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SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 11:50 p.m. EST on March 6, 2020, carrying the uncrewed cargo Dragon spacecraft on its journey to the International Space Station for NASA and SpaceXs 20th Commercial Resupply Services (CRS-20) mission.
NASA/Tony Gray and Tim Terry

8th International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems
Toulouse, France
September 19, 2023
ASSURE 2023 is live


  • 2023-05-30: Notifications sent to authors
  • 2023-05-01: Submission deadline extended to May 15
  • 2023-04-20: The ASSURE 2023 website is live!

The 8th International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2023) is being collocated this year with SafeComp 2023, and aims to provide an international forum for high-quality contributions on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to provide confidence that the dependability properties of critical software-intensive systems have been met. ASSURE 2023 will be hybrid and run on Central European Time (CET).

The main goals of the workshop are to:

  • Explore techniques for the creation and assessment of assurance cases for software-intensive systems
  • Examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems
  • Identify the dimension of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases
  • Investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases
  • Identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development

We invite high-quality research, practice, tools, and position papers, as well as papers containing new, forward-looking ideas and emerging results, works-in-progress, and reflections on current research examined through new perspectives, calling for future research directions. See the full Call for Papers, for more details on topics. Also view the submission deadlines, and guidelines.

2023 ASSURE – SASSUR Joint Workshop Program

8:00 9:00

9:00 9:05
9:05 10:00
Welcome Keynote – Safety Cases: in Theory and Reality
Philippa Ryan Conmy

10:00 10:30
Coffee Break

10:30 11:00
Invited Talk – Driving the Development Process from the Safety Case
Christopher Hobbs, Simon Diemert, and Jeff Joyce

11:00 11:30
Computer-Aided Generation of Assurance Cases
T.E. Wang, C. Oh, M. Low, I. Amundson, Z. Daw, A. Pinto, M.L. Chiodo, G. Wang, S. Hasan, R. Melville, P. Nuzzo

11:30 12:00
RACK: A Semantic Model and Triplestore for Curation of Assurance Case Evidence
A. Moitra, P. Cuddihy, K. Siu, D. Archer, E. Mertens, D. Russell, K. Quick, V. Robert, B. Meng

12:00 13:00

13:00 13:30
Using Assurance Cases to Prevent Malicious Behaviour from Targeting Safety Vulnerabilities
V. Bandur, M. Lawford, S. Mosser, R. Paige, V. Pantelic, A. Wassyng

13:30 14:00
Constructing Security Cases Based on Formal Verification of Security Requirements in Alloy
M. Zeroual, B. Hamid, M. Adedjouma, J. Jaskolka

14:00 14:30
Assurance Cases for Timing Properties of Automotive TSN Networks
R. Kapinski, V. Pantelic, V. Bandur, A. Wassyng, M. Lawford

14:30 15:00
A Methodology for the Qualification of Operating Systems and Hypervisors for the deployment in IoT devices
I. Bicchierai, E. Schiavone, M.L. Itria, L. Falai, A. Bondavalli

15:00 15:30
Coffee Break

15:30 16:00
Toward Dependability Assurance Framework for Autonomous Systems
Y. Matsuno, T. Takai, M. Okada, T. Tsuchiya

16:00 16:45
Concluding Keynote – NASA’s Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA) Vision for an Objectives-Driven,
Risk-Informed, and Case-Assured Framework
A. Diventi


Important Dates

Paper submission:            15 May 2023  2 May 2023
Author notification:          25 May 2023
Camera-ready papers:    5 June 2023
Workshop:                          19 September 2023

Call for Papers

Software plays a key role in high-risk systems, e.g., safety and security-critical systems. Assurance cases have been recommended or mandated for software-intensive systems in a number of domains, and are a promising way forward for assurance of autonomous systems. The goals of the 2023 Workshop on Assurance Cases for Softwareintensive Systems (ASSURE 2023) are to: 

  • explore techniques for creating and assessing assurance cases for software-intensive systems, especially those enabling autonomy, including structured argumentation, graphical notations, narrative forms, etc.
  • examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems;
  • identify the dimensions of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases;
  • investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases; and,
  • identify critical research directions, define a roadmap for future development, and formulate challenge problems.

The workshop will be hybrid, and run on Central European Time (CET).

We solicit high-quality contributions (research, practice, tools, and position papers) on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to assure that the dependability properties of critical software-intensive systems have been met. ASSURE 2023 additionally solicits papers that contain new, forward-looking, ideas with emerging results and concrete plans for comprehensive empirical validation, works-in-progress, as well as reflections that examine current research under a new lens, calling for future research directions. Papers should attempt to address the workshop goals in general. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Assurance issues in emerging paradigms, e.g., autonomous and AI-based systems, including self-driving cars, unmanned aircraft systems, complex health care and decision making systems, etc.
  • Standards: Industry guidelines and standards are increasingly requiring the development of assurance cases, e.g., the automotive standard ISO 26262, the FDA guidance on the total product life cycle for infusion pumps and the OMG standard on argumentation (Structured Assurance Case Metamodel, SACM).
  • Certification and Regulations: The role and usage of assurance cases in the certification of critical systems, as well as to show compliance to regulations.
  • Empiricism Empirical assessment of the applicability of assurance cases in different domains and certification regimes.
  • Dependable architectures: How do fault-tolerant architectures and design measures such as diversity and partitioning relate to assurance cases?
  • Dependability analysis: What are the relationships between dependability analysis techniques and the assurance case paradigm?
  • Safety and security co-engineering: What are the impacts of security on safety, particularly safety cases and how can safety and security cases (e.g., as proposed in ISO 26262 and J3062 respectively) be reconciled?
  • Tools: Using the output from software engineering tools (testing, formal verification, code generators) as evidence in assurance cases / using tools for the modeling, analysis and management of assurance cases. More generally, the role of formal verification in the wider context of assurance.
  • Application of formal techniques for the creation, analysis, reuse, and modularization of arguments. Exploration of relevant techniques for assurance cases for real-time, concurrent, and distributed systems.
  • Assurance of software quality attributes, e.g., safety, security and maintainability as well as dependability in general, including tradeoffs, and exploring notions of the quality of assurance cases themselves.
  • Domain-specific assurance issues, in domains such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, defense and power.
  • Reuse and Modularization: Contracts and patterns for improving the reuse of assurance case structures.
  • Relations between different formalisms and paradigms of assurance and argumentation, such as Goal Structuring Notation, STAMP, IBIS, and goal-oriented formalisms such as KAOS.


Submission Guidelines

Papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 program committee members, and accepted papers will be published in the SAFECOMP 2023 Workshop proceedings, to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.  

  • All papers must be original work not published, or in submission, elsewhere. Submission will be via EasyChair.
  • Papers should be submitted in PDF only. Please verify that papers can be reliably printed and viewed on screen before submission.
  • Papers should conform to the LNCS paper formatting guidelines.
    • Regular (research, or practice), Tools, and Experience papers can be up to 10 pages, including figures, references, and any appendices. Note that authors of accepted tools papers will be expected to give a demonstration of the tool(s) at the workshop. Papers describing the experience of an organization in developing assurance cases are particularly welcome.
    • Position papers, and papers presenting new ideas, works-in-progress, and emerging results can be 6 pages, including figures, references, and any appendices.


Workshop Chairs

  • Ewen Denney, KBR / NASA Ames, USA
  • Ibrahim Habli, University of York, UK
  • Ganesh Pai, KBR / NASA Ames, USA

Program Committee

  • Chih-Hong Cheng, Fraunhofer IKS and TU Munchen, Germany
  • Alan Wassyng, McMaster University, Canada
  • Philippa Ryan Conmy, University of York, England
  • Irfan Sljivo, KBR/NASA Ames Research Center, USA
  • Martin Feather, JPL, USA
  • Yoshiki Kinoshita, Kanagawa University, Japan
  • Kenji Taguchi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
  • Daniel Schneider, Fraunhofer, Germany
  • Simon Burton, Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems, Germany
  • Sean White, NHS, England

Contact Us

8th International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems
Toulouse, France
September 19, 2023

If you have questions about paper topics, submission and/or about ASSURE 2023 in general, please contact the Workshop Organizers.



Last Updated
Oct 03, 2023

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    • By NASA
      ASSURE 2018 has successfully concluded.
      New! 2018-07-30: The ASSURE 2018 program has been announced. The final program is contingent on registration. If you haven’t already done so, please register for ASSURE 2018 via SAFECOMP 2018. 2018-06-21: ASSURE 2018 will be held on Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2018. The accepted papers and program will be posted here soon. 2018-06-12: Authors of accepted papers have been notified. The final, camera-ready version and a signed copyright release form are due on June 21, 2018. Instructions on submitting both the final version and the copyright form also have been posted. 2018-05-30: Paper submission deadlines have passed. Submission is now closed. 2018-05-18: ASSURE deadlines have been extended by a week, to May 29, 2018. 2018-04-09: The deadline to submit papers to ASSURE 2018 is May 22, 2018. Submit a paper now! 2018-03-28: See the call for papers or download the PDF call for papers. 2018-03-26: The ASSURE 2018 website is live!
      The 6th International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2018) is being collocated this year with SAFECOMP 2018, and aims to provide an international forum for high-quality contributions on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to provide assurance that the dependability properties of critical, software-intensive systems have been met.
      The main goals of the workshop are to:
      Explore techniques for the creation and assessment of assurance cases for software-intensive systems Examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems Identify the dimension of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases Investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases Identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development We invite original, high-quality research, practice, tools and position papers that have not been published/submitted elsewhere. See the full Call for Papers, for more details on topics. Also view the submission deadlines, and guidelines.
      September 18, 2017, from 08:00 – 17:30
      08:00 – 09:00 Registration
      09:00 – 11:00 Session 1. Welcome, Introduction, Keynote and Confidence Assessment
      09:00 – 09:05 Welcome and Introduction, ASSURE 2018 Organizers
      09:05 – 10:00 Keynote Talk. Assurance Cases: Mindsets, Methodologies and Convergence, Robin Bloomfield
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      10:30 – 11:00 Morning Coffee/Tea Break
      11:00 – 12:30 Session 2. Patterns and Processes
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      13:30 – 15:30 Session 3. Tools and Automation
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      F. Ishikawa, and Y. Matsuno
      15:30 – 16:00 Afternoon Coffee/Tea Break
      16:00 – 17:20 Session 4. Panel Session. What are Assurance Case Tools For?
      17:20 – 17:30 ASSURE 2018 Conclusion and Wrap-Up
      Important Dates
      EVENTDEADLINEWorkshop Papers Due29 May 2018Notification of Acceptance11 June 2018Camera-ready Copies Due21 June 2018ASSURE 2018 WorkshopSeptember 18, 2018SAFECOMP 2018September 19 – 21, 2018
      Call for Papers
      Software plays a key role in high-risk systems, e.g., safety-, and security-critical systems. Several certification standards/guidelines now recommend and/or mandate the development of assurance cases for software-intensive systems, e.g., defense (UK MoD DS-0056), aviation (CAP 670, FAA’s operational approval guidance for unmanned aircraft systems), automotive (ISO 26262), and healthcare (FDA infusion pumps total product lifecycle guidance). As such, there is a need to develop models, techniques and tools that target the development of assurance arguments for software.
      The goals of the 2018 Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2018) are to:
      explore techniques for creating/assessing assurance cases for software-intensive systems; examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems; identify the dimensions of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases; investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases; and, identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development. We solicit high-quality contributions: research, practice, tools and position papers on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to assure that the dependability properties of critical software-intensive systems have been met.
      Papers should attempt to address the workshop goals in general.
      Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
      Assurance issues in emerging paradigms, e.g., adaptive and autonomous systems, including self-driving cars, unmanned aircraft systems, complex health care and decision making systems, etc. Standards: Industry guidelines and standards are increasingly requiring the development of assurance cases, e.g., the automotive standard ISO 26262 and the FDA guidance on the total product lifecycle for infusion pumps. Certification and Regulations: The role and usage of assurance cases in the certification of critical systems, as well as to show compliance to regulations. Empiricism: Empirical assessment of the applicability of assurance cases in different domains and certification regimes. Dependable architectures: How do fault-tolerant architectures and design measures such as diversity and partitioning relate to assurance cases? Dependability analysis: What are the relationships between dependability analysis techniques and the assurance case paradigm? Safety and security co-engineering: What are the impacts of security on safety, particularly safety cases, and how can safety and security cases (e.g., as proposed in ISO 26262 and SAE J 3061 respectively) be reconciled? Tools: Using the output from software engineering tools (testing, formal verification, code generators) as evidence in assurance cases / using tools for the modeling, analysis and management of assurance cases. Application of formal techniques for the creation, analysis, reuse, and modularization of arguments. Exploration of relevant techniques for assurance cases for real-time, concurrent, and distributed systems. Assurance of software quality attributes, e.g., safety, security and maintainability, as well as dependability in general, including tradeoffs, and exploring notions of the quality of assurance cases themselves. Domain-specific assurance issues, in domains such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, defense and power. Reuse and Modularization: Contracts and patterns for improving the reuse of assurance case structures. Relations between different formalisms and paradigms of assurance and argumentation, such as Goal Structuring Notation, STAMP, IBIS, and goal-oriented formalisms such as KAOS. Submit
      Submission Instructions for Accepted Papers
      If your paper has been accepted for the ASSURE 2018 Program, please follow ALL the instructions below, when preparing your final, camera-ready paper for the proceedings.
      The final paper and the signed copyright form are due on June 21, 2018. This is a firm deadline for the production of the proceedings.
      Include acknowledgements of the support your work/project has received, as appropriate and if applicable, at the end of the paper.
      Final Paper Submission
      Submit your final, camera-ready paper using your EasyChair author account, for inclusion into the Workshop Proceedings. After you have logged in, select the Proceedings Author role to be directed to the submission page. Springer reserves the right to reformat your paper to meet their print and digital publication requirements. Consequently, you will need to submit all the source files associated with your paper. Follow the instructions after logging in, to upload two files:
      either a zipped file containing all your LaTeX sources or a Word file in the RTF format, and a PDF version of your camera-ready paper. Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and publication in multiple venues are not permitted.
      Copyright Release
      Your paper will not be published in the proceedings unless a completed and signed copyright transfer form has been received.
      Authors must fill and sign the Springer “Consent to Publish” copyright release form using the following information: Title of the Book or Conference Name: Computer Safety, Reliability and Security – SAFECOMP 2018 Workshops – ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, STRIVE, and WAISE. Volume Editor(s): Barbara Gallina, Amund Skavhaug, Erwin Schoitsch, and Friedemann Bitsch. One author may sign on behalf of all authors. Springer does not accept digital signatures. Please physically sign the form, scan, and email it in PDF or any standard acceptable image format, to the SAFECOMP 2018 Publication Chair by the deadline above. Alternatively, upload the signed, and completed form via EasyChair using your author account. Corresponding Authors
      Please nominate a corresponding author, whose name and email address must be included in the copyright release form. If sending the copyright release form by email, please include the corresponding author’s name and email address in the email. This author will be responsible for checking the pre-print proof of the final version of your paper that Springer will prepare.
      Pre-print Checking
      The publisher has recently introduced an extra control loop: once data processing is finished, they will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers within 72 hours. We expect this to happen shortly before the printing of the proceedings. At that time your quick interaction with Springer-Verlag will be greatly appreciated.
      Formatting and Page Limits
      Papers should strictly conform to the LNCS paper formatting guidelines. Please do not change the spacing and dimensions associated with the paper template files. Please ensure that your paper meets the page limits for your paper type. Page limits are strict.
      Regular research/practice papers: Up to 10 pages including figures, references, and appendices. Tools papers: Up to 10 pages, including figures, references, and appendices. Position papers: 6 pages including figures, references, and any appendices. Committees
      Workshop Chairs
      Ewen Denney, SGT / NASA Ames, USA Ibrahim Habli, University of York, UK Richard Hawkins ,University of York, UK Ganesh, Pai, SGT / NASA Ames, USA
      Program Committee
      Simon Burton, Bosch Research, Germany Isabelle Conway, ESA/ESTEC, Netherlands Martin Feather, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA Alwyn Goodloe, NASA Langley Research Center, USA Jérémie Guiochet, LAAS-CNRS, France Joshua Kaizer, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USA Tim Kelly, University of York, UK Yoshiki Kinoshita, Kanagawa University, Japan Andrew Rae, Griffith University, Australia Philippa Ryan, Adelard, UK Mark-Alexander Sujan, University of Warwick, UK Kenji Taguchi, CAV Technologies Co. Ltd., Japan Sean White, NHS Digital, UK Past Workshops
      Previous ASSURE Workshops
      ASSURE 2017, Trento, Italy ASSURE 2016, Trondheim, Norway ASSURE 2015, Delft, The Netherlands ASSURE 2014, Naples, Italy ASSURE 2013, San Francisco, USA Contact Us
      Contact the Organizers
      If you have questions about paper topics, submission and/or about ASSURE 2018 in general, please contact the Workshop Organizers.
      View the full article
    • By NASA
      ASSURE 2017 has successfully concluded.
      2017-10-01: ASSURE 2017 concluded successfully. The accepted papers appear in the SAFECOMP 2017 Workshop Proceedings. Thank you for attending! See you in 2018. 2017-08-28: The ASSURE 2017 Program has been announced. The final program is contingent on registration. If you haven’t already done so, please register for ASSURE 2017 via SAFECOMP 2017. 2017-08-27: ASSURE 2017 will be held on Tuesday, Sep. 12, 2017. The accepted papers and program will be posted here soon. 2017-06-02: Authors of accepted papers have been notified. The final, camera-ready version and a signed copyright release form are due on June 12, 2017. Instructions on submitting both the final version and the copyright form also have been posted. 2017-05-24: Paper submission deadlines have passed. Submission is now closed. 2016-05-16: ASSURE deadlines have been extended by a week, to May 24, 2017. 2017-03-27: Dr. Simon Burton, Chief Expert Safety, Reliability and Availability at Robert Bosch GmbH Central Research Division, Germany, has generously accepted to give an invited keynote talk! Watch this space for the topic and abstract for the talk. 2017-03-22: The deadline to submit papers to ASSURE 2017 is May 17, 2017. Submit a paper now! 2017-03-01: The ASSURE 2017 website is live!
      The 5th International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2017) is being collocated this year with SAFECOMP 2017, and aims to provide an international forum for high-quality contributions on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to provide assurance that the dependability properties of critical, software-intensive systems have been met.
      The main goals of the workshop are to:
      Explore techniques for the creation and assessment of assurance cases for software-intensive systems Examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems Identify the dimension of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases Investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases Identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development We invite original, high-quality research, practice, tools and position papers that have not been published/submitted elsewhere. See the full Call for Papers, for more details on topics. Also view the submission deadlines, and guidelines.
      ASSURE 2017 Program
      September 12, 2017, from 08:00 – 17:30
      08:00 – 09:00   Registration
      09:00 – 11:00   Session 1. Welcome, Introduction, Keynote and Assurance Case Frameworks
      09:00 – 09:05 Welcome and Introduction, ASSURE 2017 Organizers
      09:05 – 10:00 Keynote Talk: Making the Case for Safety of Machine Learning in Highly Automated Driving, Simon Burton (with Lydia Gauerhof and Christian Heinzemann) 
      10:00 – 10:30 A Thought Experiment on Evolution of Assurance Cases – from a Logical Aspect, Y. Kinoshita and S. Kinoshita
      10:30 – 11:00   Morning Coffee/Tea Break
      11:00 – 12:30   Session 2. Assurance Case Tool Support
      11:00 – 11:30 Uniform Model Interface for Assurance Case Integration with System Models, A. Wardziński and P. Jones
      11:30 – 12:00 ExplicitCase: Integrated Model-based Development of System and Safety Cases, C. Cârlan, S. Barner, A. Diewald, A. Tsalidis and S. Voss
      12:00 – 12:30 D-Case Communicator: A Web-Based GSN Editor for Multiple Stakeholders, Y. Matsuno
      12:30 – 13:30   Lunch Break
      13:30 – 15:30   Session 3. Assurance Cases for Security
      13:30 – 14:00 Reconciling Systems-Theoretic and Component-Centric Methods for Safety and Security Co-Analysis, W. Temple, Y. Wu, B. Chen and Z. Kalbarczyk
      14:00 – 14:30 Towards combined safety and security constraints analysis, D. Pereira, C. Hirata, R. Pagliares and S. Nadjm-Tehrani
      14:30 – 15:00 Attack Modeling for System Security Analysis and Assurance Case, A. Altawairqi and M. Maarek
      15:00 – 15:30 Using an Assurance Case Framework to Develop Security Strategy and Policies, R. Bloomfield, P. Bishop, E. Butler and K. Netkachova
      15:30 – 16:00   Afternoon Coffee/Tea Break
      16:00 – 17:25   Session 4. Guided Discussion
      17:25 – 17:30   ASSURE 2017 Conclusion and Wrap-Up
      Important Dates
      EVENTDEADLINEWorkshop Papers Due24 May 2017Notification of Acceptance31 May 2017Camera-ready Copies Due12 June 2017ASSURE 2017 WorkshopSeptember 12, 2017SAFECOMP 2017September 13 – 15, 2017 Call for Papers
      Software plays a key role in high-risk systems, e.g., safety-, and security-critical systems. Several certification standards/guidelines now recommend and/or mandate the development of assurance cases for software-intensive systems, e.g., defense (UK MoD DS-0056), aviation (CAP 670, FAA’s operational approval guidance for unmanned aircraft systems), automotive (ISO 26262), and healthcare (FDA infusion pumps total product lifecycle guidance). As such, there is a need to develop models, techniques and tools that target the development of assurance arguments for software.
      The goals of the 2017 Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2017) are to:
      explore techniques for creating/assessing assurance cases for software-intensive systems; examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems; identify the dimensions of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases; investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases; and, identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development. We solicit high-quality contributions: research, practice, tools and position papers on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to assure that the dependability properties of critical software-intensive systems have been met.
      Papers should attempt to address the workshop goals in general.
      Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
      Assurance issues in emerging paradigms, e.g., adaptive and autonomous systems, including self-driving cars, unmanned aircraft systems, complex health care and decision making systems, etc. Standards: Industry guidelines and standards are increasingly requiring the development of assurance cases, e.g., the automotive standard ISO 26262 and the FDA guidance on the total product lifecycle for infusion pumps. Certification and Regulations: The role and usage of assurance cases in the certification of critical systems, as well as to show compliance to regulations. Empiricism: Empirical assessment of the applicability of assurance cases in different domains and certification regimes. Dependable architectures: How do fault-tolerant architectures and design measures such as diversity and partitioning relate to assurance cases? Dependability analysis: What are the relationships between dependability analysis techniques and the assurance case paradigm? Safety and security co-engineering: What are the impacts of security on safety, particularly safety cases, and how can safety and security cases (e.g., as proposed in ISO 26262 and SAE J 3061 respectively) be reconciled? Tools: Using the output from software engineering tools (testing, formal verification, code generators) as evidence in assurance cases / using tools for the modeling, analysis and management of assurance cases. Application of formal techniques for the creation, analysis, reuse, and modularization of arguments. Exploration of relevant techniques for assurance cases for real-time, concurrent, and distributed systems. Assurance of software quality attributes, e.g., safety, security and maintainability, as well as dependability in general, including tradeoffs, and exploring notions of the quality of assurance cases themselves. Domain-specific assurance issues, in domains such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, defense and power. Reuse and Modularization: Contracts and patterns for improving the reuse of assurance case structures. Relations between different formalisms and paradigms of assurance and argumentation, such as Goal Structuring Notation, STAMP, IBIS, and goal-oriented formalisms such as KAOS. Submit
      Submission Instructions for Accepted Papers
      If your paper has been accepted for the ASSURE 2017 Program, please follow the instructions below, when preparing your final, camera-ready paper for the proceedings.
      1. Deadline
      The final paper and the signed copyright form are due on June 12, 2017. This is a firm deadline for the production of the proceedings.
      2. Copyright Release
      Authors must fill and sign the Springer “Consent to Publish” copyright release form using the following information: Title of the Book or Conference Name: Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security – SAFECOMP 2017 Workshops – ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, TELERISE, and TIPS Volume Editor(s): Stefano Tonetta, Erwin Schoitsch, Friedemann Bitsch One author may sign on behalf of all authors. Springer does not accept digital signatures, unfortunately. Please physically sign the form, scan, and email it in PDF or any acceptable image format, to the SAFECOMP 2017 Publication Chair by the deadline above. Alternatively, upload the signed, and completed form via EasyChair using your author account. 3. Corresponding Authors
      Please nominate a corresponding author, whose name and email address must be included in the email containing the copyright release form. This author will be responsible for checking the pre-print proof of your paper prepared by Springer.
      4. Pre-print Checking
      The publisher has recently introduced an extra control loop: once data processing is finished, they will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers. We expect this to happen shortly before the printing of the proceedings. At that time your quick interaction with Springer-Verlag will be greatly appreciated.
      5. Formatting and Page Limits
      Please do not change the spacing and dimensions associated with the paper template files. Please ensure that your paper meets the page limits for your paper type. Page limits are strict.
      Regular research/practice papers: 12 pages including figures, references, and appendices. Tools papers: 10 pages, including figures, references, and appendices. Position papers: 4 – 6 pages including figures, references, and any appendices. 6. Final Paper Submission
      Submit your camera ready paper using your EasyChair author account, for inclusion into the Workshop Proceedings. After you have logged in, select the Proceedings Author role to be directed to the submission page.
      Springer reserves the right to reformat your paper to meet their print and digital publication requirements. Consequently, you will need to submit all the source files associated with your paper. Follow the instructions after the login for uploading two files:
      either a zipped file containing all your LaTeX sources or a Word file in the RTF format, and a PDF version of your camera-ready paper. Please follow the LNCS paper formatting guidelines when preparing the final version.
      Workshop Chairs
      Ewen Denney, SGT / NASA Ames, USA Ibrahim Habli, University of York, UK Ganesh Pai, SGT / NASA Ames, USA Kenji Taguchi, AIST, Japan
      Program Committee
      Robin Bloomfield, City University, and Adelard, UK Simon Burton, Bosch Research, Germany Isabelle Conway, ESA/ESTEC, Netherlands Martin Feather, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA Jérémie Guiochet, LAAS-CNRS, France Richard Hawkins, University of York, UK Joshua Kaizer, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USA Tim Kelly, University of York, UK Yoshiki Kinoshita, Kanagawa University, Japan Terrence Martin, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Andrew Rae, Griffith University, Australia Philippa Ryan, Adelard, UK Roger Rivett, Jaguar Land Rover, UK Mark-Alexander Sujan, University of Warwick, UK Sean White, NHS Digital, UK Previous ASSURE Workshops
      ASSURE 2016, Trondheim, Norway ASSURE 2015, Delft, The Netherlands ASSURE 2014, Naples, Italy ASSURE 2013, San Francisco, USA Contact the Organizers
      If you have questions about paper topics, submission and/or about ASSURE 2016 in general, please contact the Workshop Organizers.
      View the full article
    • By NASA
      ASSURE 2016 has successfully concluded.
      New! 2016-09-30: ASSURE 2016 concluded successfully. The accepted papers appear in the SAFECOMP 2016 Workshop Proceedings. Thank you for attending! See you in 2017. 2016-07-18: Clive Tomsett, Clinical Strategist at the Cerner Corporation, will give an invited keynote talk! 2016-07-18: The ASSURE 2016 Program has been announced. The final program is contingent on registration. If you haven’t already done so, please register for ASSURE 2016 via SAFECOMP 2016. 2016-06-08: ASSURE 2016 will be held on Tuesday, Sep. 20, 2016. The accepted papers and program will be posted here soon. 2016-06-07: Authors of accepted papers have been notified. The final, camera-ready version and a signed copyright release form are due on June 20, 2016. Instructions on submitting both the final version and the copyright form have been posted. 2016-05-26: Paper submission deadlines have passed. Submission is now closed. 2016-05-16: ASSURE deadlines have been extended by to May 26, 2016. Submit a paper now! 2016-03-28: The deadline to submit papers to ASSURE 2016 is May 17, 2016. 2016-03-28: The ASSURE 2016 call for papers, and the paper submission guidelines are now available. 2016-03-07: The ASSURE 2016 website is live!
      The 4th International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2016) is being collocated this year with SAFECOMP 2016, and aims to provide an international forum for high-quality contributions on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to provide assurance that the dependability properties of critical, software-intensive systems have been met.
      The main goals of the workshop are to:
      Explore techniques for the creation and assessment of assurance cases for software-intensive systems Examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems Identify the dimension of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases Investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases Identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development We invite original, high-quality research, practice, tools and position papers that have not been published/submitted elsewhere. See the full Call for Papers, for more details on topics. Also view the submission deadlines, and guidelines.
      08:00 – 09:00 Registration
      09:00 – 11:00 Session 1. Introduction, Keynote, and Lifecycles
      09:00 – 09:10 Welcome and Introduction, ASSURE 2016 Organizers
      09:10 – 10:00 Keynote Talk: Rhetoric or Rigor: The Development and Use of Safety Cases in Health IT Clive Tomsett, Cerner Corporation
      10:00 – 10:30 The Agile Safety Case, Tor Stålhane and Thor Myklebust
      10:30 – 11:00 Towards Faster Maintenance of Safety Cases, Omar Jaradat and Iain Bate
      11:00 – 11:30 Morning Coffee/Tea Break
      11:30 – 13:00 Session 2. Formal Evidence and Tool Support
      11:30 – 12:00 On Using Results of Code­-level Bounded Model Checking in Assurance Cases, Carmen Cârlan, Daniel Ratiu, and Bernhard Schätz
      12:00 – 12:30 Configuration­-aware Contracts, Irfan Šljivo, Barbara Gallina, Jan Carlson, and Hans Hansson
      12:30 – 13:00 Developing SNS tool for Consensus Building on Environmental Safety using Assurance Cases, Yutaka Matsuno, Yang Ishigaki, Koichi Bando, Hiroyuki Kido, and Kenji Tanaka
      13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
      14:00 – 15:30 Session 3. Applications
      14:00 – 14:30 The 6W1H Model as a Basis for Systems Assurance Argument, Shuji Kinoshita and Yoshiki Kinoshita
      14:30 – 15:00 The Assurance Timeline: Building Assurance Cases for Synthetic Biology, Myra Cohen, Justin Firestone, and Massimiliano Pierobon
      15:00 – 15:30 Towards Safety Case Integration with Hazard Analysis for Medical Devices, Andrzej Wardziński and Aleksander Jarzębowicz
      15:30 – 16:00 Afternoon Coffee/Tea Break
      16:00 – 17:30 Session 4. Panel and Conclusion
      16:00 – 17:15 PANEL: Assurance Challenges for Safety-critical Autonomous Systems
      – Håkon Olsen, Principal Consultant at Lloyd’s Register, Norway
      – Jérémie Guiochet, Professor at University of Toulouse, France
      – Marialena Vagia, Research Scientist at SINTEF, Norway
      – Ovidiu Drugan, Senior Researcher at DNV GL, Norway
      17:15 – 17:30 Conclusion and Wrap-Up, ASSURE 2016 Organizers
      Important Dates
      Important Dates
      EVENTDEADLINEWorkshop Papers DueMay 26, 2016Notification of AcceptanceJune 7, 2016Camera-ready Copies DueJune 20, 2016ASSURE 2016 WorkshopSeptember 20, 2016SAFECOMP 2016September 20 – 23, 2016 ASSURE 2016 Call for Papers
      Software plays a key role in high-risk systems, e.g., safety-, and security-critical systems. Several certification standards/guidelines now recommend and/or mandate the development of assurance cases for software-intensive systems, e.g., defense (UK MoD DS-0056), aviation (CAP 760, FAA’s operational approval guidance for unmanned aircraft systems), automotive (ISO 26262), and healthcare (FDA infusion pumps total product lifecycle guidance). As such, there is a need to develop models, techniques and tools that target the development of assurance arguments for software.
      The goals of the 2016 Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2016) are to:
      explore techniques for creating/assessing assurance cases for software-intensive systems; examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems; identify the dimensions of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases; investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases; and, identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development. We solicit high-quality contributions: research, practice, tools and position papers on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to assure that the dependability properties of critical software-intensive systems have been met.
      Papers should attempt to address the workshop goals in general.
      Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
      Assurance issues in emerging paradigms, e.g., adaptive and autonomous systems, including self-driving cars, unmanned aircraft systems, complex health care and decision making systems, etc. Standards: Industry guidelines and standards are increasingly requiring the development of assurance cases, e.g., the automotive standard ISO 26262 and the FDA guidance on the total product lifecycle for infusion pumps. Certification and Regulations: The role and usage of assurance cases in the certification of critical systems, as well as to show compliance to regulations. Dependable architectures: How do fault-tolerant architectures and design measures such as diversity and partitioning relate to assurance cases? Dependability analysis: What are the relationships between dependability analysis techniques and the assurance case paradigm? Tools: Using the output from software engineering tools (testing, formal verification, code generators) as evidence in assurance cases / using tools for the modeling, analysis and management of assurance cases. Application of formal techniques to create and analyze arguments. Exploration of relevant techniques for assurance cases for real-time, concurrent, and distributed systems. Modeling and Metamodeling: Representation of structured arguments through meta models, such as OMG’s Structured Assurance Case Metamodel (SACM). Assurance of software quality attributes, e.g., safety, security and maintainability, as well as dependability in general, including tradeoffs, and exploring notions of the quality of assurance cases themselves. Domain-specific assurance issues, in domains such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, defense and power. Reuse and Modularization: Contracts and patterns for improving the reuse of assurance case structures. Connections between the Goal Structuring Notation for assurance cases, and goal-orientation from the requirements engineering community. Submit
      Submission Instructions for Accepted Papers
      If your paper has been accepted for the ASSURE 2016 Program, please follow the instructions below, when preparing your final, camera-ready paper for the proceedings.
      1. Deadline
      The final paper and the signed copyright form are due on June 20, 2016. This is a firm deadline for the production of the proceedings.
      2. Copyright Release
      Authors must fill and sign the Springer “Consent to Publish” copyright release form using the following information: Title of the Book or Conference Name: Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security – SAFECOMP 2016 Workshops – ASSURE, CYBERSUP, DECSoS, SASSUR, and TIPS Volume Editor(s): Amund Skavhaug, Jérémie Guiochet, Erwin Schoitsch, Friedemann Bitsch One author may sign on behalf of all authors. Springer does not accept digital signatures, unfortunately. Please physically sign the form, scan, and email it in PDF or any acceptable image format, to the SAFECOMP 2016 Publication Chair by the deadline above. Alternatively, upload the signed, and completed form via EasyChair using your author account. 3. Corresponding Authors
      Please nominate a corresponding author, whose name and email address must be included in the email containing the copyright release form. This author will be responsible for checking the pre-print proof of your paper prepared by Springer.
      4. Pre-print Checking
      The publisher has recently introduced an extra control loop: once data processing is finished, they will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers. We expect this to happen shortly before the printing of the proceedings. At that time your quick interaction with Springer-Verlag will be greatly appreciated.
      5. Formatting and Page Limits
      Please do not change the spacing and dimensions associated with the paper template files. Please ensure that your paper meets the page limits for your paper type.
      Regular research/practice papers: 12 pages including figures, references, and appendices. Tools papers: 10 pages, including figures, references, and appendices. Position papers: 4 – 6 pages including figures, references, and any appendices. 6. Final Paper Submission
      Submit your camera ready paper using your EasyChair author account, for inclusion into the Workshop Proceedings. After you have logged in, follow the “Proceedings” tab in the top panel.
      Springer reserves the right to reformat your paper to meet their print and digital publication requirements. Consequently, you will need to submit all the source files associated with your paper. Follow the instructions after the login for uploading two files:
      either a zipped file containing all your LaTeX sources or a Word file in the RTF format, and a PDF version of your camera-ready paper. Please strictly follow the LNCS paper formatting guidelines when preparing the final version.
      Workshop Chairs
      Ewen Denney, SGT / NASA Ames, USA Ibrahim Habli, University of York, UK Ganesh Pai, SGT / NASA Ames, USA
      Program Committee (Login)
      Ersin Ancel, NASA Langley Research Center, USA Robin Bloomfield, City University, UK Reece Clothier, RMIT, Australia Martin Feather, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA Jérémie Guiochet, LAAS-CNRS, France Richard Hawkins, University of York, UK Tim Kelly, University of York, UK Yoshiki Kinoshita, Kanagawa University, Japan John Knight, University of Virginia, USA Helen Monkhouse, Protean Electric Ltd., UK Andrew Rae, Griffith University, Australia Roger Rivett, Jaguar Land Rover, UK John Rushby, SRI, USA Mark-Alexander Sujan, University of Warwick, UK Kenji Taguchi, AIST, Japan Alan Wassyng, McMaster University, Canada Sean White, Health and Social Care Information Centre, UK Previous ASSURE Workshops
      ASSURE 2015, Delft, The Netherlands ASSURE 2014, Naples, Italy ASSURE 2013, San Francisco, USA Contact Us
      If you have questions about paper topics, submission and/or about ASSURE 2016 in general, please contact the Workshop Organizers.
      View the full article
    • By NASA
      ASSURE 2015 has successfully concluded.
      2015-10-05: ASSURE 2015 concluded successfully. The accepted papers appear in the SAFECOMP 2015 Workshop Proceedings. Thank you for attending! See you in 2016. 2015-06-24: Pippa Moore of the UK Civil Aviation Authority will give an invited keynote talk! 2015-06-24: The ASSURE 2015 Program has been announced. The final program is contingent on registration. If you haven’t already done so, please register for ASSURE 2015 via SAFECOMP 2015. 2015-06-15: ASSURE 2015 will be held on Tuesday, Sep. 22, 2015. The accepted papers and program will be posted here soon. 2015-06-15: Authors of accepted papers have been notified. Final, camera-ready copies and the copyright form are due on June 28, 2015 June 30, 2015. 2015-06-04: Paper submission deadlines have passed. Submission is now closed. 2015-05-28: SAFECOMP 2015 has extended all workshop deadlines, including for ASSURE 2015, by another week to June 3, 2015. 2015-05-19: ASSURE deadlines have been extended by a week to May 29, 2015. 2015-03-13: The ASSURE 2015 call for papers, and the paper submission guidelines are now available. 2015-03-12: The deadline to submit papers to ASSURE 2015 is May 22, 2015. 2015-03-05: The ASSURE 2015 website is live! Introduction
      ASSURE 2015, collocated this year with SAFECOMP 2015, aims to provide an international forum for high-quality contributions on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to assure that the dependability properties of critical, software-intensive systems have been met.
      The main goals of the workshop are to:
      Explore techniques for the creation and assessment of assurance cases for software-intensive systems Examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems Identify the dimension of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases Investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases Identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development We invite original, high-quality research, practice, tools and position papers that have not been published/submitted elsewhere. See the full Call for Papers, for more details on topics. Also view the submission deadline, and guidelines.
      08:00 – 09:00   Registration
      09:00 – 11:00   Session 1. Keynote and Foundations
      09:00 – 09:10 Welcome and Introduction, ASSURE 2015 Organizers
      09:10-10:00 Keynote Talk: Do We Really Want To Start From Here? Pippa Moore, UK Civil Aviation Authority
      10:00-10:30 Informing Assurance Case Review through a Formal Interpretation of GSN Core Logic, Victor Bandur, and John McDermid
      10:30 – 11:00 Representing Confidence in Assurance Case Evidence, Lian Duan, Sanjai Rayadurgam, Mats Heimdahl, Oleg Sokolsky, and Insup Lee
      11:00 – 11:30 Morning Coffee/Tea Break
      11:30-1:00 Session 2. Methodology and Patterns
      11:30 – 12:00 Safe and Sec Case Patterns, Kenji Taguchi, Daisuke Souma, and Hideaki Nishihara
      12:00 – 12:30 A Comprehensive Safety Lifecycle, John Knight, Jonathan Rowanhill, Anthony Aiello, and Kimberly Wasson
      12:30 – 13:00 An Approach to Assure Dependability Through ArchiMate, Shuichiro Yamamoto
      13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
      14:00 – 15:30 Session 3. Tool Support and Tool Demonstrations
      14:00 – 14:30 Tool Support for Assurance Case Building Blocks: Providing a Helping Hand with CAE, Kateryna Netkachova, Oleksandr Netkachov, and Robin Bloomfield
      14:30 – 15:00 Safety.Lab: Model-based Domain Specific Tooling for Safety Argumentation, Daniel Ratiu, Marc Zeller, and Lennart Kilian
      15:00 – 15:30 A Safety Condition Monitoring System, John Knight, Jonathan Rowanhill, and Jian Xiang
      15:30 – 16:00 Afternoon Coffee/Tea Break
      16:00 – 16:45 Session 4. Applications and Project Overviews
      16:00 – 16:30 Fault Type Refinement for Assurance of Families of Platform-Based Systems, Sam Procter, John Hatcliff, Sandy Weininger, and Anura Fernando
      16:30 – 16:37 Safety and Security Assurance in Railway Standards, Kenji Taguchi
      16:37 – 16:45 Towards Assurance Arguments of Disaster Management Plans, Shuji Kinoshita
      16:45 – 18:00 Session 5. Panel and Conclusion
      16:45 – 18:00 PANEL: The Role of Argumentation in Certification and Safety Risk Management,
      John Birch, JaguarLandRover / AVL;
      Robin Bloomfield, Adelard and City University;
      Chris Johnson, University of Glasgow;
      Yoshiki Kinoshita, Kanagawa University; and
      Pippa Moore, UK CAA.
      18:00 Conclusion and Wrap-Up, ASSURE 2015 Organizers
      Important Dates
      EventDeadlineWorkshop Papers DueJune 3, 2015 Now ClosedNotification of AcceptanceJune 15, 2015Camera-ready Copies DueJune 28, 2015 June 30, 2015ASSURE 2015 WorkshopSeptember 22, 2015SAFECOMP 2015September 22 – 25, 2015 Call For Papers
      Software plays a key role in high-risk systems, e.g., safety-, and security-critical systems. Several certification standards/guidelines now recommend and/or mandate the development of assurance cases for software-intensive systems, e.g., defense (UK MoD DS-0056), aviation (CAP 670. FAA operational approval guidance for unmanned aircraft systems), automotive (ISO 26262), and healthcare (FDA infusion pumps total product lifecycle guidance). As such, there is a need to develop models, techniques and tools that target the development of assurance arguments for software.
      The goals of the 2015 Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2015) are to:
      explore techniques for creating/assessing assurance cases for software-intensive systems; examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems; identify the dimensions of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases; investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases; and, identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development. We solicit high-quality contributions: research, practice, tools and position papers on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to assure that the dependability properties of critical software-intensive systems have been met.
      Papers should attempt to address the workshop goals in general.
      Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
      Standards: Industry guidelines and standards are increasingly requiring the development of assurance cases, e.g., the automotive standard ISO 26262 and the FDA guidance on the total product lifecycle for infusion pumps. Certification and Regulations: The role and usage of assurance cases in the certification of critical systems, as well as to show compliance to regulations. Dependable architectures: How do fault-tolerant architectures and design measures such as diversity and partitioning relate to assurance cases? Dependability analysis: What are the relationships between dependability analysis techniques and the assurance case paradigm? Tools: Using the output from software engineering tools (testing, formal verification, code generators) as evidence in assurance cases / using tools for the modeling, analysis and management of assurance cases. Application of formal techniques to create and analyze arguments. Exploration of relevant techniques for assurance cases for real-time, concurrent, and distributed systems. Assurance issues in emerging computational paradigms, e.g., cloud, mobile, virtual, many-core architectures, and adaptive and autonomous systems. Modeling and Metamodeling: Representation of structured arguments through metamodels, such as OMG’s Structured Assurance Case Metamodel (SACM). Assurance of software quality attributes, e.g., safety, security and maintainability, as well as dependability in general, including tradeoffs, and exploring notions of the quality of assurance cases themselves. Domain-specific assurance issues, in domains such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, defense and power. Reuse and Modularization: Contracts and patterns for improving the reuse of assurance case structures. Connections between the Goal Structuring Notation for assurance cases, and goal-orientation from the requirements engineering community. Submit
      Paper submission is now closed.
      Papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. Accepted papers will be published in the SAFECOMP 2015 Workshop Proceedings, to be published by Springer, in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series. Authors of the best papers may be invited to submit an extended version for publication in a special journal issue (tentative).
      All papers must be original work not published, or in submission, elsewhere. All papers should be submitted only in PDF. Please verify that papers can be reliably printed and/or viewed on screen before submitting. Papers should conform to the LNCS paper formatting guidelines. Regular (research, practice, or position) papers can be up to 12 pages long including figures, references, and any appendices. Tools papers can be up to 10 pages long including figures, references and any appendices. Note: Authors of accepted tools papers will be expected to give a demonstration of the tool(s) at the workshop, i.e., no screenshots. Submit your paper electronically via EasyChair by May 22, 2015 May 29, 2015 June 3, 2015. Note: After logging into EasyChair, select New Submission . Then, be sure to select the track Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems to submit a paper to this workshop. Committees
      Workshop Chairs
      Ewen Denney, SGT / NASA Ames, USA Ibrahim Habli, University of York, UK Ganesh Pai, SGT / NASA Ames, USA Program Committee (Login)
      Robin Bloomfield, City University, UK Jérémie Guiochet, LAAS-CNRS, France Richard Hawkins, University of York, UK David Higham, Delphi Diesel Systems, UK Michael Holloway, NASA Langley Research Center, USA Paul Jones, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA Tim Kelly, University of York, UK Yoshiki Kinoshita, Kanagawa University, Japan John Knight, University of Virginia, USA Andrew Rae, Griffith University, Australia Roger Rivett, Jaguar Land Rover, UK Christel Seguin, ONERA, France Mark-Alexander Sujan, University of Warwick, UK Kenji Taguchi, AIST, Japan Alan Wassyng, McMaster University, Canada Sean White, Health and Social Care Information Centre, UK Past Workshop
      ASSURE 2013, San Francisco, USA ASSURE 2014, Naples, Italy Contact Us
      Contact the Organizers
      If you have questions about paper topics, submission and/or about ASSURE 2015 in general, please contact the Workshop Organizers.
      View the full article
    • By NASA
      Earth Observer Earth Home Earth Observer Home Editor’s Corner Feature Articles Meeting Summaries News Science in the News Calendars In Memoriam More Archives 18 min read
      Summary of the 2023 Sun – Climate Symposium
      Observations of the Sun and Earth from space continue to revolutionize our view and understanding of how solar variability and other natural and anthropogenic forcings impact Earth’s atmosphere and climate. For more than four decades (spanning four 11-year solar cycles and now well into a fifth), the total and spectral solar irradiance and global terrestrial atmosphere and surface have been observed continuously, providing an unprecedented, high-quality time series of data for Sun–climate studies, such as the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) composite record – see Figure 1.
      Figure 1. The Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) composite record spans almost 5 decades and includes measurements from 13 different instruments (9 NASA and 4 international). Figure credit: Greg Kopp, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)/University of Colorado (UC). Sun–Climate Symposia, originally called SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) Science Team Meetings, have been held at a regular cadence since 1999 – before the launch of SORCE in 2003. These meetings provide an opportunity for experts from across the solar, Earth atmosphere, climate change, stellar, and planetary communities to present and discuss their research results about solar variability, climate influences and the Earth-climate system, solar and stellar variability comparative studies, and stellar impacts on exoplanets.
      The latest iteration was the eighteenth in the series and occurred in October 2023. (As an example of a previous symposium, see Summary of the 2022 Sun–Climate Symposium, in the January–February 2023 issue of The Earth Observer [Volume 35, Issue 1, pp. 18–27]). The 2023 Sun–Climate Symposium took place October 17­–20 in Flagstaff, AZ – with a focus topic of “Solar and Stellar Variability and its Impacts on Earth and Exoplanets.” The Sun–Climate Research Center – a joint venture between NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado (UC) with the Lowell Observatory hosting the meeting. The in-person meeting had 75 attendees – including 7 international participants – with diverse backgrounds covering a wide range of climate change and solar-stellar variability research topics – see Photo.
      Photo. Attendees at the 2023 Sun–Climate Symposium in Flagstaff, AZ. Photo credit: Kelly Boden/LASP Update on NASA’s Current and Planned TSIS Missions
      The current NASA solar irradiance mission, the Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor (TSIS-1), marks a significant advance in our ability to measure the Sun’s energy input to Earth across various wavelengths. Following in the footsteps of its predecessors, most notably SORCE, TSIS-1 contributes to the continuous time series of solar energy data dating back to 1978 – see Figure 1. The two instruments on TSIS-1 improve upon those on previous missions, enabling scientists to study the Sun’s natural influence on Earth’s ozone layer, atmospheric circulation, clouds, and ecosystems. These observations are essential for a scientific understanding of the effects of solar variability on the Earth system. 
      TSIS-1 launched to the International Space Station (ISS) in December 2017 and is deployed on the Station’s EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments to Space Station (ExPRESS) Logistics Carrier–3 (ELC-3). Its payload includes the Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM) for observing the TSI and the Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM) for measuring the Solar Spectral Irradiance (SSI) – see comparison in Figure 2. The mission completed its five-year prime science mission in March 2023. SIM measures from 200–2400 nm with variable spectral resolution ranging from about 1 nm in the near ultraviolet (NUV) to about 10 nm in the near infrared (NIR). TSIS-1 has been extended by at least three more years as part of the Earth Sciences Senior Review process.
      TSIS-2 is intended as the follow-on to TSIS-1. The mission is currently in development at LASP and GSFC with a planned launch around mid 2025. The TSIS-2 payload is nearly identical to that of TSIS-1, except that the payload will ride on a free-flying spacecraft rather than be mounted on a solar pointing platform on the ISS. NASA hopes to achieve 1–2 years of overlap between TSIS-1 and TSIS-2. Achieving such measurement overlap between missions is crucial to the continuity of the long-term records of the TSI and SSI without interruption and improving the solar irradiance composite.
      In addition to the current solar irradiance mission and its planned predecessor, NASA is always looking ahead to plan for the inevitable next solar irradiance mission. Two recent LASP CubeSat missions – called Compact SIM (CSIM) and Compact TIM (CTIM) – have tested miniaturized versions of the SIM and TIM instruments, respectively. Both CSIM and CTIM have performed extremely well in space – with measurements that correlate well with the larger instruments – and are being considered as continuity options for the SSI and TSI measurements. Based on the success of CSIM and CTIM, LASP has developed a concept study report about the Compact-TSIS (CTSIS) as a series of small satellites viable for a future TSIS-3 mission.
      Figure 2. The Solar Spectral Irradiance (SSI) variability from TSIS-1 Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM) is compared to the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) variability from TSIS-1 Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM). The left panel shows the SIM SSI integrated over its wavelength range of 200–2400 nm, which is in excellent agreement with the TSI variability during the rising phase of solar cycle 25. The right panels show comparison of SSI variability at individual wavelengths to the TSI variability, revealing linear relationships with ultraviolet variability larger than TSI variability, visible variability similar to TSI variability, and near infrared variability smaller than TSI variability. Figure credit: Erik Richard/LASP Meeting Overview
      After an opening plenary presentation in which Erik Richard [LASP] covered the information on TSIS-1, TSIS-2, CSIM, and CTIM presented in the previous section on “NASA’s Current and Planned Solar Irradiance Missions,” the remainder of the four-day meeting was divided into five science sessions each with oral presentations, and a poster session featuring 23 contributions.
      The five session topics were:
      Solar and Stellar Activity Cycles Impacts of Stellar Variability on Planetary Atmospheres Evidence of Centennial and Longer-term Variability in Climate Change Evidence of Short-term Variability in Climate Change Trending of Solar Variability and Climate Change for Solar Cycle 25 (present and future) There was also a banquet held on the final evening of the meeting (October 19) with special presentations focusing on the water drainage system and archaeology of the nearby Grand Canyon – see Sun-Climate Symposium Banquet Special Presentation on the Grand Canyon National Park.
      The remainder of this report summarizes highlights from each of the science sections. To learn more, the reader is referred to the full presentations from the 2023 Sun–Climate Symposium, which can be found on the Symposium website by clicking on individual presentation titles in the Agenda tab.
      Session 1: Solar and Stellar Activity Cycles
      Sun-like stars (and solar analogs, solar twins) provide a range of estimates for how the Sun’s evolution may affect its solar magnetic cycle variability. Recent astrophysics missions (e.g., NASA’s Kepler mission) have added thousands of Sun-like stars to study, compared to just a few dozen from a couple decades ago when questions remained if the Sun is a normal G star or not.
      Tom Ayres [UC Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy (CASA)] gave the session’s keynote presentation on Sun-like stars. He pointed out that the new far ultraviolet (FUV) and X-ray stellar observations have been used to clarify that our Sun is a normal G-type dwarf star with low activity relative to most other G-type dwarf stars.
      Travis Metcalfe [White Dwarf Research Corporation (WDRC)] discussed the recent progress in modeling of the physical processes that generate a star’s magnetic field – or stellar dynamo. He explained how the presence of stellar wind can slow down a star’s rotation, which in turn lengthens the period of the magnetic cycle. He related those expectations to the Sun and to the thousands of Sun-like stars observed by Kepler.
      Continuing on the topic of solar dynamo, Lisa Upton [Space Systems Research Corporation (SSRC)] and Greg Kopp [LASP] discussed their recent findings using a solar surface magnetic flux transport model, which they can use to reconstruct an estimated TSI record back in time to the anomalously low activity during the Maunder Minimum in the 1600s. Dan Lubin [University of California San Diego (UCSD)] described efforts to identify grand-minimum stars – which exhibit characteristics similar to our Sun during the Maunder Minimum. Using Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph observations, they have identified about two dozen candidate grand-minimum stars.
      In other presentations and posters offered during this session, Adam Kowalski [LASP]) discussed stellar and solar flare physics and revealed that the most energetic electrons generated during a flare are ten times more than previously thought, while Moira Jardine [University of St. Andrews, Scotland]) discussed the related subject of space weather on the Sun and stars and how the coronal extent was likely much larger for the younger Sun. Three presenters – Debi Choudhary [California State University, Northridge], Garrett Zills [Augusta University], and Serena Criscuoli [National Solar Observatory] –discussed how solar emission line variability from both line intensity and line width are good indicators of magnetic activity on the Sun and thus relevant for studies of Sun-like star variability. Andres Munoz-Jaramillo [Southwest Research Institute (SWRI)] highlighted the importance of archiving large datasets showing the Harvard dataverse as an example. Juan Arjona [LASP] discussed the solar magnetic field observations made using the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research’s GREGOR solar telescope.
      Session 2: Impacts of Stellar Variability on Planetary Atmospheres
      Presenters in this session focused on how the stellar variability can impact exoplanet evolution and climate. By analyzing data from NASA’s Kepler mission, scientists have discovered numerous Earth-like planets orbiting other stars – or exoplanets, which has enabled comparative studies between planets in our Solar System and exoplanets.
      Aline Vidotto [University of Leiden, Netherlands] gave this session’s keynote presentation in which he discussed the impact of stellar winds on exoplanets. In general, younger stars rotate faster and thus have more stellar variability. The evolution of the exoplanet’s atmosphere is dependent on its star’s variability and also modulated by the exoplanet’s own magnetic field. Robin Ramstad [LASP] further clarified a planetary magnetic field’s influences on atmospheric evolution for planets in our solar system.
      Vladimir Airapetian [GSFC] presented an overview of how laboratory measurements used to simulate pre-biosignatures – characteristics that precede those elements, molecules, or substances that would indicate past or present life – could be created in an exoplanet atmosphere by highly energetic particles and X-rays from stars with super flares, very large-scale magnetic eruptions on a star that can be thousands of times brighter than a typical solar flare. While the probability of a super flare event is low for our Sun (perhaps 1 every 400 years), super flares are routinely observed on more active stars.
      The stellar flares and the spectral distribution of the flare’s released energy can have large impacts on exoplanet’s atmospheres. Laura Amaral [Arizona State University] presented on the super-flare influences on the habitable zone of exoplanets and explained how the flare’s significantly enhanced X-ray emissions would greatly accelerate water escape from the exoplanet’s atmosphere. Ward Howard [ UC CASA] showed that exoplanet transits can also provide information about starspots (akin to the dark sunspots on the Sun) when a transit event happens to occult a starspot – see Figure 3. Ward also explained the importance of observing the transit events at multiple wavelengths, referred to as transit spectroscopy, to understand the physical characteristics of the starspots. Yuta Notsu [LASP] compared the energetics observed in many different stars using X-ray and far ultraviolet (FUV) observations to estimate stellar magnetic field strengths, which in turn can be used to estimate the stellar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectra. Those results provide new information on how the stellar spectra could evolve during the lifetime of Sun-like stars, and how those spectral changes can affect the atmospheric escape rates on their exoplanets.  
      Nina-Elisabeth Nemec [University of Göttingen, Germany] described how Kepler observations of exoplanets rely on tracking their transits across its host star’s disk. She explained some of the challenges that arise with analyzing such transits when there are large starspots present. 
      Figure 3. Illustration of an exoplanet transit that will occult a starspot. The transit light curve can provide information about the size of the starspot, and transit observations at multiple wavelengths can reveal physical parameters, such as temperature, of the starspot. Figure credit: Ward Howard, CASA/University of Colorado Session 3: Evidence of Centennial and Longer-term Variability in Climate Change
      Venkatachalam “Ram” Ramaswamy [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)] gave the keynote for this session in which he discussed Earth’s variable climate change over the past two centuries. He explained in detail Earth’s energy budget and energy imbalance, which leads to less land and sea ice, warmer temperatures at the surface and in the atmosphere and ocean, and more extreme weather. These weather changes have different regional impacts, such as more floods in some regions and more drought in different regions – see Figure 4. 
      Figure 4. The rainfall amount has shifted over the past fifty years (red is less and blue is more) with strong regional impacts on droughts and floods. Figure credit: Ram Ramaswamy/NOAA/GFDL Bibhuti Kumar Jha [SWRI], Bernhard Hofer [Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany], and Serena Criscuoli [National Solar Observatory] discussed long-term solar measurements from the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory and showed that the chromospheric plages (Ca K images) have 1.6% faster solar rotation rate than sunspots (white light images). Timothy Jull [University of Arizona (UA)], Fusa Miyake [Nagoya University, Japan], Georg Fueulner [Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany], and Dan Lubin discussed the impact that solar influences (i.e., solar flares, solar energetic particles) have had on Earth’s climate over hundreds of years through their impact on phenomena such as the natural distribution of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and fluctuations in the North Atlantic Oscillation.  
      Hisashi Hayawawa [Nagoya University] and Kalevi Mursula [University of Oulu, Finland] discussed the influence that ever-changing sunspots and magnetic fields on the Sun are having on climate – with a focus on the Maunder Minimum period. Irina Panyushkina [UA] and Timothy Jull presented tree ring radioisotope information as it relates to climate change trends as well as long-term, solar variability trends. According to Lubin, if a reduction in solar input similar to what happened during the Maunder Minimum would happen today, the resulting reduction in temperature would be muted due to the higher concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere.
      Session 4: Evidence of Short-term Variability in Climate Change
      Session 4 focused on discussions that examined shorter-term variations of solar irradiance and climate change. Bill Collins [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)] started off the session with a presentation on Earth albedo asymmetry across the hemispheres from Nimbus-7 observations, and then showed some important differences when looking at the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) record – shown in Figure 5. Lon Hood [UA] discussed the changes in atmospheric circulation patterns which might be the consequence of Arctic sea ice loss increasing the sea level pressure over northern Eurasia. Alexi Lyapustin [GSFC] described how higher temperatures are causing an extension of the wildfire season in the Northern hemisphere by 1–3 months.
      Figure 5. The albedo difference between the visible and near-infrared bands are shown for the southern hemisphere (red line) and the northern hemisphere (blue lines) for CERES [left] and Nimbus 7 [right]. The southern hemisphere albedo difference is higher than the northern hemisphere albedo difference, both for the 1980s as measured by Nimbus-7 and for the recent two decades as measured by CERES. These hemispheric differences are related mostly to differences in cloud coverage. The seasonal effect on the albedo difference values is about 2%, but the changes from 1980s to 2010s appear to be about 10%. Figure credit: Bill Collins/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Jae Lee [GSFC/University of Maryland, Baltimore County] discussed changes in the occurrence and intensity of the polar mesosphere clouds (PMCs), showing high sensitivity to mesospheric temperature and water, and fewer PMCs for this solar cycle. In addition, some presenters discussed naturally driven climate changes. Luiz Millan [JPL], whose research has found that the water-laden plume from the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai (HT-HH) volcano eruption in January 2022 has had a warming effect on the atmosphere as well as the more typical cooling effect at the surface from the volcanic aerosols. In another presentation, Jerry Raedar [University of New Hampshire, Space Science Center] showed results from his work indicating about 5% reductions in temperature and pressure following major solar particle storms, but noted differences in dependence between global and regional effects.
      Session 5: Trending of Solar Variability and Climate Change for Solar Cycle 25 (present and future)
      Session 5 focused on trends during Solar cycle 25 (SC-25), which generated lively discussions about predictions. It appears the SC-25 maximum sunspot number could be about 15% higher than the original SC-25 maximum predictions. Those differences between the sunspot observations and this prediction may be related to the timing of SC-25 ramp up. Lisa Upton started off Session 5 by presenting both the original and latest predictions from the NASA–NOAA SC-25 Prediction Panel. Her assessment of the Sun’s polar magnetic fields and different phasing of magnetic fields over the Sun’s north and south poles suggests that the SC-25 maximum will be larger than the prediction – see Figure 6.
      The next several speakers – Matt DeLand [Science Systems and Applicatons Inc. (SSAI)], Sergey Marchenko [SSAI], Dave Harber [LASP], Tom Woods [LASP], and Odele Coddington [LASP] – showed a variety of TSI and SSI (NUV, visible, and NIR) variability observations during SC-25. The group consensus was that the difference between the SC-24 and SC-25 maxima may be due to the slightly higher solar activity during SC-25 as compared to the time of the SC-24 maximum – which was an anomalously low cycle. The presenters all agreed that SC-25 maximum may not have been reached yet (and SC-25 maximum may not have occurred yet in 2024).
      Figure 6. The sunspot number progression (black) during solar cycle 25 is higher than predicted (red). The original NASA–NOAA panel prediction was for a peak sunspot number of 115 in 2025. Lisa Upton’s updated prediction is for a sunspot number peak of 134 in late 2024. Figure credit: NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center On the climate change side, Don Wuebbles [University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign] provided a thorough overview of climate change science showing that: the largest impacts result from the activities of humans, land is warming faster than the oceans, the Arctic is warming two times faster than rest of the world, and 2023 was the hottest year on record with an unprecedented number of severe weather events.
      There were several presentations about the solar irradiance observations. Leah Ding [American University] presented new analysis techniques using machine learning with Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) solar images to study irradiance variability. Steve Penton [LASP] discussed new SIM algorithm improvements for TSIS-1 SIM data product accuracy. Margit Haberreiter [Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos (PMOD), Switzerland] discussed new TSI observations from the Compact Lightweight Absolute Radiometer (CLARA) on the Norwegian NorSat-1 microsatellite. Marty Snow [South African National Space Agency] discussed a new TSI-proxy from the visible light (green filter) Solar Position Sensor (SPS) flown on the NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES-R). (The first of four satellites in the GOES-R series launched in 2016 (GOES-16) followed by GOES-17 and GOES-18 in 2018 and 2022 respectively. The final satellite in the series – GOES-U – launched June 25, 2024 will become GOES-19 after checkout is complete.)
      Peter Pilewskie [LASP] discussed future missions, focusing on the Libera mission for radiative energy budget, on which he is Principal Investigator. Selected as the first Earth Venture Continuity mission (EVC-1), Libera will record how much energy leaves our planet’s atmosphere on a day-by-day basis providing crucial information about how Earth’s climate is evolving. In Roman mythology, Libera was Ceres’ daughter. The mission name is thus fitting as Libera will act as a follow-on mission to maintain the decades long data record of observation from NASA’s suite of CERES instruments. Figure 7 shows the CERES climate data record trends over the past 20 years.
      Figure 7. The CERES Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) climate data record shows a positive trend for the absorbed solar radiation [left] and the net radiation [right] and a small negative trend for the emitted terrestrial radiation [middle]. Figure credit: Peter Pilewskie/adapted from a 2021 paper in Geophysical Research Letters Susan Breon [GSFC] discussed the plans for and status of TSIS-2 , and Tom Patton [LASP] discussed CTSIS as an option for TSIS-3 – both of these topics were discussed earlier in this article in the section on “NASA’s Current and Planned Solar Irradiance Missions.”
      Angie Cookson [California State University, San Fernando Observatory (SFO)] shared information about the SFO’s 50-year history, and how analyses of solar image observations taken at SFO are used to derive important indicators of solar irradiance variability – see Figure 8.
      Figure 8. The San Fernando Observatory (SFO) [left] has been making visible [middle] and near ultraviolet (NUV) [right] solar images from the ground for more than 50 years. Those solar images have been useful for understanding the sources of solar irradiance variability. Figure credit: Angie Cookson/SFO Sun-Climate Symposium Banquet Special Presentation on the Grand Canyon National Park
      At the Thursday evening banquet, two speakers – Mark Nebel and Anne Millar – from the National Park Service (NPS) presented some of their geological research on the nearby Grand Canyon. Nebel discussed the water drainage systems surrounding the Grand Canyon while Millar described the many different fossils that have been found in the surrounding rocks. Nebel explained how  the Grand Canyon’s water drainage system into the Colorado River is complex and has evolved over the past few decades – see map and photo below. Millar brought several samples of the plant and insect fossils found in the Grand Canyon to share with banquet participants. Those fossils ranged in time from the Bright Angel Formation ocean period 500 million years ago to the Hermit Formation period 285 million years ago – when the Grand Canyon was semi-arid land with slow-moving rivers.
      Map and photo credit: Mark Nebel/NPS Conclusion
      Altogether, 80 presentations during the 2023 Sun–Climate Symposium spread across 6 sessions about solar analogs, exoplanets, long-term climate change, short-term climate change, and solar/climate recent trending. The multidisciplinary group of scientists attending made for another exciting conference for learning more about the TSIS solar irradiance observations. Sun–Climate recent results have improved perception of our Sun’s variability relative to many other Sun-like stars, solar impact on Earth and other planets and similar type impacts of stellar variability on exoplanets, and better characterization of anthropogenic climate drivers (e.g., increases in GHG) and natural climate drivers (Sun and volcanoes).
      The next Sun–Climate Symposium will be held in spring 2025 with a potential focus on polar climate records, including polar ice trends and long-term solar variabilities derived from ice-core samples. Readers who may be interested in participating in the 2025 science organizing committee should contact Tom Woods and/or Dong Wu [GSFC].
      The three co-authors were all part of the Science Organizing Committee for this meeting and wish to acknowledge the other members for their work in planning for and participating in another successful Sun–Climate Symposium. They include: Odele Coddington, Greg Kopp, and Ed Thiemann [all at LASP]; Jae Lee, Doug Rabin, and Dong Wu [all at GSFC]; Jeff Hall, Joe Llama, and Tyler Ryburn [all at Lowell Observatory]; Dan Lubin [UCSD’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)]; and Tom Stone [U.S. Geological Survey’s Astrogeology Science Center]. The authors and other symposium participants are also deeply grateful to Kelly Boden [LASP] for organizing the logistics and management of the conference, and to the Lowell Observatory, the Drury Inn conference center staff, and the LASP data system engineers for their excellent support in hosting this event.
      Tom Woods
      University of Colorado, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Research
      Peter Pilewskie
      University of Colorado, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Research
      Erik Richard
      University of Colorado, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Research

      Last Updated Jul 18, 2024 Related Terms
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