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NASA invita a hispanohablantes a enviar sus nombres en Europa Clipper


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La NASA ha lanzado un nuevo sitio web en español para invitar al público a enviar sus nombres a bordo de Europa Clipper, una misión que iniciará su viaje a la luna de Júpiter Europa en octubre de 2024. Este nuevo sitio web forma parte de una campaña de la agencia llamada “Mensaje en una botella”, mediante la cual un poema original dedicado a Europa

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      4 Min Read NASA Data Helps Protect US Embassy Staff from Polluted Air
      This visualization of aerosols shows dust (purple), smoke (red), and sea salt particles (blue) swirling across Earth’s atmosphere on Aug. 23, 2018, from NASA’s GEOS-FP (Goddard Earth Observing System forward processing) computer model. Credits:
      NASA’s Earth Observatory United States embassies and consulates, along with American citizens traveling and living abroad, now have a powerful tool to protect against polluted air, thanks to a collaboration between NASA and the U.S. State Department.
      Since 2020, ZephAir has provided real-time air quality data for about 75 U.S. diplomatic posts. Now, the public tool includes three-day air quality forecasts for PM2.5, a type of fine particulate matter, for all the approximately 270 U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide. These tiny particles, much smaller than a grain of sand, can penetrate deep into the lungs and enter the bloodstream, causing respiratory and cardiovascular problems.
      “This collaboration with NASA showcases how space-based technology can directly impact lives on the ground,” said Stephanie Christel, climate adaptation and air quality monitoring program lead with the State Department’s Greening Diplomacy Initiative. “This is not something the State Department could have done on its own.” For instance, placing air quality monitors at all U.S. diplomatic posts is prohibitively expensive, she explained.
      “NASA’s involvement brings not only advanced technology,” she added, “but also a trusted name that adds credibility and reliability to the forecasts, which is invaluable for our staff stationed abroad.”
      The forecasts, created using NASA satellite data, computer models, and machine learning, are crucial for U.S. embassies and consulates, where approximately 60,000 U.S. citizens and local staff work. Many of these sites are in regions with few local air quality monitors or early warning systems for air pollution.
      “ZephAir’s new forecasting capability is a prime example of NASA’s commitment to using our data for societal benefit,” said Laura Judd, an associate program manager for Health and Air Quality at NASA. “Partnering with the State Department allows us to extend the reach of our air quality data, providing embassies and local communities worldwide with vital information to protect public health.”
      Enhancing Health, Safety with NASA Air Quality Data
      To manage air pollution exposure, the tool can assist diplomatic staff with decisions on everything from building ventilation to outdoor activities at embassy schools.
      For many embassies, especially in regions with severe air pollution, having reliable air quality forecasts is crucial for safeguarding staff and their families, influencing both daily decisions and long-term planning. “Air quality is a top priority for my family as we think about [our next assignment], so having more information is a huge help,” said Alex Lewis, a political officer at the U.S. embassy in Managua, Nicaragua.
      A screenshot of the ZephAir web dashboard featuring air quality forecasts for Managua, Nicaragua. U.S. Department of State Previously, ZephAir only delivered data on current PM2.5 levels using air quality monitors on the ground from about 75 U.S. diplomatic locations and about 50 additional sources. Now, the enhanced tool provides PM2.5 forecasts for all sites, using the Goddard Earth Observing System forward processing (GEOS-FP), a weather and climate computer model. It incorporates data on tiny particles or droplets suspended in Earth’s atmosphere called aerosols from MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) on NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites.
      Aerosols are tiny airborne particles that come from both natural sources, like dust, volcanic ash, and sea spray, and from human activities, such as burning fossil fuels. PM2.5 refers to particles or droplets that are 2.5 micrometers or smaller in diameter — about 30 times smaller than the width of a human hair.
      “We use the GEOS-FP model to generate global aerosol forecasts,” said Pawan Gupta, of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and the lead scientist on the project. “Then we calibrate the forecasts for embassy locations, using historical data and machine learning techniques.”
      As of August 2024, the forecasting feature is available on the ZephAir web and mobile platforms.
      The new forecasts are about more than just protecting U.S. citizens and local embassy staff; they are also contributing to global action on air quality. The State Department engages with local governments and communities to raise awareness about air quality issues. “These forecasts are a critical part of our strategy to mitigate the impacts of air pollution not only for our personnel but also for the broader community in many regions around the world,” Christel said.
      Officials with the Greening Diplomacy Initiative partnered with NASA through the Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team  to develop the new forecasts and will continue the collaboration through support from the Satellite Needs Working Group.
      Looking ahead, the team aims to expand ZephAir’s capabilities to include ground-level ozone data, another major pollutant that can affect the health of embassy staff and local communities.
      By Emily DeMarco
      NASA’s Earth Science Division, Headquarters

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      Podcast art for Universo curioso de la NASA, the agency’s first podcast in Spanish, which returns for a second season in September 2024. Credits: NASA / Krystofer Kim Read this news release in English here.
      Para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, la NASA publica nuevos contenidos para Universo curioso de la NASA, el primer pódcast en español de la agencia, que inicia ahora su segunda temporada. La temporada de cinco semanas comienza el martes, con nuevos episodios disponibles semanalmente.
      Escucha el avance de la segunda temporada de Universo curioso de la NASA. 
      En cada episodio, Universo curioso destaca las contribuciones de la fuerza laboral hispana y latina de la NASA al trabajo de la agencia en el ámbito de la exploración de la Tierra y el espacio en beneficio de todos.
      “Mediante el pódcast Universo curioso de la NASA, estamos entusiasmados de contar la historia de los esfuerzos de la NASA para que el espacio esté al alcance de más gente de todo el mundo”, dijo Tonya McNair, administradora asociada adjunta de la Dirección de Misiones de Operaciones Espaciales de la NASA en Washington. “En la segunda temporada, escucharán a trabajadores hispanos y latinos de la NASA, como la directora de vuelo Diana Trujillo y el astronauta Marcos Berríos, que ayudan a dirigir algunas de las misiones de exploración espacial más vitales de la agencia e inspiran al mundo a través del descubrimiento.”
      Los episodios se centran en algunas de las principales misiones de la NASA, acercando las maravillas de la exploración, la tecnología espacial y los descubrimientos científicos al público hispanohablante del mundo entero.
      “Este pódcast pone en relieve la dedicación de la NASA a hacer que el conocimiento esté a disposición de todos, independientemente de su lengua materna”, dijo Shahra Lambert, asesora principal de la NASA para la participación pública. “Al compartir la emoción de las misiones de la NASA en el segundo idioma más hablado en los EE.UU. y en todo el mundo, estamos amplificando nuestro alcance y posiblemente allanando el camino para una fuerza de trabajo en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas más diversa en el futuro.”
      El primer episodio de Universo curioso se emitió en 2021, como parte de la cobertura en español del lanzamiento del telescopio espacial James Webb. En 2023, el programa fue seleccionado como “Programa que nos encanta” por Apple Podcasts Latinoamérica.
      Presentado por Noelia González, especialista en comunicaciones del Centro Goddard de Vuelo Espacial de la NASA en Greenbelt, Maryland, en el pódcast invitamos a los oyentes a emprender un viaje a una de las lunas heladas de Júpiter, a oír acerca de los dos primeros años de descubrimientos del telescopio espacial James Webb, así como a conocer la trayectoria de un astronauta de Puerto Rico y de una directora de vuelo colombiana para llegar a la NASA.
      Los episodios cubrirán el próximo lanzamiento de Europa Clipper en octubre de 2024, una misión que tiene como objetivo determinar si existen lugares bajo la superficie de la luna helada de Júpiter, Europa, que puedan albergar vida.
      A continuación figura la lista completa de los nuevos episodios, así como sus fechas de publicación:
      Martes, 17 de septiembre: Avance de la segunda temporada Martes, 24 de septiembre: Diana Trujillo: De Cali a la Luna y Marte Martes, 1 de octubre: Europa Clipper: Un viaje poético a la luna de Júpiter Martes, 8 de octubre: Marcos Berríos: Cómo convertirse en astronauta de la NASA Martes, 15 de octubre: Explorando el cosmos con Webb Universo curioso de la NASA es una iniciativa conjunta de los programas de comunicación en español y de audio de la agencia. La nueva temporada, así como los episodios anteriores, están disponibles en Apple Podcasts, Spotify y el sitio web de la NASA.
      Escucha el pódcast en:
      María José Viñas / Cheryl Warner
      Sede, Washington
      240-458-0248 / 202-358-1600
      maria-jose.vinasgarcia@nasa.gov / cheryl.m.warner@nasa.gov
      View the full article
    • By NASA
      Podcast art for Universo curioso de la NASA, the agency’s first podcast in Spanish, which returns for a second season in September 2024. Credits: NASA / Krystofer Kim Lee este comunicado de prensa en español aquí.
      In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, NASA is releasing new content for Universo curioso de la NASA, the agency’s first Spanish-language podcast, now in its second season. A five-week season starts Tuesday with new episodes released weekly.
      Listen to the preview of the second season of Universo curioso de la NASA.
      In each episode, Universo curioso highlights the contributions of NASA’s Hispanic and Latino workforce to the agency’s work in Earth and space exploration for the benefit of all.
      “Through the Universo curioso de la NASA podcast, we are thrilled to tell the story of NASA’s efforts to open space to more people from across the world,” said Tonya McNair, deputy associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate in Washington. “In the second season, you’ll hear from NASA’s Hispanic and Latino workforce, like flight director Diana Trujillo and astronaut Marcos Berríos, helping lead some of the agency’s most vital space exploration missions and inspiring the world through discovery.”
      Episodes focus on some of NASA’s top missions, bringing the wonder of exploration, space technology, and scientific discoveries to Spanish-speaking audiences around the world. 
      “This podcast highlights NASA’s dedication to making knowledge available to all, regardless of their native language,” said Shahra Lambert, NASA senior advisor for engagement. “By sharing the excitement of NASA’s missions in the second most spoken language in the U.S. and around the world, we are amplifying our outreach and possibly paving the way for a more diverse STEM workforce in the future.”
      The first episode of Universo curioso ran in 2021, as part of the agency’s Spanish coverage of the launch of its James Webb Space Telescope. In 2023, the show was selected as a “Podcast We Love” by Apple Podcasts Latin America.
      Hosted by Noelia González, communications specialist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, listeners are invited to go on a journey to one of Jupiter’s icy moons, hear about the first two years of discoveries of the James Webb Space Telescope, as well as learn about an astronaut from Puerto Rico’s and a Colombian flight director’s path to NASA.
      Episodes will cover the upcoming launch of Europa Clipper in October 2024, a mission that aims to determine whether there are places below the surface of Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, that could support life.
      A complete list of the new episodes, as well as their release dates, is as follows:
      Tuesday, Sept. 17: Introducing the Second Season Tuesday, Sept. 24 Diana Trujillo: From Cali to the Moon and Mars Tuesday, Oct. 1 Europa Clipper: A Poetic Journey to Jupiter’s Moon Tuesday, Oct. 8 Marcos Berríos: How to Become a NASA Astronaut Tuesday, Oct. 15: Exploring Cosmos with Webb Universo curioso de la NASA is a joint initiative of the agency’s Spanish-language communications and audio programs. The new season, as well as previous episodes, are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and NASA’s website.
      Listen to the podcast at:
      María José Viñas / Cheryl Warner
      Headquarters, Washington
      240-458-0248 / 202-358-1600
      maria-jose.vinasgarcia@nasa.gov / cheryl.m.warner@nasa.gov
      View the full article
    • By NASA
      Technicians work to complete operations before propellant load occurs ahead of launch for NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft inside the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2024. NASA/Kim Shiflett NASA’s Europa Clipper mission moves closer to launch as technicians worked on Wednesday, Sept. 11, inside the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility to prepare the spacecraft for upcoming propellant loading at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. 
      The spacecraft will explore Jupiter’s icy moon Europa, which is considered one of the most promising habitable environments in the solar system. The mission will research whether Europa’s subsurface ocean could hold the conditions necessary for life. Europa could have all the “ingredients” for life as we know it: water, organics, and chemical energy.
      Europa Clipper’s launch period opens on Thursday, Oct. 10. It will lift off on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Kennedy’s Launch Complex 39A. The spacecraft then will embark on a journey of nearly six years and 1.8 billion miles before reaching Jupiter’s orbit in 2030.
      The spacecraft is designed to study Europa’s icy shell, underlying ocean, and potential plumes of water vapor using a gravity science experiment alongside a suite of nine instruments including cameras, spectrometers, a magnetometer, and ice-penetrating radar. The data Europa Clipper collects could improve our understanding of the potential for life elsewhere in the solar system.
      Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
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      This artist’s concept depicts NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft in orbit around Jupiter. The mission is targeting an Oct. 10, 2024, launch.NASA/JPL-Caltech The first NASA spacecraft dedicated to studying an ocean world beyond Earth, Europa Clipper aims to find out if the ice-encased moon Europa could be habitable.
      NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft, the largest the agency has ever built for a planetary mission, will travel 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion kilometers) from the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida to Europa, an intriguing icy moon of Jupiter. The spacecraft’s launch period opens Thursday, Oct. 10.
      Learn more about how NASA’s Europa Clipper came together – and how it will explore an ocean moon of Jupiter. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech  Data from previous NASA missions has provided scientists with strong evidence that an enormous salty ocean lies underneath the frozen surface of the moon. Europa Clipper will orbit Jupiter and conduct 49 close flybys of the moon to gather data needed to determine whether there are places below its thick frozen crust that could support life.
      Here are eight things to know about the mission:
      1. Europa is one of the most promising places to look for currently habitable conditions beyond Earth.
      There’s scientific evidence that the ingredients for life — water, the right chemistry, and energy — may exist at Europa right now. This mission will gather the information scientists need to find out for sure. The moon may hold an internal ocean with twice the water of Earth’s oceans combined, and it may also host organic compounds and energy sources under its surface. If the mission determines that Europa is habitable, it would mean there may be more habitable worlds in our solar system and beyond than we have imagined.
      2. The spacecraft will fly through one of the most punishing radiation environments in our solar system — second only to the Sun’s.
      Jupiter is surrounded by a gigantic magnetic field 20,000 times stronger than Earth’s. As the field spins, it captures and accelerates charged particles, creating radiation that can damage spacecraft. Mission engineers designed a spacecraft vault to shield sensitive electronics from radiation, and they plotted orbits that will limit the time Europa Clipper spends in most radiation-heavy areas around Jupiter.
      3. Europa Clipper will orbit Jupiter, studying Europa while flying by the moon dozens of times.
      The spacecraft will make looping orbits around Jupiter that bring it close to Europa for 49 science-dedicated flybys. On each orbit, the spacecraft will spend less than a day in Jupiter’s dangerous radiation zone near Europa before zipping back out. Two to three weeks later, it will repeat the process, making another flyby.
      4. Europa Clipper features NASA’s most sophisticated suite of science instruments yet.
      To determine if Europa is habitable, Europa Clipper must assess the moon’s interior, composition, and geology. The spacecraft carries nine science instruments and a gravity experiment that uses the telecommunications system. In order to obtain the best science during each flyby, all the science instruments will operate simultaneously on every pass. Scientists will then layer the data together to paint a full picture of the moon.
      5. With antennas and solar arrays fully deployed, Europa Clipper is the largest spacecraft NASA has ever developed for a planetary mission.
      The spacecraft extends 100 feet (30.5 meters) from one end to the other and about 58 feet (17.6 meters) across. That’s bigger than a basketball court, thanks in large part to the solar arrays, which need to be huge so they can collect enough sunlight while near Jupiter to power the instruments, electronics, and other subsystems.
      6. It’s a long journey to Jupiter.
      Jupiter is on average some 480 million miles (about 770 million kilometers) from Earth; both planets are in motion, and a spacecraft can carry only a limited amount of fuel. Mission planners are sending Europa Clipper past Mars and then Earth, using the planets’ gravity as a slingshot to add speed to the spacecraft’s trek. After journeying about 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion kilometers) over 5½ years, the spacecraft will fire its engines to enter orbit around Jupiter in 2030.
      7. Institutions across the U.S. and Europe have contributed to Europa Clipper.
      Currently, about a thousand people work on the mission, including more than 220 scientists from both the U.S. and Europe. Since the mission was officially approved in 2015, more than 4,000 people have contributed to Europa Clipper, including teams who work for contractors and subcontractors.
      8. More than 2.6 million of us are riding along with the spacecraft, bringing greetings from one water world to another.
      As part of a mission campaign called “Message in a Bottle,” the spacecraft is carrying a poem by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón, cosigned by millions of people from nearly every country in the world. Their names have been stenciled onto a microchip attached to a tantalum metal plate that seals the spacecraft’s electronics vault. The plate also features waveforms of people saying the word “water” in over 100 spoken languages.
      More About Europa Clipper
      Europa Clipper’s three main science objectives are to determine the thickness of the moon’s icy shell and its interactions with the ocean below, to investigate its composition, and to characterize its geology. The mission’s detailed exploration of Europa will help scientists better understand the astrobiological potential for habitable worlds beyond our planet.
      Managed by Caltech in Pasadena, California, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory leads the development of the Europa Clipper mission in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The main spacecraft body was designed by APL in collaboration with JPL and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. The Planetary Missions Program Office at Marshall executes program management of the Europa Clipper mission.
      NASA’s Launch Services Program, based at Kennedy, manages the launch service for the Europa Clipper spacecraft, which will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy.
      Find more information about Europa here:
      Europa Clipper Teachable Moment See Europa’s Chaos Terrain in Crisp Detail Europa Clipper Gets Its Super-Size Solar Arrays News Media Contacts
      Gretchen McCartney
      Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
      Karen Fox / Molly Wasser
      NASA Headquarters, Washington
      karen.c.fox@nasa.gov / molly.l.wasser@nasa.gov
      Last Updated Sep 17, 2024 Related Terms
      Europa Clipper Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jupiter The Solar System Explore More
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