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In the depths of the ocean, where countless strange fish and creatures dwell in perpetual darkness, they remain unseen, unless unexpectedly caught. This was the case during an expedition by a Russian deep-sea fisherman, who was stunned when he reeled in a bizarre creature that strikingly resembled an alien’s head.
The eerie catch was made by Roman Fedortsov during an expedition in the northern Pacific Ocean.
The fisherman shared the video of the strange creature with his followers, with viewers comparing the bulbous fish to an extraterrestrial or even Krang, the villain from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Fisherman Fedortsov has previously made headlines thanks to other weird and wonderful catches which you can view at Dailymail.
Despite its eerie appearance, the fish was not an alien or a mutant but rather a species known as the smooth lumpsucker, a deep-sea fish recognized for its distinctive, gelatinous look.
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Pandora, NASA’s newest exoplanet mission, is one step closer to launch with the completion of the spacecraft bus, which provides the structure, power, and other systems that will enable the mission to carry out its work.
Watch to learn more about NASA’s Pandora mission, which will revolutionize the study of exoplanet atmospheres.
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center “This is a huge milestone for us and keeps us on track for a launch in the fall,” said Elisa Quintana, Pandora’s principal investigator at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “The bus holds our instruments and handles navigation, data acquisition, and communication with Earth — it’s the brains of the spacecraft.”
Pandora, a small satellite, will provide in-depth study of at least 20 known planets orbiting distant stars in order to determine the composition of their atmospheres — especially the presence of hazes, clouds, and water. This data will establish a firm foundation for interpreting measurements by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and future missions that will search for habitable worlds.
Pandora’s spacecraft bus was photographed Jan. 10 within a thermal-vacuum testing chamber at Blue Canyon Technologies in Lafayette, Colorado. The bus provides the structure, power, and other systems that will enable the mission to help astronomers better separate stellar features from the spectra of transiting planets. NASA/Weston Maughan, BCT “We see the presence of water as a critical aspect of habitability because water is essential to life as we know it,” said Goddard’s Ben Hord, a NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow who discussed the mission at the 245th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in National Harbor, Maryland. “The problem with confirming its presence in exoplanet atmospheres is that variations in light from the host star can mask or mimic the signal of water. Separating these sources is where Pandora will shine.”
Funded by NASA’s Astrophysics Pioneers program for small, ambitious missions, Pandora is a joint effort between Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and NASA Goddard.
“Pandora’s near-infrared detector is actually a spare developed for the Webb telescope, which right now is the observatory most sensitive to exoplanet atmospheres,” Hord added. “In turn, our observations will improve Webb’s ability to separate the star’s signals from those of the planet’s atmosphere, enabling Webb to make more precise atmospheric measurements.”
Astronomers can sample an exoplanet’s atmosphere when it passes in front of its star as seen from our perspective, an event called a transit. Part of the star’s light skims the atmosphere before making its way to us. This interaction allows the light to interact with atmospheric substances, and their chemical fingerprints — dips in brightness at characteristic wavelengths — become imprinted in the light.
But our telescopes see light from the entire star as well, not just what’s grazing the planet. Stellar surfaces aren’t uniform. They sport hotter, unusually bright regions called faculae and cooler, darker regions similar to sunspots, both of which grow, shrink, and change position as the star rotates.
An artist’s concept of the Pandora mission, seen here without the thermal blanketing that will protect the spacecraft, observing a star and its transiting exoplanet. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Conceptual Image Lab Using a novel all-aluminum, 45-centimeter-wide (17 inches) telescope, jointly developed by Livermore and Corning Specialty Materials in Keene, New Hampshire, Pandora’s detectors will capture each star’s visible brightness and near-infrared spectrum at the same time, while also obtaining the transiting planet’s near-infrared spectrum. This combined data will enable the science team to determine the properties of stellar surfaces and cleanly separate star and planetary signals.
The observing strategy takes advantage of the mission’s ability to continuously observe its targets for extended periods, something flagship missions like Webb, which are in high demand, cannot regularly do.
Over the course of its year-long prime mission, Pandora will observe at least 20 exoplanets 10 times, with each stare lasting a total of 24 hours. Each observation will include a transit, which is when the mission will capture the planet’s spectrum.
Pandora is led by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory provides the mission’s project management and engineering. Pandora’s telescope was manufactured by Corning and developed collaboratively with Livermore, which also developed the imaging detector assemblies, the mission’s control electronics, and all supporting thermal and mechanical subsystems. The infrared sensor was provided by NASA Goddard. Blue Canyon Technologies provided the bus and is performing spacecraft assembly, integration, and environmental testing. NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley will perform the mission’s data processing. Pandora’s mission operations center is located at the University of Arizona, and a host of additional universities support the science team.
Download high-resolution video and images from NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio
By Francis Reddy
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
Media Contact:
Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
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Last Updated Jan 16, 2025 Related Terms
Astrophysics Astrophysics Division Exoplanet Atmosphere Exoplanet Exploration Program Exoplanet Science Exoplanet Transits Exoplanets Goddard Space Flight Center Studying Exoplanets The Universe View the full article
Despite the MSM at the moment keeps a low profile in informing the public about the unidentified drones, the 'drone mystery' is still going on with hundreds of drones spotted across the US, especially the eastern United States.
Check out the size of this high-tech drone, estimated to be around 25-30 feet in length, possibly even larger. It was recently filmed flying low over New Jersey. (Watch the video of the craft at the bottom of the article.)
The mystery surrounding unidentified drones continues to capture attention, particularly across the eastern United States. While mainstream media (MSM) maintains a low profile in reporting on these occurrences, sightings persist, with hundreds of drones reported in various regions.
Officials have repeatedly assured the public that these drones pose no threat to national security. However, skepticism remains high, as the government has yet to provide a comprehensive explanation, leaving many feeling left in the dark.
Dr. Steven Greer recently made a prediction during an interview with Newsmax's Rob Finnerty. He claimed that the drone crisis is likely to escalate "within the next 30 days." According to Greer, the notion of a supposed "alien invasion" is a deliberate distraction designed to obscure the true nature of extraterrestrial encounters, which he asserts have been ongoing for decades. This statement has sparked further speculation among those following developments in the UFO community.
Adding to the anticipation, investigative journalist Ross Coulthart has forecasted that 2025 will mark a turning point in public awareness about extraterrestrial matters. Describing the current period as “the calm before the storm,” Coulthart envisions transformative revelations in the coming year.
Michael Salla, Ph.D., another figure in the disclosure movement, has reported information from a retired U.S. Army serviceman, identified as JP. According to JP, factions within the U.S. military, referred to as "White Hats," along with an international coalition known as the “Earth Alliance,” are preparing to disclose advanced alien technology to the public. This advanced technology, allegedly hidden for decades by shadowy "deep state" organizations and defense contractors, includes three medium-sized cigar-shaped spacecraft and numerous unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) stored in an underground facility in Tampa, Florida. These alleged alien-tech craft are said to possess advanced stealth capabilities, allowing them to blend seamlessly with their surroundings.
As part of a broader disclosure strategy, the unveiling of these craft is intended to prepare the public for even larger extraterrestrial revelations in the months ahead.
It seems as two opposing forces are at play:
The Deep State: Allegedly leveraging drones and orbs sightings as part of a staged operation to manipulate public perception to fabricate the illusion of an alien invasion in an attempt to hide the real truth about extraterrestrial encounters and maintain the secrecy around covert programs and maintain control over advanced technologies acquired over the past 70 years.
The Earth Alliance: Seeking to reveal genuine alien technology obtained from real UFO crashes, confirming the existence of extraterrestrial life and promoting transparency.
Whether these predictions will materialize remains to be seen, but they have undeniably heightened public interest in what lies ahead. View the full article
Throughout the years, reports of alien abductions have emerged from all corners of the globe.
An alien abduction is generally described as an event in which individuals report being taken against their will by extraterrestrial beings, often undergoing various forms of physical and psychological experimentation.
Some argue that these experiences could simply reflect the subconscious mind at work or suggest that the abductees may have unknowingly been subjects of classified military experiments. Nonetheless, many abductees share accounts with such remarkable detail and consistency that some researchers feel the phenomenon deserves serious consideration.
Over time, I’ve shared numerous articles on cases of alleged alien abductions, which you can explore under the "alien abduction" tag below the article.
Here are two more intriguing cases in which abductees recount their experiences in vivid detail, prompting us to seriously consider the possibility that people may actually be taken by aliens.
The Betty Andreasson Alien Abduction: A Strange Encounter in 1967
One of the most detailed and haunting accounts of alien abduction began on January 25, 1967, in South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. That evening, Betty Andreasson’s family experienced a power outage, followed by an eerie red light outside. Peering out, Betty’s father saw five strange beings approaching who soon entered the house, seemingly passing through solid walls. They communicated telepathically and temporarily froze the family in place.
These beings had distinctive appearances, with pear-shaped heads, wide eyes, and a calm, almost friendly aura. Betty was led to a spacecraft in her backyard and taken aboard, where she underwent strange tests and experienced an otherworldly vision. Hours later, she was returned home, and the aliens left her family unharmed. Initially, Betty viewed her experience through a religious lens, but over time, she came to see it as an alien encounter.
Years later, her story caught the attention of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a leading UFO researcher. Under hypnosis, Betty’s fragmented memories resurfaced, revealing consistent details corroborated by her daughter, who had also been briefly unfrozen by the beings. After extensive testing and interviews, investigators concluded that Betty was credible and sincerely believed in what she described. The Betty Andreasson abduction remains one of the most compelling cases in UFO lore.
The 1974 Medicine Bow National Forest Abduction: Carl Higdon's Astonishing Encounter
Carl Higdon's hunting trip to Wyoming’s Medicine Bow National Forest in October 1974 took a surreal turn when he experienced one of the most bizarre UFO abduction cases on record. Aiming at an elk, Higdon was stunned to see his bullet slow mid-air and drop, seemingly defying physics. Moments later, he noticed an unusual figure—a tall being in a black jumpsuit with rod-like appendages instead of hands—who offered him pills, claiming that one would sustain him for days.
Higdon, inexplicably compliant, swallowed a pill and suddenly found himself in a transparent structure with two more beings and five frozen elk. He was told they were traveling 163,000 light-years away to the aliens' home planet, which he described as filled with towering structures and an intensely bright sun.
Two and a half hours later, Higdon was back in Medicine Bow, disoriented and missing his elk. Later medical tests revealed inexplicably high vitamin levels and the disappearance of old lung scars. Adding credibility to his story, other witnesses reported seeing strange lights in the area. Higdon’s experience remains a mysterious case.
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Imagine waking up one morning to a world where everything you know is turned upside down. Overnight, groundbreaking (false) archaeological discoveries challenge the foundations of every major religion, leaving society in turmoil and disbelief.
Before you can even comprehend what’s happening, the sky begins to change. Towering, hyper-realistic projections of gods appear above major cities worldwide, communicating directly with their followers, not through spoken words, but telepathically.
As panic grips the planet, reports of UFO sightings flood the news. Global leaders urge people to unite in the face of an impending extraterrestrial threat. In just two days, the world you once knew has crumbled.
This scenario sounds like a plot from a science fiction movie, but some conspiracy theorists believe this could be part of a secret agenda known as Project Blue Beam, an alleged psyop designed by powerful elites to bring about a New World Order and reshape society.
Serge Monast was such a conspiracy theorist. He is mostly known for his promotion of the Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory, Under the guise of a heart attack he died in his home in December 1996 at age 51.
According to Serge Monast Project Blue Beam has four stages:
Step 1: Discrediting Archaeological Knowledge. The first phase involves revealing falsified archaeological findings that call into question the core beliefs of every major religion, creating widespread confusion and societal disruption.
Step 2: Global Holographic Projections of Religious Figures.A "space show" is staged where three-dimensional holographic projections of messianic figures appear in the skies over different regions of the world, each corresponding to the dominant religious beliefs in that area.
Step 3: Telepathic Communication. The third phase involves the use of advanced technology to simulate telepathic communication, where individuals believe they are receiving direct messages from their deities or spiritual leaders.
Step 4: The Grand Deception. The final stage is divided into three parts: 1. Convincing the global population that an alien invasion is imminent in every major city. 2. Persuading Christians that the Rapture is about to occur. 3. Using a mix of electronic manipulation and supernatural forces to create an illusion that will penetrate all forms of communication and technology, even infiltrating household appliances.
While many people dismiss Project Blue Beam as pure fantasy, the theory raises an unsettling question: could such a grand deception ever really be pulled off? And if so, how can we prepare for the possibility of such a dramatic upheaval?
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