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International and Space Law Resources


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The following resources relevant to the International and Space Law Practice Group are available on this site.

Note: The information below is updated annually, and users of this web page will need to verify the accuracy of the citations and the information contained in the web links:

1. Statutes

›  Acquisition of Space Science Data — 42 USC § 14713.
›  Iran Nonproliferation Act of 2000 — P.L.106-178, 50 U.S.C. § 1701
›  Land Remote Sensing Policy — 15 U.S.C. Chapter 82.
›  Special Maritime & Territorial Jurisdiction of US — 18 U.S.C. § 7.
›  Sources of Earth Science Data — 42 USC § 14715.

2. International Agreements

›  United Nations Treaties regarding Outer Space → 

A. International Space Station Agreements:

›  Multilateral Intergovernmental Agreement — United States, Canada, European Space Agency, Japan, Russia (January 1998). → 

B. International Space Station Bilateral Agreements:

›  NASA-Canadian Space Agency MOU (January 1998). → 
›  NASA-European Space Agency MOU (January 1998). → 
›  NASA-Russian Space Agency MOU (January 1998). → 
›  NASA-Government of Japan MOU (February 1998). → 

3. Presidential Directives: National Science and Technology Council Fact Sheets

›  Convergence of U.S. Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite Systems (NSTC-2, 5/05/94). → 
›  Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy (NSTC-3, 5/05/94). → 
›  National Space Policy (NSTC-8, 9/19/96). → 

4. Relevant Regulations

›  International Space Station Crew Code of Conduct. — 14 CFR Part 1214, Interim Rule. → 

5. Relevant NASA Policies and Management Instructions

›  Authority to Enter into Space Act Agreements (NPD 1050). → 

6. Relevant NASA Web Sites

›  NASA Export Control Program
›  NASA Office of International and Interagency Relations

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