UFOs and Alien Space Ships
UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) and Alien Space Ships Discussions.
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Check out this footage of a group of UFOs in Paterson New Jersey filmed last week. There are over 10 of these clearly seen in the sky. These UFOs are moving around as well. You decide, what is it?
Last reply by Alex, -
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Parker Solar Probe launched in 2018 to explore the mysteries of the Sun by traveling closer to it than any spacecraft before. Three years after launch and decades after first conception, Parker has finally arrived. For the first time in history, a spacecraft has touched the Sun. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has now flown through the Sun’s upper atmosphere – the corona – and sampled particles and magnetic fields there. As Parker Solar Probe passed through the Sun's corona, the spacecraft flew by structures called coronal streamers. These structures can be seen as bright features moving upward and downward in the first video compiled from the spacecraft's WISPR (Wide-field …
Last reply by USH, -
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During the Apollo missions, many photos were taken by the crews including rare images of strange bright and glowing objects above, on or near the moon. The video below shows some rare images of these bright objects captured during the Apollo 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 missions. Apollo 13 was to be the third mission to land on the Moon. An explosion in one of the oxygen tanks crippled the spacecraft during flight and the crew were forced to orbit the Moon and return to the Earth without landing. During the orbit of the moon, the crew captured strange objects above and on the moon. Now, there seems to be a ”Moon Industry” to have held for at least the past fifty years in the…
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A 3D render created of what looks like an artificial anomaly discovered in Protonilus Mensae on Mars. The footage shows an anomaly what appears to a disc shape with a dome on top and two smaller semi-circular parts on either side. The anomaly is lying on it's side on a rectangular area that seems cleared out. View the full article
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Stanford Professor Garry Nolanhas been testing the brains of people who say they’ve experienced a UFO encounter as well as he analysis anomalous materials from UFO crashes. Did the people who claimed that they'd had an encounter, especially the pilots, describe any perceivable decrease in neurological capacity? Of the 100 or so patients that we looked at, about a quarter of them died from their injuries. The majority of these patients had symptomology that's basically identical to what's now called Havana syndrome. But Dr. Nolan has also spent the past decade analyzing anomalous materials From UFO crashes One of the materials from the so called Ubatuba event, a UFO …
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Unknown bright object slowly hovering over a mountain near Las Vegas. Two unknown spheres in the sky over El Centro, California, then the first sphere ejects several smaller orbs. Two unknown objects staying the same distance apart, traveling east to west over Middleton, Massachusetts, there was no contrail, no engines, no tail or wings, and no sound.Credit: www.mufon.com View the full article
Last reply by USH, -
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I spy with my barreleye, a new Fresh from the Deep! During a dive with our education and outreach partner, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the team came across a rare treat: a barreleye fish (Macropinna microstoma). MBARI’s remotely operated vehicles Ventana and Doc Ricketts have logged more than 5,600 successful dives and recorded more than 27,600 hours of video—yet we’ve only encountered this fish nine times! The barreleye lives in the ocean’s twilight zone, at depths of 600 to 800 meters (2,000 to 2,600 feet). Its eyes look upwards to spot its favorite prey—usually small crustaceans trapped in the tentacles of siphonophores—from the shadows they cast in the faint shimmer…
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China's Yutu-2 rover spotted a strange cube-shaped object in Von Kármán crater on the dark side of the moon. Since the rover is about 80m away from the fuzzy object the rover team is planning to drive over and get a closer look at the object. Although they are talking about a cube-shaped object, the object seems to consist of two towers. The true nature of the object should be become clearer as the rover gets closer. View the full article
Last reply by USH, -
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9 lights visible, then it becomes 12 lights in formation, closest object disappears then 3 more objects reappear on outside of formation. Filmed at 39,000ft over the south china sea, lights all then slowly vanish. credit: www.mufon.com View the full article
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Night camera caught burning triangular object accompanied by a second object while speeding over South Carolina. An unknown bright object traveling over Jonesboro, Tennessee and a strange string of lights seen from airplane over Phoenix. credit: www.mufon.com View the full article
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New tracking technology may have finally solved the mystery of flight MH-370 which disappeared 7-and-a-half years ago British aerospace engineer, Richard Godfrey has spent the last 9 months using new tracking technology known as 'weak signal propagation' combined with data from the satellite communications system onboard MH370 to track the missing plane’s doomed final flight. “Together the two systems can be used to detect, identify and localize MH370 during its flight path into the Southern Indian Ocean,” he said to 7news. According to his report, the aircraft crashed about a minute after the final satellite link-up at 8.19am over the Indian Ocean. He claims to have …
Last reply by USH, -
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Scientists have created astonishing new “living programmable organism” a super-sophisticated robot capable of self-replication. The Xenobots, computer-designed bio-robots, were adapted from frog stem cells and have now been programed to self replicate, spawning ‘babies’ from their Pac-Man-like mouths. Then these new Xenobots can go out, find cells, and build copies of themselves. Again and again. They hope that the self-generating Xenobots could advance personalized drug treatment for cancers, traumatic injuries, birth defects, and other major health issues. But is it the future of modern medicine? Technology futurist Ian Khan cautions against excessive optimism or ex…
Last reply by USH, -
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JP has served for almost two years in the US Army and has come forward to give his first interview discussing secret military missions by an international space coalition to the Moon, Ganymede and other locations in the solar system. In this exclusive Exopolitics Today interview, JP discusses his background, why he decided to join the US Army, secret missions to Earth's Moon and Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, where he met with different extraterrestrial entities. He says that a group of recently arrived highly evolved extraterrestrials are having life changing effects with soldiers and others with whom they come into contact. JP is keeping his name and physical appearance …
Last reply by USH, -
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On November 23, 2021 an explosive solar flare releases a cloud of ionized gas into space or..... could it be an alien sphere that shoots out of the sun? View the full article
Last reply by USH, -
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Silent black mass 'boomerang shaped, slowly traveled southeast above Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Vector shaped object photographed over Santa Cruz, California and strange rotating lights in the sky caught on security camera in South Chesterfield, Virginia. credits: www.mufon.com View the full article
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Anyone who has ever had the indescribable good fortune to fly into space has always described the experience as incomparably memorable. The majestic view of our home planet as it spins in space, so quiet and peaceful from a distance, is likely to have left a lasting impression on all astronauts. However, not all reports of the space travelers' experiences paint such a peaceful picture. In fact, some astronauts have already reported inexplicable, sometimes eerie experiences that have happened to them in space. Now you too can hear about the mysterious reports that have made our jaws drop! View the full article
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An upper atmospheric lightning, called a blue jet, was recorded on November 19th, 2021 at 40 000 feet (12.000 meters) from an airliner flight deck. The storm was located over the Bay on Bengal off the north Tamil Nadu coast in India. These gigantic blue jets known as Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) are rare weather phenomena that occur above thunderstorms but till now science does not yet have an explanation where in the cloud this rare phenomenon originate. Maybe it's not an electrical phenomenon that occurs over thunderstorms at all, but a secret space weapon? View the full article
Last reply by USH, -
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COAST TO COAST AM – November 2021. Jon Sumple of j3FILMS is the director and one of the producers of the new documentary film, Extraordinary: The Revelations. In the first hour, he discussed the approach he took to the subject of the historical significance of extraterrestrial presence. The film is targeted to people who many not have been exposed to the topic. Sumple explained, adding it provides context for phenomena that has been documented as far back as 40,000 years ago in cave paintings. According to Sumple, there are three paradigms that define the alien agenda: ascension (ETs are here to upgrade us), colonization (ETs are here to take over), and biblical (ETs a…
Last reply by USH, -
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The only qualified person that can really explain what we see in this video from 1991 is of course Bob Lazar. Why do UFO move so goofy? What is this glow? Bob gives us the answers in easy to understand terms. Just for clarification: This VHS video was shot from Mailbox Road on public land. This is an unedited original 720x40p VHS recording and not a night vision recording. As background I have used a photo showing the mountain range. The mountains have been carefully placed in the right position with an accuracy of 5-10 meters. The camera is looking South West towards a mountain range called White Sides. Some "expert debunkers" claim that this is a test of a laser in…
Last reply by USH, -
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On November 14, 2021 a sky-watcher was taking images of the Orion Nebula including NGC-1977 (the Running Man Nebula), using a Mallincam 26ctec camera attached to a C-14 Edge HD telescope (14 inch diameter lens) at f/1.8 focal ratio when two formations of UFOs and a possible cigar shaped alien mothership flying across the Orion Nebula. Additional photographs taken in recent years show several other huge UFOs (usually cigar-shaped) passing through the Orion Nebula M42 The recording of the fleet of UFOs, including the additional images, is proof that these huge alien ships do exist! source: www.mufon.com View the full article
Last reply by USH, -
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More and more people are seeing strange orange lights hovering in the sky. Unknown orange lights as caught on camera in New York and Pennsylvania. source: www.mufon.com View the full article
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During a lightning storm seen on the ISS live feed November 8, 2021 something strange happened. It looks like a massive rectangular shaped object becomes visible after getting struck by a lightning strike. Could it be that the UFO was waiting for the right moment to connect to a lightning strike? It is said that UFOs use lightning strikes as an energy source. View the full article
Last reply by USH, -
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Lazar's story about the secret underground facility S4 sounds fantastic but it is not a lie. S4 facility at Area 51 photographed during construction. The location of S4 has been a mystery for decades. Bob Lazar worked at S4 from December 1988 till mid of 1989. All he shared with the public were a few sketches and a short description of nine hangars built in the slope of a mountain, located ten miles South of Groom Lake (Area 51) and near the Papoose Lake dry bed. So where is this base? With so little information finding S4 is searching for the needle in the haystack. 31 Years passed and the location was still unknown. People found lines in the sediment in a mountain on…
Last reply by USH, -
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A strange beam of light and two bright spheres coming down through a cloud over Silver Spring, Forest Glen Park, U.S. It's not the first time strange beams of light have been photographed and it seems unlikely that all these beams are just natural phenomena, camera malfunctions or digital cam glitches. Normally we only see a beam, but this time there are two glowing spheres next to the ray. The spheres seem to be on top or connected to an oval disk-shaped construction. It may be far-fetched, but could the beam of light be a means of teleporting a UFO that travels instantaneously between two locations without crossing the intervening space? source: www.mufon.com Vie…
Last reply by USH, -
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A weird floating object that looks like a flying humanoid figure, as we can see a head, arms and legs which are attached to a body, appeared to fly through the sky over Maryhill In Glasgow, Scotland. Lynsey Currie spotted the strange shape soaring over her flat in Glasgow on which her boyfriend quickly filmed the odd spectacle. She told Glasgow Live that it was flying "from the northwest of Glasgow towards the southwest" in her footage. View the full article
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