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  1. Dr Michael Salla discusses the following topics: US Congress cuts funding to NASA while corporations are funding more space missions. Detailed breakdown of UAP historical report cites glaring deficiencies. Article proclaims Pentagon is heading for disaster due to AARO UAP report – catastrophic disclosure more likely. AARO Report: Lies, flawed, unresponsive, clueless, and knavish analyzed by Robert Powell (A must read). Webinar Trailer released- Ancient Alien Experiments and Crypto Terrestrials. Space Force budget exceeds NASA but will surge as elements of secret space programs are integrated. UFO Disclosure Project Attorney Danny Sheehan recounts his encounter with secret Project Blue Book files in 1977 that contained photos of retrieved flying saucer craft. Could Romanian President entering race for NATO leadership be a reward for him suppressing news of the discovery of an ancient Hall of Records under Bucegi Mountains in 2003? President Eisenhower’s role in agreements reached with Aliens revealed by Great Granddaughter in New Book. New JP video highlights ETs monitoring humanity’s consciousness and the importance of the love ethic. The wise Reptilian entity depicted in Japanese art is similar to Naga beings in Vedic art and literature. Analysis of AARO historical report discussing July 1952 shootdown attempt against a flying saucer involved in Washington flyover. Four primary goals in AARO historical report point to a coming false flag UFO event. View the full article
  2. A mysterious object and event was seen in the metro sky Monday night. NewsNation affiliate KFOR has been trying to track down where it came from. It is still a mystery. “What is that?” a voice can be heard on the video. NewsNation special correspondent and investigative journalist Ross Coulthart joins "NewsNation Prime" with more about the Pentagon's highly anticipated UFO report that claims there is NO evidence of alien contact. The report specifically addresses U.S. government investigations into sightings since 1945 and documents from secret government archives. According to the Dailymail, the director of the Pentagon's UFO-hunting All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), told reporters that AARO has found no verifiable evidence that the US government or private industry has ever had access to extraterrestrial technology, read more... However, the report's limited distribution to a select audience prior to its public release has faced scrutiny from other journalists and UFO researchers for its perceived lack of transparency. In summary, despite the yet another Pentagon/AARO report, it's evident that the UFO/Alien cover-up persists. View the full article
  3. Ancient texts and archaeological findings offer compelling evidence of giants once roaming the earth, while some argue that there were no Nephilim or giants in Antarctica due to a lack of research. It's not only conceivable that giants inhabited Antarctica before the continent separated from ancient Gondwana and shifted to its current polar position, rendering it inhospitable but that evidence by discoveries, such as giant bones and skulls, may have already been made but kept secret. By using Google Earth going back to satellite imagery from 2004 it shows a remarkable image what appears to be a giant skull. Moreover, the presence of what looks like a person photographing the skull and surrounding tracks and equipment hints at an exciting discovery. Despite the fact that it is said that giants never inhabited Antarctica at the time, the imagery of the alleged giant skull seem to prove the opposite in such a way that it warrants further investigation and challenges established beliefs about the history of the continent. Google Earth coordinates: 66°37'31.61"S 110°15'8.42"E View the full article
  4. During standard surveillance operations, a drone under the command of the 406th Battalion has recorded footage of a cigar-shaped UFO hovering above Ukraine's front line. The object lacks wings or apparent means of propulsion, distinguishing it from conventional aircraft like airplanes or helicopters. Speculation suggests it could be a reconnaissance balloon or drone or eventually an extraterrestrial craft observing activities in the area. The brief 17-second recording of the strange object has stirred curiosity among viewers and experts alike, adding an additional layer of intrigue to the ongoing situation in Ukraine. View the full article
  5. A remarkable slice of ancient history has been unearthed beneath the depths of the Baltic Sea, marking a significant milestone in archaeological exploration. This groundbreaking discovery was serendipitously made in Germany’s Bay of Mecklenburg, during a routine student expedition. Located approximately 10 kilometers (six miles) offshore, the team of researchers stumbled upon an intriguing anomaly using their multi-beam sonar system. What they found was a sprawling, enigmatic wall extending nearly a kilometer along the seabed, nestled at a depth of 21 meters (69 feet). Detailed analysis has revealed that this colossal structure dates back over 10,000 years, potentially making it the oldest known megastructure built by ancient Europeans. Comprising approximately 1,670 individual stones meticulously arranged to connect some 300 larger boulders, the structure hints at a deliberate construction, suggesting a specific purpose conceived millennia before being submerged beneath the sea. Led by geophysicist Jacob Geerson from Kiel University, the research team has dubbed the discovery the "Blinker wall." They propose that it was likely built by Stone Age hunter-gatherers near a lake or marsh, serving as one of the earliest documented man-made hunting structures in history and ranking among Europe's largest Stone Age constructions. Over millennia, Earth's geography has undergone profound transformations due to sea level fluctuations, erosion, and geological shifts, submerging countless ancient settlements beneath the waves and concealing their secrets. However, advancements in technology continue to unveil these submerged relics, offering invaluable insights into our ancestors' way of life. While the precise function of the Blinker wall remains elusive, experts speculate it might have functioned as a hunting aid, possibly guiding reindeer herds. The construction's strategic layout suggests the intentional creation of bottlenecks to corral animals, with the potential presence of a second adjacent wall hinted at by the researchers. Detailed examination of the structure's dimensions, composition, and alignment strongly indicates human involvement, ruling out natural formation. The team's analysis posits the Blinker wall's construction over 10,000 years ago, with submersion occurring around 8,500 years ago. The significance of the Blinker wall extends beyond its age, promising valuable insights into the socioeconomic complexities of ancient hunter-gatherer societies in the region, illuminating their way of life and interaction with the environment. Baltic Sea Anomaly. The Baltic Sea is full off ancient mysteries, not only the discovery of the ruins of the 11,000-year-old megastructure but also the discovery in June 2011 by Swedish OceanX diving team of an enigmatic anomaly displaying unconventional characteristics sparking speculation that it could be a submerged UFO. Despite the explanation behind the Blinker wall, the UFO-like anomaly continues to baffle experts, shrouded in mystery to this day. View the full article
  6. According to ebaumsworld and ctvnews, early on Jan. 19, 2024, several pilots over the Canadian prairies reported "seeing multiple lights sometimes in a triangle formation" high above them. Air traffic control confirmed that there were no unidentified aircraft in the area, at least not that they were aware of. NORAD was also notified of the incident, which occurred over Saskatchewan and Manitoba. There is an alleged video of the unknown multiple lights posted by UFO Sightings Daily on his X account.Mass UFO Reports Over Canada Feb 1, 2024, including Multiple Pilot Sightings.👽👀🛸 UFO Sighting News. #UAP #ufotwitter https://t.co/GgsVLk4SWq Please follow me for more🙏 pic.twitter.com/IQuEtg6ZGA — UFO Sightings Daily (Website) (@UFOSightings101) February 10, 2024 And audio recordings of two of the conversations pilots had with air traffic control. The audio recording with air traffic controllers was taken from LiveATC.net (https://www.liveatc.net). Originally 2.5 hours long, the audio has been edited for length. View the full article
  7. The accepted narrative describes the Knights Templar as humble warrior monks protecting Christians on the road to Jerusalem. The Knights were later betrayed and, ultimately, destroyed. But there is another story within that story. It's a legend filled with murder, mystery, and buried treasure. And it involves a secret powerful enough to rewrite history and change the world. Yes, the Templars were in Jerusalem protecting Christians. But that was their cover story. The real reason they were there was: they were looking for something. Ancient technology. So as soon as the Knights Templar arrived in the Holy Land, they started digging. And then.... View the full article
  8. Searching for anomalies in Antarctica using Google Earth I found an unidentified device measuring 4 meters by 4 meters by 2 meters in height in a remote area near Rothschild Island in Antarctica. It appears that some form of energy is being released from the device leading to the observed emission of light. A remarkable detail is that the device is placed directly in front of what appears to be two stone walls. Rothschild Island is an island which is surrounded by mystery, with rumors suggesting covert operations occurring in the vicinity. Interestingly, Google Earth has blacked out the island by overlaying simulated snow. I don't know what the object could be, but is it plausible that it serves as a power generator providing electricity to operate an unknown underground (alien) device or system in Antarctica, as it appears as if the device is placed above a large opening in the ice crust, and that this supposed power generator plays a role in an operation managed from the island? View the full article
  9. Does Lockheed Martin have its own Alien Recovery Team? Yes you heard me right... a team that gets a phone call and goes out and recovers downed UFO's? A whistleblower at Lockheed Martin has come forward with details about a Lockheed's secret alien recovery program and reverse engineering program. The whistleblower said that Lockheed Martin already created its own nonhuman intelligent craft in the 70s and that such a Lockheed reproduction alien craft crashed in Nevada in 2004. The whistleblower's claim fits well with the statement of Ben Rich the former second Director of Lockheed's Skunk Works who passed away in 1995. During a presentation Ben Rich gave at Wright Patterson airbase and also at the UCLA School of Engineering Alumni speech on March 23, 1993 he made several groundbreaking statements. One of his statements was that they already have the technology enabling interstellar travel, but these "alien" technologies are locked up in black projects. He was telling about a whole new level of craft, spacecraft, advanced propulsion systems, technologies that are already 50 years ahead, that anything you can imagine they already know how to do. Given the recent revelations by the whistleblower that Lockheed Martin already created its own nonhuman intelligent craft in the 70s and the three-decade span since Rich's disclosures, we can bet that today's advancements in Lockheed's secretive "alien technology" projects likely extend far beyond our current understanding. And don't hope they make this technology available for use in the private sector, more likely they use this technology, among other things, in a covert space program that none of us have a clue about. Ben Rich's statement during his presentation in 1993; "The U.S. Air Force has just given Lockheed a contract to take ET back home" says a lot! In the video below Clayton Morris from Redacted interviews Lockheed's whistleblower. View the full article
  10. Not only Lyrans but also Dracos, Pleiadians, Martians, Venusians, Agarthans and Nibiran Anunnaki came to Earth. Below is an excerpt from “MARDUK: ANUNNAKI KING OF EARTH” By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology) & Janet Kira Lessin CEO, Aquarian Radio In Blue Blood, True Blood, Stewart Swerdlow writes that some four billion years ago the Humans of the Lyran System (except Plieadian Atlans) fled then created the Galactic Federation of 110 scattered planets to fight Reptilians from the Draco System. The androgynous Draco Reptilians energize themselves with human flesh and fear hormones. Survivors of the initial Draco attacks rocketed to Mars and a (now extinct) planet called Maldek in the Solaris System and "to Orion, Tau Ceti, Pleiades, Procyon, Antares, Alpha Centauri, Aquarius and dozens of other solar systems." One group of Lyran refugees to the Pleiades, the Atlans, refused to join the Federation and fight the Dracos. Atlans wanted, instead of a federation of refugees, to restore the ancient civilization in Lyrans enjoyed before the Dracos invaded. Atlans, like most Lyrans, were blue-eyed and blond or green-eyed and red-haired. Dracos lived within and controlled a hollowed-out, planet-sized comet with a rock core. They guided to kill the Lyrans who fled to Maldek and Mars. "Gravity on Maldek was denser than Mars" so Maldekians "developed a thicker frame and a more aggressive attitude." The Maldekians threatened the Martians. The Martians got a defense shield machine from the beings of Khoom a planet of Sirius A to defend themselves against the Maldekians and the Draco comet heading for our sun. The Dracos within intended for the comet to end up as Venus, between Mercury and Earth. From Venus they’d control the whole Solaris System. Maldekians tracked the Draco comet heading for them and Mars and convinced the Martians to let them, albeit reluctantly, join them underground on Mars where they secured themselves and the shield device the Khooms gave them. Dracos who rode inside the comet shattered Maldek with a weapon or the comet's gravitational force. Maldek’s fragments now make up the Kuiper Belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. After the comet killed Maldek it neared Mars. The comet’s gravity pulled most oxygen, surface ice and water off Mars and into space. Under the Martian surface Maldekian refugees and Martians quarreled. As the comet continued toward the sun, it neared Earth. Earth, then entirely ice- and ocean-covered; its only intelligent lifeforms were nontechnological and aquatic. The comet’s gravity melted enough of Earth’s ice and drew off enough of its water-cover to raise two continents--Lemura (Mu) centered on what would become the Pacific Basin and Atlantis, centered on what would become the Atlantic Ocean Basin. The Draco comet moved on past the Earth toward the Sun and settled into an orbit between Earth and Mercury. The sun vaporized the comet’s ice into a cloudy cover for the ex-comet, which now orbited as the planet Venus. The Reptilians within Venus surfaced and built seven domed cities on the Venutian surface from which to launch their conquest of the Solar System and annhiliation of its Lyran Refugees. The story continues at http://wp.me/p1TVCy-4eb The video below shows how they came to Earth. View the full article
  11. Investigative journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp obtained and are revealing for the first time - footage of a military filmed UAP incursion within a United States joint operations base. This UAP of unknown origin displayed transmedium capability - and has been officially designated by the United States intelligence agencies as a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). Event description: An incursion by an object of unknown origin was filmed using Thermographic / Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) for a durational period at a United States joint operations base in Iraq on October 2018 (night). The object moved through a sensitive military installation - and eventually traversed over a body of water, where it actuated a controlled descent - submerging into the water. After an observational period of about seventeen minutes - the UAP reemerged from the body of water and shot-off at an extreme rate of speed - beyond the optical scope of the observation platform. The UAP displayed transmedium capability:The UAP was filmed entering the water with a controlled descent. The UAP emerged from the water about seventeen minutes later and orientated into a sudden and rapid directional flight - beyond the optical range of the platform monitoring it. The UAP displayed low observability:The UAP was not visible with Night Vision (IR) and appeared to jam the targeting capability of the optical platform. The UAP displayed:Positive lift - without the normally associated aerodynamic means for lift and thrust. The signatures typically associated with the propulsion maneuvers observed - were absent. Note: Could it be an Ebani?Limited information exists regarding these UAP types. Could the unidentified object possibly be an Ebani? An Ebani is an organic (biological) entity that resides in our atmosphere. It seemly remains invisible to the naked eye, which could account for its detection solely on thermal cameras. The fact that the entity not only flies through the air but also submerges underwater for approximately 17 minutes before resurfacing and swiftly soaring away, indicating intelligent and deliberate movement. Video 1: The Jellyfish UFOvideo 2: On Twitter (X) Jeremy Corbell discusses the strange sighting. The Jellyfish UFO Videos 🪼 Recorded in 2018 over Iraq. Allegedly this thing went into the water, stayed underwater for 17 minutes then came out of the water and shot off at a 45 degree angle. TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution Episode 1:https://t.co/b8to4g3Hj3#ufoX #ufos #uap… pic.twitter.com/8fPBltULUN — Mike Colangelo (@MikeColangelo) January 9, 2024 View the full article
  12. During the 1960s and 70s, the United States and the Soviet Union fought the Cold War on many fronts. In the 1970s, America and Russia engaged in a new type of warfare: psychic warfare. During this period, the CIA was actively recruiting and training people with a natural talent for remote viewing. Remote viewing is projecting your consciousness to anywhere on Earth and beyond. In 1973, prior to going to work for the CIA, remote viewer Pat Price, who was “discovered” by SRI International in the early days of Stargate, a US government sponsored remote viewing research and intelligence-collecting program, provided a lengthy unsolicited report regarding what he believed to be underground UFO bases. Pat Price, entirely by accident, found himself at Mount Hayes in Alaska. Mount Hayes is in the middle of nowhere. There's no civilization for miles. But something was calling him to the mountain. Then he looked inside the mountain. There was a base hidden inside Mount Hayes. Then he saw - this was not a base built by humans. Mount Hayes was one of four mountains that Pat Price said contained a secret alien UFO base. The others are Mount Puro in Spain, Mount Inyan Gani in Zimbabwe and Mount Zeal in Australia. Now, Project 8200 was a remote-viewing effort conducted in 1982 and 1983 that attempted to corroborate information provided by Pat Price a decade earlier. Several of the next generation Stargate remote viewers working for Project 8200 that time, saw or felt the presence of extraterrestrials and subsequently provided with information from other sources, project 8200 confirmed the bases are real and are intentionally hidden and working together. The bases are occupied but not always and they're used for observation and relaying information and energy to an object in deep space. Not only Pat Price provided the CIA with surprisingly accurate intelligence information until his (suspicious) reported death in 1975, but also the results of project 8200 were never officially reported to higher authorities. But some of the information has been available in public domain. View the full article
  13. The RAAF Woomera Range Complex (WRC) is a major Australian military and civil aerospace facility and operation located in South Australia, approximately 450 km (280 mi) north-west of Adelaide. The WRC is comprised of both the Woomera Test Range (Air Force Test Ranges Squadron), RAAF Base Woomera (20SQN) and the Nurrungar Test Range The function of the Woomera Test Range (WTR) is to provide a specialised operations environment in support of directed whole-of-Defence activities for the testing of war materiel and, other directed activities in the wider National interest. Now, if we take a look at the Woomera airport, using Google Earth then we see what looks like three mysterious metallic orbs with a diameter of about 3,5 meters each, parked at a restricted area of the airport (Coordinates: 31°08'56"S 136°48'21"E). See image above. Google Earth images show that these orbs were parked there not so long ago. As per information shared by our reader Eric, he suggests that the objects in question are orbital reckon probes. Typically, these kind of probes are launched from Earth equipped with a suite of scientific instruments and tools intended for the study of atmospheric conditions and the composition of space, including other planets, moons, or celestial bodies. Given the fact that these tic-tac-shaped objects are stationed in a restricted area where numerous tests are conducted, the question arises, assuming that these objects are orbital reckon probes, whether these advanced objects are deployed for sophisticated surveillance, potentially spying on military installations or warships. Remarkably, these objects bear a striking resemblance to an orb-like entity previously captured by a U.S. military drone in the Middle East, a video of which was presented during a Pentagon hearing on UFOs a few months ago prompts questions not only whether these orbs are part of the mysterious tic-tac UAPs program but also of who is behind it. Image above: Orb-like entity captured in the Middle East. Image above: Are these orbs part of a UAP program? View the full article
  14. A plasma twister in the sun's northern hemisphere broke apart on December 28, 2023 and hurled a spinning cloud of hot gas into space. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded its escape. At first glance this tiny cloud may seem inconsequential. However, on its way out of the sun's atmosphere, it triggered magnetic instabilities that turned into a surprisingly large CME. The CME will not hit Earth. Remarkable, right after the plasma twister's breakup, a substantial unidentified object emerged from the sun and shot into space. Considering the history of similar objects passing near the sun, which were clearly not charged particles released from the sun we may wonder whether this object could be of extraterrestrial origin and if it could be linked to the earlier disintegration of the plasma twister from the sun? View the full article
  15. You wake up. Sleepiness fades as your eyes slowly open to a bright white light. And it feels warm and familiar; it feels like home. And your whole family is there to meet you. Your entire life flashes before your eyes, like scenes from a movie. The good. The bad. Even the awful things you've done. But everything comes together. It all finally makes sense. A familiar voice says: "We're happy you're here. We missed you. But - you can't stay." What? You just got here. You're getting kicked out already? The voice says, "They need you. But we'll see you again when the time is right." And you know, somehow, the voice is telling the truth. Suddenly, a burst of red-hot pain rips through your chest. It feels like every single cell in your body is on fire. You can't breathe. A scream forces your eyes open. It's a blood-curdling scream, like an animal being eaten alive. Then you realize: the scream is coming from you. You're in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors and nurses. They all take a step back. Stunned. They're staring at you. But why? Well - you just came back from the dead. The above story is one of many similar stories told by people who have had a near death experience where they witnessed and experienced the reality of another world. Even after people have medically died scientists have discovered that awareness may continue which led to the assumption that death may not be as terminal as we think it is. Professor Robert Lanza from Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, claims the theory of biocentrism teaches that death as we know it is an illusion created by our consciousness. From this perspective, our bodies function as mere living, breathing vessels. When the physical body succumbs to death, the spirit that once resided within the biological form departs, returning to the light or, one might say, transitioning to another higher dimension all the while, not only maintaining its awareness, but also capable of traveling through time and space, assuming any desired form it wishes. Many spirits will return from this dimension to their original planet (reincarnation) or eventually embark on intergalactic journeys. The Why Files discusses the various aspects that prove that there is an afterlife. View the full article
  16. Over the years, much has been written about the crashed Roswell UFO, and never have images been released of the real UFO due to the cover-up of this remarkable crash. Now, not only has a composite image been generated, reflecting the craft before its crash based on the accounts of multiple witnesses, but it also provides specific details about the crew. The "General Composite of the Roswell Aerospace Interplanetary Skiff" is originated and forensically rendered from the testimony of multiple witnesses who were the retired United States Army Counter-Intelligence Corps atom bomb security agents guarding all atom bomb manufacturing, testing and deployment facilities in New Mexico from 1943 to 1951. Further and far more substantial testimony came from Clarence L. ("Kelly") Johnson and Dr. Ben R. Rich (both of whom were the now deceased founding CEOs of Lockheed Martin's famous "Skunk Works") as provided to Bill McDonald via the inter-mediation of the late John Andrews, Special Projects Chief Designer of the Testor Corporation. Kelly mentored Ben and John Andrews. The spacecraft was a single, integrated, machine component; the originating inspiration for all high-altitude, hypersonic, "Waverider," aerosurf, "Biomorphic" aircraft and space shuttle configuration concepts. She mimicked the design forms of multiple sea animals including porpoises and stingrays. Her life support system and in-flight ballast was an oxygenated amniotic fluid-like broth with an advanced filtration system in the flight deck. She carried a crew of seven humanoids who interfaced with the vessel's artificial intelligence (AI) cortex directly, physically through the headrests of their individual crash-couches and their surrounding consoles. The organic minds of the flight crew are believed to have functioned as "multiple brain nodes" for distributed processing and navigation. They and the spacecraft functioned as a "combined biological organic/artificial life form and machine system." View the full article
  17. Using just 20 watts of power, the human brain is capable of processing the equivalent of an exaflop — or a billion-billion mathematical operations per second. Now, researchers in Australia are building what will be the world's first supercomputer that can simulate networks at this scale. DeepSouth supercomputer - the world's first computer designed to emulate the parallel biological neural networks of the human brain itself. Developed by scientists at Western Sydney University's International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems, DeepSouth utilizes breakthrough neuromorphic hardware and software that mimics neurons and synapses to achieve unprecedented efficiency. The DeepSouth supercomputer distributes processing across a network of bespoke brain-inspired chips, unlike traditional supercomputers based on von Neumann designs. This enables DeepSouth to carry out a staggering 228 trillion synaptic operations per second, rivaling estimates for the human brain's processing speed. Yet it requires far less space and power than conventional systems. This new generation of brain-inspired supercomputing not only could make sci-fi applications an everyday reality but even more scary is the fact that they could someday create a cyborg brain vastly more powerful than our own. The prospect of entities, whether humans or AI (robots), equipped with cyborg brains is becoming increasingly plausible, paving the way for a profound shift in the hierarchy of Earth's dominant species. View the full article
  18. Over the years, the discovery of numerous unnatural objects on the planet Mars has been well-documented, suggesting that these objects may have once belonged to ancient intelligent civilizations that inhabited the planet before a major catastrophe made the planet uninhabitable. A recent image captured by the NASA Perseverance rover and shared by Neville Thompson on his Gigapan page reveals intriguing objects that fuel speculation about Mars' enigmatic past. A strange being, concealed behind a sizable boulder, appears to observe the Mars rover with its creepy ant-like head and large diamond-shaped eyes. Within the same image, attention is drawn to a hollow object, possibly remnants of a crashed craft, with discernible components of an artificial structure are clearly visible. Notably, the next two images show a substantial boulder exhibits signs of precision cutting, reminiscent of an advanced stone-cutting machine. A zigzag opening, resembling a mouth with teeth, is evident on the severed portion. Next to the boulder lies a conspicuous flat metallic disk, suggesting potential involvement in the cutting process. Furthermore, a stone head. The stone head and the rock plate 'with zigzag opening' prompting speculation that these could be parts of incomplete statues. Do these artifacts provide additional evidence that not only an ancient, technologically advanced society once inhabited Mars but that there is still life on Mars given the being behind the boulder?View the full article
  19. A recent summer hearing featured David Grusch, a former intelligence officer and whistleblower, who asserted that the government was withholding information, including evidence of "non-human biologics" retrieved from UFOs is determined to continue to get the truth out as he is admonishing Congress for what he says is a "total failure" to get more transparency about what the government knows about unidentified aerial phenomena. Lawmakers took a step toward transparency by including in the annual defense funding bill a provision requiring disclosure of classified records relating to UAPs, but not before stripping out key portions of the measure. Among them was a provision that aimed to establish an advisory board responsible for overseeing the disclosure of records. Unfortunately, this initiative is now postponed, as Grusch lamented, marking the failure of what was referred to as the "controlled disclosure campaign." The apparent reason for the campaign's shortcomings is twofold. Firstly, influential individuals in positions of power with vested interests may adamantly refuse to disclose their knowledge, fearing potential consequences and the loss of accumulated power derived from years of concealing the UFO secret. Additionally, certain senators are impeding the disclosure process due to financial contributions from the military-industrial complex and defense contractors. In essence, this situation not only raises concerns about the true extent of government transparency but also strongly suggests a significant cover-up. The argument is clear: if there is nothing to hide, transparency and disclosure should pose no problem. View the full article
  20. A huge rectangular anomaly has been spotted in an image captured by NASA's SOHO Lasco C2 camera on December 9, 2023. The object passing the sun at tremendous speed and is only visible in one frame. It’s known that high energy particles hitting the camera all the time and sometimes it turns out that an unidentified object is just a camera reflection but in recent years enough evidence has been gathered to know that many objects near or passing the sun are not always reflections or high energy particles but huge spacecraft under intelligent control. The astounding velocity at which this particular object traverses the sun raises intriguing questions. Could it possibly be a extraterrestrial spacecraft equipped with a warp drive? Such a propulsion system could theoretically enable travel at speeds exceeding that of light by several orders of magnitude. The consideration of these possibilities adds an extra layer of mystery to the ongoing exploration of anomalies near the sun.View the full article
  21. In September 1964, Captain McLeod and Sergeant Barnes were dispatched from Wright-Patterson Air Force base in Ohio. They were sent to investigate a UFO sighting in Northern California. Wright-Patterson AFB got lots of UFO reports. 99% of them could be explained. And a sizeable percentage of those sightings were hoaxers looking for attention. The other 1% were classified as UFOs and sent on to Project Blue Book. What happened from there, McLeod didn't know. The fact that he was being sent to the other side of the country meant this sighting was important to the Air Force. McLeod had a copy of the teletyped report from the UFO tracking office. It was stamped with an unusual "Priority" notification. It read: "UFO landing with entities reported by missile technician in Tahoe NF, Sacramento. Orders: Investigate and contain via usual protocols ASAP." McLeod's first step was to interview the witness. And, even after 17 years as an investigator, this was the strangest UFO story he'd ever heard. Summary witness report: Witness Donald Shrum found himself disoriented and separated from his hunting companions, leading him to make the decision to spend the night safely perched in a tree away from potential predators. While nestled in his chosen pine tree, positioned 12 feet above the ground, Shrum observed an unusual light. To his surprise, the source was something like a headlight on a massive cigar-shaped craft Subsequently, a smaller vessel emerged from one of the mothership's huge rectangular ports. From this secondary craft emerged a group of beings Shrum could only describe as humanoid. These entities wearing spacesuits and were accompanied by some sort of robots that appeared to be on a mission to study the local flora. As Shrum remained hidden in the tree, the beings became aware of his presence, and a few among them seemed determined to abduct him for reasons unknown. Undeterred, Shrum fiercely resisted these intruders, utilizing everything at his disposal, ultimately succeeding in fending them off. View the full article
  22. The existence of elusive electrical discharges in the upper atmosphere, known by intriguing names like red sprites, blue jets, pixies, and elves, has been a subject of debate for years. Astronaut Andreas Mogensen from the European Space Agency (ESA) recently documented rare thunder phenomena as part of the Thor-Davis experiment during his Huginn mission at the International Space Station. Credit ESA - Learn more including video of the phenomenon Among his remarkable captures was a red sprite, a type of Transient Luminous Event (TLE), occurring above thunderclouds at an altitude ranging from 40 to 80 kilometers. Scientists estimate the red sprite's dimensions to be approximately 14 by 26 kilometers. In a previous instance in 2015, Mogensen also successfully recorded kilometer-wide blue flashes at an altitude of around 18 kilometers, including a pulsating blue jet reaching up to 40 kilometers. Credit ESA - Learn more including video of the phenomenon This atmospheric phenomenon remains poorly understood, constituting a mysterious aspect of our atmosphere. Electrical storms extending into the stratosphere not only contribute to the fascination of these events but also bear implications for our understanding of how the atmosphere shields us from radiation.View the full article
  23. On the top of a mountain ridge in Antarctica, the remains of what appears to be part of an ancient fortress wall can be observed. The first structure measures 32 meters in height, 26 meters in length, and 16 meters in width. A second similar structure is visible in the opposite direction. The two structures seem to have been part of an ancient fortress wall. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that below the first structure, a large cave is visible, possibly connected to the first structure. A strange large tube, measuring 10 meters in length and 5 meters in width, seemly hovering in the air before the cave, defying conventional explanations. These ancient structures, the cave (or portal), and the strange cylinder (resembling a UFO) in the air, as well as next to the first structure, you can see what looks like a large antenna, or crane, all contribute to the mysterious ambiance surrounding this location. At all, it raises questions about the activities that may have transpired in this remote Antarctic area. Coordinates Google Earth: 78°10'34.87"S 162° 2'27.51"EView the full article
  24. Approximately a week ago, TikTok influencer Gkbarry found herself engrossed in promotional recordings. Amidst her busy schedule, she unintentionally captured a spherical object flying through the sky at a remarkable speed. To her surprise, the footage not only revealed the sphere but also a substantial flash surrounding the sphere just before it vanished. Due to the object's fast movement, it was nearly visible in the initial recording. However, upon closer inspection through zooming, both the object and its trajectory became distinctly visible as well as unveiling the flash that occurred moments before its disappearance. The enhanced zooming, starting at the 0.35-minute mark in the video, provides a clearer view of the mysterious object and the intriguing flash that unfolded during its flight. View the full article
  25. Earlier this year, Congress passed something called the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023. The law requires to tell the public what it knows about the countless unidentified flying objects that have been spotted in the skies above Earth over the past 3,000 years. It's designed to be, and it very well could be a transformative piece of legalization. And it comes at a time when we can say with confidence that the most unlikely sounding theories about UFOs are actually true. Yes, these things are real. They're not all weather balloons. They're not experimental aircraft from this or any other country. Whatever they are, they are not of human origin. Nor do they behave according to the laws of known physics. And yes, the US government currently has physical evidence that they exist. That means wreckage of the craft as well as the bodies of the beings that flew them. Now, the Office of Global Access (OGA), a wing of the Central Intelligence Agency's Science and Technology Directorate, has played a central role since 2003 in orchestrating the collection of what could be alien spacecraft. This CIA's secret office has conducted UFO retrieval missions on at least nine crash sites around the world, according to Dailymail. The CIA has a 'system in place that can discern UFOs while they're still cloaked' and special military units are sent to salvage the wreckage and then often hands the wreckage or material over to private aerospace/defense contractors (who are working close with the US government) for analysis. So the question is, now that the UAP Disclosure Act has passed, when can the rest of us see the information that we paid for and in fact, own? Well, not so fast, it turns out. Just when it seemed the UAP Disclosure Act was finally going to lift the veil on decades of secrets, two Republican lawmakers voted against the legislation. The two members happen to be especially powerful this term. They are Congressman Mike Rogers of Alabama, who is the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and Congressman Mike Turner of Ohio, who is chairman of the House Intel Committee. Why is this happening and what could be their potential motives? Above image: Watch video from Chris Letho: UAP disclosure under threat - What is the roadblock - Follow the Money! One of the great secrets of Washington know to everyone inside Washington is that many of the most powerful members of Congress do not work for their constituents, much less for the rest of us, for the country at large. They are instead puppets and they are controlled effectively by the permanent bureaucracy, including through bribery and blackmail. Some people saying the UAP Disclosure Act was founded to pave the way for controlled UFO disclosure, now that is not going to happen as long as key politicians are controlled and instructed to violate in letter and in spirit federal law and to hide the truth about UFOs from the American public. But why these key politicians may not want you to know the truth? Just connect the dots and follow the money trail leading to defense contractors! Ep. 42 For more than 80 years, the US government has hidden the existence of UFOs. The question is why. The answer is ominous. pic.twitter.com/JMskiaBEmR — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) November 29, 2023 View the full article
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