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Everything posted by SpaceJunkie

  1. Today, news broke of a a Mexican Congress hearing where alien corpses from Peru dating back 1000 years were shown. Video: The fossilised bodies presented in glass cases by journalist and UFO scientist Jaime Maussan at Mexico's parliament are said to be 1,000 years old. The bodies of two alleged "alien" beings were exhibited before politicians in a special session of the Mexican Congress. The fossilised bodies, presented by journalist and UFO scientist Jaime Maussan and displayed in glass cases, were retrieved from Cusco in Peru and are said to be 1,000 years old. "These specimens are not part of the evolution of our world. They were not recovered from a UFO scrap. They were found fossilised in a diatom moss mine," Maussan said, testifying under oath. Source: https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/09/13/1000-year-old-fossils-of-alien-corpses-displayed-in-mexicos-congress-as-ufo-expert-testifi More sources on this: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mexico-ufo-researcher-shows-purported-non-human-being-bodies-to-congress/ https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexican-congress-holds-hearing-ufos-featuring-purported-alien-bodies-2023-09-13/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/09/13/mexico-alien-x-ray-claims/70843076007/
  2. Danielle Wood leads the Space Enabled research group at the MIT Media Lab, where she works to tear down the barriers that limit the benefits of space exploration to only the few, the rich or the elite. She identifies six technologies developed for space exploration that can contribute to sustainable development across the world -- from observation satellites that provide information to aid organizations to medical research on microgravity that can be used to improve health care on Earth. "Space truly is useful for sustainable development for the benefit of all peoples," Wood says...
  3. A series of blinking, pyramid-shaped “unidentified aerial phenomena” were filmed by a Navy pilot over a U.S. destroyer off the coast of San Diego. Pentagon officials have confirmed that leaked photos and video of “unidentified aerial phenomena” were real, captured in 2019 by a Navy pilot. The identity of the triangle- or pyramid-shaped aerial objects remains a mystery. The Defense Department isn’t sharing what it knows. The photos and videos were first published by the Mystery Wire and Extraordinary Beliefs websites. The objects were photographed zipping over the USS Russell off San Diego in July 2019, according to investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. Photos of three unidentified flying objects reportedly taken in March that year — one spherical, another “acorn” shaped, and one described as a “metallic blimp” — were also taken by Navy personnel, Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough told CNN. Mystery Wire’s George Knapp reported that those objects were photographed off Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia by an F-18 weapons systems officer seated behind the pilot, who used his iPhone. Gough offered no details on either of the sightings. “To maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, the Department of Defense does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace — including those incursions initially designated as UAP,” Gough told CNN, using the abbreviation for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. A new Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, created last August to investigate such sightings by the military, has “included these incidents in their ongoing examinations,” Gough said. When questioned by reporters last week, Chief of Naval Operations Michael Gilday couldn’t explain the objects.
  4. From Fox News... Watch the latest video at foxnews.com The Pentagon has confirmed the authenticity of newly leaked video and images showing multiple UFO sightings by U.S. Navy personnel, as the government prepares to release a highly anticipated first-of-its-kind report on UFOs this summer. An 18-second video shows what is described as three pyramid-shaped UFOs hovering over the warship USS Russell at night in July of 2019 off the San Diego coast. At one point, the pyramid-shaped craft reportedly hovered 700 feet over the tail of the Russell. This is the first video the public has seen from the July 2019 incident in which mysterious UFOs described as unmanned aerial vehicles reportedly harassed at least three U.S. warships during military exercises over multiple days — at one point matching the speed and bearing of one destroyer for 90 minutes while performing "brazen" maneuvers. https://www.foxnews.com/us/ufos-spotted-navy-best-the-world-has-seen
  5. Since I was a kid I was always fascinated with Sasquatch a.k.a. Bigfoot. From the Patterson film to the pics of footprint casts, it was always interesting to wonder. I think what got me into it was this one time I went hiking with a friend and an adult friend of the family. We were in an update NY Adirondack forest and this one are looked a bit odd. There were broken branches everywhere but what really made it odd was that some of the branches 4"-6" in diameter, were screwed out of the trees, a bunch of them. What would do something like that? It wasn't until I was older and after seeing lots of "evidence" by others that I started to think...maybe. Fast forward and a few years ago started so much made for tv shows, documentaries, and movies around Bigfoot. Finding BIgfoot was my favorite, but guess what...they never found Bigfoot and probably never will. Every place they went was "Squatchy" of course and the BFRO is always sooo...close to getting one, right? I have to ask, why with all the technology and phone cameras, are we not seeing something amazing by now? Where is Bigfoot? So...now I come to the reason I started the topic and something someone once told me, "Bigfoot is an alien". Well, lets think about it, we can never find him/her, they smell funky, and they are all over the word...they are either invisible or have some sort of out of this world cloaking ability. Maybe they bounce in and out of some sort of multi-dimensional portal? Its getting a bit farfetched here...but is it possible? I refer you to this article from 2015 - Is Bigfoot an extraterrestrial visitor? Some researchers think so LEOMINSTER - Is it possible the creature known as Bigfoot, Sasquatch or by a number of different names all over the world is an inter-dimensional traveler? That's a theory now in play with both Bigfoot and UFO researchers, and one that played heavily into discussions at this weekend's Greater New England UFO Conference held in Leominster. Paranormal researcher William Hall, at the convention ostensibly to talk ghosts, said the paranormal world as a whole is more connected than people realize. But that is beginning to change, at least from the perspective of those involved in ground level research. Hall, who began his paranormal researcher with UFOs and aliens, said many of the classic signs from human encounters with otherworldly beings - ghosts, aliens and Bigfoot - have similar signs, be they disappearing beings, fast moving object or strange lights. As a result, many are starting to think of the the fields holistically, he said. "It used to be that the UFO people didn't talk to the ghost people because they were a little weird, and nobody would talk to the Bigfoot people because they were crazy," Hall said. "I found out, we cannot continue to do that. In reality, quantum physics is leading us there." If the alien theory is true, it solves one of cryptozoology's biggest unanswered questions: If Bigfoot is real, where are the bodies? Where are the animal carcasses left behind? What do you think? Here's an interesting but long film about this theory:
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