de la sonda de detección de impactos de campo cercano a través de vuelos de prueba, en los que la sonda, montada en un F-15B, recopilará datos persiguiendo a un segundo F-15 durante un vuelo supersónico. Las actualizaciones de la sonda incluyen la colocación de los transductores de presión – dispositivos que miden la presión del aire en el cono – a sólo 5 pulgadas de sus puertos. Los diseños anteriores colocaban esos transductores a casi 3 metros (12 pies) de distancia, lo que retrasaba el tiempo de grabación y distorsionaba las mediciones.
      La sensibilidad a la temperatura de los diseños anteriores también presentó un desafío, ya que provocó fluctuaciones en la precisión cuando cambiaban las condiciones. Para solucionar esto, el equipo diseñó un sistema de calefacción para mantener los transductores de presión a una temperatura constante durante el vuelo.
      “La sonda cumplirá los requisitos de resolución y precisión de la misión Quesst”, afirmó Frederick. “Este proyecto muestra cómo la NASA puede tomar tecnología existente y adaptarla para resolver nuevos desafíos”.
      Last Updated Dec 13, 2024 EditorDede DiniusContactNicolas Cholulanicolas.h.cholula@nasa.gov Related Terms
      Advanced Air Vehicles Program Aeronáutica Aeronautics Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Armstrong Flight Research Center Commercial Supersonic Technology Low Boom Flight Demonstrator NASA en español Quesst (X-59) Supersonic Flight Explore More
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    • By NASA
      17 min read
      Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
      On Dec. 8, 1994, NASA announced the selection of its 15th group of astronauts. The diverse group comprised 19 candidates – 10 pilots and nine mission specialists, and included five women, two African Americans, one Asian American, and the first Peruvian-born and Indian-born astronauts. Four international astronauts, one each from Canada and Japan and two from France, joined the group later for astronaut candidate training, following which all 23 became eligible for spaceflight assignment. The two French candidates had previous spaceflight experience in cooperative missions with Russia. All members of the group completed at least one spaceflight, making significant contributions to assembly and maintenance of the space station and carrying out important science missions. Three perished in the Columbia accident. 

      The Group 15 NASA and international astronaut candidates pose for a group photo – front row, Jeffrey S. Ashby, left, Dafydd “Dave” R. Williams, James F. Reilly, Scott D. Altman, Rick D. Husband, and Michael J. Bloomfield; middle row, Pamela A. Melroy, left, Michael P. Anderson, Michel Tognini, Kathryn “Kay” P. Hire, Kalpana Chawla, Carlos I. Noriega, Susan L. Still, Takao Doi, and Frederick “Rick” W. Sturckow; back row, Janet L. Kavandi, left, Edward T. Lu, Steven K. Robinson, Robert L. Curbeam, Dominic L.P. Gorie, Joe F. Edwards, Steven W. Lindsey, and Jean-Loup Chrétien. Credit: NASA The newest class of NASA astronaut candidates included pilot candidates Scott D. Altman, Jeffrey S. Ashby, Michael J. Bloomfield, Joe F. Edwards, Dominic L.P. Gorie, Rick D. Husband, Steven W. Lindsey, Pamela A. Melroy, Susan L. Still, and Frederick “Rick” W. Sturckow, and mission specialist candidates Michael P. Anderson, Kalpana Chawla, Robert L. Curbeam, Kathryn “Kay” P. Hire, Janet L. Kavandi, Edward T. Lu, Carlos I. Noriega, James F. Reilly, and Steven K. Robinson. A January 1995 agreement among the agencies enabled Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut Dafydd “Dave” R. Williams and Takao Doi of the National Space Development Agency (NASDA), now the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, to join the 19 NASA astronauts for training. Another agreement between NASA and the French space agency CNES enabled astronauts Jean-Loup Chrétien and Michel Tognini to also join the group. Both Chrétien and Tognini had previous spaceflight experience through joint agreements with Russia, and their experience proved helpful to NASA in the fledgling Shuttle-Mir Program. 

      Group 15 astronaut candidates experience short-duration weightlessness aboard NASA’s KC-135 aircraft.Credit: NASA The 19 NASA candidates along with Williams and Doi reported to work at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston on March 6, 1995, to begin their one-year training period. The two French astronauts joined them later. During the yearlong training, the candidates attended classes in applied sciences, space shuttle and space station systems, space medicine, Earth and planetary sciences, and materials sciences. They visited each of the NASA centers to learn about their functions and received instruction in flying the T-38 Talon training aircraft, high-altitude and ground egress systems, survival skills, parasail flight, and scuba. They experienced short-duration weightlessness aboard NASA’s KC-135 aircraft dubbed the Vomit Comet. After completing the astronaut candidate training, they qualified for various technical assignments within the astronaut office leading to assignments to space shuttle crews. 

      Group 15 astronaut candidates during survival training in Pensacola, Florida.Credit: NASA Group 15 astronaut candidates during survival training in Pensacola, Florida.Credit: NASA The 19 NASA candidates along with Williams and Doi reported to work at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston on March 6, 1995, to begin their one-year training period. The two French astronauts joined them later. During the yearlong training, the candidates attended classes in applied sciences, space shuttle and space station systems, space medicine, Earth and planetary sciences, and materials sciences. They visited each of the NASA centers to learn about their functions and received instruction in flying the T-38 Talon training aircraft, high-altitude and ground egress systems, survival skills, parasail flight, and scuba. They experienced short-duration weightlessness aboard NASA’s KC-135 aircraft dubbed the Vomit Comet. After completing the astronaut candidate training, they qualified for various technical assignments within the astronaut office leading to assignments to space shuttle crews. 

      Per tradition, the previous astronaut class provided the nickname for Group 15. Originally, The Class of 1992, The Hogs, dubbed them The Snails because NASA had delayed their announcement. Then after the addition of the two French astronauts, they felt that The Flying Escargots seemed more appropriate. The Group 15 patch included an astronaut pin rising from the Earth, an orbiting space shuttle and space station, and flags of the United States, Canada, France, and Japan. 

      Group 15 patch.Credit: NASA
      Altman, a U.S. Navy pilot, hails from Illinois. He received his first spaceflight assignment as pilot of STS-90, the 16-day Neurolab mission in 1998, along with fellow Escargots Hire and Williams. He again served as pilot on STS-106, a 12-day space station resupply mission in 2000, accompanied by fellow Escargot Lu. He served as commander on his third mission, STS-109, the 11-day fourth Hubble Space Telescope (HST) servicing mission in 2002. He commanded his fourth and final mission, the 13-day final HST servicing mission, STS-125, in 2009. Altman logged a total of 51 days in space. 
      Anderson, a native of upstate New York and a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force, received his first assignment as a mission specialist on STS-89, the nine-day eighth docking with Mir. Fellow Escargots Edwards and Reilly flew with Anderson, who has the distinction as the only African American astronaut to visit that space station during the mission in 1998. He next served as payload commander on the 16-day STS-107 Spacehab research mission in 2003, flying with fellow Escargots Chawla and Husband. Anderson perished in the Columbia accident. He logged nearly 25 days in space. 

      Texas native and U.S. Navy captain Ashby received his first spaceflight assignment as pilot of STS-93, the five-day mission in 1999 to deploy the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Fellow Escargot Tognini served as a mission specialist on this flight. On his second mission, Ashby served as pilot of STS-100, the 12-day flight in 2001 that delivered the Canadarm2 robotic arm to the space station. Ashby commanded his third and final mission in 2002, STS-112, the 11-day space station assembly flight that delivered the S1 truss. Fellow Escargot Melroy served as pilot on this flight. During his three missions, Ashby spent nearly 28 days in space. 

      Hailing from Michigan, U.S. Air Force Colonel Bloomfield received his first flight assignment as pilot of STS-86, the seventh Mir docking mission. The 11-day flight took place in 1997, with fellow Escargot Chrétien serving as a mission specialist. Bloomfield served as pilot on his second flight, STS-97, the 11-day station assembly mission in 2000 that delivered the P6 truss and the first set of U.S. solar arrays. Fellow Escargot Noriega flew as a mission specialist on this flight. Bloomfield served as commander on his third and final mission, the 11-day STS-110 assembly flight that delivered the S0 truss segment in 2002. Bloomfield logged a total of 32 days in space across his three missions. 

      Chawla, the first Indian-born NASA astronaut, earned a doctorate in aerospace engineering. She received her first spaceflight assignment as a mission specialist on STS-87, the 16-day flight in 1997 that carried the fourth U.S. Microgravity Payload (USMP-4). Fellow Escargot Lindsey served as pilot on this mission, during which Chawla used the shuttle’s robotic arm to release and capture the SPARTAN-201-4 free flyer. She next served as a mission specialist on the STS-107 Spacehab research mission in 2003, along with fellow Escargots Anderson and Husband. Chawla perished in the Columbia accident. She logged nearly 32 days in space.

      On his first spaceflight, Curbeam, a native of Baltimore and commander in the U.S. Navy, flew as a mission specialist on STS-85, a 12-day mission in 1997 that carried the CRISTA-SPAS-2 free flyer. Fellow Escargot Robinson accompanied Curbeam on this mission. On his next flight, he served as a mission specialist on STS-98, the 2001 station assembly flight that delivered the Destiny U.S. Lab. During that 13-day flight, Curbeam participated in three spacewalks, spending nearly 20 hours outside. On his third and final spaceflight, he served as a mission specialist on STS-116, the 13-day assembly flight in 2006 that delivered the P5 truss segment. Curbeam participated in four spacewalks to reconfigure the station’s power system, spending nearly 26 hours outside. Across his four flights, Curbeam spent more than 37 days in space, and across his seven spacewalks more than 45 hours outside.  

      Edwards, a native of Virginia and U.S. Navy commander, flew his single spaceflight as pilot of STS-89, the eighth Mir docking mission in 1998. Fellow Escargots Anderson and Reilly flew with him as mission specialists on this flight. Edwards spent nine days in space. 

      A native of Louisiana and U.S. Navy captain, Gorie received his first spaceflight assignment as pilot of STS-91, the 10-day ninth and final Mir docking mission in 1998, along with fellow Escargot Kavandi. In 2000, he served as pilot of STS-99, the 11-day Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), once again with fellow Escargot Kavandi. Gorie commanded his third mission, STS-108 in 2001, the first station Utilization Flight that lasted 12 days. He also commanded his fourth and final flight, accompanied by fellow Escargot Doi, the 16-day STS-123 mission in 2008 that delivered the Japanese pressurized logistics module and the Canadian Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) to the station. Over his four missions, Gorie spent more than 48 days in space. 

      A native of Alabama and a captain in the U.S. Navy Reserve, Hire completed her first space mission in 1998 as a mission specialist on the 16-day STS-90 Neurolab mission, along with fellow Escargots Altman and Williams. Twelve years later, Hire flew her second and last mission, STS-130, a 14-day space station assembly mission that installed the Node 3 Tranquility module and the Cupola. During her two flights, Hire spent nearly 30 days in space. 

      Hailing from Amarillo, Texas, and a colonel in the U.S. Air Force, Husband flew as the pilot of STS-96 on his first flight. The 10-day space station resupply mission took place in 1999. He served as commander on his second flight, the 16-day STS-107 Spacehab research mission in 2003, along with fellow Escargots Anderson and Chawla. Husband perished in the Columbia accident. He logged nearly 26 days in space. 

      Missouri native Kavandi completed her first spaceflight as a mission specialist on STS-91, the 10-day ninth and final Mir docking mission in 1998, along with fellow Escargot Gorie. On her second flight, she served as a mission specialist on the 11-day STS-99 SRTM in 2000, once again with fellow Escargot Gorie. As a mission specialist on STS-104, her third and final spaceflight, Kavandi flew with fellow Escargots Lindsey and Reilly to install the Quest airlock on the station. On her three flights, she logged 34 days in space. Kavandi served as director of NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland from March 2016 to September 2019. 

      A colonel in the U.S. Air Force, California-born Lindsey has the distinction as the only member of his class to complete five spaceflights. He served as pilot on his first spaceflight in 1997, the 16-day STS-87 USMP-4 mission, joined by fellow Escargots Chawla and Doi. He flew as pilot on his second mission in 1998, the nine-day STS-95 mission that saw astronaut John H. Glenn return to space. Fellow Escargot Robinson joined Lindsey on this mission. He commanded his third spaceflight, the 13-day STS-104 mission in 2001 that delivered the Quest airlock to the space station. Fellow Escargots Kavandi and Reilly accompanied Lindsey on this flight. He served as commander of his fourth trip into space in 2006, the 13-day STS-121 second return to flight mission after the Columbia accident that also returned the station to a 3-person crew. For his fifth and final space mission in 2011, Lindsey once again served as commander, of STS-133, the 39th and final flight of space shuttle Discovery. The fifth Utilization and Logistics Flight delivered the Permanent Multipurpose Module and the third of four EXPRESS Logistics Carriers to the space station. Lindsey’s flight on STS-133 marked the last flight by a Flying Escargot. Across his five missions, Lindsey logged nearly 63 days in space. 

      Born in Massachusetts, Lu earned a doctorate in applied physics. He received his first spaceflight assignment as a mission specialist on the nine-day STS-84 flight in 1997, the sixth Mir docking mission. Fellow Escargot Noriega accompanied him on the flight. On his second trip into space, Lu served as mission specialist on STS-106, a 12-day station resupply mission in 2000. He participated in a six-hour spacewalk to complete electrical connections between two of the station’s modules. Fellow Escargot Altman flew with Lu on this mission. On his third mission, Lu served as flight engineer of Expedition 7, spending 185 days in space in 2003, the only Escargot to complete a long-duration mission. He logged 206 days in space during his three spaceflights.
      California native Melroy, a colonel in the U.S. Air Force, received her first flight assignment as pilot of STS-92, the 13-day space station assembly flight in 2000 that delivered the Z1 truss. She served as pilot on her second mission, STS-112, the 11-day flight that brought the S1 truss to the station in 2002. Fellow Escargot Ashby commanded this mission. On her third and final mission in 2007, she served as commander of STS-120, the 15-day assembly flight that brought the Harmony Node 2 module to the station. After hatch opening, space station commander Peggy A. Whitson greeted Melroy, highlighting the first time that women commanded both spacecraft. She accumulated nearly 39 days in space during her three missions. Melroy has served as NASA’s deputy administrator since June 2021. 

      Noriega has the distinction as the first Peruvian-born astronaut, and served as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps. For his first spaceflight, he served as a mission specialist, along with fellow Escargot Lu, on STS-84, the nine-day sixth Mir docking mission in 1997. On his second and final mission, Noriega served as a mission specialist on STS-97, the 11-day assembly flight in 2000 that delivered the P6 truss and the first set of U.S. solar arrays to the space station. He participated in three spacewalks, spending more than 19 hours outside. Fellow Escargot Bloomfield served as pilot on this mission. Across his two flights, Noriega accumulated 20 days in space. 

      Born in Idaho, Reilly earned a doctorate in geosciences. He received his first spaceflight assignment as a mission specialist on STS-89, the nine-day eighth Mir docking mission in 1998. Fellow Escargots Edwards and Anderson joined him on this mission. On his second trip to space, Reilly served as a mission specialist on STS-104, the assembly flight to install the Quest airlock on the station. Reilly participated in three spacewalks, including the first one staged from the Quest airlock, totaling 15 and a half hours. Fellow Escargots Lindsey and Kavandi accompanied Reilly on this mission. On his third and final spaceflight, Reilley flew as a mission specialist on STS-117, the 14-day flight in 2007 that delivered the S3/S4 truss segment to the station. Reilly participated in two of the mission’s spacewalks, spending more than 13 hours outside. Fellow Escargot Sturckow served as commander on this mission. Across his three spaceflights, Reilly logged more than 35 days in space and spent nearly 29 hours outside on five spacewalks. 

      California native Robinson earned a doctorate in mechanical engineering. On his first spaceflight, he flew, along with fellow Escargot Curbeam, as a mission specialist on STS-85, a 12-day mission in 1997 that carried the CRISTA-SPAS-2 free flyer. On his second trip into space, he served as a mission specialist on STS-95, commanded by fellow Escargot Lindsey, the nine-day mission in 1998 that saw astronaut John H. Glenn return to space. In 2005, Robinson flew for a third time on STS-114, the 14-day return to flight mission after the Columbia accident. He participated in three spacewalks totaling 20 hours. He flew as a mission specialist on STS-130, his fourth and final spaceflight, in 2010. Fellow Escargot Hire accompanied him on the 14-day mission that brought the Tranquility Node 3 module and the Cupola to the station. Robinson logged 48 days in space across his four missions. 

      Born in Georgia, and a commander in the U.S. Navy, Still received her first spaceflight assignment as pilot for STS-83, the Microgravity Sciences Laboratory (MSL) mission in 1997. She has the distinction as the first of her class to reach space. When a fuel cell problem cut the planned 16-day mission short after four days, NASA decided to refly the mission and its crew. Still returned to space as pilot of STS-94, the MSL reflight, later in 1997, and flew the full duration 16 days. She logged a total of 20 days in space. 

      California native and a colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps, Sturckow received his first spaceflight assignment as pilot of STS-88, the 12-day mission in 1998 that launched the Node 1 Unity module to begin assembly of the space station. He again served as pilot on his second spaceflight, STS-105 in 2001, a 12-day station assembly, resupply, and crew rotation mission. Sturckow served as commander on his third mission, the 14-day STS-117 mission in 2007 that delivered the S3/S4 truss segment to the station. Fellow Escargot Reilly accompanied Sturckow on this mission. He once again served as commander on his fourth and final spaceflight, STS-128, the 14-day flight in 2009 that brought facilities to the station to enable a six-person permanent crew. He logged more than 51 days in space on his four missions. 

      Born in La Rochelle, France, Chrétien rose to the rank of brigadier general in the French Air Force. Selected as an astronaut by CNES in 1980, Chrétien made his first spaceflight in 1982, an eight-day mission aboard the Soviet Salyut-7 space station, the first non-Soviet and non-American to reach space. Chrétien returned to space in 1988, completing a 25-day mission aboard Mir during which he participated in a six-hour spacewalk, the first non-Soviet and non-American to do so. Under a special agreement between NASA and CNES, Chrétien and Tognini joined the Group 15 astronauts for training, making them eligible for flights on the shuttle. For his third and final spaceflight, Chrétien served as a mission specialist on the 11-day STS-86 seventh Mir docking mission in 1997. Fellow Escargot Bloomfield served as pilot on this mission. Across his three flights, Chrétien logged more than 43 days in space. 

      Tokyo native Doi earned a doctorate in aerospace engineering. NASDA selected him as an astronaut in 1985 and through an agreement with NASA, he joined the Group 15 astronauts for training, making him eligible for flights on the space shuttle. On his first spaceflight, he flew as a mission specialist on STS-87, accompanied by fellow Escargots Lindsey and Chawla. The 16-day mission in 1997 carried the USMP-4 suite of experiments. Doi participated in two spacewalks, spending more than 15 hours outside the shuttle. For his second and final spaceflight, Doi flew as a mission specialist on STS-123, the 16-day assembly flight in 2008 that delivered the Japanese pressurized logistics module and the SPDM to the station. Fellow Escargot Gorie served as commander on this mission. Doi logged more than 31 days in space on his two missions. 

      The French space agency CNES selected Tognini, born in Vincennes, France, in 1985. He rose to the rank of brigadier general in the French Air Force. He received his first assignment as Chrétien’s backup for his 1988 mission to Mir. For his first spaceflight, Tognini spent 14 days aboard Mir in 1992. Under a special agreement between NASA and CNES, Tognini and Chrétien joined the Group 15 astronauts for training, making them eligible for flights on the shuttle. For his second spaceflight, Tognini served as a mission specialist on STS-93, the five-day mission in 1999 to deploy the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Fellow Escargot Ashby served as pilot on this mission. Tognini logged nearly 19 days in space. 

      Born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Williams earned a medical degree. The CSA selected him as an astronaut in 1992, and in January 1995, as part of an agreement between NASA and the CSA, he joined the Group 15 astronauts for training, making him eligible for flights on the space shuttle. His first spaceflight took place in 1998 as a mission specialist on the 16-day STS-90 Neurolab mission, under the command of fellow Escargot Altman. For his second trip into space, he served as a mission specialist on STS-118, the 13-day assembly flight in 2007 that delivered the S5 truss segment to the space station. Williams participated in three of the mission’s four spacewalks, spending nearly 18 hours outside. Across his two missions, he spent nearly 29 days in space.

      Summary of spaceflights by Group 15 astronauts. Jean-Loup Chrétien completed two earlier missions, to Salyut-7 in 1982 and to Mir in 1988, while Tognini completed one earlier mission to Mir in 1992. Credit: NASA The Group 15 NASA and international astronauts made significant contributions to spaceflight. As a group, they completed 64 flights spending 888 days, or nearly two and a half years, in space, including the three flights Chrétien and Tognini completed before their addition to the group. One Flying Escargot made a single trip into space, nine made two trips, eight made three, four made four, and one went five times. Seventeen of the 23 participated in the assembly, research, maintenance, logistics, and management of the space station. In preparation for space station operations, ten group members visited Mir, and seven visited both space stations, but only one completed a long-duration flight. Twelve contributed their talents on Spacelab or other research missions, and three performed work with the great observatories Hubble and Chandra. Eight of the 23 performed 25 spacewalks spending 161 hours, or more than six days, outside their spacecraft.  
      About the Author
      Dominique V. Crespo

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